American TV series Detective's Daily Life

Chapter 376 Chuck: Do you want to eat shit? Or do you want to eat it in nine turns?

Chapter 376 Chuck, do you want to eat shit? Or do you want to eat it in nine turns?

"Please! You are Detective Chuck, who would discriminate against you?"

Cameron complained.

"Why do you assume that the detective will not be discriminated against?"

Chuck said expressionlessly: "If you discriminate against me, will I not be discriminated against?"


Cameron was completely speechless.

He usually uses very dramatic scenes and an emotional tone to loudly ask others if they are discriminating against them, but now facing Chuck, this move is not only not smooth, but also seems to risk losing control.

This is too bad!

Seeing that he was completely speechless, Chuck did not continue to use magic to defeat magic tricks such as 'I am a psychopath, are you discriminating against me', but directly left Cameron aside and took Director Randy and the big Texas girl Lisa with him. gone.

in the car.

"By the way, I don't think he's beautiful either."

Director Randy smiled and said, "But I dare not say."

"It's best not to say anything."

Lisa, a big girl from Texas, smiled and said: "Randy, you are not the boss. You dare to say anything if you can't do it."

"I once thought that as an American citizen, I really had freedom of speech."

Director Randy shrugged, heard the ringing of his mobile phone on his waist, quickly picked it up and connected it, and said to Chuck: "We have found that hot girl and are interrogating her. Do you want to take a look together?"


Chuck nodded.

Director Randy immediately asked his police officers to transmit the interrogation process in real time and put it on the cell phone holder in front of the car for the three of them to watch together.

"It's really hot."

Lisa, a big girl from Texas, looked at the protruding Latina beauty in the surveillance camera and couldn't help but joked: "Are you sure your police officers can concentrate on their work?"

"Useless guy!"

When Director Randy was reminded, he noticed that his men's eyes almost popped out. He had no intention of interrogating, so he simply took over the interrogation.

"Do you know this man?"


The hot girl smiled and said, "His name is Benjamin and we dated."

"He was murdered two days ago."

Director Randy reminded.


The hot girl's smile didn't change and she just nodded.

"You don't look sad."

Director Randy was skeptical.

"Why should I be sad?"

The hot girl immediately smiled and explained: "I just dated them, not married to them, I just provided standard G.F.E services."


Director Randy was stunned.

“The Girlfriend Experience.”

Chuck directly said what the abbreviation meant.

"Looks like there's someone who knows the ropes."

At the other end of the video, the hot girl smiled and said: "I just don't know if the person speaking is an old customer who has experienced it, or a potential customer who has not come and experienced it?"

As soon as these words came out, Director Randy and the big Texas girl Lisa looked at Chuck who was driving with strange eyes.

They also wanted to know this question.

"A friend told me."

Chuck said expressionlessly.

"Oh, a friend~"

the hottie drawled meaningfully.

Director Randy and Texas girl Lisa also smiled knowingly.

The idea of ​​a friend is applicable everywhere.

Chuck had no intention of explaining.

The reason why he knew this was really because a friend told him, but it was just in his previous life.

As soon as the Chinese New Year arrived in my previous life, all kinds of news about people being urged to get married were hotly searched. Among them was a guide on how to deal with being besieged by seven aunts and eight aunts when I returned home during the Chinese New Year.

In addition to simply working overtime to earn overtime pay and not going back to celebrate the New Year, another more cruel approach is to rent a girlfriend to go home to celebrate the New Year.

He is also one of those who are being urged to get married, and he is quite concerned about this.

However, he does not belong to this radical group, but to the tolerant group. When relatives and family members say what they say, he just smiles and listens without answering.

A friend of his belongs to the radical group, and it seems that the fees are not high, and he might be able to get a sum of money when he goes back. In addition, if he is single and wants to rent a girlfriend, he will experience the fantasy of upgrading, so it is better to take action than to be tempted.

The ending is naturally not happy.

What happened afterwards was a mess.

What made this friend complain even more was that there was no such thing as upgrading the service. Even though he directly proposed to increase money, he was still rejected.

This friend who often watches American TV series complained: "It's not as good as America. At least the G.F.E seen in American TV series is really paid for!"

Then the complaints expanded, such as why he was not Howard, and why Chuck was not good friends like Leonard and Rajesh, leaving Chuck unable to speak easily.

