American TV series Detective's Daily Life

Chapter 335 Chuck: Mrs. Cooper, you don’t want little Sheldon to be fed to lions in the future, righ

"I knew it!"

Little Grandma Sheldon had a determined look on her face.

The car became quiet again.

Arrive at Hofstadter's house.

When little Sheldon saw Chuck, the idea that he had given up just because of a rooster resurfaced, and he said to his grandmother: "Grandma, contact your sister, I need her investment."

"She's a kleptomaniac!"

Little Sheldon’s grandma’s dissatisfied reminder.

"I know."

Little Sheldon glanced at Chuck and said matter-of-factly: "In the past, I found that I was different from everyone in my family.

Now that this aunt can make the business so big, it shows that she has a certain IQ to a certain extent.

At least smarter than all of you.

When I play games, I always choose the profession of thief, and now it seems that it is hereditary, maybe not much, but maybe, unlike you. "

"Sheldon Lee Cooper!!!"

Little Sheldon's mother angrily shouted out Little Sheldon's full name.

no way.

Normally, she might be angry, but she would just call her Sheldon Cooper without adding a middle name.

But little Sheldon said this now in front of Beverly, whom she wanted to compare to the most, and she couldn't accept it at all.

"I am telling the truth."

Little Sheldon said bluntly.

"You choose to be a thief when playing games, not because of your genetics."

Chuck spoke.

"that is because?"

Little Leonard and Missy asked in unison.

After the two of them finished speaking, they looked at each other and smiled.

Little Leonard lowered his head shyly.

Missy smiled and then looked at Chuck.

Little Leonard was used to complimenting Chuck.

Missy, on the other hand, is completely emotionally intelligent and malicious towards her twin brother.

"Because of cowardice!"

Chuck said seriously.

"Too accurate!"

Little Leonard and Missy both laughed.


Little Sheldon glared at the two laughing people angrily.

Originally said that he was a coward, he would feel at ease and admit it as a matter of course: "Yes, I am a coward! These are two choices for human beings when facing challenges, fight or run away. I just chose the wiser latter."

But when the word "coward" came out of the mouth of the big devil Chuck, he immediately lost the rationality in it, giving him a more ordinary perceptual understanding of the word.

For the first time, he knew that this was not a good word!

"Chuck, can we talk?"

Little Sheldon's mother saw that her mother had a firm attitude towards her sister Alice and did not seem to be reconciled. After all, she was still concerned about her son's affairs, so she wanted to ask Chuck to find out.


Chuck didn't take no for an answer.

If you can win over Little Sheldon's mother, it will be more effective to antagonize Little Sheldon.

After all, in the original time and space American TV series The Big Bang Theory, the grown-up Sheldon became a troublemaker, domineering and domineering in his own small circle.

After confronting her beautiful neighbor Penny, Penny, Leonard and others knew that Sheldon's status and IQ in the scientific community were somewhat inferior, and she didn't let Sheldon in at all.

So the two played pranks on each other.

You tease me, I tease you.

No one gives in.

This was painful for Leonard, who was caught in the middle. He didn't want to offend Sheldon, but he wanted to get close to Penny. So after the quarrel got worse, he secretly told Penny about Sheldon's Achilles' heel.

Penny gasped after hearing this...but she did it immediately.

That’s right!

Just call Sheldon's mother to report to the parents.

Sheldon received a call from his mother and tried several times to explain that he was not the cause of the war, but his mother interrupted him and ordered him to apologize.

In the end, he bowed his head and apologized to Petunia.

Orangutan Girl (in Sheldon's eyes, she is no different from an orangutan, and she has also played a mutant orangutan in the movie) Penny can do this with Mrs. Cooper. If Chuck can win Mrs. Cooper's side, , then it will definitely be more efficient to fight against Little Sheldon in the future.

I haven't done this before because it's not necessary.

And now that Mrs. Cooper has taken the initiative to chat with him, he doesn't mind letting Mrs. Cooper approve of his behavior against Little Sheldon.

That way, he can better collect Yin and Yang points and accumulate them into water of life.

"Chuck, can I call you Chuck?"

After Mrs. Cooper and Chuck walked aside, after Chuck nodded, he smiled bitterly and said, "What on earth is going on with this investment?"

Chuck explained briefly.

"So the conditions you gave are indeed very good."

