American TV series Detective's Daily Life

Chapter 36 The simple folk customs are just right

Tribal Police Department.

"Agent Banner, what is this?"

The staff on duty naturally knew Jane's identity. After greeting Jane, they looked at Chuck beside her.

"This is……"

Jane was about to introduce, but stopped when her words reached her lips.

How to introduce it well?

You can't just say it's the detective she hired, right?

As an FBI agent, although many people are just dawdling around, on the surface, investigating cases is still the basic skill of an agent.

Agencies like the local police department and the FBI have their own jurisdictional disputes. If the other party knew about it, they would definitely laugh at her.


Chuck reminded calmly.

"Yes, counselor!"

Jane nodded immediately upon hearing this.

"You still have money at the FBI."

The officer on duty at the tribal police station shook his head.

Jane's face turned red.

She knew what the other person meant.

A powerful agency like the FBI has a budget unmatched by local police departments, so it has the money to hire various consultants to help.

Many times, it is actually these external consultants who handle the cases, while they, the real detectives, just sit back and enjoy the results.

In the past she would have argued back.

But now she has also found a consultant, not from the department, but from a private detective with a personal relationship, which seems to have further confirmed the other party's ridicule.

I just thought of the girl who fell in the snow. No one could help her, and I was afraid that no one would help her redress her grievances.

Because although everyone knew it was murder, the autopsy results showed that the girl was running in the biting snow, choked by the cold wind for a long time, causing coughing of blood, and drowned in her own blood after falling... She could not find conclusive evidence to prove it. If the girl was murdered, her boss would definitely call her back immediately.

She could only suppress the shame in her heart, look at Chuck, and open her mouth.

"I need to see the police file."

Chuck starts working on the case.

"I need to ask the Sheriff for instructions on this."

The person on duty looked at Chuck and Jane, but did not agree immediately: "It's too late now, let's talk about it tomorrow morning."

"time does not wait."

Chuck frowned: "Agent Banner, you call the Sheriff now."


Jane also felt that time was tight, so she agreed and immediately took out her cell phone and dialed the female police chief. The ring only rang once before she was connected.

"Chief Bishop will be here soon."

Jane hung up the phone and said to Chuck.

Chuck nodded.

After a while, the sound of a car stopping suddenly was heard outside the police station, and a female police officer walked in quickly.

Chuck looked around and saw that she was a middle-aged policewoman in her forties. Her appearance was more Indian, but there were signs of mixed race.

"Chief Bishop."

Jane took the initiative to say hello: "This is the consultant I hired, Dr. Chuck Wolf!"

"Hello, Dr. Wolfe."

The female police sergeant held out her hand to Chuck.

Chuck shook back.

"Go to my office."

The female Sheriff greeted and led the way, taking Chuck and Jane to her Sheriff's Office.

"Is the FBI definitely taking over?"

The female police chief said in high spirits after sitting down.

In her opinion, before she only sent a rookie agent like Jane here, which was a routine perfunctory procedure, but now she has sent a doctorate consultant, who is clearly preparing to officially take over.

That's good.

Unlike the police departments in most other places that resist the FBI, in her view, as long as they can solve the case and bring the criminals to justice, it doesn't matter who solves the case and who gets the credit.

Compared with local police departments, the FBI has the most abundant resources and can solve crimes better.

"not yet."

Jane knew that the female police chief had misunderstood, and explained awkwardly: "Dr. Wolfe is a consultant hired by me for personal relations."

"That's it."

The female police chief nodded slightly, without showing any embarrassment to Jane. On the contrary, her eyes showed appreciation: "Is there anything I can do?"

"I need the local case files over the years."

Chuck said.


The female police chief immediately agreed and called the officer on duty to send him in.

"Any more?"

the female police chief asked.

"Has a similar case happened here?"

Chuck asked.


The female police chief shook her head: "The people here are simple and honest, and there are not many cases, let alone such vicious cases."

The folk customs are simple... Chuck glanced at Jane.

It seems that he shouldn't have told him not to look for him in such small cases in the future, because it was so appropriate and reasonable for him to appear in a place with simple folk customs.

Jane smiled bitterly.

"Is there a problem?"

The female police chief was puzzled.


Jane shook her head.

For this kind of local case, even if the wording is changed from small case to simple case, it is still offensive to the female police chief and others.

"Are there any troops stationed nearby?"

Chuck asked again.


The female police chief shook her head.

At this time, the staff on duty had already moved the files in.

"These are the files from past years."

The female police chief signaled: "I'm afraid it will take a long time to finish reading, why not just ask me directly, I know everything."

"Ask as you look, don't delay."

Chuck started looking through the files and continued, "Are there any other government agencies nearby?"

"Do you think this was done by government workers?"

The female police chief frowned.

This question was asked to the garrison and other government agencies. Obviously, this was the first target of suspicion.

As a staff member of a national agency, she instinctively rejects this kind of behavior.

"The town has a small population and simple relationships."

Chuck looked down at the file and said casually: "If even you, a senior police chief who knows the town well, can't find the suspect, then there is a high probability that it is not a person in the town, but an outsider.

If there is a garrison nearby, then the first suspect target is naturally the garrison. "


Jane couldn't help but ask.

"You are the FBI, don't you even know this?"

Chuck looked up at her and frowned: "The crimes committed by the U.S. military garrison are countless. Wherever they are stationed, the crime rate soars, and the three poisons are rampant. Just look at the island countries where the U.S. military is stationed.

The victim this time is an Indian girl again, with an appearance similar to that of Asians. The identity of Indians in the mainland is not even as good as those of the island countries. At least the island countries are grateful for the abuses of the United States, but they do not have festivals like Thanksgiving to blatantly Celebrate, once there is a garrison nearby, more than 90% of it will be done by the garrison, and it will definitely not be the only one. "

After saying that, he lowered his head and quickly flipped through the files.


Jane was speechless.

The female police chief looked ugly.

Although she is of mixed race, her emotional tendency is still towards the tribe, and she works hard for the harmony between the tribe and the government. How can she want to hear such a well-known truth that she does not want to think about or mention.

There was a moment of dead silence in the office.

"Can you really see so fast?"

Jane first recovered from this strange atmosphere. She looked left and right and didn't know how to break the atmosphere. Seeing that Chuck didn't seem to be watching at all, but just flipping through it quickly, she couldn't help but complain.

“The human brain processes 16 bits of information per second, equivalent to 65,536 pieces of information, while the subconscious mind can process 11 million pieces of information.”

Chuck remained unchanged and looked up at her: "So yes, I can!"

Jane, female police chief: "..."

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