American TV series Detective's Daily Life

Chapter 332 Dr. House is looking for death

"Which hospital did you go to today?"

Professor Alicia Harper smiled and changed the subject.


Hailey complained: "I can't help it. Some people don't know how to be a brother, and they don't even say that they will take their sister to visit in person."

Chuck had no reaction to this.

"how do you feel?"

Professor Alicia Harper looked on and smiled.

"Quite interesting."

Hailey smiled and said: "Especially that Doctor House, tsk tsk."

After saying this, she looked at Chuck again: "Is Dr. House your friend?"

"I owe him a favor!"

Chuck glanced at Professor Alicia Harper.

"You can pay it back soon."

Hailey smiled playfully.


Chuck was calm.

"What's wrong with Dr. House?"

Professor Alicia Harper is concerned.

Compared to Chuck, she was very grateful to Dr. House who saved her.

Now, listening to what their brother and sister said, it seemed that Dr. House was in trouble, and of course she had to ask clearly.


In fact, based on her understanding of Dr. House, it was already a gift from God that Dr. House seemed to be in trouble until now.

"I went to visit today, and it was his good friend Dr. Wilson who brought him."

Hailey smiled and said: "I saw with my own eyes his working attitude in the outpatient clinic. I can't say that he is perfunctory. I can only say that he is unabashedly unhappy. His venomous tongue has never stopped."

"This is Dr. House."

Professor Alicia Harper shook her head helplessly.

"But this time his venomous tongue was wrong."

"One of his outpatients was a police officer," Haley said.


Professor Alicia Harper immediately breathed a sigh of relief.

As for the police, it shouldn't be a big problem.

After all, as the top teaching doctor at Princeton, Dr. House has treated many police officers over the years, so he would have been offended long ago.

It's okay now, and the police's legendary methods will probably not be used against him.

Besides, if it really doesn't work, Chuck is still here.

Chuck is a senior adviser to the police, and the chief of the New Jersey Police Department is also his friend.

"He's still Irish!"

Hailey added with a half-smile.

"How did Dr. House offend him?"

Professor Alicia Harper's expression changed instantly. Her heart, which was already indifferent, became anxious again, and she asked nervously.

If it were a simple police officer, maybe it would be nothing.

But coupled with the addition of an Irish buff, still in New Jersey next to New York, the meaning is completely different.

Even she, a university professor in the ivory tower of the university, understood what this meant.

As a region known as New England, many East Coast cities, including famous cities such as New York and Boston, have a strong gang culture.

There are two major branches.

One is Italian.

The other one is of Irish descent.

Among other things, St. Patrick's Day in New York every year on March 17th is an Irish holiday dedicated to commemorating St. Patrick, the patron of Ireland.

This is a very famous festival in New York, second only to New Year and Christmas in terms of liveliness.

In the American TV series How I Met Your Mother, St. Patrick's Day is an important point in the life of the loyal little yellow umbrella mother who meets a scumbag.

The Irish gang culture in greater New England, coupled with the police, is likely to produce the terrifying white gangs.

Why is it so terrifying? Because ordinary gangs mostly hang out at night, but these gangs, in addition to hanging out at night, wear the uniforms of law enforcement agencies during the day and can use violence blatantly.

How does it compare to ordinary gangs?

If you want to find a benchmark, it is the original Bloody John organization.

From west to east, from the police to the FBI, the power is so great that it is all-encompassing and unscrupulous. If you target one person, let alone ordinary people, even celebrities, there will be no good juice.

If you say suicide, you will commit suicide. If you say you are missing, you will disappear. There is always something suitable for you.

The police helped you commit suicide, and the FBI helped cover it up. If nothing was found, it was just a Handled question.

Although Professor Alicia Harper didn't know that clearly, she also vaguely knew that the water inside was very deep, so deep that even Chuck might not be able to completely hold it.

But the Dr. House she knew was a venomous person who could offend people to death. How could she not be worried?

"It seems you understand."

Hailey smiled and said: "I don't know the specifics. I just saw him entering the outpatient clinic and staying for a long time. After Dr. House went in, he came out and threw away the packaging of a workplace thermometer.

