American TV series Detective's Daily Life

Chapter 256 You can fuck me too!

"This is just great!"

Chandler clapped his hands and joked: "Detective Chuck picked it up, and the Willens family will be reunited!"

"Now how to do?"

Tim and Shelly looked at Chuck expectantly.

"Start by prosecuting this radio host, Max Henson."

Chuck said: "Joking is not nonsense, nor is it a reason to wantonly attack victims of bullying for the sake of traffic."

"Now I just want my daughter Jamie to come back."

Young mother Shelly worried.

"Don't worry, it won't affect you."

Chuck explained: "On the contrary, it will help to find Jamie.

First of all, prosecuting such a celebrity has a mass communication effect in itself, making people pay attention to the news that Jamie was abducted.

Secondly, by suing the radio host, we can get enough compensation and provide the most effective help to find Jamie.

After recovering Jamie, he can also use the money to give her a better life.

Finally, don’t you want to sue this radio host? "


"I want it so much! This guy is simply inhuman! He's so vicious!

Although our friends advised us not to listen and ignore him, most reasonable people would not believe him.

But he has his own fans, who not only believe what he says, but also call us and harass us with all kinds of insults.

Losing Jamie is painful enough, and we have to deal with all kinds of vicious phone calls from his fans every day.

I had a nervous breakdown, and Shelly was on the verge of a breakdown.

I woke up the night before yesterday and saw her standing alone in Jamie's room, holding a sling in her hand... If I hadn't arrived in time, the consequences would have been disastrous. "


When the six-member group of old friends heard this, they all took a deep breath.

They thought that such blows and attacks would be difficult to accept, but they did not expect that they could actually make a person want to die.

"Did you see that?"

Chandler complained: "This is the viciousness of that guy. He trolls people arbitrarily and gains fame and fortune, but he doesn't care about the life or death of others."

“Isn’t this what society is all about?”

Chuck said calmly, and then looked at Shelly: "Do you want to die?"

"I, I can't hold it anymore."

Shelly cried: "You can't imagine how I feel, ugh..."

"We really can't imagine 100% how you feel."

Chuck nodded: “But we know that once you do it, you will definitely regret it.

Because after you die, according to this radio host, you will either commit suicide out of fear of guilt or commit suicide out of shame.

In short, he won't force you to commit suicide because you can't stand it anymore.

And at that time, most of the people who originally believed in you would have to wonder whether it was you who killed your daughter.

Now, do you want to remain suspected of murdering the woman and die, or do you want to live strong, embrace the found Jamie, slap this vicious radio host in the face, and make him pay the price? "

"I want to hug Jamie!"

Shelly cried: "But can Jamie really be found back?"

“Nothing in this world is 100%.”

Chuck said bluntly: "I can only say that I will do my best and there is a 95% chance that I can find Jamie."

"Ninety-five percent?"

Compared to Shelly who wanted 100%, her husband Tim, who was a little more rational, was already pleasantly surprised by this probability.

This almost means that Chuck is very sure of finding their daughter!

"So now we agree to prosecute this radio host, Max Henson?"

Chuck looked at Tim and Shelly.


"I listen to you, I believe you!"

Tim and Shelly looked at Chuck's expressionless face. At this moment, they just felt that this expressionless face was so vivid and cute.

"Okay, I'll help you find Suits now."

Chuck immediately took out his cell phone and dialed a number.


Everyone looked over curiously.

"Don't worry, it's not Viper Zhang Cannon."

Chuck explained solemnly: "It's Harvey Spector, the ace lawyer at Pearson Hardman, a famous New York law firm, who claims to have never lost a lawsuit.

Of course, the most important point is that he is one of the few barristers who still retains some conscience. "

Facing the eyes of everyone who once again wondered who Viper Zhang Dapao was, he still had no explanation.

Otherwise, knowing that there are such weird lawyers whose own lawyers lose 100% of cases, I am afraid that I will have even less confidence in suing the radio host.

"Should I say honored?"

