American TV series Detective's Daily Life

Chapter 297 The light of Texas women naturally settled in peace!

"Dr. Hofstadter, how old is Sheldon Cooper now?"

The bald prosecutor ignored the heavy-faced Harrison Pwell and continued to look at Beverly and asked.

"12 years old."

Beverly replied.

"Where does he go to school now?"

asked the bald prosecutor.

"Sophomore year at Princeton University."

Beverly said.

"So do you know how old Dr. Chuck Wolfe went to college?"

asked the bald prosecutor.

Beverly raised her glasses and looked at Chuck: "I wanted to cooperate with Dr. Wolfe at the beginning, so I learned about him in detail. He went to college when he was 15 years old."

"What about the other super geniuses Dr. Wolfe talks about?"

The bald prosecutor asked again, "Well, where's Peggy Swanson, and Dr. Spencer Reed?"

Beverly said it all.

"So these super geniuses have already shown their amazing talents at a very young age."

The bald prosecutor raised his voice and looked at the jury: "There is no age limit?"


Beverly nodded affirmatively: "The only person who can restrain super geniuses is themselves, not their age.

In fact, both Dr. Wolfe and Sheldon could achieve greater achievements at a younger age than they do now.

It's a pity that the environment they lived in at that time was not enough to support their growth.

Take Sheldon, who is currently staying at my house.

He went to high school at the age of 9, but in fact the high school knowledge did not challenge him at all. It was not the high school teachers who were teaching him, but he was teaching those high school teachers.

But even so, he spent 2 years in high school. If I hadn't actively provided help, his mother would have prevented him from leaving home to go to college because he was too young to adapt to college life.

As far as I know, other super geniuses have had similar experiences. "

"It seems that we have learned about another super genius' commonality."

The bald prosecutor smiled and said: "The reason why a super genius is a super genius is indeed beyond the imagination of ordinary people. It is really amazing!

By the way, Dr. Hofstadter.

The defense lawyer once provided an argument that Patrick Cross, as a chess champion grandmaster, is a genius recognized by the world.

And his client, the so-called evil alter ego, murdered him using the same method that the genius Patrick Cross had planned to use to murder his wife.

So the defense lawyer used this to testify that the so-called evil second personality has a super genius IQ.

Therefore, it can be consistent with Dr. Wolfe's logical deduction.

That is to say, when his client's kind-hearted personality was completely unknown, and only in the very short period of time when the kind-hearted personality fragment lost his memory, through the super genius IQ, he quickly learned the theoretical knowledge of explosion from scratch and in a strange environment Purchase materials and practice to make high-quality explosives that can be remotely controlled.

So according to you, is this statement correct? "

"Of course this statement is wrong!"

Beverly frowned: "What makes a super genius great is his IQ, not anything else. To kill a genius, you don't need any IQ at all, as long as violence is enough.

This is also the reason why many super geniuses, including Sheldon, are bullied by ordinary people.

So the two have no correlation at all. "

"Thank you Dr. Hofstadter for your answer."

The bald prosecutor smiled at Beverly, then looked seriously at Judge Jackson and the jurors: "Your Honor, jurors, as you can see, the situation is now very clear.

According to Dr. Wolfe's logical deduction, as long as the criminal suspect is not a super genius, then it is impossible to do all this when the so-called good master G Esther has been occupying almost all of the suspect's time.

And if the criminal suspect is not a super genius, then the so-called kind-hearted personality must be lying!

As for why someone as kind as her would lie on such an occasion, there is only one reason.

That is, there is no dual personality of good and evil. There is only one her from beginning to end.

Only in this way can she, an ordinary person, have enough time to master the professional knowledge that takes a lot of time to master.

Moreover, it was knowledge about explosions that she should not have learned.

From Dr. Hofstadter’s introduction, we also realized many commonalities among super geniuses.

Including the super memory that can remember everything in the past as long as you are willing to think of it.

There are also these super geniuses, even though they have so-called other personalities, their main personalities are not ignorant of it.

And their main characters are all kind-hearted without exception.

