American TV series Detective's Daily Life

Chapter 371 Modern Family version of Home Alone


Dr. House was choked by Chuck's words and was speechless for a moment. He just stared at Chuck, while his good friend Dr. Wilson looked at Chuck with mixed feelings: "Has House really succeeded in quitting addiction? "


Chuck doesn't hold back.

He knows this better than anyone.

Even Dr. House himself.

Because the system had just reminded him that double Yin and Yang points had arrived, just like when Little Sheldon was criticized by him.

This is consistent with his speculation that Little Sheldon can do it, but Dr. House, who is a kind of person like Little Sheldon, cannot. The most critical reason is the issue of addiction recovery.

Following this and comparing it with Anna's observation of House's addiction recovery, at this moment, Chuck said this with certainty.

"But you still aren't going to let me out, are you?"

Dr. House looked at Chuck mockingly.


Chuck nodded.


After his good friend Dr. Wilson blurted out the words, he immediately realized that he had asked a stupid question when faced with the looks in the eyes of both Chuck and Dr. House, so he quickly found a replacement to smooth things over: "Chuck, do you really believe that House is recovering from addiction?" Success?"

"I do not believe."

Chuck said expressionlessly: "But at this moment I know that no one understands this better than me!"

"Can House go out early?"

Dr. Wilson, a good friend, said tactfully: "After all, we all know that the reason why he was forced to detoxify is for his own good. Now that he has succeeded, you are sure of success. There is no need to stay here any longer. The patient still needs House... …”

"You are so naive."

Dr. House complained: "I said before that he didn't do this for my benefit at all, but to make fun of me. Now do you believe it?"

"Chuck is not that kind of guy..."

Dr. Wilson, a good friend, did not accept Dr. House's words without emotional intelligence. He just said good things and wanted to praise Chuck.

"He's right."

Chuck didn't take this at all and directly confirmed what Dr. House said.


This time, let alone Dr. Wilson, my gay friend, even Dr. House, who revealed the truth, had his mouth twitching.

no way.

Even though he saw through it, Dr. House still held on to a glimmer of hope in his heart, just in case Chuck didn't mean it this way.

After all, there are still 5 months of mandatory detoxification.

This is so hard!

The key point is that there is absolutely no need or any meaning in coercion!

"Uncle Chuck, do you really want to keep Uncle House here for another 5 months?"

The little girl Nina took the initiative to speak softly under the wink of her father, Dr. Wilson.

"Six months, six months!"

Chuck gave a rare explanation: "I don't have parole or commutation here!"

“Are you challenging the entire American system?”

Dr. House immediately became angry.

"I don't have to challenge the entire American system."

Chuck said bluntly: "I just need to challenge you."

Seeing that Dr. Wilson wanted to speak again, Chuck interrupted him directly and looked at Dr. House who was trying to resist him: "Let me ask, what are you doing out there?"

"Of course it's to treat illnesses and save lives!"

My good friend Dr. Wilson said quickly.

"That's fine here, too."

Chuck reminded: "House has always claimed that everyone is lying and promoted looking at medical records without seeing patients in person. This has always been the case at Princeton Teaching Hospital.

The three excellent doctors under him are enough to receive patients, make preliminary diagnoses, and treat them.

All he was responsible for was diagnosis.

And this work can also be done here.

Even better because there is no other interference.

So why is he still going out? "

Dr. Wilson was speechless. It sounded wrong at first, but if you think about it carefully, it made sense...

"According to you, it would be best for me to stay here all my life?"

Dr. House scoffed.

"If you really value treating patients as Wilson said, yes!"

Chuck said expressionlessly: "In that case, I will provide you with the best technological assistance, so that you will be no different from staying at Princeton Teaching Hospital."

"Unless you can upload my consciousness to the Internet, then don't lock me here forever. Even if you chop off my head, I have no objection."

Dr. House said venomously: "Otherwise, I would not want to stay in this hellish place! I would also like to support female college students who cannot afford to go to school..."


My good friend Dr. Wilson quickly interrupted.

His daughter Nina and Bonnie's daughter Kristy are both here. How can we talk about these topics.

Chuck didn't speak, but turned to look at Bonnie, the best mom.

"Oh, great!"

