American TV series Detective's Daily Life

Chapter 317 Infinite solution experiment, Monica’s call for help!

On a luxury yacht.

Chuck helped Texas girl Lisa rub her wet long hair. Dr. Reed's whole body stiffened and he clumsily imitated helping JJ do the same thing.

Compared to the big Texas girl Lisa, who was full of laughter, JJ was much quieter.

Fortunately, Dr. Reed is no longer aware of this gap. After being so close to the person whose heart is moving, the super brain almost shut down when processing light and shadow, color, smell, movement, expression and other information that has an impact on him.

I don’t know how long it took.

Another yacht passed by.

"What a happy family!"

The voice of the big Texas girl Lisa reached Dr. Reed's ears and woke him up. After JJ glanced at him, he looked away from JJ in embarrassment and looked over.

I saw a couple of men and women on a small yacht, the man was restrained, the woman was beautiful, with a cute boy and girl, sailing past happily and happily.

"Not yet a family!"

Chuck focused his attention on it.

"Isn't it a family?"

Lisa, a big Texas girl, said in surprise.

"Genetically, this man was not the father of the two children."

Dr. Reed recalled the flashing scene just now, compared the faces of the man and the two children, and nodded.

"They should be a couple."

JJ added, sighing: "They are still a special couple."


Lisa, a big Texas girl, looked into the distance, her eyes following the passing yacht, and she also discovered a problem.

"They have very little interaction. The men are more passive and the women are somewhat reserved. There is still a safe distance between them..."

After saying this, she couldn't help but look at JJ and Dr. Reed.

"Spencer, what do you think of them?"

Chuck looked at the yacht going away, and looked at each other from a distance with the male owner of the yacht who just looked up.

He could clearly see the other party's vigilance and understood why, but the other party couldn't see Chuck's eyes clearly because he was getting further and further away.

"very happy."

Dr. Reed was a little envious, and then quickly caught his attention: "If you love someone, you will also love her children. This is really good."

"that's right!"

Lisa, a big girl from Texas, didn't know what to think of, and nodded in agreement: "Actually, bloodline is not that important, love is the most important!"

"JJ, what do you think?"

Chuck looked at JJ.

"Love is indeed the most important thing."

JJ nodded too.

Chuck nodded and stood up directly.

"Boss, where are you going?"

Texas girl Lisa asked.

“Love cannot be spoken.”

Chuck said bluntly: "I'm going to sail the boat!"

"Wait for me, I still want to learn!"

Lisa, the big Texas girl, gave JJ an ambiguous smile, then chased after him with a smile, leaving Dr. Reed and JJ behind who didn't dare to look at each other.

The luxury yacht sailed along the east coast, heading toward Washington DC.

The bright moon on the sea swayed shapelessly amidst the rough waves. In the eyes of a mathematician like Chuck, there were only mathematical symbols, allowing him to observe the infinite mysteries in the field of mathematics.

But for those who can't grasp the mysteries of mathematics, this swaying sound wave can make it difficult to sleep.

The next day.


Lisa, a big Texas girl, stood on the side of the boat, shouting loudly to the sea, venting her excitement.

"That's enough."

JJ looked at his sleep-deprived eyes and complained angrily: "Didn't you shout enough last night? Isn't your throat uncomfortable?"

"It's not uncomfortable at all! I'm so happy!"

Lisa, a big girl from Texas, was not embarrassed at all by being exposed. She turned around, hugged JJ, and said teasingly: "It's you, I'm lucky you can hold it in!"

"I already regret getting on this boat."

JJ smiled bitterly.

"You have to think about it."

Lisa, a big Texas girl, has already seen that Chuck is bringing JJ and Dr. Reed together, and even uses herself as an example, which makes her full of affection for JJ and Dr. Reed.

Without them, there's no telling when Chuck, the light of Texas, would link up with her, the light of Texas.

So she tried her best to help match them up.

"Now geniuses are also sexy. Spencer is a very high-quality man. Many people like this one."

"They like it as long as they like it, what does it have to do with me?"

JJ smiled.

"It doesn't matter."

Lisa, a big girl from Texas, gave her analysis: "Can't you see that Spencer is a completely clueless chick?

In this way, like the boss, he has a super IQ and a photographic memory. Like them, he can remember anything.

Spencer is like this now. Once he meets a woman who doesn't love him and just wants to play with him, have you ever thought about the consequences?

Maybe his whole life will slide into the abyss, and you don’t want to see this, right? "

"With a good friend like Chuck watching, he won't do this."

A trace of worry flashed in JJ's eyes, but he still shook his head.