Then he pretended to the nurse that he seemed to have forgotten something, and then said forget it since he couldn't remember it, it must not be something important, and then left directly. "


Professor Alicia Harper was speechless and felt even worse. She could only look at Chuck: "Chuck?"


Chuck said bluntly: "When you really need help, Wilson will call you as soon as possible."

"I'd better call Dr. Wilson and ask."

Professor Alicia Harper was worried and saw that Chuck was not paying attention, so she had to fight herself.

The call was connected not long after, and Dr. Wilson's surprised voice came from the other end of the phone: "Alicia?"

When he learned that Chuck was also asking about Dr. House, he was a little disappointed, but he still took it seriously and said, "I'll ask you questions right away and call you back. Thank you for caring about him."

"He likes you."

Hailey watched Professor Alicia Harper hang up the phone and suddenly smiled gossiping.

"We're just friends."

Professor Alicia Harper shook her head.


Hailey teased: "He has his own true love."

Professor Alicia Harper smiled dumbly and said, "You are really Chuck's sister."

"Because we have the same vision?"

Hailey blinked.

After a while, Dr. Wilson's phone call came. On the other end of the phone, he was almost speechless.

"How about it?"

Professor Alicia Harper became more and more worried: "What on earth happened between him and that policeman?"


Dr. Wilson opened his mouth, and it was really difficult for him to sort out what he understood and then speak implicitly.


Professor Alicia Harper was speechless after listening.

Who are these people!

That's what happened.

Dr. House walked into the outpatient clinic, and the policeman who came for treatment reminded him dissatisfiedly: "I have been waiting for 2 hours!"


Dr. House directly mocked: "Have you ever thought about being a biographer? Show me!"

The police patient came over, unzipped his zipper, and said, "Don't you need to introduce yourself?"

"Sorry, I thought you had been waiting for two hours."

Dr. House continued to joke: "So what you want is to chat. Hi, my name is Greg. Do you want to chat about the local team?"

The police patient tolerated it and showed him the place where he sought treatment.

Dr. House glanced at it, turned around and started writing the medical record: "It's not an infection!"

"how do you know……"

The police patient was a little suspicious. After all, the consultation process was too hasty. But before he could finish his words, he was interrupted by Dr. House, who came over and said, "Do you want me to touch you? That's your private part!" "

When the police patient was speechless, Dr. House explained seriously: "The nicotine gum you chewed dehydrated you, causing peeling. Remember to lubricate it next time."

After one sentence, he immediately mocked again: "If you really can't bear to part with it, you can do more preparations beforehand."

"I want you to take a swab and test it for me!"

The police patient really didn't believe such an unprofessional Dr. House, so he directly stated his request.

"No! I'm doing a pointless test at the request of an idiot. The quota for this month has been exhausted."

Dr. House refused directly. He was very eloquent and had a sharp tongue. He even took a few painkillers casually.

When the police patient saw this action, his eyes finally changed and he looked at Dr. House: "You are very rude!"

"Wow, you must be a detective or something."

Dr. House scoffed again.

"You are also very smart and have a good sense of humor."

The police patient began to put on his pants, look directly at Dr. House, and looked at Dr. House from his own professional perspective.

"But you're cynical and you're lonely! So you treat the people around you like idiots and you get away with it because you're on crutches."

"Please stop talking."

Dr. House couldn't help but look over when he said "but". When the police patient looked at his crutch, he interrupted and continued to mock: "My eyes are filled with tears and I can't write medical records."

"But you don't get away with it completely."

The police patient calmly told what he thought of Dr. House: "A certain nurse you ridiculed might have spiked your coffee!"

"Yeah, so all I want is toss-free coffee."

Dr. House wrote the medical record, said something perfunctory, got up and walked to the door on crutches.

Then his crutch was kicked by the police patient. Dr. House almost fell down and fell directly on the door.

"You treat others as a fool, and others can treat you as a fool!"

The police patient chewed gum and spoke calmly.

Dr. House took a few seconds to come back to his senses. He looked at the police patient in surprise, walked back, took the swab and started taking samples from the police patient for examination.


The police patient politely thanked Dr. House after taking the sample.

Dr. House glanced at him and said directly: "Bend down!"

"Are you kidding me?"

