American TV series Detective's Daily Life

Chapter 252 Little Howard fainted: The big devil Chuck! ! !

Little Howard's bedroom.

"We're coming in~"

Ross opened the door and came in with a strange laugh in a low voice.

"Holy shit!"

Joey looked at the shape covered by the quilt in amazement and gave a thumbs up: "You are indeed a big brother who has the courage to come up with that online name! Awesome!"

"Now let us witness the brave young man from Earth who used his brother as bait to bravely capture the strange mechanical hand!"

In this situation, Chandler's teasing and ridicule will naturally not be missing.

"Help me quickly."

Little Howard shouted in embarrassment and helplessness.

Now he finally knows that Little Sheldon is indeed Little Sheldon. Although he is a nuisance and a troublemaker, his IQ is truly incredible, and he can see through the nature of the big devil Chuck at a glance.

He could just ask someone to help him, just call his cousin Ross. Why call so many people to come and watch the fun.

This is obviously making fun of him.

Fortunately, the beauty was not called.

Otherwise, he will be unable to hold his head up for the rest of his life.

"Are you okay?"

There was a burst of laughter from outside: "Can we come in?"


Little Howard was stunned and shouted unwillingly.

He recognized it. It was Phoebe's voice.

"I heard that when a man says no, he means yes."

The eccentric Phoebe naturally changed the famous quotes of men in certain movies, and opened the door and walked in while laughing.

"Would it be bad for us to do this?"

Phoebe was followed by Rachel, saying this, but as soon as she came in, she passed Phoebe in front of her and poked her head towards this side, her eyes full of gossip and excitement.

"What's wrong?"

Monica followed in and said with a dark face: "It's better to be embarrassed in front of us than in front of the whole world."

"Oh no!"

Even though he was as obscene as little Howard, he was still a little unable to bear it when being watched by a group of six old friends in this manner, making fun of him. Finally, he felt a sense of shame that he had hardly experienced in his life, and he covered his face with his hands.

"Oh no!"

Chandler imitated Howard Jr.'s tone and said funnyly: "Don't tell us this is the time!"

"Stop being disgusting!"

Monica looked disgusted.

If it were anyone else, she might be able to watch the fun.

But this was her cousin, and she had to share in the shame. At least she felt ashamed.

"Find a way to solve this quickly."

"Quite smart."

Chandler walked over, observed it, and found that it was controlled by a computer connection. He joked: "Can't you just restart it?"


Little Howard saw Chandler looking at the computer that controlled the robot hand and reaching out as if to touch the computer's reset button. He didn't even bother to lower his head and pretend to be dead, and screamed to interrupt.

"You must not restart it. If you restart the program I programmed, it may recognize it as screwing, or screwing it to death."

"So that's it."

Chandler nodded and said seriously: "It seems that your unreasonable design caused the current situation."


Seeing that it was rare for someone to speak for himself and use an academic point of view to dilute the awkward atmosphere, little Howard quickly nodded and answered.

"I am also engaged in computers. I have an academic question about this. I wonder if you can help answer it?"

Chandler looked at the robot on the bed.

"What academic question?"

Although little Howard had no intention of talking about this at the moment, as all he could think about was getting out of trouble, but seeing someone talk about academics to dilute the embarrassment, he could only emphasize the word academic with a forced smile.

"Why it? Not her?"

Chandler suppressed a smile and said, "Even him is better than it~"


Cousin Ross burst out laughing no longer.

"Yes, big brother."

Joey also patted little Howard on the shoulder: "This doesn't bother him~"

"Can you guys help me?"

Little Howard couldn't bear it anymore and shouted in frustration.

"Help, help!"

Joey slightly opened the quilt and looked inside, his eyes lit up, and he gave his own method based on his own life practice.

"Do you think this will work? Go get some ice from the refrigerator, and then get a candle. It will expand and contract with heat..."

After saying this, he showed a classic Joe's confident smile and gave himself a thumbs up: "Believe me, I am Dr. Derek Lamorie!"


Little Howard rejected it in horror: "It's useless. I have used this principle from the beginning..."

I was deeply afraid that everyone would really find this useful, so I told my little clever guy and my smarter self about the first time they thought of using Chuck to scare them.