Lisa, a big Texas girl, said: “But there is absolutely no need to take this risk, it’s not like there is no one who loves her and she loves him!

As long as she is willing to let go of her girlish reserve and be more proactive, there will be no regrets between them in the future. Isn't that good? "

JJ looked into the depths of the sea, wondering what he was thinking.

"You don't think it's mean if a girl takes the initiative, do you?"

Lisa, the big Texas girl, hugged JJ tightly and looked at her with a sense of oppression.

"of course not."

JJ felt the amazing touch and smiled bitterly: "Girls also have the right to actively pursue their own happiness."

"That's it!"

Lisa, a big girl from Texas, smiled and said: "Now we are at sea, just the four of us. As you know, the boss is extremely calm and no one will laugh at us for taking the initiative.

And it's the yacht he rented. He cares about Spencer and doesn't want you to continue to waste time. Gradually, his love for each other is completely buried deep in his heart.

For men like Boss and Spencer, we need to be more proactive!

We will arrive in Washington DC tomorrow. In such an environment, if you have not made any progress, you will definitely regret it one day in the future! "

"But we are colleagues..."

JJ was hesitant.

"so what?"

Lisa, a big girl from Texas, smiled disapprovingly and said: "I'm still the boss's assistant. Besides, with your kind of job, it's already very thankful to be able to find a partner. I heard from the boss that no one in your BAU has a normal family."


JJ couldn't help but retort.

"If Hotchner continues to focus only on work, this family will not last long."

Lisa, the big Texas girl, immediately understood the reason why Chuck lay there and watched her while she was swaying into mathematical symbols last night, and took the initiative to talk about these gossips. It was clearly using her words to persuade JJ to be more proactive.

JJ thought of the many disappointed looks from Detective Hotchner's wife when Hotchner received an urgent mission and set off immediately regardless of the occasion and time. She was also capable of psychological profiling and understood that Lisa was right.

No matter how good the relationship is, it cannot withstand such destruction.

The role models in BAU are like this, and the rest of the people who don't even have families dare not ask for anything extravagantly.

Just look at the spiritual leader Gideon and the others and you will know that none of these old founders of BAU have normal families.


Lisa, a big girl from Texas, laughed and said: "Instead of finding someone else whose time doesn't overlap at all and falling in love, it's better to find someone whose time coincides with yours completely and you like each other to fall in love. This may break your BAU curse." The best way.

You don’t have to worry about what anyone will say!

Boss said, you can fall in love, but if your supervisor Hotchner comes to talk to you and has any objections to your colleague's love, he will talk to Hotchner.

And if your relationship is stable and BAU really can't tolerate you, you can leave BAU! "

Seeing what JJ wanted to say, Lisa, a big girl from Texas, interrupted directly: "I know you all love this job, but there are many jobs similar to this one, and it is not the only one.

With your abilities and the boss's help, you can set up a husband-and-wife detective agency in the future. After settling down, you can serve as a consultant to the local police and FBI, and continue to solve cases and arrest serial perverted murderers.

In that case, you can still do the career you love, have enough choices, and have more freedom of time. It can be said that you have the right balance between work and life.

Isn't this good?

Boss said that this is the correct way to open your BAU. Accumulate enough abilities in the BAU, and then leave in time, leaving your position to the newcomers to learn and exercise.

As for those of you who have left and still love this job, it is more efficient to spread it across the country as firebrands to help local governments establish systems that are strong enough to fight against those serial perverts.

It’s not that the world will stop turning without you. On the contrary, if you leave in time, you can better help more people. "

She already knew the answer without JJ speaking, and JJ was really moved.

As much as Dr. Reed was very fond of her, she had always liked Dr. Reed, very much.

The other colleagues in the BAU are all smart people, they have noticed it a long time ago, and they did not stop them. On the contrary, they encouraged them.

Dr. Reed also had an appointment with her.

And then there was nothing more to them.

Because the dating process was the same as now, Dr. Reed, who was too introverted, and JJ, who was not extroverted enough to control everything, gradually suppressed the love and impulse in their hearts in the silent embarrassment.

Dr. Reed immediately thought of his hereditary mental illness and worried that one day he might end up living in a nursing home like his mother. He was even more worried that his children would inherit his mental illness.

JJ, on the other hand, thought that she loved this job. If she fell in love with Dr. Reed, one day in the future she would have to face a situation where someone had to leave.

Because colleagues are not allowed to fall in love within the FBI.

The leader can suppress the situation for a while, but cannot help keep it hidden and not report it.

Then they looked at each other and smiled, and unanimously decided to bury this relationship completely. When faced with the gossip from their colleagues the next day, they just laughed and said nothing to distract from the matter.

