American TV series Detective's Daily Life

Chapter 273 Little Howard: Oh, Chuck, you’re here!

"Impossible! I saw him with my own eyes..."

Mia's eyes were confused and confused.

She believed Chuck's motives, but couldn't believe what she saw.

That's what she saw with her own eyes!


Chuck looked at Mia who was stopped there.

Mia was hesitant.

"You know that if my theory is correct, then your greater danger is that your life will be seriously challenged than the risk of jail time, right?"

Chuck reminded: "And now there is a high probability that he is not dead, so the risk of you going to jail is very small."

"he died!"

Mia couldn't bear it anymore and said in horror: "I saw him roll his eyes with my own eyes, and we personally put him in the box and pushed him into the swimming pool..."

"But he's gone, isn't he?"

Chuck said: "Otherwise, you wouldn't have to worry about looking for his body everywhere!"

"God must be punishing me."

Mia reached out and held the cross on her chest, with an expression of fear and remorse on her pale face.

Chuck glanced at her cross, walked back to his seat, looked at the computer, and stopped pressing questions.

Mia confessed for a while, and when she saw that Chuck didn't respond, she immediately looked over pitifully.

But for a long time.

Chuck just looked at the computer, ignoring her expression.

"It wasn't my idea."

Mia was not stupid and knew what Chuck meant. After struggling for a long time, she took the initiative to speak: "Nicole repeatedly tricked me into doing this.

Of course I couldn't resist the urge.

Because I really can't stand it anymore.

I was originally a devout nun, but I returned to lay life and inherited the school, where I met Gail.

Everything was fine at first.

So I never thought about signing a prenuptial agreement and gave him all the management rights of the school.

He is my husband!

Very capable too!

At least that's what I thought at the time.

But not long after we got married, I realized something was wrong. He liked to drink, and he had a bad temper after drinking too much.

I tried to persuade him several times, but his attitude went up and down.

Then something happened that made me extremely distressed. He cheated on me and didn't even cover it up. After I found out, I went to question him, but all I got was threats and intimidation.

You don't know how terrible he is after drinking.

Especially the suffocating feeling of being strangled by him. "

After saying this, Mia subconsciously touched her neck with a look of horror on her face: "God, the fear of dying exceeds everything.

I dare not take care of him anymore.

He has also become more and more pushy, and is no longer as gentle as before. He controls everything about me and has more rules than when I was a nun.

Everyone in front and behind must obey his orders without any violation!

Then Nicole came over as the new teacher.

Not surprisingly, he had an affair with her.

He didn't shy away from me.

She also knows that I know.

We should have ignored each other.

But when we saw the scars on her body, we gradually got closer and communicated.

As times like this become more and more difficult, especially when Gale transforms this school, it becomes increasingly difficult for me to identify with it, and his control over me becomes more and more suffocating, making it impossible for me to breathe.

Then Nicole suddenly suggested that maybe we should kill him and then we would all be free.

I was shocked at first, but the more I listened to her words, the more excited I became. Thinking about it now, it was as if I had been tempted by the devil.

She said he had been drinking heavily and was known to stage a drunken stumble into a swimming pool so no one would suspect.

So, after another heart attack, he watched me faint and fall to the ground without any movement. After I was rescued by Nicole, I finally made up my mind to follow Nicole's method.

The next day I packed my bags and drove out of school. I went to the hotel that Nicole found for me and arranged everything.

As expected, Gale would not let me go.

He drove up to me secretly and threatened to let me go as long as I gave up school.

But the school is my family's property and everything I have now. I can't lose it.

So I gave him wine mixed with sleeping pills to drink, which knocked him out.

Nicole arrived and together we moved him into the bathroom tub, which was already filled with water.

Gale suddenly woke up and struggled to come out, but we worked together to hold him down.

Then I went and brought a bucket of water and put it on top of him.

After a night's sleep, he woke up and went to look at the dry bathtub. He rolled his eyes and almost got out of the bathtub, which meant that he was not completely dead at that time.

Oh, God!