And this kind-hearted protagonist has a super IQ.

So now even if we don’t want to be evil people, we force ourselves to create the so-called evil second personality.

But as long as we test the IQ of Esther, the so-called kind-hearted protagonist, we can easily get our conclusion.

If Esther has a superior IQ, then she has mental illness, she has an evil alter ego, and we can all understand that.

But if her IQ is just that of an ordinary person, then her so-called mental illness and so-called evil second personality are just acting and humiliating the IQ of all of us.

Maybe what she really should go to is Broadway or Hollywood... of course, provided that she can come out of prison alive in a few hundred years. "

There were chuckles in the courtroom.

There is no upper limit on prison sentences under American law. After adding up the crimes, the sentence can easily be hundreds or even thousands of years in prison.

Before there is a huge breakthrough in human lifespan, this kind of sentence is more like a joke.

For the crimes Esther committed, in those states that have the death penalty, the death penalty is definitely not negotiable, and even in New Jersey, which does not have the death penalty, it will definitely be the result of being jailed.

"Your Honor, the prosecutor now officially applies to give the criminal suspect Esther an IQ test!"

The bald prosecutor made his application seriously.

"be opposed to!"

Harrison Pwell stood up and objected: "Every super genius is different. We cannot rely on the few existing samples to absolutely assume that other super geniuses are like this."

"Can you find any different examples?"

The bald prosecutor responded: "If not, then these should be regarded as the common characteristics of super geniuses, and the fact is that no matter what differences there are, their real commonality is super IQ.

The same is true for criminal suspects. Whether it is the so-called kind master Esther or the evil second personality Emma, ​​they should all have superior IQs.

Because they share the same body and brain.

As for these basic attributes, you can easily draw conclusions after testing them. "

After saying this, he looked at Judge Jackson: "Your Honor?"


Judge Jackson pondered for a moment and nodded in approval.

"Your Honor, even if I were to test my IQ, I would like to point out that my client's current mental state is that of a 9-year-old."

Seeing that the judge agreed, Harrison Pwell could only remind him with a stern face: "So the IQ test should also refer to this."

As far as he knows, the IQ measured by an IQ test is the mental age divided by the chronological age.

If calculated based on Esther's actual age of 33, there is absolutely no hope, but if Esther is 9 years old after being knocked to death, then the test result is still possible to pass.

After all, the items in the IQ test, such as general knowledge, understanding, mathematics, analogies, memory, words, images, building blocks, arrangements, puzzles, arrangements, etc., can all be accumulated by accumulating age.

The bald prosecutor immediately looked at Chuck.

Without waiting for Chuck to answer, Beverly, who had not yet walked away from the witness stand, spoke: "That's no problem. Today's IQ tests are very perfect and there will be no such mistakes.

Especially the IQ test for super geniuses.

It has its own set of specialized testing methods.

Because the IQ of super geniuses is not limited to age, the true value of IQ does not increase linearly with actual age.

It is simply impossible for ordinary people to achieve the IQ of a super genius by accumulating age.

Otherwise, using Sheldon's and others' IQs to do ordinary IQ tests, the conclusions drawn would be completely inaccurate, because these tests are simply not enough to accurately test the difference between them and ordinary geniuses.

You know, in many cases, the gap between humans is greater than the gap between humans and orangutans.

So we increased the proportion of mathematics.

The denominator term of actual age has been eliminated.

Only math tests can truly test a person's IQ. "

Chuck nodded too.

The bald prosecutor was relieved.

When Harrison Pwell saw this scene, a trace of helplessness flashed in his eyes.

This is a blind spot of his common sense, and he can only take one step at a time.

And he already had an ominous premonition.

This increases the proportion of math points, which is daunting at first sight.

Because mathematics really doesn’t matter how old you get or how much knowledge and knowledge you have accumulated. If you know it, you will know it, if you don’t know it, you won’t. If you work hard for a lifetime, you will probably still not understand it.

"Adjourn the court! The court will start next Wednesday!"

Judge Jackson concluded the trial.

