American TV series Detective's Daily Life

Chapter 228 Armed robot VS hugging robot, Wizard Volo: No one understands robots better than me!

New Jersey.

The Hofstadters.

Chuck and Monica drove little Howard, who had already retreated, to the door of little Leonard's house and rang the doorbell.

"My express delivery must have arrived! Leonard!"

"What are you doing? It's your courier, not mine!"

"Whose house is this? Who is the host? Who is the guest?"

“I’m also curious about this question!!!”

A childish voice that was arrogant and natural, and a childish voice that was aggrieved, angry and helpless came out.

"Let me guess, the friend you introduced to me must not be named Leonard~"

Little Howard listened to the person's voice before seeing him, and his rather smart little brain immediately guessed that the person Chuck was going to introduce to him was probably the owner of the arrogant and childish voice.

"You'll thank me later."

Chuck said seriously.

That is to say, Director Randy Tischer, who is known as Chandler's best friend, is not here, otherwise he would definitely laugh out loud.

Because this sentence is one of the classic sayings of Detective Amon. The obsessive-compulsive Detective Amon will say this sentence every time he corrects something he doesn't like, which affects others and makes others look at him sideways.

The fact is that no one will thank him afterwards, except himself.

It can be described as a classic perfunctory statement.

At this time the door opened, and little Leonard and little Sheldon were standing there one behind the other.


Little Leonard exclaimed in great surprise.

But little Sheldon couldn't help but take a step back, his eyes full of vigilance: "It's not my express delivery... Why are you here again?"

"I'll introduce you to a friend."

Chuck went straight to the point, let little Howard in, and introduced to several people: "This is Monica's cousin Howard Wolowitz. I think you two are suitable to be friends."

"I don't need friends."

Little Sheldon glanced at little Howard and announced the result: "And not everyone can be my friend."


Even though little Howard knows that the wisest thing to do at this time is to follow this trend and get rid of this guy who is really a troublemaker and a nuisance, after all, he is still young and inexperienced, and he is young and energetic. He is regarded as the smartest brain in the family, how can he bear the contempt of his peers!

The key is that the other party is not a beautiful girl!

This cannot be tolerated!

"What? Didn't you come to Earth to make friends?"

Howard Jr. mocked him directly. While talking, he imitated the classic action in the movie ET and stretched out his fingers to indicate that he wanted to touch fingers with Little Sheldon.

Little Leonard burst out laughing.

"what's so funny?"

Little Sheldon frowned and looked at Little Leonard. Seeing Little Leonard waving his hands without explaining, he looked at Little Howard and shook his head unaffected: "I won't touch your fingers."


Little Howard's mouth twitched and he couldn't help but look at Chuck.

This sentence seems so familiar.

Monica turned away and tried not to laugh.

"Are you serious?"

Seeing Chuck's expressionless face, little Howard could only suppress the complaints in his heart and looked at little Sheldon suspiciously: "Can't you tell? I am Elliot, and you are an ET alien from another planet. people."

"Not the kind and cute one."

Little Leonard added faintly in agreement.

Little Howard suddenly burst into laughter, and then stretched out his finger again, touching his fingers with little Leonard who also extended his finger in a tacit understanding, and both of them burst into laughter.

Monica couldn't help but look at Chuck, these two were probably the best friends.

"You are Elliot and I am an ET alien?"

Little Sheldon still didn't get the laugh, but he had watched the movie ET. He corrected him straightforwardly: "Do you have a brother or sister?"


Little Howard smiled and laughed at himself: "I would like to have younger brothers and sisters, but unfortunately my father doesn't allow it. He abandoned his wife and children and left us."

"what a pity."

Little Leonard immediately looked at this interesting new friend with sympathy.

Hey, it seems that the more miserable he goes through, the funnier he seems to be, just like the funny Chandler!

Little Howard shrugged and smiled at little Leonard, indicating that he was fine, and secretly complained in his heart: "Why isn't Leonard a pretty young lady?"

Ever since his father abandoned his wife and son and ran away from home, he has made this self-deprecating joke no less than ten times, but none of them have been successful, which made him almost give up on this joke.

"What's the regret?"

Little Sheldon said straightforwardly: "My younger brothers and sisters are terrible at everything. It would be best if we didn't have them. Your father is really good."