We worked together to put him into the box, drove back to school, and dumped him in the box into the swimming pool under the cover of darkness.

The pool was covered with fallen leaves, and I thought someone would discover it the next day.

But after waiting, no one found out.

In the end, I couldn't bear it anymore and forced Nicole to look at it together. I pretended to throw the key in accidentally and drained the water.

But there was still no body.

I was terrified at that time. "

"Don't be afraid, I'm sure he's not dead."

Chuck looked over: "At least he wasn't dead then."


Mia looked at Chuck pitifully.

"After you used barreled water to suppress his body, did you turn the switch in the bathtub?"

Chuck asked.

Mia was stunned, thought carefully, shook her head and said, "Probably not. We were all exhausted at the time, so Nicole just tore off the shower curtain and covered him, and we came out."

"So how does this tub empty?"

Chuck said: "There is no one else except him, and if he consciously turns the valve to drain the water in the bathtub, do you really think that a bucket of water can suppress him from moving? And during this time, did you hear anything? Is there any movement?"


Mia said with certainty.

"of course not."

Chuck nodded: "At that time, you felt that after you killed someone, there must be a lot of noise, especially in your own room on such a silent night!

If there is any movement, you will be frightened.

An ordinary person who is truly surviving a disaster would not be rational enough to control his behavior at that moment and not make any noise.

At the very least, he would take a few deep breaths.

But you didn't hear any movement.

This is already very telling.

Also, I didn’t find any injuries on your body. Didn’t he resist when you pressed him into the bathtub? "


Mia explained.

"Resisted but not completely resisted!"

Chuck corrected: "Otherwise, a strong man's desire to survive at the moment of death cannot be underestimated.

It is impossible to be completely controlled by a woman.

This leaves you free to carry buckets of water to pressure him.

Didn't even leave any scratches on you.

Did you lock his hands so that he couldn't move them? "

"No, it's just that we avoided his hand."

Mia tried to recall the scene.

Now she is also finding more and more doubts.

"Avoid his hand?"

Chuck reminded: "If you have time to carry buckets of water, then it must be Nicole who reached out to hold him down and pressed him into the water in the bathtub without controlling his hands. A person who is truly dying will not go." Reaching out to grab the hand pressing on you?

It’s not that you avoided his hand!

But he is deliberately avoiding your hands!

And given the depth of the bathtub, what's the point of carrying buckets of water?

If he was really not dead at that time, the bucket of water on his body would have no effect at all, and he could easily move it away. He didn't even need to move it away. He only needed a probe to breathe.

Let me guess, it was Nicole who asked you to move, right? "


Mia's eyes were blank.

"She was giving him time to prepare."

Chuck said: "Even if you are pretending to be dead, you still need acting skills, otherwise you will notice if there is anything wrong, and then everything will be in vain.

I guess she didn't ask you to look at her more, right? "


Mia said in shock: "After we moved his box back to school and threw it into the swimming pool, I looked into the swimming pool in the room because I desperately wanted people to find him and wanted to wait until that moment, but she pulled him directly Lower the curtain and let me rest and leave him alone... Is he really not dead?"

“The longer it goes, the easier it will be to reveal the truth.”

Chuck nodded: "Do you smell a special smell? If you really killed him and let his body soak in the water for a whole night, there is no way there would be no corpse smell at all. Believe me, that smell It will definitely make you notice.”


Mia tried hard to remember, shook her head and said with a look of realization: "Yes! Even if I was too scared to think or hear more at the time, I can't remember it.

But I remember that when we packed him into a box and moved him out of the hotel the next day, because it was too heavy, the hotel owner and his wife came over to help us move it. I was almost scared to death at that time.

But we didn't do any treatment, it was just an ordinary wooden box. If there was a peculiar smell, the boss and the boss's wife must have smelled it.

Also, on our way back to school, we were stopped by the police because of traffic jam due to rain. He also moved the boxes and didn't smell any peculiar smell.

So Gale is really not dead..."

"And if he wasn't dead at the time, why did he pretend to be dead?"

