American TV series Detective's Daily Life

Chapter 255 The venomous radio host who speaks harshly

"Don't bother?"

This strange atmosphere lasted until Chandler arrived. He subconsciously made a joke, then noticed something was wrong with the atmosphere, winked at Chuck, and then looked at Monica and Alicia. Professor Harper.

"Ladies, if you don't mind, I have something to do with Chuck."

No one spoke.

Chuck walked out.

Chandler also followed out and let out a sigh of relief: "It was really dangerous just now~"

"What's up?"

Chuck asked bluntly without feeling like he was being rescued at all.


Chandler was speechless for a moment.

He is just a pure friend who subconsciously saves the situation. What could happen?

But seeing Chuck like this, his funny spirit burned brightly again, and he spoke seriously.

"I recently met an old classmate. I haven't seen her for many years. She is even more beautiful. It's just that she has a boyfriend now. Although I have feelings, I don't know what to do. I think no one knows this better than you, so Ask you."

"Of course I stood aside and pretended it didn't exist."

Chuck said.


Chandler originally just asked casually, secretly teasing the growing ambiguity between Chuck and Professor Alicia Harper, but who expected to get this answer from Chuck.

"Is this your old friend the one in fourth grade who had her skirt lifted up in public by you, and then got the nickname Susie of Underwear? She has held a grudge for her whole life. She met you recently, pretended to be dating you, and then tricked you into being in the restaurant bathroom. A female classmate who took off her pants and took away all your clothes so that you could only go out in her underwear?"

Chuck looked at him.

"Obviously you've heard it. Sure enough, good things don't go out, but bad things spread thousands of miles."

Chandler shook his body and laughed at himself: "That's right! It's her!"

"So my answer is OK."

Chuck said bluntly: "You should stay away from her, otherwise, whether you continue to lift her skirt or she lifts yours, the fun will be shared by the public, and the only ones who will be hurt are you two."

"I beg to differ."

Chandler complained: "I think she was very happy, and she told her boyfriend about it, and that guy is an asshole! Have you heard of Max Henson on 99.9 on the radio?"

"I never listen to the radio."

Chuck shook his head.

Although he can tolerate a certain amount of noise interference due to strict masochistic training, he still doesn't like noise very much.

Of course he wouldn't listen to this kind of radio station while driving.

During this time, he always played chess with Anna.

Chandler became very angry: "That guy has been entangled with a group of people and knows how to speak harshly about others all day long and take pleasure in other people's pain!

Totally a gang of evildoers!

Such a bad character!

Actually I don't care! I've long been used to it, but Susie is different.

She may be happy now, but when she is hurt by him, she will definitely be in great pain!

And she is not a person who is good at forgetting pain!

Look at what happened when she was in the fourth grade of elementary school. She still remembers it and is still worried about it!

At the beginning, it was just because of my parents' mess that I developed a habit of using ridicule to protect myself. The harm I did to her was completely unintentional.

And now she told that Max Henson about her revenge on me. As a result, this guy talked about it on the radio that night, not even hiding some of the details for Susie.

And last year his girlfriend died of gas poisoning.

Within days he was making fun of it on the radio. "

Seeing Chuck looking at him, Chandler laughed at himself: "Yes! If it were me, I might do something like this!

But I mostly laugh at myself!

Rather than being malicious and venomous towards others.

This is his dead girlfriend!

There was no self-deprecation in his venomous ridicule, it was all vicious ridicule.

This guy should not be hosting the 99.9 band of the radio station, but the 66.6 band of the radio station!

If Susie falls in love with this kind of person, sooner or later she will be severely hurt by this bastard! "

The number 666 is very auspicious and magical in the East, but in the West, it is the code of the devil.

"In that case, just do what you want."

Chuck said: "You were about to debut as a comedy star. Are you more professional than you with your venomous tongue? You just need to shift the target from yourself to him."

"I know."

Chandler smiled bitterly and said: "Actually, this is not difficult, especially after I have been with you for a long time... it will not be difficult.

It's just that I'm not sure I should. "

"Are you afraid that if you get used to it, you'll become a bastard like him?"

Chuck saw right through Chandler's thoughts.

"Wouldn't it be possible?"

Chandler looked at Chuck questioningly.

"Will do."

Chuck nodded: "Those who stare into the abyss will also be stared into by the abyss! Your worries are justified!"

"Then what should I do?"

Chandler rarely put away his almost instinctive rudeness and asked seriously.

"It seems you really like her."

