American TV series Detective's Daily Life

Chapter 290 Little Howard: If you don’t have great energy, can you still call yourself a young man?

"Sheldon, are you ready?"

Beverly came down from upstairs at this time.

Little Sheldon gave a look like 'We don't need to be polite, how could a genius like me who does everything strictly according to the schedule miss the time'.

"Mrs. Hofstadter..."

Howard Jr. said hello immediately.

"It's Dr. Hofstadter!"

Beverly immediately corrected accurately.

"Okay, Dr. Hofstadter."

Little Howard's mouth twitched: "Can we go and have a look together?"

"Are you also interested in social psychology experiments?"

Beverly raised her glasses and looked at little Howard.


Little Howard didn't dare to talk dirty to Beverly, but he still nodded and gave little Leonard a direct wink.

"Mom, I want to go too."

Little Leonard said immediately.

This is the truth, and he also wants to see the effect of Little Sheldon's doing this.

It was Chuck's suggestion after all.


Beverly nodded and said: "I originally thought that someone like you wouldn't be interested in scientific experiments. Since you are very interested, that's even better. You can have an additional control group for comparison with Sheldon and Leonard. experiment."


The corner of Howard's mouth twitched again, and his reason told him that the conversation should end at this moment, but as a famous melon-eater said in the classic saying, 'Are you still called a young man if you are not full of energy? ’, so he finally asked.

"Control group?"


Didn’t he dare to ask directly, ‘I am like this? 'What means!


Beverly looked at him with the eyes that little Sheldon often looked at little Howard, and patiently explained to him: "The control group experiment is also called a parallel group experiment. It is a unit for comparison with the experimental group. The two groups are in scope and characteristics." The aspects are basically the same, the difference lies in some variables..."

"I know what a control group is!"

Little Howard interrupted with a darkened expression.

"Then you still ask?"

Beverly said seriously: "Since you asked, it means you think you understand what you actually don't understand. It's up to me to tell you... don't interrupt me!"

After she finished explaining the terms that little Howard already knew, little Howard looked at her threatening eyes and nodded aggrievedly: "I've been taught, I understand."

"Do you really understand? But it doesn't matter. Sheldon is the real experimental group now."

Beverly said something and then shook her head: "Leonard is the control group No. 1, and you are just Leonard's control group. I didn't expect you to be very smart."


Little Howard couldn't bear it anymore: "I'm also very smart, okay!"

"We all know you are smart. If you weren't smart, you wouldn't even have a chance to be Leonard's control group."

Beverly said bluntly: "Sheldon's IQ minus 60 is still considered smart. By the way, what is your IQ?"

Seeing little Howard standing there dumbfounded, Beverly raised her glasses and nodded: "I understand, but I still want to introduce to you that when we do social experiments, we divide IQ into different levels.

Above 180 is a super genius, between 140 and 180 is a genius, between 140 and 110 is considered smart, and between 90 and 110 is a normal person.

Sheldon has an IQ of 187, the highest level of super genius.

Leonard is okay, at 173, he is considered a genius.

So as long as your IQ is above 110, it's fine, but the worst it can't be below 90.

You won't be below 90, right?

If that were the case, there would be no chance of being a control group at all.

Because the gap between Sheldon and Leonard is too big, far greater than that between humans and orangutans, and there is no point in comparing them at all..."

Little Howard didn't want to talk at all.

Although he had not tested his IQ, he felt that according to Beverly's IQ level, he must have exceeded the dividing line of intelligence and should belong to the category of genius.

Because we usually get along, everyone is of the same age and has the same interests and hobbies, so communication and confrontation will naturally occur.

If the gap is too big, communication will not be possible at all, okay?

He admitted that when compared with Sheldon Jr., he did feel that there was a clear gap, and he also agreed with this super genius's statement, but compared with Leonard, there shouldn't be too much of a gap.

And Leonard belongs to the dividing line between genius and super genius.

No matter what he does, he is still a genius!

"Mom, Howard must be a genius!"

When little Leonard saw his best friend being forced into such a state of embarrassment by his mother, he had no choice but to say something for his friend.

Beverly couldn't help but glance at little Leonard, and then asked little Sheldon: "What do you think?"

"I guess we have the same answer, don't we?"

Little Sheldon looked at Beverly.

The two looked at each other, and then both laughed. Beverly laughed and shook her head: "No way! He is smart at most!"

"I think so too."

Young Sheldon also smiled and nodded in agreement: "So when I originally planned to write a script that ordinary people can understand, among the consulting targets that flashed in my mind, he was second only to my father."

"Mom, it's getting late, we should go."

Little Leonard held down his collar and turned over, revealing a picture of himself and Esther, and then little Howard, who tried to intimidate, could only laugh and remind him.

"Yes, we almost wasted our precious time again for such ordinary people's things."

“This is what we have to live with in society, isn’t it?”

"you do not say!"

Beverly and Little Sheldon chatted with each other and walked out together in a similar manner.

"That's your mother!"

Little Howard, who followed them, lowered his voice and vented his anger to the only friend who could understand him.

"I know."

Little Leonard could only reassure: "That's just them."

"How on earth did you endure it?"

Little Howard looked at the two figures in front of him, one large and one small. He was extremely puzzled: "Two at a time."

"Actually, my mother was the only one in the beginning, so it was okay."

Little Leonard couldn't help but look over, and said with a wry smile: "You know, after all, that is my mother, and I have been used to it since I was a child.

The worst part was when little Sheldon first came.

I couldn't bear it then more than you do now.

But luckily I met Chuck. "

After saying this, little Leonard's eyes immediately shone, and the corners of his mouth turned up high: "He is the best good friend I have ever met in my life. With his encouragement and support, little Sheldon's difficult things can be solved." , everything became fun.

Don't think I have to put up with him now.

But as long as he heard him cry when Chuck retorted him, and when the tears soaked his trouser legs, he felt so depressed before, and how happy he was then.

I even felt a little sorry for him.

And the big devil Chuck?

What a poor child.

Chuck is a complete angel, okay! "

Little Howard, who was very sympathetic to the title of Chuck the Devil: "..."

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