American TV series Detective's Daily Life

Chapter 296 Little Sheldon: No cue!


Judge Jackson agreed without thinking.

This kind of professional matter involving psychiatric identification should have been evaluated by a professional psychiatrist long ago.

Dr. Beverly Hofstadter of Princeton University is famous not only in New Jersey but also in the United States.

Of course, little Leonard is definitely responsible for this.

Because what really made Beverly break out of the circle was her parenting monograph written as a mother. The various weird things in it are very social discussion attributes.

Everyone knows Dr. Beverly Hofstadter as the most rational professional there is!

And this isn't the first time Beverly has appeared in court as a psychiatrist.

Beverly, who was notified in advance and was waiting outside, calmly walked in and took the witness stand.

"Dr. Hofstadter, do you recognize the second personality?"

asked Harrison Pwell.


Beverly nodded: "At a certain time, one of them is the initial main personality, and the other is a derived subsidiary personality. The two personalities are independent and complete, and have their own personality and memory.

Dual personality is actually a dissociative mental disorder.

Normal people only have dual and multiple ways of thinking, while mentally ill patients with dual or multiple personalities cannot control these dual and multiple ways of thinking independently. "

"So the second personality is not controlled by the main personality, and can even deceive and use the main personality, right?"

Harrison Pwell looked proudly at Chuck who was sitting back in the audience.


Beverly nodded.

"So, are you familiar with the concept of super genius?"

Harrison Pwell changed the subject.


Beverly said the method of classifying super genius IQ introduced to Howard Jr. in public.

Those in the audience and jury members, hearing the concept for the first time, murmured.

In the past they also knew that there was a difference between ordinary people and geniuses.

But they have never been so distinguished before and know that the gap is so great.

Super geniuses have an IQ minus 60, and they are all smart people among ordinary people. If the super genius's IQ is divided by two, they can reach the standard of their ordinary people. This makes ordinary people like them a little unhappy.

"Then I had an inference before, that is, super geniuses all have mental illness. This has been recognized by the super genius Dr. Wolfe. Dr. Hofstadter, what do you think?"

asked Harrison Pwell.

"Well, that's a very interesting statement."

Beverly glanced at Chuck in the audience and raised her glasses: "Whether this is the case, we still need to study.

However, theoretically speaking, the mental thinking activities of super geniuses are beyond the scope of ordinary people's understanding.

In the eyes of ordinary people, it looks like mental illness, which is also normal.

However, this is the same as the second personality or multiple personalities. What can be controlled independently is the normal mental thinking activities of super geniuses.

What cannot be controlled independently is mental illness. "

"So among the super geniuses you know, are there any who can completely control themselves?"

Harrison Pwell pressed.

"As far as I know, no."

Beverly thought for a while, shook her head and said, "Most of them suffer from physical or psychological problems."

"Like Detective Chuck!"

Harrison Pwell added: "He has severe physical and psychological problems, so he needs to take medication to control it."


Beverly glanced at Chuck in the audience and nodded.

"Is it possible that there is another personality that is undetectable by his main personality, influencing or even controlling his body?"

Harrison Pwell bared his fangs.

"be opposed to!"

The bald prosecutor can no longer sit back and enjoy himself.

Because at this moment, Harris Pwell has returned to the rhythm of the first criminal lawyer on the East Coast, and what he is best at is dealing with people and not doing things right.

Destroy people first and things will take care of themselves.

"This has nothing to do with this case."

"Dr. Wolfe is an important witness in this case, so his mental state is seriously related to this case!"

Harrison Pwell refuted it vigorously: "Not only this case, but all cases that come into his hands need to consider this!"

"be opposed to!"

The bald prosecutor objected: "Dr. Wolfe is a consultant to many heavyweight law enforcement agencies such as the IRS, FBI, NYPD, etc., and has undergone multiple psychological and psychiatric evaluations by multiple agencies. There is no doubt at all as stated by the defense lawyer. "

"I'm only talking about one possibility now."

Harrison Pwell retorted: "The mental state of a mentally ill patient fluctuates at any time, and no one knows when he is in which state."

"Dr. Hofstadter, please answer the defense attorney's questions."

Judge Jackson spoke.

"It is indeed a possibility."

Beverly nodded: "However, the research on super geniuses is still in its infancy, so I can't explain it to you for sure."

