American TV series Detective's Daily Life

Chapter 293 It was Emma who killed her, what does it have to do with me, Esther?

While the court stenographer was reminiscing about the past, the judge walked in, everyone stood up and signaled, and Judge Jackson waved everyone to sit down.

The court officially opens.

The bald prosecutor acted as the prosecutor and began to accuse Esther of murder, attempted murder with dangerous explosives, extortion and many other felonies!

The witnesses and evidence are here!

"Your Honor, my client neither admits nor denies these charges because she knows nothing."

Harrison Pwell, the top criminal lawyer on the East Coast, stood up as the defense attorney and said something to the judge, and then explained to the jury.

"The person who really committed these crimes is named Emma. She is Esther's second personality, and Esther is also her victim!"

"Sure enough, it's here."

Randy complained: "He even chose a new name. It's really professional."

"Then invite this Emma!"

said the bald prosecutor.

"I can not do it."

Harrison Pwell shook his head and said: "This second personality called Emma will only come out to control Esther's body when she is in danger and help her survive the crisis."

"Your Honor, the prosecution wants to question Esther."

The bald prosecutor said: "Or should I call her Emma?"


Judge Jackson nodded in agreement.

With Harrison Pwell's nod, Esther carefully stepped onto the witness stand and swore on the Bible that everything he said was true.

"Ester, how much do you know about this Emma?"

The bald prosecutor walked out of the prosecutor's seat, glanced at Chuck and the others, then walked to the witness stand and asked Esther, who had timid eyes.

"I have no idea."

Esther shook his head with confused eyes.

"Then do you know why you are sitting here?"

The bald prosecutor asked: "Don't you know this too?"

"I've heard some."

Esther shook his head and said, "But I don't understand."

"What don't you understand?"

The bald prosecutor stared into her eyes.

Esther looked at the bald prosecutor with confused eyes.

"be opposed to!"

Harrison Pwell stood up immediately: "Your honor, Esther is just a nine-year-old girl. She has no knowledge of everything that happened, let alone what those horrific events represent."

"be opposed to!"

The bald prosecutor immediately retorted: "Your honor, jurors, don't forget the certificate issued by the hospital.

Although she looks like a 9-year-old girl, she is actually 33 years old and cannot be treated like a girl. "

"be opposed to!"

Harrison Pwell retorted again: "Your honor, jurors, my client has mental illness. Although her actual physical age is 33 years old, her mental age is indeed 9 years old at this moment.

As the saying goes, when something looks like a horse and sounds like a horse, it's a horse!

Esther looks like a 9-year-old and is mentally a 9-year-old, so we should treat her as a 9-year-old now and give her the treatment she deserves. "

"be opposed to!"

The bald prosecutor retorted again: "Your honor, jurors, if you follow what the defense lawyer said, everything will be messed up.

As the saying goes, there is an innocent little girl inside every woman.

Of course, it is no longer limited to women.

So in the future, will anyone be able to use this mental age to demand to be treated as a child? "


Judge Jackson frowned: "The prosecution is allowed to continue asking questions, and the defendant must answer the questions truthfully."

"Thank you, your honor."

The bald prosecutor thanked him, looked at Harrison Pwell who sat back down, and then continued to ask Esther on the witness stand.

"Do you know who you are and where you come from? You don't know this, right?"

"I know this."

Esther nodded and said: "My name is Esther. I come from Mao Xiong. I am an orphan. I can come here because of the kind people in the United States."

Everyone in the court heard this and immediately smiled.

Although the United States has always criticized patriotic education in various countries around the world and stigmatized it as ethnic extremism, in fact, the United States has the most mandatory and strictest patriotic education.

From a young age, my education was all about singing the national anthem under the flag and swearing to the Bible that I only love the United States.

So when most people hear a foreign orphan say this, their inner national pride is instantly satisfied.

"Do you remember where you lived before you came to America?"

asked the bald prosecutor.

"Living in the Bear's Orphanage."

Esther said.

