American TV series Detective's Daily Life

Chapter 358 The Best Mom: Mrs. House, you don’t want to either, right? Dr. House: The key is Peggy!

"House, I think you're doing fine now."

After Dr. Wilson understood the cause and effect, he looked at Dr. House, who was no longer sloppy and looked more youthful and energetic. He changed the subject with a smile on his face.

Three days later, another three days, and three days later, another three days. It has been a month now. If House has been kept in the dark room by Chuck, it means that House has no chance to take drugs, which means that House has quit smoking. The discontinuation reaction has also passed the strongest initial four weeks.

You must know that the Vicodin that Dr. House took is a narcotic psychotropic drug, and the staged reaction of this kind of psychotropic drug usually takes 2 to 4 weeks.

Of course the extreme ones will last for 6 months.

The police detective who copied House had previously intended to force Dr. House to detox for 2 months, doubling down on his understanding of the 2-4 week phase response.

Chuck, on the other hand, set the time based on extreme circumstances.

As a good friend and doctor, Dr. Wilson knew this, and because of his concern, he had consulted Chuck long ago and confirmed that the source of this length of time was indeed based on objectivity.

Otherwise, Chuck could completely imitate House's detective and double the six months based on extreme circumstances, and directly force House to detox from addiction for one year.

Now that he sees that House's mental outlook is much better than before, and that doing this for Chuck is really just for Dr. House's good, the last reservation in Dr. Wilson's heart has disappeared.

Chuck is truly the epitome of a good friend!


Of course, this was his inner thought. If he asked Chuck directly, he would get a more straightforward answer from Chuck.

Not at all what he imagined.

Six months was calculated by Chuck.

This time point is the limit of time that Dr. House can accept and is willing to compromise.

Because Dr. House also knows this point in time, and once Chuck comes up, he will directly double or super double. With Dr. House's proud temperament and self-destructive tendency, he would probably rather break the pot directly than break it. Be willing to be flexible with your bottom line.

And based on Dr. House's situation and his proud temperament, as long as he really wants to quit his addiction, one month will be enough, let alone 6 months.

If this is a magical world where all power can be quantified, and 100 is the world's power ceiling, and Vicodin's combat effectiveness against him is 100, then Dr. House's pride is the same as Superman's combat effectiveness, without any upper limit.

Normality is the ceiling of the universe.

A little burst, directly multiverse level.

If you really love Louise, you will probably be able to explode the omnipotent universe.

How far your thoughts are, how strong your combat power is.

The previous Dr. House was under self-restriction, his combat power was far less than 100, and his normal state was only 90+. He had no will and no ability to resist the Vicodin's combat power ceiling.

But now that Chuck is teasing him over and over again about the excitement of having sex, Dr. House's pride has been greatly stimulated. He has changed from not having the will in the past to having the will. Coupled with the environment of forced detoxification, so in one month, detoxification is actually Already done.

And here lies the real reason why Chuck is willing to pay attention to him.

That’s right!

Dr. House saved Professor Alicia Harper, and Dr. Wilson came to plead for help. These are secondary reasons worthy of Chuck's convenience.

But if that's all, it's not worth Chuck's subsequent attention.

After all, hundreds of thousands of people die from drug addiction in the United States every year.

Dr. House, the poisonous insect, became one of them. For Chuck, who had already helped to repay Professor Alicia Harper's medical treatment, there was no disturbance in his heart at all.

The so-called life-saving grace for Chuck was not really a life-saving grace. It was just that Chuck was unwilling to pay for the precious water of life until the last moment.

So I helped Dr. House out of jail, kept Dr. House's medical license, and exchanged it for Dr. House's importance. It was a life-saving grace, which was actually enough to repay everything.

What really makes Chuck willing to pay more attention to Dr. House is that Dr. House and Sheldon are so similar.

Both are extremely popular protagonists.

They are all geniuses.

They are all venomous.

They're the kind of people who seem like fun, but can't stand to be their friend for an hour at all.

They are all proud to the extreme, but they also have a flexible bottom line that is unknown to everyone.

The most important thing is that I don’t want to fight!

In the American TV series The Big Bang Theory, after little Sheldon grew up, he and Leonard and the others became a group of otakus. After Howard and the others endured Sheldon's pride and troublesome nature, they still complained about Sheldon from time to time.

