American TV series Detective's Daily Life

Chapter 356 Detective Chuck: There is only one truth, you are a dog gambler!

"What full of malice?"

The best mother Bonnie could only see the toad that kept beating there. She had no intention of paying attention to what Dr. House said. She said something casually, then continued to hug Dr. House's shoulders and whispered: "You Go and attract other people’s attention, and I’ll catch this baby, and then we’ll get half of it each.”


Dr. House looked at Bonnie, the best mother, and remembered Chuck's speculation that he wanted him to look in the mirror. His face turned dark and he said speechlessly: "Don't you think there's something wrong?"

"what is the problem?"

Bonnie, the best mom, has been here for almost a month. Although she has initially overcome the withdrawal reaction, the addiction that has penetrated into the bone marrow of the old drug addict is too difficult to quit.

Besides, she was passively sent in for forced detoxification, and she had absolutely no motivation or will to quit on her own initiative.

So after a month, when she saw this jumping toad, it was like seeing a treasure.


A real treasure!

Ten thousand times more precious than my own baby daughter!

She treated this ugly precious toad literally, holding it in her hand for fear of falling and holding it in her mouth for fear of melting.

"This is a rehabilitation center!"

Dr. House complained: "It's still a compulsory addiction treatment center! Do you think a toad will suddenly appear here?"

"Nothing surprising."

Bonnie, the best mother, smiled and said: "It is precisely because this is a rehabilitation center and there are poisonous insects like us everywhere, so it is only reasonable for toads to appear. Maybe one of the slingers is capable! Otherwise, you think you can do it in other places See this endangered treasure?”


Dr. House's mouth twitched, but he was speechless for a moment.

Because what Bonnie, the best mom, said is true to a certain extent.

In other places, toads are just toads that can be used in Chinese herbal medicine to treat diseases. However, in the United States, they have been developed for evil purposes, so that toads, which were originally very common, have been turned into rare and endangered species. .

In other places, it is really rare to see wild toads.

no way!

Who let toads carry their own toxins? Licking them is equivalent to taking those messy medicines. For those poor poisonous insects who have no money, it can be called a gift from nature to poisonous insects.

This is the same as Americans laughing at those poor drunkards pouring antifreeze into their mouths.

The poor and poisonous Americans have licked the ugly toads into rare and endangered species.

Brother, don’t laugh at your second brother!

"Stop talking nonsense and go get attention!"

Bonnie, the ultimate mom, urged: "Otherwise this baby will run away."

"Do you really want to lick it?"

Dr. House said venomously: "Don't you think it's disgusting?"


Bonnie, the best mom, was extremely surprised: "What's so disgusting? It may be a little ugly, but after looking at it for a long time, it is clearly ugly and cute. It is cuter than ET, okay?"

"I dont go!"

Dr. House shook his head: "This must be what that damn Chuck used to mock me crazily!"

"What does this have to do with Detective Chuck?"

The best mother Bonnie watched the toad jumping over there, but Dr. House refused to help. The irritability inherent in the poisonous insect suddenly broke out. She even ignored the gossip Dr. House said about having something to do with Detective Chuck. Too lazy to listen, he cursed irritably.

"You are not a poisonous insect, but a hallucinator, right? Who are you? Does Detective Chuck have the spare time to find this precious toad to disgust you?"

"Originally I was only 90 percent sure."

Dr. House looked at the irritable mother Bonnie and complained: "But looking at the way you look now, I am 100% sure that this damn Chuck did it on purpose!"


Bonnie, the best mother, hugged Dr. House's shoulders tightly and gritted her teeth: "Even if he did it, so what? The baby is right in front of you, you really don't want to try it?"

"I'm not a drug addict...I'm not that addicted!"

Dr. House still shook his head.

"Are you kidding me?"

The best mother Bonnie didn't believe it at all, frowning and said: "You are not satisfied with half of the person? Do you want to lick it to your heart's content first? You are too greedy!"

"I'm really not that addicted!"

Dr. House shrugged.

Bonnie, the best mom, didn't believe it at all: "You, a drug addict who was sentenced to six months of compulsory detoxification and locked in a dark room for three days as soon as you entered, actually said that you are not addicted? What on earth do you want?"


