American TV series Detective's Daily Life

Chapter 247 Alicia: Chuck, you like me, don’t you?

Princeton Teaching Hospital.

Diagnostic intensive care unit.

Chuck stood beside the hospital bed, looking at Professor Alicia Harper who was unconscious on the hospital bed, and listened to the beautiful doctor Cameron's unbearable introduction: "Have you seen this brain wave? This means that even if you are in a Her pain has not been alleviated in the coma, and comatose her just makes us outsiders feel better."

"Where's Professor John Harper?"

Chuck asked.


The beautiful doctor Cameron said disdainfully: "Alicia didn't collapse yet. He collapsed first, covered his head and ran away. He couldn't be contacted. I heard Alicia said that she didn't have any relatives at home, so now she has no choice but to contact her." You, if you can really work miracles, now is the time."

"Relieve the coma and revive her."

Chuck ordered.

"She's in pain!"

The beautiful doctor Cameron reminded.

"I know."

Chuck said calmly: "No one understands pain better than me."


The beautiful doctor Cameron was stunned, and thought of Chuck's congenital disease introduced in the gossip magazine, which has caused pain since he was a child. It is true that no one understands it better than him. She has a unique compassion and love for the disabled. The eyes he looked at Chuck became softer.

"Since it can't be cured here, let's move to another place. She needs to make the decision."

Chuck said.

“Where else could there be a better place than here?”

The beautiful doctor Cameron asked as he began to revive Professor Alicia Harper.


Chuck was concise and to the point.

The beautiful doctor Cameron glanced at Chuck and said thoughtfully: "Could it be some advanced secret scientific research institution..."

Princeton Teaching Hospital is actually not the top hospital. First of all, it is not very big. The reason why it is very impressive in her eyes is because there is a super doctor Dr. Nahaus here.

But now even Dr. House seems to be helpless, so he must try his best.

In the United States, where mad scientists are everywhere and encourage mad scientists, there are simply not too many secret laboratories that cannot be made public. Almost none of the experiments inside can be exposed, otherwise they will shock the world and subvert ordinary people's views.

But this kind of laboratory, because of all kinds of radical anti-human madness, has special methods that far exceed those under the light.

Patients who are hopeless under normal circumstances are not necessarily destined to die in these laboratories.

The prerequisite is that there are resources in this area, otherwise you won’t even hear about it, and even if you want to stop being a human being, you won’t have a chance.

Chuck did not answer, but silently watched the fluctuations of brain waves, and then looked at Professor Alicia Harper, who opened her eyes amid the wailing.

"Alicia, it's Dr. Wolfe who's here to see you!"

The beautiful doctor Cameron reminded.

"Chuck, Chuck!"

Professor Alicia Harper groped.

The beautiful doctor Cameron silently exited the intensive care unit and stayed outside, leaving space for the two of them.

"it's me."

Chuck put his hand in front of her.

"Chuck, I'm in pain."

Professor Alicia Harper held Chuck's hand tightly with a look of pain on her face.

"I know."

Chuck nodded.

"I know you like me, right?"

Professor Alicia Harper forced a smile: "Women are very sensitive in this regard. You like to look into my eyes the most, don't you?"

Chuck nodded frankly: "Yes, I like your eyes."

"Now I'm blind, at least that's what my brain tells me."

Professor Alicia Harper said with all her strength: "Chuck, you are a superb detective, you are omnipotent in investigating and solving crimes, no matter how cunning and highly intelligent crimes are, you can't hide them in your eyes.

The opposite is also true, as long as you want to kill someone, you can do it silently and without arousing any suspicion, you can do it!

I know!

So please, for the sake of liking me, kill me! My eyes are no longer clear, my whole body is in excruciating pain, I can't stand it anymore! "

"You'll be fine."

Chuck remained calm: "The pain is bearable. As long as you are alive, there is still hope."

"What hope is there?!"

Professor Alicia Harper cried bitterly: "Even the famous Dr. House can't cure me or even relieve my pain. What hope do I have? Even if there is, when? If I can't relieve my pain right now , even if I have hope to live, I would rather die now, this is too painful!!!"

Chuck was silent when he saw Professor Alicia Harper, who was so painful that she lost her temper and wanted to die, and no longer looked as gorgeous as before.