Among them are discussions about Sheldon's arrogance and combat effectiveness. According to their complaints, if there were really superheroes, then Sheldon would be Lieutenant Arrogance, and his superpower would be the power of arrogance.

Sheldon did not deny this complaint.

But it was revised.

That is, if there is a superhero, his superpower may be arrogance, but his superhero name should be Dr. Pride!

Dr. Pride and Dr. House are both doctors, both are extremely proud and arrogant, and both are absolutely super popular protagonists who make people both angry and loved in their own separate American TV series worlds.

But Sheldon, the Proud Doctor, can provide Chuck with double the yin and yang points that no one else can provide.

What you have to do is very simple, just fight him.

Chuck has also tried to obtain it from other people, but other popular protagonists, including Little Leonard and others, have not had this effect.

You know, Leonard is the real protagonist of The Big Bang Theory!

Chuck has never forgotten his true goal, which is to obtain as many yin and yang points as possible to condense enough water of life, first to help himself get rid of his physical defects, and then to help people he really cares about, including Anna, depending on the situation.

So despite the fact that he hasn't criticized Leonard Jr., in fact, he has never given up observing and studying the yin and yang points to obtain targets other than Little Sheldon.

Dr. House is similar to Little Sheldon whom Chuck has delineated, and is very likely to be one of his new candidates for double Yin and Yang points.

Naturally, he had carefully observed and analyzed why he had fought against Dr. House so many times but had gained nothing at all.

In his deduction, the biggest difference between Dr. House and Dr. Sheldon is not age. Young Sheldon does not rely on his younger age, but relies on the charm of the character itself to make people love and love him. hatred.

So after eliminating many factors, Chuck finally locked in on Dr. House's real problem and stepped on the real red line.

After all, Chuck had read many time-travel novels in his previous life, and he knew that the most powerful thing was the unexplainable existence.

It's no use that Dr. House, who is stepping on the red line, looks like Little Sheldon.

Now Chuck has the opportunity to verify his speculation.

He wants to see if Dr. House, who has successfully recovered from addiction, can be reborn and become as useful a person as Little Sheldon.

"I'm fine?"

Dr. House pointed at his no longer sloppy face and mocked, "Do you think I did it myself? I'm almost not me anymore, and I'm still fine?"

"You think too much."

Dr. Wilson smiled and said: "I think it's good for you to be like this, really!"

"It's better for you, right?"

Dr. House said venomously: "Now you have the same tone as that damn Chuck."

"I don't."

Dr. Wilson suppressed a smile and explained: "I really think you are very good and energetic like this. I believe anyone who sees you can see this. Do you want to go back to the hospital as soon as possible?"

"You think that damn Chuck is going to let me out early?"

Dr. House scoffed.


Dr. Wilson was suddenly speechless and said vaguely: "Maybe, as long as you keep doing this, I will tell Chuck."

"What are you talking about?"

At this time, a tall woman suddenly came over, stretched out her hand to the confused Dr. Wilson and said, "Hi, my name is Bonnie, you must be Mr. House, right?"

Although the rehabilitation center is for compulsory addiction treatment, it is not a prison after all. During monthly visiting hours, everyone is in a unified large room, not separated by single partitions.

So others can come over.


Dr. Wilson shook hands with the tall woman Bonnie with a confused look on his face, and subconsciously asked, "Mr. House?"

"She's mocking us!"

Dr. House complained: "Same as that damn Chuck!"


Only then did Dr. Wilson understand the problem.

If he is Mr. House, then House can only be Mrs. House...

"I'm Dr. James Wilson."

Dr. Wilson didn't want to dwell on this issue, so he smiled and shook hands with the wonderful mother Bonnie: "House is here, thank you for taking care of him."

"You're welcome!"

Bonnie, the best mom, said with a familiar smile: "This is what I like to do. Who told us to get along?"

"I think I'm more connected to your long legs."

Dr. House complained.

"Long legs?"

Dr. Wilson subconsciously looked at the long legs of the best mother Bonnie, and his smile froze.

"Do not misunderstand."