Dr. House's face turned dark instantly.

Because Bonnie, the best mom, accidentally hit his pain point again.

He already knew that the police detective who originally targeted him only wanted him to be forced to detox for 2 months, but Chuck took the initiative to increase it to 6 months, and also applied countless patches to the compulsory detox, so that he could only completely stay in it. After staying here for six months, I can quit my addiction in an orderly manner, even if I try any tricks.


Just as Dr. House kept cursing damn Chuck in his mind, he heard the cry of grief and anger from the best mother Bonnie. He subconsciously looked over and saw that the ugly toad had jumped out of the fence and he couldn't catch it now. arrive.

"You are noble, you are amazing!"

Bonnie, the best mother who lost her 'ugly' baby Toad, could no longer suppress the irritability and anger in her heart. She pushed Dr. House to the ground who refused to help, raised her long legs and went to He was kicked and cursed constantly.


The strong nurse came over to control the situation immediately. Bonnie, the best mother with long legs, used her long legs to kick Dr. House several times before being dragged away.

The managing doctor of the rehabilitation center came over and announced the punishment.


Dr. House, who was kicked severely several times, didn't have much ill feelings towards the violent mother Bonnie. After all, they had the same odor. He could also understand the reaction of Bonnie, the mother who was addicted to addiction, when she refused to help him. Angry mentality.

At that time, he had the same angry attitude when facing his good friends who refused to prescribe medicine for him. Of course, he knew how to restrain himself better than Bonnie, the best mother.

But after hearing the punishment from the doctor in charge of the rehabilitation center, he couldn't stand it anymore and cried out: "I was the one who was beaten, why should I be put in solitary confinement too?"

"You didn't provoke her, why should she only hit you?"

The management doctor was a fat African-American doctor, and he said the classic sentence without any expression on his face.


Dr. House looked at the management doctor who was like a robot with grief and anger, and was dragged back to the small dark room by the strong nurse and locked up.

I've only been here three days.

He went in again.

"Chuck Wolf!!!"

Dr. House, who was directly dragged away by two strong nurses, could no longer hold back. His eyes were fixed on the camera in the corner, and he held up two internationally recognized friendly gestures with his hands, shouting out the grief and indignation in his heart.

He was 100% sure that Chuck did it!

First, he used a toad to disgust and taunt him, and then even caused him to be beaten!

The apartment of the victim Wei Qi.

Chuck smiled slightly.

"Boss, you laughed!"

Lisa, a big girl from Texas, exclaimed in surprise: "You look so pretty when you smile! What's the good thing?"


Director Randy was also surprised: "Chuck, I rarely see you smiling. Have you already solved this case?"

The victim's roommate and best friend, the blonde Ruth, also stopped crying and looked over.

"Poisonous insects cannot lick dogs!"

After Chuck smiled slightly, he returned to his past expressionless face, raised his decorative glasses, and made a pun.

Everything that happens in the rehabilitation center cannot be hidden from his eyes through Anna.

He had to admit that Dr. House was really smart, especially when it came to identifying his malice, far more keenly than Little Sheldon.

Seeing something strange about the blond Ruth, he added: "Betting on dogs too!"

"What kind of licking dog? What kind of dog is licking dog? Who is the betting dog?"

Director Randy asked confused.

"Licking dog is originally a pronoun."

Chuck said seriously: "But now many poisonous insects have become real dog lickers. As for dog betting..."

After saying this, he looked at the blond Ruth: "Ruth, do you gamble?"

"I don't bet!"

The blonde Ruth immediately shook her head.

"You said you used to be a nurse. Did you quit?"

Chuck didn't bother and continued to ask.


The blond Ruth smiled bitterly and said: "You also know that nurses have a heavy workload and are discriminated against by doctors. You have also been to New York Medical Center. You should know what the doctors there, especially the intern doctors, are like, right?"


Chuck nodded: "A good-natured intern was forced to beat up another naughty and romantic intern.

The reason is that this good old intern liked a female intern with whom he was intern, but he was with a female nurse, and then he was infected with the charm of the female nurse. He suffered severe ridicule and public ridicule from the slippery and romantic intern.

But it was later discovered that the source of the spread of the charm virus was the cunning and romantic intern doctor.