What bullshit Dr. Derek Lamorey!

You, a fake doctor who cosplays as a doctor in a soap opera, dare to give him medical decisions that affect his life's happiness!

How dare you!

"Chuck has calmed me down enough..."

"Wow! You are so smart!"

Joey gave Howard a thumbs up sincerely: "This trick I thought of carefully, although it is easy to use and very refreshing... but it is actually a bit dangerous, especially in your situation.

Who would have thought that not only did you think of it the first time, but you could also change this method into something safe, funny and without side effects? You are so smart! "

"Send him to the hospital directly!"

Monica said with a dark face: "Even if the doctor can't do anything, Chuck will always be able to do something."

The three ladies went out first.

Chandler held the control computer, Joey held the main body of the robot, Ross supported little Howard and helped to hold the quilt to prevent it from falling, while little Howard held on to the quilt with one hand and moved out with a crab step. move.

At this moment, his mind flashed: "Did I blame Chuck wrongly? Looking at it now, it seems that it is not enough if only Cousin Ross comes."

But then his unusually calm brain told him not to think too much, there were three ladies watching the joke in the corridor.

Monica went to hold Mrs. Wolowitz, and everyone successfully moved little Howard to the car, and the car was pulled to Princeton Teaching Hospital.

Outpatient hall.

The night shift nurse was standing there writing something. When she heard the voice calling for help, she looked up and saw a group of people walking towards her in a weird way.

The hospital guards came with them, looking serious.

"what happened?"

the nurse said in surprise.

"This young man needed medical treatment, but he couldn't get through the hospital security gate. In view of the special situation and in the spirit of humanitarianism, I made adjustments and let him in, but I must accompany him throughout the entire process and fulfill my duties faithfully!"

The guard spoke righteously.

"You are also a talent for making watching the fun so fresh and refined, buddy."

Chandler couldn't help but tease him: "Not only are the words funny, the expressions are vivid, but even the body movements are on point.

Especially after saying this, you touched your police gun and made a double entendre in one fell swoop. It was really a stroke of genius~"


When Joey, Ross and others heard this, they couldn't stand it anymore and burst into laughter.

The guard who was serious just now couldn't hold it in anymore and grinned.

"I said so."

The nurse was relieved too.

She knew that there was something weird about the guards doing their duties faithfully, and that was indeed the case!

Then she walked around from the nurse's desk, reaching out to lift up the covering quilt and take a look inside.


Even though little Howard was ridiculed by the six-member group of old friends, he was treated as a pistachio by the "funny and dedicated" guards at the hospital security gate.

At this moment, he already felt like he was not afraid of being scalded by boiling water, but he still subconsciously clutched the quilt, not wanting the nurse to look at him.

"I definitely want to see you, otherwise I won't be able to assign a doctor to you based on the type of emergency you have."

The nurse smiled and said: "Don't worry, I haven't seen anything..."

Before he finished speaking, he opened the quilt, his eyes immediately stared straight, and he was stunned for a while, then he smacked his tongue and said: "Oh my god, my god, what is going on?"

As a well-informed nurse, I claim to have never seen any emergency nurse before, and I have never seen this sexy operation at all.

It’s been a long time since we’ve seen each other!

Then she put down the quilt, walked back to the nurse's station, and picked up the loudspeaker: "There is a boy kidnapped by an alien mechanical hand here."

"...You can be louder!!!"

Little Howard listened to the loud voice echoing in the emergency room, looked at everyone who was attracted by the sound, and complained sadly and indignantly.

Although it is night now, there should be no people in the emergency room, but Princeton Teaching Hospital is one of the largest hospitals in New Jersey. If there is an emergency at night, the ambulance will send the patients there, so there are still many people there.

Now that I heard about this weird illness, I couldn't help but look over curiously. Some of the casual ones came over to watch.

"Sorry, your situation is unique even in the emergency room. We don't have a special code for you."

The nurse shrugged unapologetically.

In hospitals, in order to protect patients' privacy and avoid embarrassment, codes are written for various illnesses. People who don't know the truth cannot tell what illnesses other people have.

But that only works if someone else has suffered it beforehand, has been admitted to the hospital, and has been included in the illness code sheet.