Mrs. Cooper looked at him: "But why did Shelly insist on rejecting you?"

"He didn't say no."

Chuck said bluntly.


Mrs. Cooper was speechless: "He didn't dare to refuse. You were obviously helping him, so why did you have to make him cry and make him so afraid of you?"

"Mrs. Cooper, what do you think of me?"

Chuck didn't answer directly, but asked rhetorically.


Mrs. Cooper was stunned and looked at Chuck intently. Suddenly something was wrong in her eyes and she was a little lost: "What do you mean..."

"That's not what you mean in your book!"

Chuck reminded bluntly.


Mrs. Cooper suddenly turned red and exclaimed, almost wanting to turn around and leave, or find a crack in the ground to crawl in.

But she caught a glimpse of her daughter who was looking over here from a distance, and she forced herself to nail her heels there, not daring to look directly into Chuck's eyes, and said shamefully: "You, what do you mean?"

"I mean, from a mother's perspective, what do you think of me?"

Chuck reminded.

"Ah this."

Mrs. Cooper was stunned for a moment, and then realized what Chuck probably meant. She raised her head again and looked at Chuck with a red face: "You're fine."

"How's that for Sheldon?"

Chuck didn't reveal Mrs. Cooper's intentions.

He knew that Mrs. Cooper was now in a very shaky state. Mrs. Mary Cooper, the devout believer in the past, already had thoughts of depravity.

There used to be a new pastor in Mrs. Cooper's church. He was very different from the traditional pastor. He was very humorous and really fascinated her for a while.

The kind that you can dream about fighting with the other person in your dreams at night, and even because he made the life of a stagnant couple more harmonious.

But when Mr. Cooper thought he was lucky, he didn't know that although it was his body that was knocked down, his face was replaced by someone else's face.

Mrs. Cooper actually became somewhat ambiguous with the new pastor, and Mr. Cooper saw it with his own eyes. However, Mr. Cooper also almost had a conflict with the wife next door, so he didn't say anything.

Then it happened that the eldest son, George Jr., got pregnant with a woman who was ten years older than him, but the woman was unwilling to marry him.

In a traditional place like Texas, having a child without getting married is considered an illegitimate child. Not only did the person involved face discrimination from others, but Mrs. Cooper and her family also suffered harm.

Mrs. Cooper is such a devout believer... Well, she also had a lot of fun when she was a student. It was only after she got pregnant with her eldest son, George Jr., that she followed the trend and became a devout believer.

After getting married, Mrs. Cooper, a devout believer, worked part-time to help in the church, and she was usually more active in organizing church activities than anyone else.

But she was like this, because she didn't persuade her grandson's mother to marry her son, and as a result, she was ostracized by everyone.

Even the pastor with whom she had always had a good relationship fired her from her job, which greatly affected her faith. So when the pastor shamelessly came to her door to ask her not to give up on God, she said one sentence and closed the door: "I feel that now is the time for God to give up." Got me."

She wavered in her faith because her mother read the Liu Bei series of books written by Chandler's mother. She felt that she was good at it and started writing Liu Bei novels.

After that, I started to admire Chandler's mother.

no way!

Chandler's mother is the world-class author of Liu Bei's novels.

Last time, under the pretext of visiting little Sheldon, she went to see Chandler's mother who was here to promote and meet her son.

After getting the Bible, Mrs. Cooper suddenly lost confidence in what she had written.

no way.

Chandler's mother's writing skills are so simple and violent, while Mrs. Cooper's is ambiguous, half-covered and empathetic.

After all, she is still a person of faith. If she is asked to use various words to describe those things crazily, she really can't do it.

Although Chuck was much older than her and could almost be said to be of the same generation as her son, his face was too precocious to tell.

Even the psychological profiling experts at the BAU had no idea that Chuck was actually younger than Dr. Reed, who was known for being younger. He needed to be addressed as Doctor when he went out to handle cases so that people would respect him and not treat him like a brat... …

At this age, the inheritance of appearance and figure is already attractive enough. After all, he has played Batman and Daredevil, and now he has two enhancements of the water of life. He is simply like walking hormones.

Mrs. Cooper, who was in this state of mind, faced Chuck like this and suddenly said, ‘What do you think of me? ’, how could you not think about it wrongly?

Especially when Chuck mentioned her book, almost instantly, the face of the male protagonist in his book changed from hazy to the face in front of him.