"Isn't Sheldon Cooper, who lives in your house, a super genius?"

Harrison Pwell said: "As far as I know, he is very cooperative with your scientific research. Didn't he give you a certain understanding of the psychological and mental state of super geniuses?

Does he have any mental problems?

Like dual personality? "

"Sheldon is indeed a super genius."

Beverly said bluntly: "He does have multiple personalities. As far as I know, he now has six personalities."

"Sixfold personality?"

After Harrison Pwell was stunned for a moment, he laughed with joy and exaggeration: "Can you give us some popular science?"


Beverly did not refuse, and even enjoyed popularizing her research results to others: "This is what Sheldon told me when he woke up from his dream. In his dream, in a science fiction land, there was a Director Sheldon. executive meeting of the meeting.

Everyone present was Sheldon.

However, their clothes and personalities are completely different.

Sitting high on the throne is Sheldon, wearing a T-shirt with nine planets printed on it. He holds a sign-in book in his hand and calls everyone's name.

The first person on the left is scientist Sheldon, wearing a white coat, nodding in agreement very politely.

The first person on the right is Sheldon, a Texas cowboy. He is wearing jeans and a cowboy hat. He raises his hand and raises his cowboy hat, spreading his thighs. His tone, expression and words have a strong Texas cowboy vibe, which is completely different from the normal Sheldon. pause.

The second person from the left is Sheldon, an avid fan. Wearing a Star Trek Spock uniform, he stretches out his right hand with his index finger and middle finger together, and his ring finger and little finger together. This is the symbol of "life and death" in Star Trek. , Prosperity' Vulcan gift.

The second person on the right is the germaphobe Sheldon, wearing a full protective suit. He agreed and asked Sheldon, who was the main body of the throne, not to spit when he spoke to prevent it from spraying on him.

The third one from the left is Funny Sheldon, with a classic clown red ball on his nose, and his language is funny. At least he thinks he is funny.

What used to be the most talked about were all kinds of cold jokes.

But since he met Chuck, Funny Sheldon's whole style has changed. His craziness has become more and more like that of the Joker in DC Comics. It is said that Chuck is the Big Devil, not Batman. "

"The Big Devil Chuck, that's interesting!"

Harrison Pwell immediately grasped his focus and looked around at the jurors: “My client, Esther’s alter ego Emma, ​​also said similar things.

It seems that this is some kind of consensus among their super geniuses that we cannot understand. "

"be opposed to."

The bald prosecutor objected: "The defense lawyer is messing around. He cannot prove that the so-called evil personality Emma is a super genius, but he blindly uses this as a comparison."

"No one knows what super geniuses, their mental states, and personality differentiation are all about. Even the most professional Dr. Beverly Hofstadter knows very little about it, doesn't she?"

Harrison Pwell retorted: "So we can only try to find commonalities between them as much as possible.

There is also the so-called IQ test, which is just a relatively subjective test. It is actually looking for commonalities among various IQ levels, isn't it? "

"The objection is invalid and the defense lawyer can continue to ask questions."

Judge Jackson ruled.

"Thank you, your honor."

Harrison Pwell smiled proudly, glanced at the expressionless Chuck, walked to the witness stand, and said to Beverly who nodded slightly.

"Dr. Hofstadter, tell us about the time you took Sheldon Cooper to the Princeton University dormitory and took my newspaper with my client's front-page picture."


Beverly answered truthfully.

The jury and audience were in uproar.

They all knew that Esther's incident had a huge impact, but they did not expect that it would develop like this.

"Dr. Hofstadter, was this your idea, or someone else's?"

asked Harrison Pwell.

"It was Chuck's idea."

Beverly said bluntly.

"So in the eyes of Dr. Chuck Wolf, my client and the super-genius Sheldon have something in common."

Harrison Pwell said loudly: "That's why he, the super genius, gave such an idea to the super genius Sheldon, right?"

"You can say that."

Beverly thought for a moment and nodded.

"So what's the effect?"

Harrison Pwell pressed.

"good results."

Beverly said frankly: "The college students who even tore up the principal's written instructions not only did not continue to bully Sheldon this time, but they all compromised and avoided it."

"So from your professional perspective, what is the reason?"

Harrison Pwell asked: "Is it because those college students knew what my client had done and were afraid that the super-genius Sheldon would do the same, so they backed down uncharacteristically?"