Esther lowered his head and was taken away from the court by the bailiffs. He will be sent to prison to remain in custody, waiting for the next court hearing.

"Alert the bailiffs and prison guards."

Chuck said to Randy who looked happy: "Be careful of Astor attacking them and escaping."

"You think she would do that?"

Randy was stunned.

"Do you think she can pass an IQ test?"

Chuck asked rhetorically.

"Probably not."

Randy shook his head, saw Chuck looking at him, and nodded: "I will, but I'm afraid they may not listen to me. You know, they are the big one, but Esther is the little one... "

In fact, he hadn't finished what he said. If he had reminded him, he would probably not have alerted those arrogant bailiffs and prison guards who thought they were men, but would have been ridiculed by them.

After all, the visual gap is too big.

Even if you know that what happened may be true, and Esther is a very dangerous little person, people always have luck and contempt.

"Just remind me."

Chuck saw it and said calmly: "What they choose is their business."

"I'm going right away!"

Randy said and walked away.

Beverly came over at this time: "Dr. Wolfe, it's a pleasure to participate in this case with you."

"The next IQ test is up to you."

Chuck nodded: "You should have also heard the conversation between Director Randy Tischer and me. Please pay attention to your own safety when testing her."

"I will."

Beverly nodded.

"Dr. Wolfe, this is wonderful!"

The bald court stenographer was waiting in the corridor, looking at Chuck excitedly.

Chuck looked at him, nodded, and continued walking out.

The reminder has been given.

He will not repeat what is not related to him.


Linda and Beth Harmon, who were the parties involved in the incident, were already waiting outside. When they saw Chuck coming, they hurried over.

Of course they are also witnesses.

However, because Harrison Pwell, as the defense lawyer, chose to plead guilty by reason of insanity, the part that required them to testify was quickly over, and then he sat in the audience and watched the entire trial.

"She won't pass the test, right?"


Chuck nodded.

"Thank God!"

Linda was immediately excited when she got Chuck's approval.

Even though she already had a certain idea that she was a truly wealthy person, she did not have the bloody mentality to start from scratch, and she was still scared to death that Esther had been caught.

Even if the other party is sentenced to a mental hospital, she is still worried.

Because on the plush bear side, Esther can escape from the mental hospital where her limbs and head are chained, let alone free America.

And now that he is so famous and has so many fanatical fans, he might go in today and be rescued tonight.

How could she not be afraid?

Going to jail is relatively better.

After all, the prison now belongs to a very large service industry group, so it still needs to show some dignity.

Outside the court.

Media from all walks of life gathered.

As soon as Harrison Pwell came out, he was besieged by long guns and short guns. However, he did not show any gloominess in the court. Instead, he was smiling and full of confidence. He talked about the case as if he had all the advantages.

Chuck, Linda, and Beth Harmon did not hide away and were still stopped. Fortunately, Linda specially hired bodyguards to stand in front of everyone and protect them from leaving.

Peaceful Town.

A young girl who had just come from Texas, after settling in her apartment, turned on the TV and saw this scene. Her eyes lit up as she stared at Chuck.

"Lisa, what are you looking at?"

The female roommate came over at this time, slumped down on the sofa, hugged the young girl and smiled: "Hey, it's Detective Chuck! You like him too!"


Lisa crossed her arms and looked at Chuck on the TV with her breathtaking light blue eyes, full of brilliance: "You forgot that I am from Texas, he is the light of our Texas!"

"Yes, yes!"

The female roommate smiled and said: "You are all from Texas. Not only is he the light of your Texas, you are also the light of your Texas!"

"I don't count."

Lisa shook her head, but the smile on her lips couldn't help showing. She was obviously very happy that her roommate put her and Chuck side by side.

"Why doesn't it count?"

The female roommate laughed: "Even I, an outsider, know that you Texans like a word, and you own it completely~ If you don't count the light of Texas, who does?"

"What word?"

Lisa asked subconsciously, but the familiar feeling of being watched since childhood immediately made her lower her head. Then she looked sideways and saw her female roommate’s eyes falling on her chest. She immediately understood what the female roommate said. What is it.

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