American TV series Detective's Daily Life

Chapter 362 Little Leonard: Chuck is real, I cry to death!

"So, I don't know when they are going to do it?"

Little Howard and Little Leonard looked at each other for a second, and then immediately turned to look at the balcony, not looking at Little Leonard, and changed the subject.

"When will Professor Harper come down? Why did she hand over the management of the website to Peggy? I think she is the best leader for us~"


Little Leonard's mouth twitched.

Even though he knew that after he asked these decisive words, little Howard would definitely not be able to afford a mother like him.

But little Howard has so smoothly abandoned the fallacies that he was so confident in before. This change of attitude still makes him full of flaws and he doesn't know how to complain.

"If you want to know, just ask."

Little Leonard said angrily: "As for why Professor Harper is unwilling to continue leading us, do you really not know the reason?"

As soon as these words came out, the two children simultaneously looked at little Sheldon who was sitting next to him and looking at the chessboard.

A normal person should have reacted long ago when being stared at like this.

But little Sheldon was completely indifferent and continued to frown and stare at the chessboard.

"Damn Sheldon!"

Young Howard complained: "It's all because he made Professor Harper unhappy, so she gave up because it was too troublesome."

Compared to the goddess Peggy, he is naturally more willing to be Professor Alicia Harper's subordinate.

no way!

After all, Peggy is just a young girl, while Professor Alicia Harper is a real goddess.

With his courageous and courageous character, it's good to be eye-catching.

But now all this is ruined by the troublesome little Sheldon.


Little Leonard nodded with deep understanding.

Compared to little Howard's fickle ideas, little Leonard also prefers Professor Alicia Harper to lead them.

On the one hand, it is of course more eye-catching.

On the other hand, Professor Alicia Harper and Chuck have a deep connection. With Professor Alicia Harper here, they can see more of Chuck.

The latter is what little Leonard values ​​more.

After all, they were still middle school students. Chuck was so busy that he wouldn't contact them at all when he had nothing to do, and they seemed to have nothing to do to bother Chuck.

This is unacceptable for little Leonard who regards Chuck as the light of his life and unilaterally declares that Chuck is his best friend.

Therefore, he is very disgusted with any behavior that prevents him from hanging out with Chuck more.

"But I think he regretted it too."

Little Leonard stared at Little Sheldon's back for a long time, then suddenly grinned: "After all, we just want to see Professor Harper more, but Sheldon is afraid of seeing Peggy!"


Little Howard suddenly understood and became happy.

He knew that Peggy in Little Sheldon's eyes had the title of Little Devil.

"Who's scared of her?"

When Little Sheldon, who had always been turned off, heard this, he immediately turned his head and retorted in displeasure.

Little Leonard and Little Howard were right behind him. Of course he could hear what they said. Even further away, he claimed to have the excellent Vulcan hearing of the aliens in Star Trek. He could also hear it. .

But after hearing it, he didn't care at all about the useless nonsense they said.

But now hearing that he's afraid of Peggy?

This immediately triggered his reaction.

Peggy may be a little devil, but who says he's afraid of her?

He wasn't even afraid of the big devil Chuck, so how could he be afraid of a little devil?


Absolutely impossible!

"Are you really not afraid?"

Little Howard didn't give any face at all and mocked: "When Professor Harper took us before, you didn't react at all. Instead, you asked Professor Harper for this and that, as if you were the main one.

But as soon as Peggy said that she wanted to replace Professor Harper, you complained about this and that, and once again mentioned that you should not have accepted Chuck's investment in the first place, but should have found other individuals to invest? "

"That's the truth!"

Little Sheldon peeked at the big and small devils on the other side of the balcony. Seeing that the big and small devils over there didn't pay attention at all, he raised his voice slightly: "I should have gone to individual investors in the first place! This genius idea of ​​mine is definitely worth it. !”

"Stop it!"

Little Leonard immediately exposed it: "No one can give you better conditions than Chuck. Didn't you see the greedy look of the president of your university? The professor who signed the contract can still get 30%. You just A student doesn't get their salary, but she is only willing to give you 10%, don't you think it's humiliating?"

"I'm not talking about school!"

Young Sheldon retorted: "I'm talking about individual investors! This is the United States, and the most important thing is investors who are willing to look for various investment opportunities."