Is there any way he can save her?

Of course!

After these days of hard work, especially the extra efforts of Little Sheldon, another drop of water of life has condensed in Chuck's mind system.

As long as he wants, he can give it out at any time.

It's just that the method is different from using it on yourself. It requires a special connection method.

Fortunately, Professor Alicia Harper belongs to the top scientific research resources. With Professor Alicia Harper's current status, he can propose it without being doubted or opposed.

After all, Professor Alicia Harper, who would rather die immediately than to end this state, could complete the connection without resenting Chuck, which is reasonable.

No matter what method the oil painting beauty used on Professor Alicia Harper, it was nothing more than a poisonous word.

Either a modern synthetic toxin or a biological virus.

No matter what kind of poison it is, as long as it cannot kill people instantly, the body's immune system has the opportunity to self-remove the toxin by secreting antibodies and complete self-healing.

And with the bug effect of Life is Water, no matter what kind of toxin it is, it is destined to be completely eliminated the moment the Water of Life is poured into it.

Even the extreme treatment tests conducted by Dr. House to confirm the diagnosis have a high probability of recovery and strengthening the body.

After all, this wasn't a birth defect like Chuck's that was etched into his DNA.

This is why Chuck was sure that she would lose when he bet with the oil painting beauty from the beginning.

The only problem is that Chuck still hasn't made up his mind to instill this drop of water of life into Professor Alicia Harper.

Because the water of life is so precious, you should first use it for yourself, and secondly, save some for Anna to use when you no longer need it so urgently in the future.

Others will only be considered unless he and Anna no longer need them in the future.

But in order to put extreme pressure on the oil painting beauty, force her to admit defeat, plant the impression in her mind that destiny is invincible to him, and completely solve this big trouble without killing her, he made this promise, that is Whether the painting beauty admits defeat or not, Professor Alicia Harper will be fine.

Now that Dr. House was unable to do anything, the oil painting beauty was holding on and unwilling to let go. Professor Alicia Harper was the first to be unable to hold on and wanted to die to avoid this endless pain.

Chuck had to consider the preparation of giving this drop of water of life.

"Transfer to another hospital."

Chuck said: "Since you can't be cured here, then find another place. Don't worry, you will get what you want, I said so."

"Okay, I'll listen to you."

Professor Alicia Harper held Chuck's hand tightly with a look of gratitude on her face.

In her understanding, of course there was no concept that Chuck had a bug like the water of life to save her, but she only thought that Chuck agreed and was willing to help her relieve this endless pain.

This practice is illegal and naturally no evidence can be left in the hospital.

Chuck's willingness to take this risk for her was enough to move her, so she naturally obeyed.

Just as Professor Alicia Harper was enduring the pain and cooperating with Chuck to transfer to another hospital, Dr. House was tossing the ball in the office, his mind spinning rapidly.

It was not easy for Chuck to 'beg' him once, but he failed to show his face. For the proud man, this was really unacceptable to him.

This is why he didn't go over to see Chuck immediately even though he knew that Chuck was coming and was still arranging a transfer for Professor Alicia Harper.

What he wanted was to laugh at Chuck, not be laughed at by Chuck, especially in his profession.

Therefore, his brain almost overclocked under this stimulation.

Suddenly, he stopped throwing the ball, held the ball in his palm, his eyes lit up, the corners of his mouth curled up, he picked up the crutch on the table, and limped out.

"It's an amoeba!"

Chuck pushed the movable hospital bed out, and Dr. House appeared on crutches, blocking the way: "Primary amoebic meningoencephalitis, a parasite that lives in the brain through the nasal cavity, destroying brain cells. For food, it matches all her symptoms.”

"There are many others who fit this symptom."

Beautiful doctor Cameron reminded: "How can you be sure?"

"We drilled into her brain again and did a brain biopsy directly!"

Dr. House shrugged and said: "Last time we just did a brain protein test, it seems it was not thorough enough. You know me, I am the most compassionate person, and everyone who has accepted my money said yes.

So I would not choose to do this at the last minute. I think we still have time.

Since you feel like you have no time now, let’s go on the most exciting adventure together!

Very interesting, isn't it? "


Professor Alicia Harper's brain was drilled out last time. The bad feeling was not much worse than now, so she refused directly.