In the American TV series The Big Bang Theory, the grown-up Howard was heartbroken after being dumped by Leonard's friend, and was dragged to Las Vegas by Leonard and Rajesh to indulge and relax.

Rajesh and the others first met Ji Yin and struck up a conversation. Rajesh thought it was his misty rain at first, but after being reminded by Leonard, he realized the true nature of the other person.

In fact, as the son of the Indian Iron Man, he is not short of money. Anything that can be solved with money is not a problem. He can afford a mere $500.

But there was a good friend Leonard beside him. Rajesh, who was low-key and stingy towards others, could only refuse this service with tears.

He is willing to spend $500 to enjoy it for himself, but he really doesn’t want to spend an extra $500 to let his good friends fall with him.

In the end, he was so confused that he chose to pay his good friend Howard, who was depressed because he was heartbroken, to provide him with a standard G.F.E service, which was very considerate and Jewish.

Most people cannot understand this kind of brain circuit, but those who have watched The Big Bang Theory know that the relationship between Rajesh and Howard is extraordinary and far beyond the scope of ordinary good friends.

To a certain extent, Howard enjoyed it, and Rajesh felt as good as a good gay friend.

And it also saves the money spent on Leonard, which is perfect.

When Howard, who was dying, was called over, he chatted with this man for a while and immediately knew what had happened. He asked expressionlessly if he had paid. After knowing that he had paid, he immediately went to enjoy the good things at home with infinite joy. My gay friend arranged a Jewish-style G.F.E service for me.

In the eyes of most men, Rajesh and Leonard, as friends, have done their best to Howard.

Chuck's friends in his previous life complained like this, obviously they also had this fantasy and wanted to have such a friend!

But Chuck sprayed him to death without a sip of salt soda. Their charging standard was 500 US dollars per hour, which converted to 3,000 to 4,000 US dollars per hour.

If you have a cheap G.F.E service that costs a few hundred yuan a day or an expensive G.F.E service that only costs around two thousand yuan, you can compare it with other people’s G.F.E services that cost three to four thousand yuan an hour. If you want your friends to help you pay for everything, just do it. Enjoy it, either you want to eat shit or you want to eat the nine-turn large intestine!

Look, it wasn't rich man Rajesh and the others who were footing the bill. When Howard hired G.F.E. service to accompany him to a school party, he couldn't even reach out for a hug but was repeatedly reminded by Ji Yin: "This will cost extra!"

This is the real experience of wanting G.F.E even if you have no money.

So Chuck was deeply impressed by this G.F.E.

"In short, I am hired, and I will not have feelings for them."

The hot girl laughed: "That's stupid! So I won't feel sad when Benjamin is murdered, and certainly not happy. After all, I am not the murderer!"

"Not her!"

Chuck jumped to the conclusion.

"All right."

After Director Randy asked his men to prepare a complete confession, he hung up the phone.

The car soon arrived at the Wilder Alcohol Addiction Treatment Center.

"Jack Wilder, behavioral therapist!"

A man came over, extended his hand to Chuck and introduced himself: "Dr. Wolfe, nice to meet you."

"You know Chuck?"

Director Randy said casually.

"of course I know!"

Jack Wilder, the owner of the alcohol treatment center, looked at Chuck excitedly: "Dr. Wolfe is a legend in our field. His ability to self-control autism to this extent is simply an incredible miracle!"

"Isn't this an alcohol rehab center?"

Director Randy asked in surprise: "Why is it related to Chuck's autism again?"

“The sobering center is just the service we’re best known for.”

Jack Wilder explained with a smile: “Our aversion therapy can of course not only be used to quit drinking, but can actually be used to treat any bad habit, such as smoking, alcoholism, gambling, violence, and excessive linking. My treatment method is based on classic conditioning. technology."

“Lisa, make a copy of the promotional video here.”

Chuck explained.


Lisa, a big girl from Texas, immediately smiled knowingly and said: "I will copy it and pass it on to Dr. House and Bonnie."

"Do you have any friends who need our services here?"

Jack Wilder immediately cheered: "We can provide services for free. After all, Dr. Wolfe's affirmation is our greatest support!"


Chuck said bluntly: "I just told them how lucky they were before. If they can't quit on their own will, I will consider sending them here."