Chuck looked at him: "It's useless for you to ask me about this kind of thing. I have no experience. You can ask Joey."

"I asked."

"He just taught me 'how you doing,'" Chandler quipped. "Obviously after playing the role of Dr. Derek Lamorie, his confidence in the power of this sentence was even more expanded."

"Do what you want to do."

Chuck said: "If you can't even handle this, how can you move into the White House and become the commander-in-chief?"

"I thought you could give me some good advice."

Chandler complained: "After all, you even got Professor Alicia Harper. She is a married woman."

"First of all, I didn't pick her up."

Chuck corrected him bluntly: "Secondly, I didn't get it. She is still very weak and not suitable for scientific research experiments. Finally, she is not your Susie, and her husband is not the poisonous radio host Max Henson.

Professor John Harper was aware of the situation and fully understood it. "


Chandler was stunned, forgetting his own affairs for a moment, and stammered: "Wha, what? What does it mean to be informed and fully understood?"

"After experiencing this life-and-death crisis, Professor Alicia Harper was completely disappointed in her husband and wanted to divorce him."

Chuck said: “Professor John Harper is not willing to accept this, and would rather express his welcome to me than lose Professor Alicia Harper completely.

So this situation is not suitable for you. "

"It's really not suitable for me...but it's suitable for my parents!"

After Chandler said something, he couldn't help but laugh at himself: "If my parents had the attitude of Professor Harper and his wife, I might still have a complete family... Well, it's just a little weird."

"No, you didn't."

Chuck shook his head: "You don't really think this deformed relationship will last, do you?"


Chandler looked at Chuck and said thoughtfully: "You have a serious mysophobia..."

Chuck didn't deny it.

"I'm not here to break up this family, but to join it" and "popular lovers, Cao thief Ben Cao" are just some jokes, that's all.

How is it possible for him to accept such a deformed relationship!

To truly understand the joy of vision better than anyone else, we have to wait until Professor Alicia Harper gets better and divorces Professor John Harper.

Chandler knew he had guessed it right as soon as he saw it, and wanted to complain, "People are not tools," but when his eyes caught a glimpse of the situation in the intensive care unit, his words changed to: "Is Monica mentally ill? "

But in the intensive care unit, the two women, who were originally silent and awkward, were already talking happily. It was not difficult to guess the reason. Monica, who was silent before, seemed to be a different person now, becoming so enthusiastic. Those who didn’t know better thought they were best friends.


Chuck didn't answer the question.

"Not surprisingly."

Chandler smiled bitterly and laughed at himself: "After all, I have it myself~"

His habit of never stopping complaining, in the eyes of any psychiatrist, is a sign of stress protection after suffering severe mental trauma since childhood.

Extract keywords, severe mental trauma!

Why isn't it considered a mental illness?

After the pleasant exchange, Chuck and his team left Princeton Teaching Hospital.

Not long after, everyone knew that Howard was asking for help again.

Even if everyone was stunned and too lazy to pay attention to Howard, he could save himself by restarting the button.

But little Howard, who has been brave again and again in this regard, does not have Chuck's courage and calmness, and dare not risk pressing the reset button.

After all, this is related to his life's happiness!

So after a lot of trouble, cousin Ross had no choice but to go over and help and sent little Howard to Princeton Teaching Hospital.

This time, little Howard's mother, Mrs. Wolowitz, was not kept secret after all.

So little Howard was bickering and yelling with his mother the whole time, and he came to the hospital emergency room late at night.

"well, well, well."

It was the same guard on duty, and it was the same nurse on duty. This time, everyone came to watch again. The nurse sighed and directly picked up the loudspeaker and said: "The little boy who was kidnapped by the alien mechanical monster is here again." Here we come~”


Howard Jr. immediately refused: "Where is the code name you agreed on? This is not the first time!"

"You're right, it's not the first time."

The nurse on duty looked at the shameless little Howard in surprise as he shamelessly said such a thing, and said with a faint smile: "But who told you not to give us the opportunity to enter the codes into the computer and update the code tables for all medical staff? You are too fast~"


Little Howard was speechless. Looking at the nurse on duty's muscular figure and completely unaesthetic face, his expression became even more distorted.

Because this is what his fantasy partner often says to him~

In that kind of fantasy scene, he is often disturbed by the yelling of mothers from the outside world. During the gap between yelling, he will face the teasing of the fantasy object, and he can laugh and reply with the teasing "Who made me like the Flash?"

But now he was facing the nurse on duty in reality, and there was a group of people watching him teasingly.