She couldn't control it even if she wanted to!

"So much better!"

After being reminded by Chuck, Mrs. Cooper finally realized that she should stand in her mother's position and look at Chuck from his mother's perspective: "If Sheldon can be like you in the future, I will be so happy!"

In the Big Bang Theory of the original time and space, the grown-up Sheldon once elaborately designed another lie in order to fulfill a lie that he believed could not withstand scrutiny, and even hired a physics student with a minor in acting to act as a poisonous relative.

He specially made up the script.

One of the psychological knowledge involved is the middle child theory.

This means that in American families, among the three children in the classic structure, the second child is transparent and is not taken seriously. Then because of this childhood, he will develop various bad mental illnesses when he grows up, leading to various the consequences.

So the setting he gave to this poisonous insect relative was the middle child.

He agreed so much with this theory that he almost had a falling out with the actor student who didn't act according to the script.

But he happened to be the middle child, the second eldest son in the family, but he completely broke the psychological phenomenon he believed in, and became the one who received the most attention and love.

Missy, the youngest and only girl who was supposed to be the most loved, turned out to be as transparent as the middle child.

It just so happens that she also has a very high emotional intelligence.

It can be seen that high EQ is nothing in the face of true high IQ.

Mrs. Cooper actually knew this problem, but Sheldon's behavior was so special that she had to give all the love she should have given to Missy to Sheldon in the middle.

But in her heart she knew something was wrong with Sheldon.

She took him to the doctor to check that he wasn't crazy.

She felt that he had no friends, so she shed tears and asked little Sheldon, who didn't want friends, to take the initiative to find friends.

After discovering Peggy's family, she couldn't help herself with joy. She revealed her inner feelings in raising Sheldon, but found that Peggy was smarter and more mature than her son, and didn't have so many messy problems at all. Then Depressed again, I could only take some comfort from the conflict between Peggy's parents.

Ever since she was a child, she had been worried that something was wrong with Sheldon. Before another magical Amy appeared, she could not imagine that he would not be able to find his other half in his life. She felt that this son would definitely die alone.

Even without her wholehearted and special love, he would not have grown up at all, and he would not have lived to die alone.

On the other hand, Chuck lived to the limit of what she imagined her son could live to.

"Little Sheldon should have told you that in his eyes I am the devil."

Chuck said expressionlessly: "But let's not talk about the real me, let's talk about the big devil himself. If there is no big devil, how can God be embodied? How can a mortal achieve himself without going through various trials of the devil? , promoted to heaven?”

After saying this, he calmly said a classic Japanese sentence: "Mrs. Cooper, you don't want little Sheldon to be fed to lions in the future, right?"

Mrs. Cooper: "..."

Although her mind is wandering and her faith is wavering, her religious environment since she was a child and her devout faith for nearly twenty years have made her still believe in God.

In the Bible story, once the end comes, Noah's Ark will save those believers who are worthy of saving as the last survivors of mankind.

Young Sheldon does not believe in religion at all and is very skeptical about it. He once pointed out the loopholes in the Noah's Ark story in his eyes.

That is, there was not that much food on Noah's Ark for the animals that kept fire.

Her explanation was: "Those sinners who were drowned in the flood and the corpses floating on the sea were the food for these animals."

After saying this, she really wanted to pat her son's little head as he looked at her with disapproving eyes and say, "My poor son who feeds the lions."

But she held back.

But she has a very strong feeling that one day in the future she will not be able to help it anymore and actually do it!

"what should I do?"

Although Mrs. Cooper felt that it was strange for Chuck to say such a thing, she still subconsciously chose to believe Chuck when he said it to her. Looking at Chuck's calm face and thinking of Chuck's achievements.

"You can comfort him and indulge him."

Chuck nodded: "Give him all the love, but between me and him, always stand on my side! Let me give him the right intensity of blow and training to make him better and have a better future!"


Mrs. Cooper looked strange. She always felt that what Chuck said was actually deceiving her.

"Do you deny that little Sheldon needs training in his life?"

Chuck asked, seeing Mrs. Cooper shaking her head, and continued to ask: "Then can you find someone other than me who can suppress Little Sheldon in all aspects, make him convinced, and be willing to guide him to a better person? ?”

"Okay, I know what to do."

Mrs. Cooper smiled bitterly.

This really doesn’t exist!

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