The corners of Little Howard's mouth twitched. Although he could laugh at himself calmly to seek improper benefits, it did not mean that he could accept what Little Sheldon said. However, after staring at Little Sheldon for a while, he was stared back at him calmly, and he could only feel depressed. Mocking: "In the eyes of you aliens, maybe he is really a good father~"

"You are not Elliot, and I am not an ET alien."

Young Sheldon corrected: "If you really want to use this as a metaphor, I have a brother and a sister, who are more like Elliot, but a super IQ version of Elliot. I I have indeed fantasized about meeting aliens, but they are not friends with me. Instead, they come from the distant stars or even the distant future, take a spaceship, travel through the endless space and even time, and come to this era and this place, please me, The smartest man in the world, go save the world!”


While little Howard was stunned by little Sheldon's arrogance, little Leonard burst out laughing.

"why are you laughing?"

Little Sheldon looked over dissatisfied.

"Aliens traveling through time and space to find you? The smartest man in the world?"

Little Leonard laughed heartily: "If aliens really need to travel through time and space to find the smartest people in the world to save the world, then their first choice will be to travel directly to the further future, and their second choice will be to travel to the past. Looking for our sages, even if you don’t have a choice between first and second, in our era, do you really think they will look for you?”

As he spoke, he motioned to Little Sheldon to see Chuck.

Little Sheldon stared at little Leonard with bulging eyes, and little Leonard raised his chin and stared back triumphantly.

In normal interactions, he was fed up with Little Sheldon's arrogance, but whenever it came to Chuck, he had the upper hand.

Seeing that little Howard didn't understand the origin of this joke, he vividly explained Chuck's words of "looking forward to the future first, respecting the ancestors secondly" in front of little Sheldon.

Little Howard immediately looked sideways at Chuck, feeling domineering and feeling extremely pity in his heart, why couldn't such a person be his good friend.

"My delivery is coming soon!"

Little Sheldon didn't dare to provoke Chuck, so he could only continue to stare at Little Leonard who used Chuck to poke his wounds with bulging eyes.

"Am I still afraid of you?"

Little Leonard felt very high-spirited: "My hugging robot will never be afraid of your armed robot that can't even drive away your sister."

"What robot?"

Little Howard's eyes lit up.

Monica also looked over curiously.

"What's going on in my family...Chuck knows."

Little Leonard was a little embarrassed and said half-heartedly: "My mother is a little cold. In order to make up for the emotional gap between my parents, I designed and built a hugging robot for my father, so that he can give him a hug when he needs it. .”

"Are you sure this is the correct way to use a robot?"

Although it was the first time for little Howard to hear about this kind of operation, he immediately noticed the problem and made a coquettish association.


Little Leonard looked at little Howard in confusion.

"Of course this is not the most correct usage!"

Little Sheldon answered loudly: "Our bodies are fragile, and severe restraint affects the function of the brain. The correct use of robots should be to make up for the shortcomings of our bodies and act as our muscle bodyguards! Rather than acting as an emotional hug machine!"

"You are a real robot, so naturally you don't need emotions."

Little Leonard mocked: "If you ask me, why did you ask your mother to mail over some armed robot you assembled? Just go on your own and have a fight with my hugging machine!"

As he spoke, he explained the ins and outs to everyone.

It turns out that the two children were at home, and little Leonard's father came to borrow the hug machine designed by his son to replace his mother's arms, because Beverly, the female version of Sheldon, is relatively cold towards the relationship between husband and wife.


Before little Leonard's three children were born, little Leonard's father, Dr. Alfred Hofstadter, was relatively happy at that time.

Because my wife Beverly will respect science in order to have children. All married life is for the purpose of conceiving children. How can it be efficient and effective?

But now that I have three children, the experimental group, the control group, and the additional observation group are all complete, so there is no need to have any more children.

So Alfred's nightmare arrived, and his wife Beverly proposed a frequency of once a year, and decided unilaterally and happily.

The Cowherd and the Weaver Girl are nothing more than that.

Under such circumstances, Alfred borrowed the hugging machine designed and manufactured by his son from time to time, which was really a good man.

After the hugging machine was borrowed, the two children talked about this topic. Little Sheldon said that he also had a robot, and they got into a fight within a few words. And recently, because of Chuck's support, he kept challenging Little Sheldon in chess. , little Leonard, who had made great progress, said that he could compete to see who was better.

