American TV series Detective's Daily Life

Chapter 295 The furious first lawyer: Beverly, a psychiatrist, was invited to testify in court!

"I'm done, thank you again Dr. Wolf for all your hard work to keep people safe, I'm honored to work with you."

The bald prosecutor noticed that as soon as Chuck made this point, the jury members immediately thought thoughtfully and nodded slightly, knowing that this must be effective, so they ended their questioning with a smile and looked at Harrison sympathetically. ·Powell.

"Then it's the defense attorney's turn."

Harrison Pwell stood up, walked slowly out of the dock, and walked to the witness box, carefully considering his words.

He was originally confident that he already had an idea, but when faced with Chuck's calm gaze, he always felt a little discouraged and needed more time to adjust mentally.

It's just that even he didn't know that this time was dragging on for a long time, so much so that Judge Jackson had to remind him aloud.

"Defense lawyer, you can start!"

"Yes, your honor."

Harrison Pwell was shocked to realize that something was wrong with him. He looked at Chuck on the witness stand and kept giving him psychological hints.

"He is just a witness being interrogated now, not a god who can see through you at a glance."

"He is just a witness being interrogated now, not a godly man who can see through you at a glance."

"He is just a witness being interrogated now, not a god who can see through you at a glance."

After repeating it many times, he avoided looking into Chuck's eyes, looked in Chuck's direction and asked.

"Dr. Wolfe, you said that the explosion that occurred at Cross Villa was made by my client. What evidence do you have?"

"The police later traced and determined that the materials were purchased in batches in the name of Patrick Cross."

Chuck said: "And in the workshop where the explosives were made, Esther's fingerprints were found."

"This doesn't mean that my client is the one who made these explosives, does it?"

Harrison Pwell questioned: "It's entirely possible that Patrick Cross produced it and then gave it to Emma for her to use.

We all know that Linda Cross and Beth Harmon gave police statements saying they heard Emma say this.

That is, Patrick has always wanted to kill Linda, but you stopped him last time.

That's why he went to the orphanage to adopt her and Beth Harmon because he saw that there was an evil personality Emma in Esther's body, and he wanted to use Emma to kill Linda.

This will not only accomplish your goal, but also make you unable to do anything to him, right?

And compared to Emma making these explosives, the chess champion grandmaster Patrick Cross, who is famous for his IQ, is more in line with the possibility you said, right? "

"It is indeed a possibility."

Chuck said bluntly: "But these explosives were indeed made by Esther, there is no doubt about it. Because she has a habit of 'telling' things in advance before doing bad things.

In her room, the police found a picture on the wall of her room using a special invisible pen that showed the entire process of making explosives and then trying to blow me up remotely.

It is she who does all this in the painting, not someone else's hands.

Follow this clue.

Traces of this colored pen were also found in the orphanage where she lived and in the home of her first adoptive parents who brought her to the United States.

According to what she said in the painting, as long as she blows me up, she can become the devil who rules the world.

Both Linda Cross and Beth Harmon, who were held hostage by her at the time, could testify that she told her accomplice David Cross at the time.

The most important thing is that it's not important that I am there. Then whatever she tells the police afterwards is just up to her to make it up. "


Harrison Pwell paused for a moment and couldn't help but look back at his client. He saw that although her eyes were innocent, her arms were obviously exerting force. It was obvious that the hand that had been grabbing him so hard just now started to exert force again.

Other spectators and jury members looked at the small figure in the dock, and they all looked strange.

Before doing something extremely unscrupulous, he actually 'speaks out' in advance... This is simply too American.

I really don’t know whether to say that Esther is a natural fit for America, or that Esther is really too childish.

"I've also seen the painting, but I didn't realize that it was about making explosives with your own hands."

Harrison Pwell argued.

"It's very simple. Either you also know that Esther did all this. You have already decided to use mental illness as an excuse, so you don't care about the evidence."