"You are lying!"

The bald prosecutor accused: "We have investigated your file on the bear. You are not living in an orphanage at all, but in a mental hospital."

"What is a mental hospital?"

Esther said confusedly: "Isn't it the same as an orphanage?"

"Your Honor, my client has a mental age of only 9 years old and does not know the difference between an orphanage and a mental hospital."

Harrison Pwell stood up and said: "So you can't use this to accuse my client of lying!"

"Prosecutor, please consider your words!"

Judge Jackson reminded.


The bald prosecutor nodded in acceptance, walked a few steps, suddenly turned back, and asked in a soft tone: "Ester, do you like neckbands and wristbands very much?"


Esther couldn't help but touch her neck.


asked the bald prosecutor.

Esther lowered his head and said nothing.

"You don't want to say it, do you?"

The bald prosecutor said, "Let me put it in for you, because the neckband and wristbands can hide the scars on your neck and wrists, right?"


Esther trembled.

When the bald prosecutor saw him up close, a trace of helplessness flashed in his eyes. This Esther was simply a good actor.

He already knew that this question would probably have no effect, but he still asked it.

"Now that you know the scars on your neck and wrists, don't you wonder where they come from?"

"I'm afraid."

The little girl's fear in Esther's eyes was so vivid that it hit many people's soft hearts at once.

"be opposed to!"

Harrison Pwell immediately stood up and said: "For Esther, whose mental age is only 9 years old, it is certainly impossible for her to not know what is happening in her body. This is unrealistic.

But such a young child has always chosen to escape from those terrible things, because this is the survival instinct developed by us humans during the evolution process.

So I ask the prosecutor not to use this to brutally torture a little girl who is bent on escaping from fear.

Because of this type of problem, there is absolutely no meaning except torturing a client of mine who has a mental illness and does not know that he has a second personality and only thinks that he is still a 9-year-old girl. "

"be opposed to!"

The bald prosecutor retorted: "The defense has been trying to distinguish Esther from the so-called alter ego Emma without asking some key questions.

So we don’t even know whether this so-called second personality really exists, so how do we know whether it is just a vicious criminal trying to use our care and love for our children to cover up those cruel crimes? "

"The objection is invalid and the prosecution can continue to ask questions."

Judge Jackson thought for a while and made his verdict.

"Thank you, your honor."

After thanking Harrison Pwell, the bald prosecutor looked at Harrison Pwell proudly, and then motioned to bring out the photo evidence. After getting permission, he showed the photo to Esther: "Esther, do you know the person in the photo? person?"


Esther nodded: "Those are the kind-hearted father, mother and brother who picked me up from the bear."

"Tell us about how you were picked up by them."

The bald prosecutor said softly.


Esther glanced at him and began to use the perspective of a girl to describe her daily life with her first adoptive parents in the United States.

"Sounds warm and happy, doesn't it?"

The bald prosecutor looked at her.

"My parents and my brother are very good to me. I am very happy!"

Esther nodded.

"Then don't you wonder why they are not with you now?"

asked the bald prosecutor.

"I have no idea."

Esther's eyes darkened: "But in the orphanage, I heard that some adopted companions will be returned to the orphanage by their adoptive families if they do not perform well..."

"But it's not because you behave badly, is it?"

The bald prosecutor stared into her eyes: "You really don't remember what happened?"

"what happened?"

Esther's eyes were one part confused, one part worried, and one part expectant.

"This happy family who kindly adopted you from the bear was burned alive in their home."

The bald prosecutor said word for word: "And you were not at home when the fire happened. Don't you remember it at all?"

"Father, mother, brother!"

Esther cried in horror.

"Now do you remember what happened?"

The bald prosecutor took out a photo of the scene taken when the police arrived at the incident, and pointed at Esther in the flames: "Isn't this you?"

"I, I don't know."

Esther cried: "I only remember that I was picked up and sent to an orphanage."

"So you have no impression of you in the photo?"

asked the bald prosecutor.