Feeling the challenge, little Sheldon naturally refused to give in. He immediately called his mother and asked his mother to mail the armed robot over.

Now they are waiting for a showdown when they arrive.

"I can be the referee."

Little Howard was very interested in this activity and directly raised his hand to express his intention to participate: "No one knows robots better than me!"


Little Sheldon glanced at little Howard contemptuously.

"it is me."

Howard Jr. replied: "I will design and build my combat robot when I get back. Then I will let you see what a real robot is."

"Howard, are you interested in this?"

Little Leonard already regarded little Howard as a friend and immediately asked curiously.


Little Howard glanced at Chuck who had already walked away from Monica: "I plan to be an astronaut in the future, design and manufacture spacecraft, and then go to space myself. Do you know Steven Wigner?"

"of course I know!"

Leonard Jr. said: "Four years ago, he piloted the space shuttle and encountered a sudden danger when returning to the atmosphere. He made a risky landing and successfully landed. He is a national hero!"

"He is my idol. I will also become an astronaut in the future and a national hero of the United States!"

Little Howard said longingly.


Little Sheldon immediately burst into disdainful laughter.

"What do you mean?"

Little Howard looked over displeased.

"If you really succeed, it means that we humans will have to delay at least several more decades before we can immigrate to Mars!"

Little Sheldon said with disdain: "It is precisely because NASA only has you, um, to quote my dad, space monkeys, and future space monkeys, the U.S. aerospace industry is in 'One small step for man, one giant leap for mankind.'" After the death of Armstrong, it will only stagnate or even regress. By the way, you and Dr. Hodgson of NASA are both Jews. It is really strange. Einstein is also a Jew. Sure enough, the smartest is just an example, not a nation! "

"Take this back!"

Young Howard glared.

"Don't get excited."

Little Leonard quickly grabbed the angry little Howard: "Sheldon, you have gone too far."


Little Sheldon said confidently: "As early as three years ago, I helped NASA complete the mathematical calculations of a recyclable rocket, but the NASA Dr. Hochis who came to our school to give a lecture said that they couldn't build it. Their abilities were completely Can't keep up with my brain.

Three years have passed, and NASA still hasn’t had any commendable achievements. Now even people like you want to design space devices, become astronauts, and be American national heroes. In another three years, no, I’m sure it will be another thirty years. , let’s not even think about immigrating to Mars! "


Little Howard was almost pissed to death.

Fortunately, little Leonard was there to hold him, otherwise he would have almost wanted to take action regardless of whether little Sheldon was much taller than him.

The doorbell rang again.

Little Leonard went over to open the door and called, "Sheldon, your delivery!"

"Very good."

Little Sheldon quickly came over to sign for it.

Little Howard looked on. After seeing what the so-called armed robot looked like, he disappeared in anger and depression. He sneered: "Is this your armed robot? No wonder you can't even drive away my sister. It seems you are just one." You're a loser who can only talk the talk!"

"Take that back!"

Little Sheldon shouted with wide eyes.

"Am I wrong?"

Little Howard was keenly aware of something and immediately seized on this attack: "Do you have any handmade masterpieces that you can show off? I'm afraid you can't even change a light bulb at home!"

The corners of Little Sheldon's mouth twitched, the corners of his eyes twitched, and he stared at Little Howard with bulging eyes.

But what little Howard said made him recall that there was a slight noise in the refrigerator at home, and his Vulcan hearing was able to detect it. He told his parents, but they couldn't hear it and didn't care. He couldn't stand it and directly reported it to him. I dismantled and cleaned the refrigerator according to the instructions, but later I found that I couldn't put it back together. Then my father George yelled at me because it cost a lot of money to hire someone to install it, and his family was not rich to begin with.

So Howard Jr. said that he was the king of theory and a loser in practice, which made him completely intolerable!

"so good."

Monica and Chuck left long ago and visited the Hofstadter house. When they came back, they saw that the three children seemed to be chatting lively there, so they couldn't help but sigh.

"Yeah, pretty good."

Chuck had a very good ear and had already heard the general idea. Watching the system prompts the yin and yang points to increase, he agreed with Monica's sigh.

Howard Jr. did not disappoint him.

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