American TV series Detective's Daily Life

Chapter 265 Arrogant Radio Host: What can you do to me?

"Really? I don't believe it!"

Female lawyer Emily sneered: "No one can do this unless he is not a human being!"

"To a certain extent, that's true."

Harvey, the man in suit, joked: "Of course I am referring to the last sentence~ If you really know him, you will agree more and more with this sentence."

Seeing that all methods were ineffective against this Italian comrade, the female lawyer Emily gave up her plan to continue touting and seducing the general, and walked away in high heels with a cold face.


Harvey's voice came from behind. When the female lawyer Emily turned around and looked over, he sincerely reminded: "The best thing to do now is to accept the bottom line and close the case quickly.

Otherwise, if this drags on, the result will definitely not be comparable to the pain of losing a large sum of money to your client. If he is smart, he should know that this is the most honorable ending. "

"What if he's not smart and doesn't want to be respectable?"

Female lawyer Emily sarcastically said: "Are you trying to help him be smart and decent?"

"You should first help him be smart and decent!"

Harvey, a man in a suit, said seriously: "After all, you are his lawyer! This is your responsibility!"

The female lawyer Emily and her Italian comrades looked at each other for a long time, and after seeing some of the friendship between the Italian comrades, her face softened slightly, she nodded and left.

How could she not know this?

But she could only persuade Max Henson, but could not make decisions for him.

After leaving the court and arriving at Max Henson's mansion, she said to Max Henson who looked unhappy: "You have also seen the situation in the court. My suggestion is to accept their offer immediately and end this. case, otherwise it will be very troublesome to drag it out.”

"Accept their offer?"

Max Henson said angrily: "That's $5 million! Not 500! Do you know what that means?"

“That means you’re selling your car and your house.”

Female lawyer Emily said calmly: "Although you have tens of millions of assets, most of them are stock financial assets. Now they have been tightly locked up, and you only have 1 million that can be used immediately.

If you want to pay the 5 million, you must sell your car and house, otherwise you will have to sell those stocks at a low price. "

"You know this and you still say such things!"

Max Henson shouted: "Now is the bottom, and it is about to rebound. You want me to sell those high-quality stocks that can increase several times in value in the future?"

If I don’t sell, will I be asked to sell the car or the house?

Where do you want me to live? Where to go?

This is not about selling cars or houses. You are asking me to sell my face!

Do I lose all face? "

"With all due respect, the wisest thing to do at this time is not to think about the irrelevant stuff."

Female lawyer Emily advised: "No disrespect intended, but sometimes face is really not worth that much money. If you lose it, you can get it back again."

"You are my lawyer! You should be the one to solve these troubles, not me!"

Max Henson said angrily.

"I've worked hard enough."

Female lawyer Emily said calmly: "But first a recording was released, and then an email was released. Who knows what evidence will be released against us in the future?

How do you want me to solve it? Like when you broke through the defense in the court just now, directly passed me and stood up to refute? That will only make you look more suspicious! "

"As long as there is no solid evidence, it is suspicious."

Max Henson said disdainfully: "As long as I refuse to admit it, what can they do to me... What is that look in your eyes?!"

"You won't admit it until you die?"

Emily, a female lawyer, put away her smart eyes and reminded: “You will receive a large number of emails from fans every day, and you will not watch every one. This is reasonable.

But it doesn't make sense that you said you didn't check the email Eileen Regan later sent you that she admitted was bullshit.

Because after you directly quoted her lies and caused such a big disturbance, she is no longer a strange fan to you who doesn't care at all.

Are you telling me that you didn't check her follow-up emails?

Do you know whether you have read the email and when you checked it are all stamped by the time, right?

With just a simple application, the plaintiff can search these emails and get solid evidence! "

"Then I'll delete it now..."

Max Henson's eyes flashed.

"What did you say? I didn't hear it, and I'm not going to listen anymore!"

The female lawyer Emily pretended to be deaf and did not listen to Max Henson's plan to break the law.

She is just the defendant's lawyer, and she doesn't want to be the defendant!