Dr. House instantly understood what Chuck meant, and complained in a weird voice: "Do you want to let her go to college and become a female college student who can't afford to go to school, and then lock her here forever and be a perfect match for me? Already?"

"You're a perfect match, aren't you?"

Chuck didn't deny it.

"Even if I am willing, will Wilson be willing? You must know that he and she fell in love at first sight, and their love affair was passionate~"

Dr. House winked and mocked.

"I don't think anyone understands your match better than Wilson!"

Chuck said seriously.


Everyone was speechless.

Except for the two little girls, House and the others couldn't tell that Chuck was connoting the relationship between House and Wilson.

After all, if the best mother Bonnie is the mirror image of Dr. House, then Dr. Wilson can fall in love with such a poisonous person at first sight, and there will be a deeper underlying logic to support it, rather than just making it up. .

"I don't agree...I don't like cripples!"

Bonnie, the best mother, quickly emphasized that for this reason, she even grabbed Dr. House's painful penis and stabbed it hard!

no way!

She is afraid!

At first, Chuck just teased Dr. Wilson that he chose her because she was the female version of House, and she didn't have any problem with it.

Even if she is a better match for House, she is okay.

After all, House is also a doctor, and he is a doctor who has a common topic with her. If the two of them really have something in the future, they can definitely have fun together.

The benefits are obvious, and the disadvantages are even more obvious.

That is, Dr. House looks like a troublemaker at first glance. He is obviously a doctor, but he is forced to quit his addiction. He is also very tough-talking and does not know when to bow his head.

Such a person is definitely not a good match!

Especially compared to Dr. Wilson, a good old man with soft ears and a good personality, the advantages are the icing on the cake and dispensable, but the disadvantages are the kind that add insult to injury and can trick people to death.

In addition, the words that House and Chuck were arguing back and forth had a vague intention of letting her and House be locked up here forever.

She didn't doubt Chuck's ability.

This is too scary!

She absolutely cannot accept it.

So she must not have anything to do with House.

And how to prevent this?

With her many years of experience at the bottom, she instinctively reacted, and after doing so, she observed Chuck's reaction.


No reaction is the greatest reaction.

She was secretly happy and relaxed a little. Only then did she have time to think about it carefully, and she keenly realized that cooperating with Chuck and Dr. House was indeed the most suitable way to get herself out of Dr. House's mess.

Because she saw Chuck's attitude towards House, a poisonous insect and a rotten person, and she also had a deeper understanding of House's words about her being placed in the mirror version next door.

After all, what better way to antagonize House than 'House' against House!

While thinking about it, the man who had always been venomous towards Dr. House said words that poked at House's wounds even more, which made House's face turn completely dark.

"Ha ha!"

Lisa, a big girl from Texas who came over, couldn't help laughing when she heard these words. When everyone looked over, she quickly suppressed her smile, held up the U disk in her hand and said with a smile: "Boss, I got the surveillance. "

"We'll see later."

Chuck said, "I'll make a call first."

"Call who?"

Texas girl Lisa wondered.

"Cameron Tucker, the key figure in this case!"

As Chuck spoke, he took out his cell phone and made a call.

"I said it!"

Bonnie, the best mom, hurriedly reminded her that she had to take credit for this.

That’s right!

In her series of words that poked at House's pain points just now, she had already told everything she knew about the victim Benjamin, including of course the hot girl and Cameron Tucker.

"Can't get through?"

Lisa, a big girl from Texas, saw that Chuck was holding the mobile phone and had not spoken, so she asked: "Is he going to Paris and hasn't gotten off the plane yet?"

"It should be."

Chuck hung up the phone, checked the flight, and nodded: "The flight has departed, let's go."

"Where to go?"

Texas girl Lisa asked.

"Play jingle bells."

Chuck was concise and to the point.


Lisa, the big Texas girl, immediately understood and followed with a trembling smile.

She is the absolute main force in this performance!

She bought the bells for the instrument, and later the stand, consonants, and feedback were all hers!

Calculating it this way, Chuck is only responsible for the simplest power issues, but she is the absolute protagonist of tonight's performance!

Isn’t this so interesting!

As for the victimized Santa Benjamin?

Since it has been confirmed that it is murder, it is not less than a day or two. Anyway, as long as the detective Chuck is around, the case will always be solved.