More importantly, the same sentence was now said by the nurse on duty. He was very worried that when he fantasized again in the future, his fantasy would be completely ruined because of this sentence.

Think about it, it was originally him and the goddess in his dream who were laughing and joking, but in the blink of an eye, the goddess was replaced by the face of the nurse on duty... That is simply too scary, okay!

Finally, as Mrs. Wolowitz and Little Howard yelled at each other, the nurse on duty called the doctor on duty and sent Little Howard and his mechanical geek partner into the operating room. In the end, they used a cutting machine and completely disabled the machine. Weird hands.

"Can you bring me some coffee?"

When little Howard was discharged from the hospital holding the stump of the mechanical hand with relief and mixed emotions, the nurse on duty said leisurely: "Don't worry, I have updated the code list of all medical staff. It doesn't matter if you come right away."

Young Howard glared at her.

He will never appear here again in this state!

Never will! ! !


At least not tonight!

I want to drink his coffee tonight and dream!

A few days later.

Chuck received a call from Chandler and asked him to come over.

Monica's apartment.

When Chuck came over, he saw a group of six old friends surrounding a young couple. Monica and the others were comforting the young wife.

"Let me introduce, this is Tim Willens, and this is his wife Shelly."

Chandler introduced both parties: "This is Detective Chuck!"

"Detective Chuck, you must help us."

The young wife Shelly said with tears on her face: "Help us find my poor daughter Jamie, she is only 2 years old... woo woo woo."

As he spoke, he collapsed.

"How long have you been missing?"

Chuck asked, "Why didn't you seek help immediately?"

The United States has the highest crime rate in the world, and there are many major cities competing with New York for the title of Fallen City, Gotham on Earth, and Vice City.

All kinds of crimes are committed on a large scale every day.

Even for the most correctly protected children in the West, the most likely cause of death is being shot. In addition, there are all kinds of unspeakable cruel crimes against children that are carried out every moment.

Therefore, even Chuck can only help those who ask for help, and those who he knows and wants to help.

Others, he was helpless.

Because he is just a human being with limited energy, not God!

Of course, even God who loves the world will not care about these evils in the world.

"It's been 13 days."

The young husband, Tim Willens, endured the pain and said: "Shelley took Jamie to the supermarket to buy something. She put Jamie on the shopping cart. As soon as she turned around to pick up the things, Jamie disappeared. .

Shelly immediately called the police, but it was of no use. The police did not have any useful clues.

We live in Pittsburgh, which is a little far away from Princeton and New York. We don’t pay much attention to the news here, and we don’t know about Detective Chuck.

So I didn’t find you right away. "

Although the news about Detective Chuck has been popular for a while, firstly, this kind of news dissemination has limitations, and secondly, the timeliness of the news is shorter, and it will soon be replaced by other hot news.

So if people who are a little far away from New York are not so sensitive to news, they don’t know that Detective Chuck is too normal.

"He only knows you because of that bastard radio host Max Henson!"

Chandler reminded.


Tim said in pain: "Shelly and I are already in great pain after losing our baby Jamie, especially as time goes by and hope becomes slimmer, we become even more painful.

But not everyone has a conscience and can understand our pain!

That Max Henson is the most vicious of them all!

Not only did he not help, but he spread rumors and mocked him on his radio show, saying, saying..."

Speaking of this, Tim, a young husband and father, felt so uncomfortable that he could no longer speak.

The young wife Shelly was even more distressed, and everyone could feel the extreme grief of the young couple.

"Chuck, you must help them!"

Monica and others expressed their strong emotions.

"That bastard actually spread the rumor that there was no mysterious kidnapper at all, but that Shelly killed Jamie."

When Chandler talked about this, he couldn't ridicule him anymore: "And the reason why Tim and Shelly knew about you was because they heard him mocking you and me on the show, so they knew that there was a god named Chuck who came to you through me. To help.”

"So you killed your daughter Jamie?"

Chuck looked at the distraught Shelly.

"of course not!"

The young husband Tim was very angry that Chuck actually asked this question, but he was quickly comforted by Chandler and the others, and explained the reason. Only then did he realize that Chuck didn't believe them, but that he had to Have to confirm for yourself.


Although Shelly was also very sad and painful, at this moment she was shocked by Chuck's questioning method which was very different from that of the police. As a mother's intuition, she forgot to cry at this moment, raised her head, and tried her best to communicate with her with tearful eyes. Chuck looked at each other and gave his answer.


Chuck looked into Shelly's eyes for a few seconds, nodded and said, "I'll take this case."

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