And obviously, little Howard's situation is unprecedented, let alone Princeton Teaching Hospital, in the whole world.

no way!

Who makes little Howard have a high IQ, talent, and good family conditions? At this point in time, the smart robot he plays with is very rare, let alone ordinary people. Even related professional researchers are very rare, and he belongs to the forefront of high-end scientific research. .

If he hadn't come in this manner, he would probably have been praised with unknown admiration and admiration: "Young genius!"

But now that such an unknown and powerful thing comes in this manner, apart from making people unbelievable, all they can say is: "Young silver talent!"

Then I sighed in my heart: "The next generation is really useless."


Little Howard was choked and speechless. He could only look at his dark-faced cousin and pray: "Monica, why don't you call Chuck and ask him to find the most suitable doctor for me directly?" , don’t follow the process.”

"I've contacted you."

Monica said expressionlessly.

"How did he say?"

Little Howard watched eagerly.

"He said everything was arranged."

Monica said expressionlessly: "The best doctor will treat you."

"That's good, that's good...How about you urge us again and say we're already here?"

Little Howard breathed a sigh of relief, but seeing that more and more people were no longer satisfied with watching from a distance and were moving here, he could only urge them with a smile.


Monica picked up the phone and called Chuck again.

Unlike her brother Ross who was watching the fun, she really felt embarrassed, not only in front of outsiders, but mainly in front of Chuck.

Chuck had so many good female friends, family and friends, and there was nothing wrong with them. However, she had a brother, Ross, who always had conflicts with Chuck and disliked each other.

Now there is such an extremely obscene little cousin, well, maybe it can be said that he is the king of obscenity.

This made her subconsciously uneasy. With her obsessive-compulsive disorder and competitive spirit, she was very dissatisfied with pig teammates like her brother Ross and cousin Howard Jr., who were simply trying to hold her back.

Unfortunately, my little cousin hasn't finished counting yet. It's so embarrassing for her to go to Chuck immediately when something like this happens!

"Ms. Nurse, who is on duty tonight? Can you also help urge me?"

Little Howard saw his cousin's suppressed anger and did not dare to rush her anymore. Instead, he turned to the radio and imitated the guard, acting like a nurse who was watching the whole process.

"No, they're here."

The nurse was about to say something when she heard Chandler's teasing voice.

Little Howard's heart immediately skipped a beat. Although he didn't meet too many times, he was very familiar with Chandler's character. This was definitely not good news.

Because the other person was also short, and in order to maintain the position relative to the mechanical hand, he had to squat down, so he was even shorter, and there were people surrounding him.

So when Chandler finished speaking and everyone else looked over, he couldn't see what they saw at all.

He could only hear the sound of footsteps, and little Howard had a strong foreboding feeling in his heart. He couldn't help it any longer, and stretched out his hand to pull the legs of Joey and Ross, and then looked through the gaps between everyone's legs.

The first impression is that it is completely white.

Then he looked carefully, his head was pounding, and he shouted in his heart: "What the fk?!!!"

But at the end of the corridor, he saw a man with a light beard wearing a suit who gave off a sloppy look. An evil arc appeared at the corner of his mouth. He was holding on to an infusion pole and limping towards this side.

A man in a white coat was half a step behind, with a helpless expression.

Behind him were two men and one woman, three people in white coats, their expressions either playful, expressionless or interested.

Behind these three white coats, there is a group of people in white coats whose number is indistinguishable. They follow the lame man in the front in a very standard manner and walk here step by step, giving people a strong visual impact. .

This is still true for ordinary people.

For little Howard, who is a 'patient' and a 'special patient', it has an unprecedented impact.

"Chuck the Devil!!!!"

Mr. Howard Wolowitz, the little mechanical genius, the only one with two skinned faces, the king of wretchedness, and forever, shouted wildly, rolled his eyes, and fainted.

Howard, a young man in this time and space, did not first meet the woman who pretended to be dating him after he begged her for two years, and tricked him into sitting naked in his mother's car, with a whole team of football players watching. The ridicule made him still cry when he thought about the student council officer and cheerleader many years later.

But he met Chuck first. I don’t know which one he would choose to keep if he had watched The Big Bang Theory and knew that these two parallel times and different lives were different...

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