Chuck said calmly: "It's either because you don't know anything about explosives, you haven't learned chemistry well, and you lack basic common sense."

"If you're either stupid, you're bad."

Randy in the audience thought of what Chuck said before and couldn't help blurting it out.

At this moment, because of Chuck's built-in mute effect, everyone else was looking at Chuck and listening to every word Chuck said, so other voices in the court became more and more obvious.

In addition, Randy, who was naturally stupid, did not even think of whispering, so that the whole audience heard this sentence.

Just when everyone looked at each other, feeling that this sentence so concisely yet vividly described what Chuck said at this moment, and trying not to laugh, Chuck nodded straightforwardly: "To put it simply, you can say this."

I don't know who laughed first in the court, and then the whole room burst into laughter.


Although Harrison Pwell was not the only one in the audience who was not smiling, he was standing there with a livid face and a trembling body.

This was the fundamental reason why he had secretly cursed himself for being curious about how the trial would develop in an unknown direction after Chuck intervened.

Because the unknown can be wonderful, and it can also be wonderful.

Not surprisingly, as soon as he met Chuck, something unexpected happened.

He was supposed to be brilliant, but he was indeed the villain who was so brilliant.


Judge Jackson was a professional. He reminded everyone immediately, and then looked at Harrison Pwell who was shaking with sympathy: "Defense lawyer, do you want to continue questioning the witness?"


Harrison Pwell trembled for a while, then glanced at Esther in the dock. His fingers were in a position where no one could notice. He gritted his teeth and twisted his thigh hard. The severe pain made him rekindle Got up fighting spirit.

"This painting may really be painted by Emma, ​​but doesn't it further prove that she has mental illness? Otherwise, how could she have such weird ideas?"

Harrison Pwell said with a dull face: "If I blow you up, she will become the devil who rules the world?"

"This can only prove that she is evil, but it does not prove what kind of second personality this is."

Chuck corrected.

"Then what evidence do you have to prove that the kind-hearted Esther in front of us does not exist?"

Harrison Pwell demanded.

"The logical question I'm talking about is evidence."

Chuck looked at him: "Otherwise, what are we doing now?"

There was another chuckle in the courtroom.

"...But you also said that it is indeed possible for Emma to do this with that little time, right?

This does not prove that there is any logical problem, or that my client Esther must be lying! "

Harrison Pwell retorted.

"No! What I'm saying is that unless you are a super genius, you cannot do this in the short time of that fragment."

Chuck corrected.

"Yes, I remember!"

Harrison Pwell's wooden face suddenly smiled, and he looked around at the jurors: "Dr. Wolfe, how are you sure Emma is not that super genius?"

"this is very simple."

Chuck said calmly: "As long as you let her come out and test her IQ, you will know."

"It's really simple."

Harrison Pwell nodded first, then shook his head: "But I can't do it, because Esther is really just a 9-year-old girl at this moment. Let me force her through threatening behavior." Forcing the other girl to come out would be too cruel, and no one with a normal conscience can do it."

"You do not dare."

Chuck said bluntly: "You know that she can't pass the IQ test, so such a simple proof can prove to the jury members the possibility you mentioned, but you still don't dare.

Now that you are determined to hold on to the Emma you are talking about and not appear, you have unlimited possibilities to try to bet on the jury that someone is more emotional than rational. "

"I didn't mean that."

Harrison Pwell denied: “It is not me who needs to provide evidence to prove my client, but the prosecutor!

I'm just saying that there is a possibility that Esther, a kind-hearted person, will spend her whole life in prison for something she doesn't know about. I believe that the jurors and judges can make their own decisions freely. "

After saying this, he noticed that the jury did not like him at all.

Because after Chuck pointed out this basic logical flaw, he wanted to continue to rely on Esther's talent, Luo Li's face and excellent acting skills. Obviously, the jury still had a basic rational judgment.

Those who do not care about science and are extremely anti-intellectual will not appear on the jury at all.