"How do you want to find it?"

Little Howard mocked: "Are you taking your mother with you? When people see that you are still a little kid, they won't listen to you at all. No matter how good your plan is, they won't believe it!"

"But I'm no ordinary boy!"

Little Sheldon frowned: "I am the genius boy Sheldon Cooper!"

"So you're still a little kid!"

Howard Jr. interrupted: "With your size, no one will take your words seriously. Believe me, this is actually not a bad thing~"

When he said this, his eyes and expression revealed that he had endless stories to tell.

Little Leonard ignored him.

Of course he knows what little Howard means. Isn't it just a precocious and obscene king who tried to talk to little sisters, big moms and old ladies but failed, but because he was too young, no one took him seriously and didn't call the police to arrest him?

Seeing this, Little Sheldon also stopped there, frowning and saying nothing.

Because he felt that there might be some truth to this. In his limited life, incidents of being looked down upon and ignored because of his young age had already happened many times.

For example, when the high school science teacher’s NASA scientist classmate came to give a speech to them, he made very constructive suggestions. As a result, the NASA scientist classmate did not listen to him seriously at all, and directly interrupted him and gave him a NASA icon. Sent him.

This is completely confusing him as a child!

Of course he couldn't accept this kind of contempt.

So he began to perform mathematical calculations on recyclable rockets based on the theories he and NASA scientists discussed. For this purpose, a computer-aided calculation was needed to improve efficiency.

But his family does not have this condition.

Fortunately, although he was only 9 years old at the time, he was already responsible for filing taxes for his family, and he knew the family's financial situation better than his parents.

So he picked up the phone and called the bank. He wanted to take out a second loan on his house that had not yet been paid off. He wanted to use the loan money to buy a computer to complete the calculations and slap the NASA scientist in the face.

What was hateful was that the staff at the bank asked him how old he was as soon as he heard his voice. After his straightforward answer, he ignored him.

And the reason why he and Chuck met was that he was responsible for his family's tax return. He was confident that his family's tax return was the most perfect, but the IRS sent a letter to his family saying that he had underreported a few dollars.

His father wanted to pay the back taxes directly because no one would fight with the IRS for a few dollars for fear of attracting the attention of the IRS.

But little Sheldon couldn't accept such a result, so he secretly stopped his father from paying taxes, picked up the phone and called the IRS staff, preparing to teach them how to behave.

At first, the bald IRS employee didn't take it seriously when he heard the voice of a child. He explained and was about to hang up. However, after little Sheldon bluntly pointed out that the IRS was wrong. After that, little Sheldon's family was 'invited' to have a face-to-face audit of their tax returns.

Then there was the battle between Little Sheldon and the bald IRS employee. After winning, he arrogantly expressed that he wanted to win twice, which made him burst into tears after being criticized by Chuck.

Up and down, at the same time, twice!

These past experiences flashed through his mind quickly, and he immediately got up and left.

"Why is he going?"

Little Howard looked at little Sheldon in surprise as he left without saying a word.

"He can't hold it in anymore!"

Little Leonard thought for a moment and grinned: "Your words must have brought back bad memories in the past. By the way, I remember when I first met Chuck, I just looked at him. Sheldon cried and peed while arguing over the phone, haha, it’s really the best memory!”

"Ha ha."

Little Howard laughed when he heard this story. He often heard this story from little Leonard, and naturally understood the situation. He knew that little Sheldon could not control his bladder because of his high-definition image memory recalling bad experiences in the past. .

After all, Little Sheldon is the kind of person who can't hold back his urine when listening to the sound of simulated water, and he himself can't hold back his urine in the first place.

no way!

A super genius with an IQ of 187 has the ability to imagine the Big Bang, and is always more imaginative than others.


Of course, although Little Leonard's IQ is only 173, which is almost a key level behind Little Sheldon, in terms of imagination, he is definitely not weaker than Little Sheldon.

Because when Leonard grew up in the future, when he saw his female neighbor Penny for the first time, he imagined that their future child would be beautiful and intelligent.

In Sheldon's eyes, this is purely an impossible fantasy.

But Schrödinger is on top!

The future actually came true.

