American TV series Detective's Daily Life

Chapter 220 A knock on the door late at night! Jane: I won't fall in the same place twice!

"Are you sure it's not because she is pure and beautiful?"

Kelinda teased.


Chuck looked at her and said straightforwardly: "I'm not ignorant of female beauty. Good looks are a gift. No one understands the importance of talent better than me."


Kelinda's smile suddenly froze on her face.

Well what does that mean!

Are you calling her ugly again?

"Let's continue investigating the case."

Jane couldn't help but laugh and smooth things over: "This is a very good development. It means that Bianca may really be wronged, doesn't it?"


Kelinda took a deep breath to suppress her suffocation, glanced at Jane, who had a smile in her eyes, and said with a half-smile: "You seem to be paying close attention to this case? Is there anything special about this case to you?"


Jane immediately denied it.


Kelinda originally just wanted to tease Jane who had this mentality of "Chuck certifies that I am beautiful" on her face, but she didn't expect Jane to have such a big reaction. She is also an excellent investigator, and the buff is well-informed. , I immediately realized there was a problem here.

"Really not!"

Jane also realized that there was something wrong with her attitude and quickly pretended not to care.


Kelinda looked at her and then at Chuck with a playful expression of 'I understand, I understand', which really made Jane don't know what to say.

"It seems that I am too old to keep up with the trends of you young people."

Kelinda saw that Jane's face was rosy and charming. She was originally ready to skip this and not say anything anymore, but she couldn't help but say it in a pretentious manner.


Jane's face turned red and she didn't dare to look at Kelinda.

This was what she said to Jin De just now. At that time, she was shocked that college students were so open-minded and really good at playing, but now Kelinda was using it to tease her.

"How are you and Mrs. Florrick?"

Seeing Jane secretly pulling him, Chuck took the initiative to help change the topic.

The smile on Kelinda's face froze again, she glared at Chuck fiercely, and walked in front on high heels.

Although she saw Jane's little move and knew that Chuck was also entrusted by others, such a stiff and upright interruption still made her extremely unhappy.

Having seen Chuck's micro-expression observation and information control, she didn't believe that Chuck didn't know the embarrassing situation she was in with her good wife and female lawyer Mrs. Florrick.

"What happened to her?"

Seeing that Kelinda was gone, Jane recovered from her embarrassment, and then started to gossip: "Does she have any story with that good wife?"

Because of the former Attorney General of Chicago and the possible future Mei Piao Zong, Mrs. Florrick's influence is no longer limited to Chicago. She can be said to be a household name in the United States, and the word "good wife" has become synonymous with her.

"The good wife thought Kelinda was her best friend, but now she realizes that Kelinda is not only her best friend, but they were Eskimo sisters to a certain extent before."

Chuck said straightforwardly: "Of course, it's not as close as you and Monica. Now the good wife has found out and is having trouble with Kelinda."

“Monica and I are not Eskimo sisters!!!”

Jane said frantically.

The so-called Eskimo sisters mean that they are best friends and have a common partner.

Chuck didn't say anything, just walked away.

Jane stood there, frantic for a while, then chased after her and complained: "Since you know they are having trouble, why do you still mention it?"

"Didn't you ask me to change the subject?"

Chuck looked at her seriously: "Am I not successful?"


Jane was speechless.

One sentence will make everyone speechless. Who dares to say that you are not successful?

The three of them came to the boys' dormitory.

Kelinda was already standing there, knocking on the door and saying, "Jose Mundy?"

A young white man opened the door and his eyes lit up when he saw Kelinda: "Kelinda, right? What do you want from me?"

"You told us before that you went upstairs after the gunshot, right?"

Kelinda ignored the expression on Qiao Shi's girlfriend who was imprisoned and whose girlfriend's best friend was killed and is still suffering from hormones now, and confirmed.


Qiao Shi couldn't help but move his eyes to Jian again, showing a surprised expression: "Who is this?"


Jane didn't like this kind of look, and expressionlessly took out the ID she still kept.

The heat in Qiao Shi's eyes immediately disappeared, and his expression became tense.

This means that he has opened the door, otherwise 'FBI! Open the door! ’ I’m afraid I’ll pee in fear.

After all, American college students are full of petri dishes of all kinds of bad things, and they can be accurately checked.

Besides, this is the FBI!

The era when Director Hoover ruled the United States and half of the world with the FBI has just passed. Everyone thinks that was the peak of the FBI, but only those who truly understand will know that this is just the beginning.

Not to mention he is just a drug-addicted college student, even if he is as innocent as a newborn baby, so what?

As long as the FBI agent who comes here is not a monkey to make fun of you, then you will definitely be guilty of whatever crime you are guilty of, exactly, and the efficiency is so high that it can be called the magic power of the law of cause and effect.

This is the most top-notch magical power in the fantasy world of immortality!

"I'm asking you a question!"