But now it seems that this may be the real choice for work and life.

Of course, the premise is that Detective Chuck, their friend, proactively expresses his willingness to help them and makes JJ believe that all this is feasible.

Otherwise, facing the unknown future, she would rather choose the present that she can control, even if she needs to bury her feelings for Reed.

And with Detective Chuck, even if the future is still a little uncertain, JJ's heart, which had been beating violently for Dr. Reed and had been silent for more than a year, began to beat violently again.

"what should I do?"

JJ touched his face that was starting to turn red due to violent beating.

"Leave it to me!"

Lisa, the big Texas girl, smiled and said, "As long as you take the initiative tonight."

At night.

Lisa, the big Texas girl, prepared a sumptuous dinner, and the four of them had dinner together in the restaurant.

"Spencer, come on, try this glass of champagne!"

Lisa, a big Texas girl, poured them wine: "JJ, drink more, this wine is not cheap! Come on, let's raise a glass, cheers!"


Dr. Reed hesitated to speak.

"What's wrong?"

Lisa, the big Texas girl, laughed.

"That's not champagne in your glass."

Dr. Reed's straightforward reminder.

"I know!"

Lisa, a big girl from Texas, laughed and said, “The boss doesn’t drink!”


Dr. Reed was speechless. Under the urging of the big Texas girl Lisa, he could only clink glasses with Lisa who had no wine in her glass, said cheers, and drank the champagne in the glass like JJ.

The champagne went into his throat, and Dr. Reed was very excited when he saw JJ, who was drinking it with him, blushing on her face and becoming more and more beautiful.

He is a super genius who has also studied Eastern literature and knows the concept of sharing a glass of wine. At this moment, he can't help but think of this.

In the lively atmosphere of Texas Big Girl Lisa, he and JJ had one drink after another, and then watched Chuck and Lisa leave.

"Boss, what do you think?"

Texas girl Lisa and Chuck returned to the master bedroom and asked curiously.

"It's up to them."

Chuck shook his head: "For Spencer, who has been solo for decades, taking the initiative to break this relationship may be a new world. There will be no obstacles between him and JJ."

Sometimes feelings are like that.

Just like more and more sociophobic people who are accustomed to being single in the future, what they reject is not love itself, but the various uncertainties before confirming a relationship.

For this reason I would rather not fall in love!

Chuck was tired of watching Dr. Reed continue to waste his time.

He wanted to see if a super genius like Reed could achieve happiness with his help.

This is a long-term scientific research project with great reference significance.

"Okay, let's get started!"

Thinking of this, Chuck raised his decorative glasses and looked at the big Texas girl Lisa.


Texas girl Lisa's mouth twitched.

Even though it was not the first time, seeing Chuck Mode talking about this matter with emotion still made her not know how to complain.

But she soon started laughing.

Because she knew Chuck wasn't really a robot in every sense of the word.

Under her charm and efforts, his eyes also fluctuated, and sometimes they were very big...

"Chuck, where are you?"

While Chuck was observing the infinite charm of the mathematical symbol of infinity, he received a call from Monica.

"The boat is sailing!"

Chuck glanced at Lisa, the big Texas girl who was looking down at him with breathless voice and did not dare to speak, and said straightforwardly.

Driving on flat ground is too stable. How can I drive a boat in the waves of the sea? It will make people dizzy due to such shaking.


Monica was stunned for a moment, then quickly ignored it, and said worriedly: "Come back soon, I'm a little worried about Ross."

"What are you worried about him for?"

Chuck played with the frozen infinity symbol.

Just like Thanos puts on the Infinity Gauntlet, infinity is under his control!

"I can't tell...I always feel that this Ross is not my brother!"

Monica hesitated.

"Why do you say that?"

Chuck asked.

"He directly redeemed the lottery tickets."

Monica said: "I chose to receive the award in one go."

"This is not surprising. I don't believe that he would wait 180 days to receive a one-time award of nearly 1 billion. If he receives the award one day earlier, the interest of these 180 days alone is enough for a person to struggle for a lifetime. Do you think Rose's temperament will endure this? A loss?"

Chuck said calmly.

"I know I know."

Monica smiled bitterly: "He is contacting the rabbi and has a dedicated bodyguard, so it is reasonable to do so..."

"What makes you most suspicious?"

Chuck asked.


Monica said: "No, he bought the house I rented. My name is on the property certificate."

Chuck's palm suddenly shrank, and with the slightly pained expression of the big Texas girl Lisa, he said to the other end of the phone: "I will go back as soon as possible! You stay away from this fake Ross first!"

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