Esther cried and shook his head.

"Have you ever had a similar experience?"

The bald prosecutor asked: "Such as suddenly losing memory for a period of time, as if the memory is fragmented?"

"I have no idea."

Esther cried, with doubtful eyes.

"Why don't you know this?"

The bald prosecutor asked: "If you think about it, you were doing something at the last moment, and when you remember it the next moment, you were doing something else. There is no close connection between the two.

Like this.

One moment you were living happily with your first adoptive parents, but the next moment you were no longer at your adoptive parents' home and were sent to a new orphanage by a stranger.

This is called a memory fragment.

Don't you remember that there were similar fragments of memory? "

A trace of vigilance flashed through Esther's eyes as she lowered her head and cried, and looked up at her lawyer.

"be opposed to!"

Harrison Pwell stood up and objected: "Your honor, fellow jurors, my client suffers from a serious medical condition.

Her past experiences have caused her to suffer from severe mental illness, and her memory of time and past experiences is severely blurred. This is not surprising.

This is the result of avoiding those terrible experiences.

It is precisely because of this that although she is 33 years old, she is still 9 years old in appearance and psychology.

This is a little girl's instinctive choice to survive. "

"I'm not saying it's not a possibility."

The bald prosecutor explained: "I just asked her if she remembered these memory fragments? Obviously she did, didn't she?"

"The objection is invalid. Please answer the prosecutor's questions."

Judge Jackson ruled.


Esther nodded: "There was one time recently."

"The memory of that time is what was it at the last moment and what is it at the next moment?"

asked the bald prosecutor.

"One moment I'm chatting with my dad, and the next I'm in jail."

Esther said confused and scared.

"What about the memory fragments you had with the bear?"

asked the bald prosecutor.

Aster just shook his head and said, "It's been too long, I can't remember it clearly."

"Okay, then let me tell you the truth."

The bald prosecutor again applied for photo evidence, and after Harrison Pwell objected again to no effect, he showed the photo to Esther: "Do you know the person in the photo?"

These photos are of Esther being tied up with chains in the Bear Mental Hospital and resisting madly.

There are also photos of the first adoptive parents and their family being burned to death, of chess grandmaster Patrick Cross being poisoned, and of the villa being bombed.

"be opposed to!"

Harrison Pwell objected persistently: “This is so cruel to a little girl, and I don’t understand what the prosecution is trying to do!

He himself said that when my client was with Mao Xiong, he was detained in a mental hospital.

The photo also confirmed the existence of the second personality Emma.

This already shows that my client has a serious mental illness.

What she needs is hospital treatment, not being sent to jail for an act she did not intend. "

“The furry bear is not America!”

The bald prosecutor glanced at Chuck in the audience, and quoted the details he had deduced with Chuck before, saying that he again couldn't tell whether Chuck was being straightforward or sarcastic.

“We free Americans are often imprisoned when we get there.

Our pursuit of freedom is just like mental illness in their eyes. Could it be said that we, free Americans, are mentally ill? "

"Objection! This is sophistry!"

Harrison Pwell objected: "We are now talking about professional and objective mental illness, not ideological opposition. This is different!"

"I'm just giving you an example."

The bald prosecutor explained: “And I don’t think this example is inappropriate, because Esther herself said that she was grateful to the kind-hearted Americans who took her to this beautiful country.

In the home of my first adoptive parents, I enjoyed real happiness.

So Esther yearns for our beautiful American life.

During the Cold War, it was not surprising that he was detained as a mentally ill person.

As for the photo confirming the existence of the second personality Emma?

Any normal American who goes to the furry bear and is restricted from freedom or even imprisoned will probably be in this state of strong resistance.

This does not mean that there is really any so-called second personality Emma.

Unless the defense lawyer lets this so-called Emma come out and explain herself.

Otherwise, in the face of such evil deeds, we can only assume that she deliberately pretended to have a second personality to avoid justice from the law.

As the defense attorney said, this was her instinctive choice, wasn't it? "

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