American TV series Detective's Daily Life

Chapter 294 Should good people be pointed at guns? Please invite Detective Chuck to the witness stan

in court.

The stenographer quickly recorded the conversation between the prosecution and the defense and the testimony of witnesses. If someone stood behind him and watched, he would find that what he typed was not words, but dots one after another.

Because of the intense emotions in court, the lawyers for both the prosecution and defense are the sharpest talkers and usually speak quickly, so normal typing sometimes cannot keep up with their speed.

What the stenographer needs is to record every word and every word they say in court as evidence.

Therefore, they have a unique sound point recording method, which quickly outputs one point after another. After the trial, they will re-translate these into normal fonts according to their own sound point recording rules.

Today, the lawyers for both the prosecution and the defense were working very hard, so the stenographer turned into a tentacle monster and kept typing notes. Occasionally, he had time to look up at Esther, who looked timidly and innocently in the witness box.

There was a flash of disgust in his eyes.

As a nobody who has been in this court for decades, he naturally knows that the most important confrontation between the prosecution and defense lawyers today is to prove whether the evil personality Emma exists.

The prosecutor is working hard to prove to the judge and jury that there is no such good character Esther, and there has always been only one evil character Emma.

He trusted Chuck's judgment.

So I feel even more disgusted when faced with Aster's superb and touching acting skills.

"It's time for Detective Chuck to take the witness stand."

The bald stenographer watched the bald prosecutor interrogate Esther, who was testifying in court. Although he was emotionally charged, he repeatedly refuted the objections of the first criminal lawyer on the East Coast.

But even if you are not an expert on micro-expressions like Chuck, you can tell from the expressions that most of the jury members do not have a deep understanding of what kind of devil the pitiful-looking little girl on the witness stand is.

And as long as the jury believes that such a kind personality Ester really exists, then being sentenced to a mental hospital is an inevitable result.

So at this time, they must rely on God to detect Chuck to help them clearly understand the truth of this case.

"Your Honor, the prosecution requests that witness Dr. Chuck Wolfe appear to testify."

The bald prosecutor fought against Harrison Pwell several more times, and found that although he seemed to have the upper hand, he was actually useless, and he immediately prepared to use a trick.

As soon as these words came out, everyone looked at Chuck in the audience.


Judge Jackson took a deep look at Chuck and nodded in agreement.

If it hadn't been for Chuck, this case would have been over long ago, and where would it be necessary to go to trial?

In his eyes, the crimes committed by such a real and legitimate Luo Li, who had serious physical illnesses and was constantly bounced around orphanages and adoptive families, and even moved from one country to another, were of course serious crimes. Mental illness should be treated in a mental hospital. What else is there to try?

It's just that this is Detective Chuck after all, and he will not cause unnecessary conflicts with the other party for the sake of individual cases.

So he, who was supposed to be impartial, actually sided with the bald prosecutor today.


no way.

Only the kind one will be pointed at a gun.

The number one criminal lawyer on the East Coast, who was once extremely feared and made countless people kind-hearted, is obviously the kind-hearted one compared with the detective Chuck.

When Chuck in the audience heard this, he stood up calmly and walked to the witness stand.

Everyone was shocked.

Also included was Harrison Pwell.

He was the most sensitive to the change in the atmosphere. The gazes from the audience and the jury even automatically generated a dialogue in his mind.

"I'm coming!"

"I heard that it was the two of them last time. The number one criminal lawyer on the East Coast was directly crushed. It is said that the scene was more exciting than a popcorn movie."

"It's worth it to see these guys in suits get slapped in the face. It's worth it."


Harrison Pwell, who had various villain conversations in his mind, watched Chuck walk to the witness stand with complicated eyes.

He found that facing Chuck's too calm gaze, he was already full of confidence and felt that he had deduced the entire trial process. It was equivalent to reading the script and completely losing his perspective on the next development.

Even he felt a little curious.

Damn curiosity!

As he silently cursed himself, Chuck sat on the witness stand.

"Dr. Wolfe, can you tell the judge and jury whether you believe in the existence of this evil personality named Emma?"

After a brief greeting, the bald prosecutor got down to business.

"That's not accurate."

Chuck corrected: "There is no evil personality at all. Whether it is called Esther or Emma, ​​there is only one her from beginning to end."

"So you think Esther, who just said in front of the judge and jury on the witness stand that he knew nothing about all the terrible events that happened, and that he always loses his memory in fragments at critical moments, is lying?"

The bald prosecutor asked slowly.


Chuck nodded.

"Why do you say that?"

The bald prosecutor looked around at the crowd.

"Because there are serious logical flaws here."

Chuck said calmly: "She said she knew nothing about everything, and the defense lawyer said those things were all done by an evil personality named Emma.

But I couldn't name this so-called Emma.

In fact, there is no need to call her at all.

Because if there really is a so-called dual personality of good and evil, the so-called kind personality Esther in front of him is lying.

If she is telling the truth, then the so-called evil second personality cannot do all of this.

The remote-controlled explosives used in Cross Villa were later identified and the techniques were very professional. Even professionals need a long period of study and practice to do it.

It takes three to four years to learn to do this from scratch.

Esther, the so-called kind personality, said that she only cuts off moments at critical moments, but these times are measured in hours.

The accumulation will not exceed 3 days.

In such a short period of time, not only do we have to complete theoretical learning from scratch, but we also have to seize the time to steal materials that are completely unrelated to daily life in a completely unfamiliar environment for practical production.

Unless she's a super genius.

Otherwise, this step simply wouldn't be possible.

So this so-called kind personality Esther is basically lying. She knows everything, and only in this way can she rely on 33 years of life experience to accumulate this knowledge and experience to make explosives of this level. "

When Esther in the dock heard this, her pupils shrank, and her little hand unconsciously grabbed the defense lawyer Harrison Pwell next to her.

The corner of Harrison Pwell's mouth twitched, not only because he was caught off guard by Chuck from this sudden angle, but more importantly because he was grabbed and twisted by Esther's small but ruthless hand. The pain was excruciating.

Fortunately, this kind of pain is not without effect. At this moment, he suddenly had an idea and patted Esther's little hand, showing a confident and comforting smile.

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