On a flight from New York to Paris.

"Phil, something feels wrong to me."

Claire Dunphy and her husband Phil were sitting in first class, looking hesitant and patting their heads, feeling that they had forgotten something important.

"I know, we must have overslept and rushed from Jay's house to make you feel this way, but we really did everything, trust me!"

Husband Phil laughed and said, "Does it make you feel bad that we are flying first class and the kids are flying economy class?"

"That's not it."

Claire shook her head: "Mitch and I have long been accustomed to this treatment."

"Why did I hear a hint of complaint?"

In the front seat, Claire's father, Jay, was chatting with his wife Gloria, who is 26 years younger than him, looking at the beautiful sky. When he heard this, he immediately turned his head and looked over.

“No complaints!”

Phil immediately smoothed things over: "We are all very grateful to you for inviting us to Paris for Christmas vacation, and so are the children."

This time, the Modern Family family went to Paris for Christmas. With so many people, the air tickets and hotel expenses were a lot of money, and only wealthy people like Jay, who had savings from doing business, could easily pay for it.

"Dad, that's not it!"

Claire, who was looking back in deep thought, saw her father struggling with this. She couldn't remember it in the first place, and she became even more irritated: "I was thinking about something. Did I forget something important?"

"Forgot something important?"

Jie shrugged nonchalantly and complained, "You wouldn't leave your child at home, would you?"

"Jay, you are so funny!"

Phil has always been used to pleasing his father-in-law and hoping to get his approval, so he immediately laughed and said: "How could we leave the child at home? No matter how busy we were when we came, we also named Hailey and Alex. , Manny, Lily, and our three pairs of adults, our family has a total of 11 people. It’s a very lively family, isn’t it?”


Cameron, who was sitting in the corridor, also took off his headphones and answered: "We are the most modern family! This is Santa Claus's blessing~"

"I know you work part-time as Santa Claus, so there's no need to remind you again."

Jay said angrily.

"This is not just a part-time job as Santa Claus, I am now the vice president of the Santa Claus Association, the one who fully presides over the work!"

Cameron corrected.

"Wait, why do I feel like something is wrong!"

Claire, who still had a foreboding feeling, interrupted them impatiently, frowning in thought.

"Honey, what's wrong?"

Phil asked quickly.

"You said there are 11 of us?"

Claire seems to have grasped the key, but she always gets stuck.


Phil smiled and said, "Let me tell you the math. Our three couples are six people, and then the children are Hailey, Alex, Manny, and Lily. There are four of them, a total of 11...huh?"


Claire finally understood the key and screamed in horror.


Gloria shouted out the key immediately.

"Dear, we are talking about things, we will see later."

Jay turned back to his beloved wife Gloria, who had an accent.

"It's not LOOK, it's Luke!"

Gloria cried, "Did we leave Luke at home in our haste?"

"Oh, shit!"

Only then did Jay realize that he was once again confused by his beloved wife's Colombian accent.

No way, this is not the first time. Ever since Gloria married him, she has never called Luke's name correctly. She almost heard it as the verb LOOK.

But now the emphasis was no longer on the accent, but on the fact that his grandson Luke had been left behind while the entire family flew across the ocean to Paris.

You know, Luke is only 10 years old!


At this moment, everyone reacted and let out various exclamations.

"How could this happen?"

Cameron complained: "Didn't you call his name when we boarded the plane just now?"

"Stop talking, this isn't the first time."

Claire's brother Mickey complained: "Claire and Phil threw Luke several times when they were young, but it wasn't Luke's brain that was hit... Well, Luke's brain was also hit, but the most important thing is that he still hit Because of their perception of Luke, Luke has been left behind not once or twice, but this time it was too much!"

"Could we be thinking too much?"

Phil forced a smile: "Maybe Luke and Hailey are still sitting in the economy class? I'll go check it out now!"

While talking, he had already stood up and walked to the economy class at the back. Claire came directly from behind, passed him, and rushed to where the children in the economy class were sitting, and found that her youngest son Luke was really not there.

Eldest sister Hailey, second sister Alex, cousin Lily, and uncle Mandy also realized belatedly that Luke was not on the plane.

no way.

Transparency has always been one of Little Luke's important attributes.

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