And she has the basic concept.

Since brain biopsy is not performed until the last moment, it means that brain biopsy has intolerable sequelae.

She was in enough pain and she definitely didn't want to live a life worse than death.

"I give up treatment! Chuck, get me out of here!"

"There's no need to do a brain biopsy, let's go straight to treatment."

Chuck made a decision.

"Dr. Wolfe!"

The beautiful doctor Cameron was shocked. How could he carry out treatment without a diagnosis? It would be too risky.

"See? This is a qualified family member of a patient!"

Dr. House glanced at the beautiful doctor Cameron with a raised corner of his mouth, then looked at Chuck and emphasized: "I believe in my diagnosis."

"I believe mine too."

Chuck said calmly.

Regardless of whether it was a brain-eating insect causing trouble or not, he would regard it as a brain-eating insect.

Once Dr. House makes a mistake in judgment and the treatment is ineffective, he is going to use the method of connecting with the immortals to use the water of life on Professor Alicia Harper to help her "reasonably" cure the "brain-eating worm disease" .

After all, although the water of life is precious, as long as you are willing to spend time, it can still be condensed from a source of energy.

And Chuck means what he says!

If you say she will be fine, she will be fine!

Mountainside villa.

Underground secret room.

"Where did he go?"

The oil painting beauty didn't wait for Chuck's arrival on time. She guessed something and looked at Anna on the wall screen.

Ana didn't answer, the focus of her eyes was not here at all.

The oil painting beauty's eyes flashed and she said, "I want to have a video call with him. I have something to say."

Seeing that Anna still didn't answer, the oil painting beauty added: "It's about Alicia."

Anna's eyes focused slightly, the wall screen was split into two, and Chuck's expressionless face appeared on the other side after darkness.

"You're in the hospital."

The oil painting beauty looked at Chuck on the screen: "How is Alicia?"

"It's an amoeba!"

Chuck looked at her: "You gave her a parasitic amoeba!"

"Is this important?"

The oil painting beauty smiled flawlessly: "Do you know what is most important?"

Chuck stared into her eyes.

The oil painting beauty's lips curled up: "The most important thing is that you are in the hospital."

As she spoke, she shook her white left arm, then stretched her left wrist to her mouth, opened her red lips, and bit it, causing blood to drip from her lips.

The beauty in the oil painting looked like a vampire, adding a blush to the corner of her mouth. She looked at Gugu's tearful wrist and smiled at Chuck and Anna on the left and right of the screen: "I bit an artery, and I will die in 20 minutes." He will go into shock, and you are not here, and Chuck is at Princeton Teaching Hospital, and there is no time to get here, so what should we do now?"

After saying this, she said with a joking smile: "It seems that you can only let me out and let me save myself. Otherwise, you can only watch me die of shock. Sister, you don't want me to die like this, right?"

"You shouldn't be so stupid."

Chuck was silent for a moment and said slowly: "The secret room cannot be opened remotely."

The oil painting beauty's smile remained unchanged: "Really? That doesn't matter. Just ask Justin to come down and open the door for me. I know she is cleaning up there. Don't worry, I'm already like this. I won't do anything to her. I won't do anything to her either." There is no need to do anything to her, she has a mother and sister... We will not have any conflict~"

Obviously, she had conducted a detailed investigation on Chuck.

Seeing that Chuck remained silent, the beauty in the oil painting allowed the blood in her arteries to flow out, drew a big circle on the ground with blood, then lay down inside the blood-red circle, and used her body to create clocks, minutes, and seconds, imitating The clock was running, and in tune with the swinging of the hands, he still joked: "How is it, how flexible is my body? Are you willing to let such a high-quality blind date die here in such a boring way?"

Anna looked at Chuck.

Seeing this, the beauty in the oil painting narrowed her eyes and smiled self-deprecatingly: "You are indeed a female college student who doesn't want to stay in school. Don't you even have the power to decide whether I live or die and only rely on his decision? Sister, this is too much. It hurts my sister’s heart.”

Chuck glanced at Anna and dialed Justin's phone.

In the mountainside villa, Justin, who was doing daily cleaning, answered the phone and heard Chuck say: "That's it for today, you go back first!"

When the oil painting beauty heard this, she was posing in a difficult pose, showing off her body curves and flexibility.

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