The corner of Jack Wilder's mouth twitched, but he still kept a smile: "You are welcome at any time, we will provide the best service for free, I promise!"

"So, is Benjamin Rip a patient here?"

Director Randy asked.

"This is a licensed, formal alcohol treatment center and my patient list is confidential."

Jack Wild said.

"Are you a doctor?"

Chuck hit the nail on the head.


Jack Wilder said helplessly: "Well, Benjamin is indeed our patient here. As you wish, Dr. Wolfe, is there anything I can do to help you?"

Doctor-patient confidentiality in the United States is the most common method used by doctors to evade police investigations.

But now he is not a doctor, and this is still in front of Detective Chuck. If he continues to use this excuse to fool him, he is insulting his own intelligence.

"Benjamin was murdered!"

Director Randy said, "You know what?"


Jack Wilder was shocked: "Benjamin is dead?"

"He had enough alcohol in his system to intoxicate an elephant."

Director Randy said: "There is a girl who called Benjamin here just because she said you hired her. Isn't that right?"

"No way, my patient couldn't have drank so soon after treatment. When did he die?"

Jack Wilder couldn't accept it.

"Two days ago."

Chief Randy asked, "When did you treat him?"


Jack Wilder's expression changed, but he could only say: "Two days ago...Okay, come with me, and I will cooperate with your investigation."

Chuck and the three of them followed him to the treatment room inside, listening to his introduction as they walked: "I can make drinking a pleasant drink into unbearable by adding unpleasant smells, nausea-inducing drugs, and light drinks. Of course, all of this is safe, and I videotaped all the treatment processes."

After entering the treatment room, he turned on the TV and played the process of treating Benjamin.

"As you can see, after the treatment, he was doing well and I drove him home and then went home myself."

Jack Wilder said: "Benjamin's death really had nothing to do with me!"

Director Randy and Lisa, the big Texas girl, both looked at Chuck.

Chuck looked at Jack Wilder expressionlessly.

"What we offer here is very personalized treatment, which is the only way to effectively change a patient's life."

Jack Wilder said sincerely: "In your eyes, it may be a bit weird to find an escort just to expand your business, but in my eyes, she is an excellent market expert who accurately grasps the needs and wishes of patients.

People like Benjamin have a lot to lose if they don't get control of their alcohol addiction.

Before you despise my treatment methods, you can go talk to my patients. My treatment success rate is the highest among alcohol rehab centers on the East Coast.

Although I cannot reveal the names of some patients who need to remain confidential.

But what I can tell you is that some of them are the most professional doctors.

Even they recognized my method and chose me.

So believe me, I really don't know anything about Benjamin's death. "

"Who is that nurse?"

Chuck looked him in the eyes.


Jack Wilder was stunned, and then explained: "You mean Leila Byrne? Registered nurse, ten years of emergency room experience. As I said before, our treatment is strictly in accordance with safety procedures."

"We need to talk to her."

Chuck said.

"Okay, I'll call her right now."

Jack Wilder walked over and pressed the call button, calling nurse Laila over.

"You can go out now."

Chuck motioned for Jack Wilder to go out, and then said to nurse Lila who lowered her head: "Do you have anything to tell us?"

"I have no idea."

Nurse Leila shook her head.

"You don't even know how much your salary is?"

Chuck looked at her.

"Of course I know that."

Nurse Laila was stunned and said her salary.

"How does that compare to your salary in New York?"

Chuck asked again.

"A little less... but it's easier here and there's more down time, so when Mr Wilder came up to poach me, I said yes."

Nurse Leila explained.

"What do you think about this aversion therapy?"

Chuck asked.

"I think Mr. Wilder is a very good person. My parents passed away when I was very young because of alcoholism. I believe in death and rebirth..."

Nurse Laila hesitated to speak.


There was no need for Chuck this time. Director Randy and the others also saw a twist in Nurse Lila's words.

"But I don't know that now."

Nurse Laila lowered her head: "Have Mr. Wild told you about what happened after the treatment?

Benjamin was passed out, his breathing was shallow, his temperature was dropping, and I told Mr. Wilder that we should take Benjamin to the hospital.

But Mr. Wilder said everything was under control and then they left and what happened after that I really don't know. "

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