Chuck looked at her.

"He's going to scare me to death!"

Mia covered her chest: "He has tried twice. After the water in the swimming pool was emptied, I didn't find his body that should have been inside, so I fainted and died by the pool.

When I was rescued by everyone and Nicole and helped back to my room, I found his suit hanging on the bathroom door!

The suit he died in!

I was so scared that I was going to have another heart attack.

More importantly, there was a piece of film along with the suit. After we went to photocopy it, we found that someone was monitoring all our actions.

No one knew about the plan except me and Nicole!

Also, the reason why I went to the police station to identify the body was because there was a newspaper stuffed in the crack of my door, which reported that a body was found today.

Oh, GOD!”

"It seems your heart is much stronger than imagined."

Chuck mused.

"Any questions?"

Mia had already doubted everything due to what Chuck said, and subconsciously looked over in surprise.

"no problem."

Chuck said calmly: "That's good news for you, but for some people, it's not."

Mia clutched her chest and remained speechless.

Obviously, if her heart was not much stronger than imagined, she would have been scared to death under this series of shocks.

When the forensic autopsy is done, they will only conclude that she died of a heart attack, and there will be no suspicion of her husband being involved.

Chuck knew what she was thinking and did not explain his pun, which meant not only her husband but Dr. Wilson as well.

After all, a pun requires understanding.

Otherwise, if you try hard to explain the point of the joke like those who say sneers, then the original flavor will be lost.

"I now how to do?"

Mia held the cross on her chest with one hand, and couldn't help but grab Chuck's hand with the other hand, looking at Chuck with hazy eyes.

"It's very simple."

Chuck looked at her: "Since you know he's not dead, then don't worry about him. Take over the school while he's hiding in the dark. He will naturally be able to come out when the time comes."

"Then what?"

Mia said in panic: "Should we pretend that none of this happened? He may be able to do it, but I can't. I want to get rid of him, and he also wants to kill me completely! I can't live like this for a moment anymore !”

"Don't worry."

Chuck said calmly: "I will go with you and help you check the accounts. You don't think that he is a good man who cheats wantonly, drinks violently, and is bold enough to plot the murder of his wife? Such a person needs money. With a large amount of money, there must be embezzlement of public funds, just let him in."

"But what if he threatens me with plotting to murder him?"

Mia said worriedly.

"Once he said it, he also deliberately committed murder, and he did it again and again. His guilt is much heavier than yours."

Chuck analyzed: "As long as you are not afraid of him, he will probably not dare to bring it up. And even if you bring it up, you are still the one who was deceived and plotted. It is excusable. Find a good lawyer and try to impress the jury to convict you." Not guilty or misdemeanor, it’s just too easy.”

"Then what happens when he comes out in the future?"

Mia is still worried. It can be seen that she is very afraid of her husband, especially after knowing that her husband and his accomplices are plotting to kill her, she can't bear the feeling even if she thinks of some possibility in the future.

"Don't worry, there will be a solution."

Chuck didn't do it all.

Mia is much stronger than her weak appearance.


The heart testifies!

Mia completely confessed herself in front of Chuck, telling everything she knew before getting in the car and following Chuck to St. Anselm Boys' School.

This is an old castle.

The kind that can film Harry Potter.

No wonder Mia's husband deliberately wants to inherit completely.

When Chuck's car drove in and stopped at the door, after getting out of the car, a thin figure rushed over, accompanied by a sad cry: "Chuck, woo, why did you come here~ Get me out quickly! "

As soon as he entered the scene, he saw little Howard with a miserable look on his face. He hugged Chuck's thigh with a sliding shovel. His eyes were filled with the feeling of survival from a desperate situation, and he cried heartbrokenly.

Chuck glanced at him, then looked away, looking at a group of people not far away, all teenagers wearing the uniforms of St. Anselm Boys' School.

Among them, the young man occupying the C position stood there with his chest crossed, looking at Chuck with eyes full of teasing and amusement. Occasionally, when he fell on Mia next to Chuck, his eyes were full of indescribable flavor.

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