Kelinda said in a bad mood: "Are you sure you went upstairs after the gunshot? Is it because you were on drugs and remembered wrongly?"

"I remember correctly! I'm sure of it!"

Qiao Shi didn't dare to look at Jane anymore and answered Kelinda's words obediently.

"You are lying!"

Kelinda stared into his eyes: "You went upstairs first and then heard the gunshot!"

"I do not know what you're talking about."

Qiao Shi panicked and lowered his head.

"You'll know."

Kelinda smiled and said: "I confirmed it to you again and again, but you lied and got rid of the time when you could commit the crime. Do you know how this will feel to the jurors? We will communicate with the prosecutor and tell her what should really be prosecuted. who is it!"

"I didn't kill Heather!"

Qiao Shi was afraid and opened his mouth to speak.

"There's nothing to hide now."

Chuck reminded bluntly: "If you don't eliminate your suspicion, you will be the last criminal, and your family has no money."

"...It's really not me!"

After Qiao Shi was stunned for a moment, the last sentence "You have no money at home" completely gave up the idea of ​​hiding it, and he said it all at once: "I'm just going with Heather to steal some of Bianca's things and resell them for a lot of money." Just sell it.”


Jane felt that she couldn't keep up with the young man's thinking again, and said with a headache: "You and your girlfriend's best friend conspired together to steal your girlfriend's things and resell them to support your expenses?"

"Well, as he said, my family has no money."

Qiao Shi told the truth: "Bianca's family is rich and she is the only child in the family. All kinds of jewelry and necklaces are hidden in safes... Falling in love with Bianca and the others will cost a lot of money. I am a man, so I can't Let women pay all the time, right?”

"...You are so upright and courageous."

Jane was shocked by Qiao Shi's shamelessness.

"Actually, it wasn't my idea."

Qiao Shi was not ashamed at first, but when he saw the look between Jane and the others, he suddenly felt a little embarrassed and explained: "It was all Heather's idea, otherwise I wouldn't dare to talk to Bianca about this."

Having said this, he could no longer hold back his excitement, winking and smiling at Chuck: "Brother, do you know what this feels like? God! I love going to college!"

The more he talks, the more proud he becomes.

He does have the capital to be proud of, because even Barney Stinson, the slutty New Yorker in Finding Mom, specially created a gold belt with his friends to see who can achieve the 50% off old friend first. Whoever wears this golden belt represents victory and glory.

And even though he had no money, he indirectly won over the romantic New Yorker in college. This is something worthy of bragging for all men!

Jane and Kelinda both looked at Chuck.

"You are responsible for setting the password, and Heather is responsible for stealing? The boy you spoke to immediately after the incident is responsible for selling the stolen goods?"

Chuck didn't say anything like 'no one knows better than me', which really made Jane feel relieved. The established fact was already embarrassing. If Chuck continued to be like this Josh Mundy who wanted to brag to everyone, then I was simply too embarrassed to see anyone.


Seeing that he didn't get the reaction he wanted, Qiao Shi said with some disappointment: "I told Heather the password. I was going to give her a break, but when I went up I heard gunshots. I ran over and saw Heather lying on the bed. In a pool of blood, and Bianca stood there with a gun, I swear what I said is true!"

Chuck glanced at him, nodded and left.

Jane and the others follow.

"So Heather can also open the lock box and take out the pistol..."

Kelinda was thoughtful as she walked. When she saw Jane looking over, she explained: "Maybe after she opened the lockbox, she found the pistol that Bianca's mother had asked her to carry for self-defense. She picked it up, looked at it, and cleaned it. The gun misfired, injuring herself, and Bianca, who was awakened by the gunshot, picked up the pistol in a daze and was at a loss, which also explains the ballistic trajectory and the reason why the muzzle of the gun was so close to Heather's body."

After saying this, she looked at Chuck, expecting his judgment.

"It is indeed possible."

Chuck deduced based on the existing evidence and agreed with this statement.

"So this is all an accidental misunderstanding?"

Jane didn't know whether to laugh or what expression to make.

"It's also possible that after Bianca experienced what she should have experienced, she felt regretful afterwards, and discovered Heather and Qiao Shi's plan. Her emotions were amplified after taking drugs."

Chuck's voice changed: "While Heather was opening the lockbox and taking out the pistol, he suddenly reached out, held the pistol, and shot Heather.

Or maybe she discovered Heather and Qiao Shi's plan from the beginning, and saw Heather's proposal to take drugs on the freeway (which in English is very similar to the threeway in "Friends"), so she took advantage of it and implemented the plan. After taking drugs, he shot and killed this 'best friend', which saved his lawyer the time to scratch his head and think about defense strategies. "

"Wait, wait, you're talking as if Bianca is a sociopath..."

As an investigator at a law firm, Kelinda instinctively dislikes making such inferences, but when she thinks that one of the reasons why Chuck cannot confirm the authenticity of Bianca's words may be that Bianca has an antisocial personality, she cannot completely deny it. This possibility.

