American TV series Detective's Daily Life

Chapter 34 Hunting the Evil Wind River Valley

"Thinking about something."

Chuck told the truth.

Monica almost blurted out whether she was thinking about Professor Alicia Harper's question, but suddenly thought of another possibility, and quickly changed her words: "That math problem on the blackboard in the corridor?"


Chuck multitasked: "A very interesting question."


Monica couldn't laugh or cry.

If it were her brother Ross who said this, she would definitely laugh at him for showing off.

But what Chuck said convinced her.

He opened his mouth to say something, but was worried about disturbing Chuck's train of thought, so he stopped when he reached his mouth. He could only raise his eyes to look at the sky, his cool clothes making him feel a little chilly in the autumn wind.

After sitting together like this for a while, Monica couldn't help but take the initiative to speak: "You have to fly away later..."

Speaking of which, he forgot where Chuck was flying to.

There are 50 states and one special district in the United States. Most of the famous states are located in metropolitan areas on the east and west coasts, such as New York State and California.

The states in the middle and north and south are mostly unknown.

Such is the case in Wyoming.

So much so that Monica was not impressed by what Chuck said before.

"Wyoming, Wind River Valley."

Chuck looked at her: "There's a case."


Monica suddenly realized that she knew about Chuck's profession. It was reasonable for a detective to handle cases, but she still couldn't help but ask: "Who invited you?"

"Rookie FBI agent Jane Banner."

Chuck told the truth.

Obviously he made the right choice by sending the person his business card.

Only so long has passed, and it’s time to harvest.

"Is it a woman?"

Monica grasped the key point and subconsciously asked: "Is it beautiful?"


Chuck is very upright.

"...Compared to Professor Alicia Harper?"

The corner of Monica's mouth twitched. At this moment, she wished that Chuck wouldn't be so upright. It would be nice to have a bit of the glib tongue of a bad man.

"It's considered the ceiling of the obese world."

Chuck thought for a moment and made an appropriate comment.

"The ceiling of the fat world?"

Monica didn't know what to say.

When she heard "fat", she subconsciously thought of herself.

In the past, she was a super fat person in the eyes of others, but now she is only half of her former self.

In her eyes, Alicia's appearance and figure were perfect, the kind that would make any woman swoon after seeing her. However, in Chuck's mouth, she was actually related to being fat, and was she considered a ceiling in the world of being fat?

If so, what was she before?

The upper limit of the fat world, a second floor, no, a ceiling as high as a fifth floor?

And after putting aside this new term, she discovered the bright spot. Regardless of whether this ceiling in the fat world is positive or negative, this new FBI agent named Jane Banner can be said to be the same as Professor Alicia Harper. A phone call that sent Chuck to Wyoming to help was definitely not good news.

One Professor Alicia Harper had already put her under a lot of pressure, and another one... Thinking of this, Monica couldn't help but feel extremely depressed.

For a while, the scene became quiet.

Chuck raised his hand to look at the time, stood up and said, "It's almost time, I'm going to the airport."

"Do you want me to accompany you?"

Monica was originally going to accompany Chuck to the airport without asking, but she opened her mouth and asked anyway.

Taking the initiative is really tiring.


Chuck nodded.

Monica looked happy, stood up quickly, and then reminded in surprise: "The door is over there."


Chuck shook his head and walked into the teaching building.

Monica didn't know why, but she still followed quickly.

After a delay, Chuck drove Monica to the airport. Watching Chuck's plane pierce the night sky, Monica felt lost. She took the car key given by Chuck and smiled bitterly: "I'm just a driver." The driver... is still an empty driver."

She had been prepared before, but she didn't expect that Chuck would waste time thinking about that math problem.

She thought that she was not as good as Professor Alicia Harper, and perhaps not as good as Jane Banner, the new FBI agent who was on the same "fat world's ceiling" as Professor Alicia Harper, but could she even Isn’t it even better than mathematics?


Wind River Valley Indian Reservation.

Even though it is still late autumn elsewhere, it is already covered in snow here, and the new FBI agent Jane Banner is shivering in the cold wind.

After completing her training in Quantico, it wasn't long before she was assigned a mission and stationed at the Las Vegas branch.

Originally, this was not a chore, after all, the casino was still very prosperous.

But a few days later, while she was working, her boss called her. She had no time to prepare. The next moment, she had flown thousands of kilometers to this strange place.

Although he was surprised, he was still a little happy in his heart. After all, as a new agent, it is very difficult to get such an opportunity to be independent.

If this case hadn't happened in the Indian Territory, she knew she wouldn't be able to get anything out of it.

Everyone knows the reason.

We don’t believe in the Lord here!

The Lord doesn't care!

Being able to send someone nearby, even a newcomer, is already the greatest gift.

It was just a little bit of excitement and passion in my heart, but it immediately cooled down half as soon as I got off the plane. It was so cold.

Wearing single clothes and an FBI coat, she couldn't bear the temperature at all.

Fortunately, there are still good people here.

Sergeant Angela Bishop of the small town's tribal police station saw her like this, took her home and gave her her own set of warm clothes, and she finally recovered a little.

Then she immediately asked to go to the site to investigate.

This is her first case and she must go all out to do her best!

The hilly mountainous area was not suitable for driving, so she could only sit behind the female police chief and ride a snowmobile to the crime scene.

When I got there, I saw a barefoot Indian girl lying in the snow. What was dazzling were two blood-red balls, one on her mouth and one on her lower body.

She looked at the female police chief, who looked at her.

If it wasn't murder, then jurisdiction would belong to the Tribal Police Department and she could leave.

And if it's murder, jurisdiction belongs to the FBI, but only if evidence is found to prove it.

And it must be strong evidence.

Otherwise, her boss would definitely call her back with just one phone call. There are so many rich and powerful people from all over the world gathered in the casino every day who need to be protected (supervised) and listened to. Resources cannot be wasted on this kind of self-destruction that no one cares about. The place.

Even though she was a newcomer, as a woman, she could tell at a glance that this Indian girl might have been violated and escaped barefoot.

But the female police chief had naturally thought about this, and raised a question, saying that it was impossible to run too far barefoot in this kind of weather without freezing to death, and there were no qualified crime sites or people nearby.

Jane had the body sent to the medical examiner for autopsy, and then sent the relevant evidence to the FBI headquarters. After completing the process, she was at a loss and didn't know what to do.

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