The call was connected, and Suits lawyer Harvey on the other end happened to hear the last sentence and couldn't help but make fun of it.

"You should be honored."

Chuck said bluntly: "After all, being able to get to this point and still retain a little conscience is a miracle in the legal profession."

"You really should come to our annual lawyer meeting and say this in front of all our lawyers."

The Suits lawyer smiled and said, "Is there anything I can do for you?"

Since the kidnapping of Amazing Amy by the billionaire and he met Chuck, the two have not communicated with each other.

However, he also studied Chuck carefully and knew that Chuck was not the kind of person who would call him to talk nonsense. He must have asked him for help with a case.

And although he made fun of Chuck's comments with disapproval, he was still happy in his heart.

After all, this is approval from Chuck Wolfe!

Chuck told the story.

Suits lawyer Harvey immediately said: "This case is a bit difficult to handle, and the biggest trouble is freedom of speech.

This is a right clearly granted to the people by the First Amendment of the U.S. Constitution, and the other party is a radio host. "

“Can freedom of speech allow you to slander and insult others at will?”

Tim said angrily: “If we could, we would also like to make our own voices heard, but we don’t have the channels to speak out at all.

Doesn't the so-called freedom of speech mean that whoever holds the microphone can speak unscrupulously.

And the vast majority of us, even if we have the truth and truth, are directly silenced.

Do the majority of us really have freedom of speech? "

"You're right...but unfortunately, this is the reality."

The Suits lawyer's voice on the other end of the phone was slightly lowered.

Don't talk about the media, just talk about the legal profession. If possible, he hopes that lawyers should be purely a profession of justice.

But the reality is that lawyers only serve the wealthy, extending the time and cost of litigation indefinitely. Even if the law is truly fair, most people have no capital to wait for a fair judgment.

What's more, laws are also interpreted by people.

If their lawyers are like this, don't those judges serve the rich?

No matter how enlightened a person is, how can he fight against the entire system?

Therefore, even if a lawyer like him has a conscience and wants to truly achieve legal fairness and justice, after recognizing the reality, he will only surrender to the reality and live his life as he wants.

It's just that compared to other lawyers who completely compromise for money, he has a slightly lower bottom line and is unwilling to do some excessive things. However, he is also willing to help some disadvantaged groups within his ability.

"Can't you?"

Chuck ignored Harvey's embarrassment and asked the key question directly.


On the other end of the phone, the Suits lawyer heard this. Although he knew it was an aggressive statement, he still said: "This is indeed difficult, but I am Harvey Spector! According to the certification of Detective Chuck, I am Miracle light! I’ll take this case!”

"Would you like to hear what this bastard has to say?"

Chandler chimed in: "I put together his playlist and marked it out."

"Listen to it on the way."

Chuck stood up: "The prosecution will be left to you Harvey, and we will go to Pittsburgh first, contact the local police and media, hold a press conference, and announce that if there is any news about Jamie, once confirmed, we will reward him with a reward of 100,000 US dollars!"

"$100,000? We don't have that much money."

Tim worried.

"Remember you were already suing Max Henson?"

Chuck reminded: "When you win the lawsuit, you will have money. Before that, I will help you pay it first.

According to what you said, there are only two situations.

One is to deliberately steal your daughter Jamie.

One is that someone conveniently stole your daughter Jamie.

The former is simple, just investigate who has this motive.

The latter is a bit more troublesome because it is an unpredictable surprise.

But that’s okay.

This unexpected result can also be divided into two situations.

One is that the thief sees Jamie as cute and wants to adopt her.

In this case, just investigate the families without children near the shopping store and who has an extra child nearby.

Another, worse scenario is that the thief wants to sell her. "

After saying this, the young mother Shelly covered her mouth and started crying again. She had originally stood up, but she couldn't stand anymore and fell softly on the sofa. The young father Tim also had worried eyes.

"Don't worry too much."

Chuck reassured: "I will cooperate with the local police and visit the local black industry chain. I believe they will cooperate well.