"To borrow the words of a big company executive: Anyone who can get into our position has an antisocial personality."

Chuck looked at her: "In your opinion, who is more likely to be the only child of a wealthy family who received an elite education under the guidance of his mother since childhood, has a strong sense of self-protection, and keeps a pistol in the college dormitory? bigger?"

"Can you prove it?"

Kelinda frowned.

"Can you go to Bianca's house?"

Chuck not only asked back.

"Are you going to visit her house?"

Kelinda understood immediately.

"It's not that I can't see through all antisocial personalities, it's that I can't see through antisocial personalities who know how to disguise themselves after long-term training, or antisocial personalities who are gifted."

Chuck nodded: "If you can go to her home and take a look, it would be best to look at her video data from childhood to adulthood. Maybe you can tell whether she has an antisocial personality."

"I need to talk to Diane."

Kelinda did not agree directly. She walked aside to make a phone call. After a while, she hung up the phone and came over: "Diane said that he is very grateful for your help. Your work is over and the payment will be made in time." We’ll call you and leave the rest to us.”


Chuck nodded: "Just take us to the hotel now."


Seeing that Chuck didn't say anything, Kelinda was relieved and hurried over to drive the car over.

"Okay? Is this the end?"

Jane said in disbelief: "According to your thinking, this Bianca is very likely to do it on purpose."

"Is Heather a good person?"

Chuck didn't answer the question.


Jane understood what Chuck meant, but some of the concepts she had been indoctrinated into as a law enforcement officer were affecting her: "But this is still a crime, and it is intentional murder. Even if Heather is not a good person, the crime will not lead to death. We shouldn't Will you continue the investigation?"

"First of all, Heather is not a good person, and there are no innocent victims in this case. Secondly, I was invited by the Lockhart \u0026 Gardner law firm to be a consultant, not by the prosecutor who prosecuted Bianca here. Came here."

Chuck said calmly: "I've done what I can do. Lockhart \u0026 Gardner Law Firm won't let me continue. As long as the money I should pay is enough, that's it for me." That’s it.”

Seeing that Jane was still a little unhappy, Chuck reminded: "If you really think about absolute justice and find it difficult to let go, don't forget that even prosecutors can reach a plea deal with any criminal. Dealing has become an art, and business is Business, don’t waste time on this, do you have enough time and energy?”



Kelinda had already driven the car over and sounded the horn to remind.

Jane had no choice but to suppress the complaints in her heart, follow Chuck into the car, and go to the hotel that she had already booked.


As soon as she got off the car, she saw Alex coming up to her, and then smiled at the stunned Jane: "You must be Jane, I have heard a lot about you."

"...I've never heard of you at all."

Jane looked at Alex, whose appearance clearly exceeded the experimental baseline, and smiled reluctantly.

"Have a good time, girls."

Kelinda said jokingly and drove away directly.

Alex smiled and led the two of them to the reserved room, and enthusiastically pulled Jane to talk. Although Jane didn't want to talk to her, she couldn't help it. Alex was a professional in human affairs, and she was very attentive to making friends. Jane, it didn’t take long for Jane’s smile to become more natural.

That night.

Alex was pleasantly surprised to find that Chuck allowed her to spend a lot of time with him. Although it was harder, she was happy with it.

And compared with before, Chuck wearing black-rimmed glasses made her really stunning.

When she held Chuck's hands with both hands, tilted her neck and looked back at Chuck who was leaning over behind her, looking into Chuck's eyes for a long time through her black-rimmed glasses, she seemed to see a different Chuck. Ke, the corner of his mouth couldn't help but bloom the brightest smile.

late at night.

After Alex left, Jane, who tossed and turned after listening to the news for a long time and wanted to ignore Chuck, finally came over. Habits are the early stages of obsessive-compulsive disorder. She was obviously affected by the attack of severe obsessive-compulsive disorder and moderate obsessive-compulsive disorder. It's more or less obsessive-compulsive.

"You must be kidding me!"

Jane, who was applying for urgent scientific research from Dr. Wolfe, suddenly heard a knock on the door and cursed loudly. She grabbed Chuck who was about to open the door and refused to let him go.

Monica was nagging. She was attacked by a sneak attack and was inexperienced, which resulted in this messy situation.

She will never be allowed to come again!

"Not Alex!"

Chuck let her go, got dressed, and walked out.

Jane hurriedly started to put clothes on herself. Although she believed that Chuck would not lie to her, what if he did?

She will never be successfully attacked again!

When she quickly put on her clothes and walked out feeling angry, she saw a blond beauty with a Chinese character face standing there in a decent women's suit. When she saw her coming out with a strange expression, she introduced herself with a smile: "Sorry, late at night. Excuse me, I’m Janet Reiner, the Chicago prosecutor in charge of Bianca and Heather’s case.”

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