Because when you are selected as a jury, you need to go through double screening by the prosecution lawyer and the defense lawyer. Those who can sit here are ordinary people who are not so extreme and have basic sense.

And even if such a person does appear, he will not side with Esther.

Because what Esther did was on behalf of outsiders, not only did he fail to express gratitude, but he severely harmed the kind-hearted American family.

This is absolutely intolerable to those who can be extremely anti-intellectual based on their emotions.

"Dr. Wolfe, can you do this?"

Harrison Pwell glanced at Esther, and he already knew the answer from the look in her eyes. Even if the cruel 'Emma' was willing to come out, she would never pass the super genius's IQ test, so he changed the subject. change.

"I mean, learn the relevant theories of explosions and make a good enough bomb in a very short time?"

At this time, the bald prosecutor usually stands up and shouts his objection, because it has nothing to do with the case.

But he did nothing, just watched happily as Harrison Pwell continued to challenge his limits.


Chuck nodded.

"Because you're a super genius?"

Harrison Pwell shrugged.

"You're the same again."

Chuck looked at him.

Although Chuck didn't say it out loud, everyone understood the meaning of this sentence at this moment. In Chuck's opinion, Harrison was either stupid or bad for asking this sentence.

Because Chuck is a super genius, this is basic common sense that anyone who knows a little bit about Chuck knows.

No one can deny it!

"All you have to do is answer yes or no!"

Harrison Pwell, with a dark face, used the rights of the defense lawyer.


Chuck glanced at him.

"Do you know any other super geniuses who can do all this?"

Harrison Pwell secretly cursed himself for not giving Chuck a chance to speak more, and asked.


Chuck was concise and to the point.

"for example."

Harrison Pwell pressed.

"Peggy Swanson, Sheldon Cooper, Spencer Reed, Sherlock Holmes..."

Chuck started giving names.

"So many."

Harrison Pwell said with a smile: "I didn't know there were so many super geniuses at the same time..."

After saying this, he was choked by Chuck's look of "You are not an insider, of course you don't know". He squeezed his thigh again before he regained his composure and continued the question. .

"The others I don't know yet, but Peggy Swanson and Sheldon Cooper, I know a little bit."

Harrison Pwell looked around at everyone: "So since you put the latter people together with them, then I can understand that they are all like you, suffering from Asperger's syndrome, which is commonly known as genius loneliness. It’s a disease, isn’t it?”


Chuck nodded.

"This genius syndrome is a mental illness, isn't it?"

Harrison Pwell's mood suddenly became much higher.


Chuck doesn't deny it.

"Then can I understand that those who can learn the theory and produce high-quality explosives in a very short time are super geniuses."

Harrison Pwell said this, looked at the jurors in a drawled voice, and said word for word: "And super geniuses are all mentally ill!"

"That's how it is in our world."

Chuck nodded bluntly.

In the world of American dramas, this is an unbreakable truth.

As the saying goes in American TV series: "This is a gift and a curse!"

“Is Patrick Cross a genius?”

Harrison Pwell asked, "You just have to answer, yes or no!"


Chuck nodded.

Although he looked down upon the opponent, that was from his perspective. To ordinary people, the chess champion grandmaster was an undisputed genius.

"Then someone who can quietly murder the genius Patrick Cross using the means he prepared to use to murder his wife, isn't such a person a super genius?"

Harrison Pwell looked at the jurors: "And if she is a super genius, then according to the super genius Dr. Wolfe, Emma must have mental illness, so an evil second personality was born. It’s normal to protect our kind master, Esther.”

Having said this, he did not give Chuck a chance to speak and said directly to Judge Jackson: "Your Honor, I want to apply for a psychiatrist to testify in court.

Her name is Dr. Beverly Hofstadter, a neuroscientist, psychiatrist, and parenting expert from Princeton University.

Moreover, Sheldon Cooper, who Dr. Wolf calls a super genius, lives in her home. I think no one understands the relationship between super geniuses and mental illness better than her. "

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