Beverly nodded.

"Then at the suggestion of the super-genius Dr. Chuck Wolfe, the super-genius Sheldon Cooper imitated my client to intimidate his older classmates who bullied him."

Harrison Pwell said loudly: "It turns out that everyone recognized this connection because they were afraid that Sheldon Cooper would also develop an evil alter ego, right?"

"Not a second personality."

Beverly corrected: "Maybe it's the seventh personality. Of course, the funny Sheldon of the sixth personality has a high chance of going crazy and becoming such an evil personality."

"Well, my bad."

Harrison Pwell slapped his forehead and said with a smile: "It's the sixth or seventh personality, but in your eyes, what does his first personality, that is, the main personality, look like? Is he a kind little boy? ?”


Beverly nodded affirmatively.

Ask anyone else who has spent time with Sheldon and they'll hesitate.

But she, who can be called the female version of Sheldon, likes Sheldon the most, so she gave a decisive answer.

"I'm done asking."

Harrison Pwell gestured to the judge and jury, ended the questioning gracefully and calmly, looked at Chuck in the audience with pride, and walked back to his seat.

The changes in the expressions of the jury members were something he could be proud of.

Because he did not dare to let the evil Emma come out, Chuck was speechless before, so that the jury did not believe that the weak-looking Esther was innocent at all, and began to break the ice.

And as long as one juror is willing to believe it, then he wins.

"Prosecution lawyer, it's your turn to ask questions."

Judge Jackson reminded.

"Yes, your honor."

The bald prosecutor took a quick glance at the text message Chuck had sent him, then put his phone away and stood up.

"Dr. Hofstadter, did you say that this so-called standing meeting of the Sheldon Council was in Sheldon Cooper's dream?"

The bald prosecutor stepped forward and asked.


Beverly nodded.

"Then why do you associate this with personality differentiation?"

The bald prosecutor asked: "Couldn't it just be a little boy's dream?"

"For an ordinary boy, of course this is just a dream."

Beverly explained: "But not for a super genius like Sheldon, these are new personalities with obvious characteristics that he has differentiated based on his life experiences.

The imagination that his IQ can possess is enough to differentiate all these imaginary personalities.

For a mind capable of studying the Big Bang, this is actually quite simple. "

"And he told you."

The bald prosecutor took a few steps and said with a smile: "Most people will soon forget the things in their dreams after waking up from their dreams, at least they won't remember so many details. But from what he told you, he Remember everything, don’t you?”


Beverly nodded: "For ordinary people, after dreaming and waking up, they often forget the general outline and blur the details.

But Sheldon is no ordinary person.

He is a super genius with a high-definition image memory. He has remembered everything since he was about two years old.

Including what happens in dreams.

As long as he is willing to think back, he can clearly remember what happened. "

"High-definition image memory? Sounds amazing."

The bald prosecutor smiled: "So as far as you know, is this an ability unique to Sheldon Cooper?"

"Not really."

Beverly glanced at Chuck in the audience, shook her head and said, "As far as I know, super geniuses have superhuman memories.

Whether it’s called high-definition image memory, photographic memory, memory palace, hyperamnesia, or other names.”

"It seems we have found another commonality among super geniuses."

The bald prosecutor smiled: "That means they can remember everything that happened, even the dreams within the dream.

So these super geniuses with super memory, as long as they think about it, there is no such thing as amnesia, right? "

"As far as I know, yes."

Beverly nodded.

"This is interesting."

The bald prosecutor smiled and said: "According to this statement, if Esther is a super genius like Dr. Wolfe and Sheldon Cooper, then she must also have super memory and understanding.

She won't forget anything if she wants to!

Of course, defense lawyers may say that this is not an absolute commonality.

But it doesn't matter.

We are just following your request, looking for more commonalities to prove that the so-called evil personality Emma is a super genius, right? "

Harrison Pwell, who stood up immediately to object, his face darkened.

He never imagined that super geniuses have super memories.

no way.

IQ limits his imagination.

Such awesome abilities as high-definition image memory, photographic memory, memory palaces, and hyperamnesia are absolutely subversive superpowers when they appear in the legal industry that requires memorizing countless legal provisions and precedents.


Anyone who has this ability, if they can choose freely, will engage in high-level science. Who would like a lawyer who provides personal service to rich people face to face!

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