Once she learns of Max Henson's criminal behavior, she must report it to the court, otherwise she may go to jail if something happens in the future.

"I know what to do."

Max Henson was not stupid either. He immediately understood the female lawyer’s concerns and gave her a contemptuous look. Then he leaned back and said coldly: “This won’t work, that won’t work either. I only heard you saying I'm shirking my own responsibilities and I haven't seen you have any constructive suggestions at all. Can you do it? If not, tell me as soon as possible and I will change my lawyer. You don't think that people like me will still be short of lawyers. Bar?"

"Of course!"

Female lawyer Emily said very professionally: "If you are determined not to compromise, then what we have to do now is to refute the plaintiff's most important evidence, that Eileen Reagan!

She worked at the Guardian Family Planning Clinic before she was an adult. I was very familiar with people like them. Most of them were juvenile offenders on probation and community service.

Just digging up her story can shake the authenticity of her words to a great extent.

And all it takes is one juror to be swayed and choose to believe you.

Then we win! "

"very good!"

Max Henson finally showed a smile: "This is how a qualified lawyer should behave. I am looking forward to the scene of slapping the so-called Detective Chuck in the face after winning this case."

"I don't recommend you do this!"

Female lawyer Emily reminded: "Even if we win this case, I still suggest that you settle with them and give them adequate compensation, and you must not provoke Detective Chuck. Don't forget the recording and video that suddenly appeared in court today. You don’t want to be entangled in various lawsuits about the content inside, right?”

"It doesn't matter. I am a public figure. What I fear most is not getting involved in lawsuits, but lack of exposure!"

Max Henson said disapprovingly: "As long as it's not the kind that can pose a fatal threat to me, it will only make me stronger!"

They are just fans of Cao, which is nothing to celebrities like them!

The female lawyer Emily opened her mouth, but in the end she said nothing more and went about her own business.

A few days later.

The court heard the case again.

Erin Regan sat on the witness stand again, but this time, she was cross-examined by the defendant's lawyer Emily.

Under Emily's well-prepared and sharp questions, Emily, a probation officer who was originally dirty, collapsed immediately after being asked.

"These are supposed to be secrets, they are secrets..."

Erin Regan cried.

The secret she mentioned was that there is a minor privacy protection law in the United States, and the files of some juvenile delinquents are encrypted.

But unfortunately, this kind of encrypted information is completely transparent in the eyes of people with connections.

And when Suit pointed out that Erin Reagan's past had nothing to do with this case, and even Erin Reagan's words were just an introduction, the real key was Max Henson's email box, which contained several emails from Erin Reagan, Whether it was opened before Jamie was rescued is the key.

However, I heard Max Henson point out that he has the habit of cleaning the mailbox regularly, and those emails have been cleared out long ago.

So the court adjourned again.

"do you know?"

Harvey, a man in a suit, looked at the female lawyer Emily with a serious face.

"what do you know?"

Female lawyer Emily said noncommittally.

"Destroying evidence is a serious crime!"

Harvey, a man in a suit, looked into the eyes of his Italian comrades: "Failure to report what you know is also a crime! I don't want to go to prison to see you."

"I do not know what you're talking about!"

Female lawyer Emily said calmly: "The situation is now obvious. If you accept 2 million yuan in compensation and a public apology, the case will be over."

"Now it's 2 million, huh?"

Harvey the suit guy smiled.

"Two million is high enough, otherwise you would probably get nothing!"

Emily, the female lawyer, has a much tougher attitude.

If she doesn't take the initiative to perform, she will be criticized as incompetent, which is not something she can accept.

All the emails have been deleted. It is impossible to prove whether Max Henson checked it, and when he checked it. The most important evidence is gone.

The most important witness, Erin Regan, was also defeated by her, and that performance was enough to sway some jurors.

They, who had been passive before, finally had a certain advantage.

She also has the confidence to be strong.

"You want to bet, don't you?"

Harvey, the man in suit, smiled and said: "Come on then, I bet you will lose!"

"I don't think so."

The female lawyer Emily smiled ambiguously: "I always win between us!"