Since the news spread, the surgical director of the medical center became furious and wanted everyone who was at risk of being exposed to the virus to undergo a test for the virus.

Then the physical examination window at the medical center was blocked, with a large number of medical staff queuing up to take the test. "

"How come there are so many medical staff doing testing?"

"Are there really that many medical staff doing the testing?"

The naturally dumb Director Randy and the big Texas girl Lisa were both amazed, but the questions they asked were slightly different.

"In this world, the connection between people is so direct."

Chuck said expressionlessly.

"You really know everything."

The blond Ruth smiled bitterly and said: "Obviously it was the naughty and romantic intern doctor who caused the trouble, but in the end it was us female nurses who were discriminated against.

As the so-called doctors diagnose and nurses treat, nurses do the dirtiest and most tiring job. Not only do they earn far less than doctors, but they are also discriminated against in various ways, and they also face the greatest pressure of facing patients.

Many nurses are under great pressure. Just now Detective Chuck mentioned poisonous insects and so on. To be honest, I know that many doctors and nurses take drugs just because they can't bear the pressure.

I don't want to do drugs.

But since this group of weird intern doctors came over, I felt like I was not feeling well and was under too much pressure.

So I chose to resign and no longer wanted to be a nurse. "

"So that's it."

Director Randy nodded thoughtfully: "It seems that nurses are indeed under a lot of pressure. No wonder Sharona has a bad temper sometimes..."

After saying this, he saw the blond Ruth looking at him, so he explained with a smile: "Sharena is my wife, and she is also a nurse. Before, I only thought that her inexplicable anger was due to the arrival of relatives, but now it seems that it is mainly because of the arrival of relatives. It has to do with career, thank you for telling me this, I will be more considerate to her in the future."

"You are such a good man!"

The blond Ruth looked at Director Randy with admiration.

"Ha ha."

Director Randy touched the back of his head and smiled stupidly.

"Isn't it a pity that you don't want to be a nurse anymore?"

Lisa, a big girl from Texas, asked: "Nurses are professionals. Are you going to stop using the professional skills you learned before?"

"Nothing to regret."

The blond Ruth shook her head and said: "The skills you learn are your own. You don't have to be a nurse to be useful. In the future, whether you are a wife or a mother taking care of your family, these skills will be very useful."

"What is your occupation now?"

Chuck asked.


The blond Ruth smoothed her hair: "I have always been interested in stocks and other things, so I have been studying on my own.

Some time ago, I couldn't stand the weird group of intern doctors, and I suddenly had the opportunity to work as a trader, so I immediately chose to resign.

I am no longer young. If I want to pursue my dream, I must take action immediately. There is no time for me to waste. "


Director Randy gave a thumbs up: "You are better than me! When I was a lieutenant detective in San Francisco, I was confused for a while.

Because I am an adjutant, not the responsible officer, and because I have a humorous personality, my colleagues don’t take me seriously and even laugh at me in various ways.

After a serious setback after handling a case, I felt that I had reached the critical point of stress, as if I could no longer hold my nerve at any moment.

At that time, I remembered my past dreams. Being a police officer was not my first dream. My original dream was to lead the band I formed into a professional band and then release a record that would hit the world.

So I resigned directly at that time, went home to gather my friends from the past, and re-formed the band. Ah, what a wonderful memory. "

"What happened next?"

Blond Ruth asked curiously.

"Of course he found that being a police officer was more suitable for him."

Lisa, a big girl from Texas, smiled and helped Chief Randy, who suddenly looked embarrassed, "You didn't see that he was already the chief of police at such a young age!"


Director Randy chuckled after figuring it out.

In fact, at first he just wanted to follow his wife here and find a job as a police detective.

But in San Francisco, he worked with Detective Amon for a long time. Although he was mainly responsible for comedy... his boss here thought he was talented and directly hired him as director.

But none of this matters anymore.

He likes it very much now.


The blonde Ruth smiled in agreement.

"As a stock trader, what do you think is the essence of stock trading?"

Chuck asked suddenly.

“The nature of stock trading?”

The blond Ruth was stunned for a moment, then thought for a moment and said, "I think it's a value investment!"


Chuck said expressionlessly: "It's gambling! So there is only one truth, you like gambling!"

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