The police patient looked at Dr. House in disbelief.

After all, he is not the little Howard who has used the most professional body temperature measurement method since he was a child.

He knew that temperatures could also be taken under the armpits and in the mouth.

Normal people do measure their body temperature this way, and there is no need for such a professional temperature measurement method.

Especially for adults and middle-aged people like him!

"If you have an infection, you will have a fever."

Dr. House immediately threw away the professional terminology and waved the thermometer in his hand: "And you are chewing nicotine gum, so the oral temperature is not accurate, so I want to go to the other side for vacation."

The police patient smiled awkwardly, but still obeyed the doctor's instructions, turned around, took off his pants, and let Dr. House check his temperature.

"Wait until I put the thermometer in and see if there's any reaction."

Faced with the snort of the police patient, Dr. House mocked him again. When the police patient turned around and looked over, he directly threatened: "Clamp it tightly. If it breaks, it's your responsibility."

After saying that, he asked the police patient to bend down and stand there waiting, and he went out directly. After going out, he told the nurse what Hailey heard, and left after get off work.

"Let me repeat the key words."

Hailey also heard the whole process and answered with a smile: "Dr. House made the patient wait for two hours for no reason. He ignored the patient's reasonable demands and started to get angry when they met. From beginning to end, he even scolded her directly. The patient was an idiot, and then humiliatingly used workplace thermometry to measure the patient's temperature. Then he left work directly without waiting for the results, leaving the patient hunched over to take the temperature and waiting there!"

"Oh my God."

Professor Alicia Harper holds her forehead.

If she was just instinctively speechless at first, after listening to Hailey's summary, she realized that the situation was worse than she imagined.

This is simply not how a doctor should behave.

Even if he holds the title of a so-called weird doctor with an eccentric personality, it won't work.

Because this is completely without medical ethics!

Not to mention that the other party is a policeman, even an ordinary person, as long as he is a bit bloody, cannot bear to see a doctor and be treated like this.


On the other end of the phone, my good friend Dr. Wilson sighed helplessly.

"Dr. Wilson, I'm afraid you are not aware of the real problem."

Hailey reminded: "The other person is a policeman, an Irishman, and a tooth for a tooth and an eye for an eye!"

"What's the meaning?"

My good friend Dr. Wilson was stunned.

He does not agree with the actions of his good friend, but he is kind-hearted and has never seen too much of the dark side of society, so he lacks a basic understanding of the serious consequences of doing this to Dr. House.

After listening to what Dr. House said and sorting things out with Hailey, he just felt more helpless and ashamed of his good friend's behavior, but he didn't think about the real trouble.

Professor Alicia Harper rushed to explain the dangers.

"No way?"

My good friend Dr. Wilson was startled and frightened, and subconsciously called for help: "Chuck?"

"You're leaving out a lot of content."

Chuck said calmly: "In this conversation, it's about me."


My good friend Dr. Wilson smiled bitterly.

"It really does."

Professor Alicia Harper glanced at Chuck with a headache.

"I see."

Hailey understood immediately: "I heard that Chuck directly broke Dr. House's crutch before. This time the policeman kicked down Dr. House's crutch. It will definitely make Dr. House speak harshly of Chuck, and The phrase 'you're a detective or something' must have also made fun of Detective Chuck, but it was hidden by you, Dr. Wilson."


My good friend Dr. Wilson was speechless.

Why are there so many smart people in this world who can see through others at a glance!

For ordinary people, it is really difficult!

That’s right!

What Chuck and Haley said was indeed true. Dr. House did complain harshly to Chuck, especially when the police kicked off his crutches. He went back and used the workplace temperature measurement method to retaliate. Speaking of this was full of hatred. The regret and the venomous words introduced by YY cannot be replicated in Chuck.

He knew Chuck's character, how dare he say it to Chuck.

"Chuck, you know this is the kind of person he is...actually he has no bad intentions."

Dr. Wilson wiped his good friend's butt with a headache: "You must help him!"

"I don't think this policeman did anything wrong. He was so polite. Ordinary people would be moved to tears when they meet this kind of policeman."

Chuck said calmly: "Wait until he really does something wrong that exceeds what House did to him."

Dr. Wilson: "..."

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