So in this respect, Leonard really beat Sheldon head-on in terms of imagination.

"I heard you say that on the first day of class, Chuck and Sheldon simulated the sound of birds, scaring him so much that he ran out of the classroom crying?"

Little Howard chuckled and said, "You said that if Chuck had simulated what he said when he first yelled at him, would he have peed on the spot?"


Little Leonard grinned and said: "Even if Chuck does this now, it will have the same effect anytime and anywhere. It's just that Chuck doesn't do it like this. Speaking of which, Chuck is really good to Sheldon. If you think about it carefully, you will be moved to tears.”

"We can try it!"

Little Howard's eyes lit up: "I'm the best at ventriloquism!"


Little Leonard stopped him and said, "Bullying Sheldon for no reason is bullying. Have you forgotten that we were bullied like this in the first place?"

"All right."

Little Howard curled his lips and gave up the idea with great pity.

But it's not for the sake of empathy for the bullied, after all, he's not pretending at all, he's the kind of person who will eventually become a dragon slayer.

He was good at verbal skills, and the reason why he suddenly let Little Sheldon go was because he keenly discovered Chuck's attitude towards this matter.

Although in Little Leonard's mouth, Chuck is Little Sheldon's benefactor.

But everyone knows that little Sheldon was bullied the most by the big devil Chuck.

But just because Chuck can unscrupulously scold the troublesome little Sheldon who cries and stinks, that doesn't mean he can do the same.

After all, choosing to cry against Little Sheldon so frequently already means that Little Sheldon's status in Chuck's eyes is different.

Attention is weight!

Just like Peggy gave the example just now, she only used Little Sheldon and Chuck as examples.

Just like him, although he shamelessly muttered to himself that he should be included in the circle of friends of Peggy and the others, he actually knew that Chuck, Peggy, and Little Sheldon belonged to the top small circle of super geniuses.

The three of them belong to the same category.

But he is not at all.

Little Leonard was favored by both Chuck and Little Sheldon, and was pulled into this small circle with one foot.

He stood outside, holding little Leonard's shoulders, trying to squeeze his head in to see the scenery in the small circle.

If he messed up, he didn't want to be completely kicked out of this circle of friends.

"Even if what you say makes a little sense, this problem can be easily solved."

Little Sheldon came out of the bathroom and regained control of his bladder. He had already figured it out and raised his chin proudly.

"I may not be taken seriously as I am now, but I can go to Dr. John Sturgess! He is my grandma's ex-boyfriend and my favorite scientist! He is old enough to make people take his words seriously! "

“Older people are more discriminated against.”

Howard Jr. mocked: "In the eyes of the world, they are no longer capable of accepting new technologies."


Little Leonard didn't want little Sheldon to cause trouble again, so he quickly echoed: "Sheldon, you have forgotten that you have always said that scientists should not determine their achievements by their age. Many great scientists have achieved their greatest achievements in life. When they were young.”


Little Sheldon snorted and nodded: "I didn't expect that. But it doesn't matter. With my energy and wisdom, coupled with his age, we can become the best partners.

If I had thought of this earlier, we would be the best partners now, fighting for our own careers, without having to be subordinate to anyone. "

When he said this, he looked imaginative and couldn't help but take another peek at the balcony.

"Stop thinking."

Little Leonard frowned and said: "Starting a business is much more complicated than you think. There are many problems that you can't think of now."

"That's what you didn't expect!"

Little Sheldon interrupted proudly, looking like he had everything under control, which made little Leonard's teeth itch.

"What can't be expected?"

At this time, Peggy's voice suddenly came.

Sanxiao immediately looked over and saw that at some point, Chuck and Peggy had hung up the phone and walked over from the balcony.

Little Sheldon immediately stopped talking.


It's not that he didn't dare to speak.

But I just don't bother to explain such a simple and obvious problem.

Only ordinary people like Howard Jr. are willing to answer this kind of question.

Thinking of this, he stared at little Howard and winked frequently.

"We are talking about..."

Little Howard completely ignored Little Sheldon's look that didn't let him speak, and smiled and said all the words he had said before.

"Did you really think of it all?"

Peggy smiled.


Little Sheldon's mouth was very harsh, but his eyes had long been turned away, and he did not dare to look at the big and small devils.

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