Bonnie, the best mother who works at the bottom, is best at reading people's glances. She immediately explained: "It's not what you think, it's just that he ruined my good deeds last time. I was a little angry and kicked him a few times... Don’t worry about these little things, I want to ask you a favor.”

"What's the deal?"

Dr. Wilson glanced at Dr. House and saw that he had no objection and was just smiling, so he asked.

"After you leave, can you find the toad and then put it in from the fence during our release time?"

Bonnie, the ultimate mom, asked expectantly.


Dr. Wilson was stunned for a moment, then frowned and said, "Is this what you meant, or what House meant?"

"Do not misunderstand!"

Bonnie, the best mom, knew at a glance that Dr. Wilson also knew the purpose of the toad, so she explained with a smile: "That's what I meant. He also thought the toad was ugly, saying that the toad was released by Detective Chuck specifically to humiliate him."

"What happened to the toad?"

Dr. Wilson didn't hear what House meant, and his expression softened, curious about what story there was about toads.

When Bonnie, the best mother, told the story, Dr. Wilson suddenly couldn't laugh or cry.

"Do you think this is the work of that damn Chuck?"

Dr. House stared into his best friend's eyes.

"Probably not..."

Dr. Wilson didn't want to say what he was really thinking, so he smiled covertly and said, "Bonnie, I'm sorry, I can't help you with this. After all, this is a rehabilitation center. What you need is the same as House, to recover from addiction."


Bonnie, the ultimate mom, begged: "I really want it, please help me."

Seeing Dr. Wilson continue to shake his head, her expression changed, and then she thought of something and smiled again: "It's actually good for you to help me~"

As he spoke, he stuck out his tongue using the classic gesture of many female characters in Dongguo novels.

But it’s not just to show cuteness.

After all, cuteness is nothing in front of the heart!


Dr. Wilson had been turned into a ditch by the wonderful mother Bonnie. This time, Dr. House didn't need to explain. He immediately understood the meaning of Bonnie's action. His face darkened, he refused more firmly, and explained : "House and I are not what you think..."


Bonnie, the best mom, said in surprise: "Am I wrong? You are Mrs. House? But even if you are Mrs. House and he is Mr. House, it doesn't matter at all~"

At this point, she winked, with an expression that you know.


Dr. Wilson complained speechlessly.

What a masterpiece this is!

"Sorry, I really can't do this!"

Dr. Wilson refused sternly: "You don't want to extend your stay here if someone finds out, do you?"

"Really don't want to do such a small favor?"

There was something wrong in the eyes of the best mother Bonnie. After Dr. Wilson shook her head firmly, she hugged Dr. House who was watching the joke next to her. With a smile on her lips, she made a classic Japanese threat.

"Mrs. House, you don't want your Mr. House to be bullied here, right? I kicked his ass hard!"

"...I'm not Mrs. House! And I'm not Mr. House!"

Dr. Wilson's mouth twitched: "If you still dare to bully House, I will report you."

"Don't listen to her!"

Seeing that the best mother Bonnie was doing this again, Dr. House lost his sense of fun and pushed Bonnie away hard, and then said: "Wilson, take out your phone and call Chuck!"

"You want to talk to him?"

Dr. Wilson hesitated: "What do you want to say?"

"take it easy."

Dr. House mocked: "I won't scold him severely. I just want to have a good chat with him about an interesting thing I discovered."


Dr. Wilson didn't believe it, but he still took out his cell phone from his pocket and hesitantly dialed Chuck's number.

If possible, he still hopes that Dr. House and Chuck will have a good talk, so that you are good and I am good and everyone is good.

"Chuck, this is Wilson. I'm visiting House today. He wants to talk to you..."

Before he finished speaking, he was snatched away by Dr. House.

"Chuck, I found your secret!"

Dr. House held the mobile phone and smiled at Chuck on the other end of the phone: "Bonnie's relationship with you!"

"Bonnie and Chuck are related?"

Dr. Wilson looked at the best mom Bonnie in surprise.

"I am also very curious."

Bonnie, the ultimate mom, shrugged.

"My relationship with poisonous and rotten people like you has always been open and clear."

Chuck said bluntly: "There is no such thing as discovering a secret."


Dr. House's mouth twitched, but he still endured it. He stopped making excuses and directly said the keyword: "Peggy!"

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