"Do you win by talking?"

Harvey, the man in suit, fought back not to be outdone.

The two bickered for a while and then went back to prepare.

After going to court again.

Finally came the final confrontation.

Both the plaintiff's attorney and the defendant's attorney tried to use their final closing arguments to impress the jury members and make a verdict in their favor.

Female lawyer Emily made an impassioned speech, focusing on the right to free speech and the distrust of Eileen Regan's words.

It was Harvey's turn, and he applied for the police recording to be played in public.

"be opposed to!"

Female lawyer Emily immediately stood up and objected: "The plaintiff's lawyer wants to incite the jury members, and the jury members need to make a rational decision."

"If playing the evidence can be considered as incitement, then it means that you also know what you have done!"

Harvey, the man in the suit, retorted: "Either you are confessing yourself, or you are questioning that the cognitive abilities of the jury members have been challenged and they do not even have basic self-control abilities?"

"be opposed to!"

Female lawyer Emily retorted: "We just want a fair verdict."


The judge started to have a headache again and held his forehead. After thinking about it, he smiled slightly and already had an idea.

Judge Marshmallow, who is good at Tai Chi, started to compromise again.

So an extremely ridiculous scene occurred in the court.

The staff member held a piece of paper and, in front of the jury members, mechanically recited the words Shelly had said when she called the police in a voice with no emotion: "Oh my God, no, no, my child is gone, God." Oh, God, please help me..."

The most important thing is that this staff member is still a bald man!

This contrast directly offsets the desperate cry for help from a mother who found out that her daughter had been abducted in the original alarm recording. It even had the opposite effect, making people feel a little ridiculous.

Harvey, a man in a suit, was also shown off by the judge. When the bald man Mo De finished his emotional reading, he had no choice but to start his closing speech, and then handed over the final verdict to the jury members.

They left the court and waited outside.

"It's not too late to accept the agreement now!"

Emily, a female lawyer, came over and smiled.

"Do you think you won with a little trickery?"

Harvey, a man in a suit, smiled and said: "As long as you don't directly bribe the jurors, then justice will be yours.

And if you really do such a stupid thing, then I will suggest my client to compromise the compensation amount to 10 million!

Because compared to sitting in jail, $10 million is really not much! "

"We won't do that, and we don't need to!"

Female lawyer Emily smiled and said: "12 jurors, I don't believe they are all facing you. There will always be a few people who will understand that the foundation of our country is based on the First Amendment of the Constitution, and there is no freedom of speech. We were still trying to get What are you trying to do? We are the ones who take advantage of us!"

"If lying, cheating, and stealing become our freedom of speech, then we are indeed Nazis!"

Harvey, a man in a suit, shrugged and said: "Now let the jury members elected by people decide what we are!"

"We'll see."

Female lawyer Emily is full of confidence.

She felt that as long as she held high the banner of free speech and used Nazism to scare her, there would always be jury members who would ignore what Max Henson's actions meant to an otherwise happy family for the sake of the greater good.

A grain of time is like a big mountain falling on everyone's head.

But that's it!

The verdict came faster than they imagined.

When everyone gathered in the court again, the member headed by the jury handed the verdict to the judge through the court staff. He stood there and was about to wait for the judge to speak and let him announce the verdict. However, the judge's face changed after seeing the verdict. Change, reaching out to him to signal to stop talking for the time being.


Harvey, the suit guy, immediately sensed something was wrong.

But I saw the judge sitting on the stage, lowering his head to think for a while, then looking up at everyone: "I just got the ruling, and I found myself facing a difficult decision.

While I find the defendant's actions abhorrent and cold-blooded, the First Amendment is the cornerstone of our society.

Without it, all other rights are in jeopardy!

In addition, I think the jury's verdict in this case was based on personal emotions rather than rational judgment.

Mr. Henson receives thousands of emails every day and could not confirm whether he had seen that one.

Since it cannot be confirmed, I cannot allow the jury in my court to deviate from the First Amendment.

Therefore I declare in favor of the defendant! "

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