In either case, by publicly offering a bounty, it will speed up the process and push the results in our favor.

Because if it was stolen by a family in need of a child, their neighbors would not be able to help but call the police after knowing about the high bonus.

And if it is in those black industry chains, the price of a two-year-old girl will not reach 100,000 US dollars.

By then, they will most likely take the initiative to pretend to be well-wishers and send information before we can pay a friendly visit, and then collect the bonus.

But the premise is that we must do it as soon as possible!

Because time has been delayed for too long, and the longer it goes, the more irreversible variables there will be. "

"We listen to you!"

Tim helped his wife get up and said firmly with eyes.

Although the couple had previously been thinking about finding their daughter Jamie, they were just ordinary people and had no idea how to find their daughter.

I went to the police. The police seemed positive, but the effect was really disappointing.

Now that Chuck said this, the couple had a clearer idea of ​​how to find their daughter for the first time.

If they could still joke, they would point at Chuck and say with a smile: "This is a professional~"

It's a pity that they can't laugh.

But they got the idea.

"I will go with you."

Chandler volunteered: "They found me first, and this is about exposing that bastard's true identity. I want to participate!"


Chuck glanced at him and nodded.

Time is running out.

Chuck drove the three of them directly to Pittsburgh.

On the road.

Chuck asked Tim and Shelly to contact the local police detective responsible for the case. When the other party heard that Chuck was coming, they were stunned and then expressed their welcome.

"Get ready for the press conference. We will announce the news immediately when we arrive..."

After Chuck handed over the task, he began to inquire about the local underground world.

The detective hesitated for a moment, but then told the truth.

They all hang out in the local area, no one knows who is who.

Especially in the United States, the police and the underworld are indistinguishable at all. There are police who send undercover agents to the underworld, and there are underworld who pay bribes to the police to bribe the undercover police officers.

There is also the concept of a white gang, where a group of policemen form a gang and not only collect protection fees from all gangs, but also provide help and shelter to those who can afford the money to commit crimes.

If Jie Mi was really abducted by the black industrial chain controlled by the underworld, it would not be difficult to investigate every link.

It's just that no one was willing to help Tim and Shelly push forward until Chuck was found.

The police detective in charge of the case was just going through the motions and did not dare to care about the possibility that Jie Mi was really abducted and traded by the black industry chain.

Under such circumstances, it is extremely normal to have no news for 13 days.

After a while, it will definitely be another unsolved case gathering dust in the files.

Just after hanging up the phone with the detective, Suits' Harvey called: "Did you listen to Max Henson's episode?"

"not yet."

Chuck shook his head.

"Then listen now!"

"We'll talk about it after we hear it," Suits star Harvey said.


Chuck agreed and looked at Chandler sitting in the passenger seat.

Chandler nodded, looked back at Tim and Shelly, and hesitated: "How about you guys listen to the music first?"

"It doesn't matter, just listen."

Shelly gritted her teeth and said, "I can bear it just to hug Jamie again."

Seeing this, Chandler directly clicked on the marked Max Henson program.

"Welcome to the Max Henson Morning Show. Recently I heard the news. There is a young mother in Pittsburgh named Shelly Willens. She claimed that she took her two-year-old daughter Jamie to the supermarket and turned around. In the meantime, Jamie disappeared.

The police went to heaven and earth to find this mysterious robber. Why?

In fact, if you ask me, can’t you even see such an obvious answer?

It's obvious that Shelly is lying!

Friends, she killed her own daughter!

Do you know why I know it?

Because I heard that the reason she went to the supermarket was to buy safety measures, and that she had already had a late-trimester abortion!

Think about it carefully, do people like this really love and protect their children?

Whether you believe it or not, I don’t believe it anyway!

In this case, the 'abducted child' that she claimed without any clues does not exist at all!

Instead she killed her baby... AGAIN!

Is this logic difficult to understand?

The case is solved!

God, I think I can be a detective. After all, even a man with facial paralysis can do it, so why can’t I?

What do you think? "

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