American TV series Detective's Daily Life

Chapter 393 This is too tragic!

On the witness stand, the defendant Edward Oster showed no emotion.

At the defense table, the defense lawyer no longer bothered to look at the prosecutor's righteous and awe-inspiring look around, his head lowered with a look of despair on his face.

Everyone knew that this lawsuit was destined to be lost.

He, a big lawyer hired with a lot of money, could not reverse the defeat and create a miracle.

no way.

In fact, the prosecutor seized on the logical loopholes in their words and attacked them so harshly that they were unable to resist.

Damn it!

He and Ben Stone were also old acquaintances, and he knew that the other party was indeed a very powerful prosecutor. But this time, Ben Stone caught the loophole in his words too quickly, and could directly attack him without thinking, and backhanded him. The advantages he created were wiped out, and he could even use his strength to gain strength. This was completely in another realm.

That's right!

This was what he was thinking about at this time, and he no longer thought about the case.

Because since this case is destined to fail, there is nothing you can do, and it is useless to think too much.

Anyway, he has already received such a large amount of defense fees, and he is not the one who is sentenced and imprisoned.

The only thing he lost was his reputation and winning rate.

But as a lawyer, no one can win forever.

He can accept losing once in a while.

Therefore, although his expression was hopeless, his mood was not that bad. Everything was just a legal game that did not harm his own fundamentals.

"Prosecutor, do you have any other questions to ask?"

The judge looked at Executive Assistant Prosecutor Ben Stone, who was still gushing out a long paragraph with emotion even after he reminded him to 'simplify the questioning'. He wanted to remind him again, but he noticed that most of the jury and the audience were We, the famous doctor who looked at the witness stand after Ben Stone's call, were all disgusted, so we didn't bother to press the issue anymore, but patiently reminded him.

Unlike the jury and most of the audience in the audience, he was not impressed by the prosecutor's impassioned speech.

Because Ben Stone said he was insensitive and did not take the patient's life seriously, and believed that if one patient died, he could save two or more patients. This can be regarded as inspired by the values ​​and practices of the famous doctor Edward Auster. Most people don't want to be the one who is sacrificed innocently and then helps more people.

But he is different.

He felt that he would not be the one casually sacrificed.

He subconsciously substituted the two people who were cured by the dead patient's organ transplant.

He is old and has various underlying diseases. Once he becomes ill or for a better quality of life, he does need an organ transplant.

This is also true.

As a judge, he is not an unknown person. Even if he meets Dr. Edward Auster, he will not give him random diagnosis and treatment after drinking too much.

Fortunately, he is also an experienced old judge and is good at acting impartially. In this case, the attitude of the jury selected from ordinary people and the vast majority of ordinary people in the audience has become clear. Of course, he Not stupid enough to reveal his different 'objective' views.

"Yes, your honor!"

After the routine questioning, to the judge's surprise, Executive Assistant Prosecutor Ben Stone, who was supposed to end the case smoothly, did not choose to end it. Instead, he continued to question the defendant who was sitting on the witness stand.

Seeing this, the judge could only nod slightly, indicating that the prosecutor could continue.

"Dr. Edward Oster, as a physician, do you believe that patients have the right to know what is happening to the doctor who is treating them?"

Executive Assistant Prosecutor Ben Stone returned to the prosecutor's seat, took a piece of paper written by an African-American assistant, glanced down, and then looked up at the defendant on the witness stand.

"Of course, where did the doctor go to school and who did he learn it from?"

Although Edward Auster's face was pale, he still maintained his final calmness and answered with words that were very in line with his interests.

He has been practicing medicine for 25 years and can even diagnose and treat people suffering from alcoholism and even perform surgery.

Although it is not good to say this, given his alcoholic state, he has only suffered less than double-digit deaths in these years, which shows that his mentality is as stable as his hands.

He is worthy of the title of famous doctor, otherwise if the frequency of accidents is too high, even if he has so many titles and connections, it will be difficult to suppress so many deaths.

It is difficult to defeat him completely at any time.

It's the same now.

He did not despair.

"What about personal habits?"

Executive Assistant Prosecutor Ben Stone pressed.

"I don't think this is necessary."

Edward Auster shook his head.

"you sure?"

Ben Stone came closer and looked at him.

"Unless this personal habit affects the doctor's ability to practice medicine."

Even though he didn't want to, Edward Auster could only say what he didn't want to say.

"Then let's talk about this."

Ben Stone walked closer and asked face to face: "Did you drink at noon today?"

The whole place was in an uproar.

The key to this trial is the defendant's alcoholism. The defendant has never admitted it. If the defendant can't help drinking during the trial break at noon, then you don't have to think about it to know how addicted the other party is.

"be opposed to!"

When the defendant couldn't help but look over, the defense lawyer had to stand up and object: "This issue has nothing to do with this case!"

"I grant the question!"

The judge looked at the defendant speechlessly, and then directly declared that the prosecutor's question was valid.


The defendant Edward Oster already knew that his drinking at noon was exposed, so he could only say.

"More than one cup?"

Ben Stone pressed, "How much more than a cup?"

"I am not sure."

The defendant Edward Oster blinked, first nodded in admission, and then shook his head to express that he did not know how much he drank.

"Is it between two and five drinks?"

Ben Stone continued to ask.

"I can't remember clearly!"

The defendant Edward Auster could no longer maintain his composure, and his tone became irritable.

"Dr. Oster, during the noon recess, did you drink six glasses of whiskey on the rocks at the bar next to you within 45 minutes?"

Ben Stone glanced at Chuck in the audience and asked the shocking truth that Chuck had just told him.


The court was once again in an uproar.

At first they really didn't expect that Edward Auster was so addicted to alcohol and would dare to drink like this at this moment.

Secondly, if the prosecutor hadn't asked, they really didn't see that defendant Edward Auster had been drinking.

And since the prosecutor dared to say it in court at such a moment, it must be the truth.

In other words, the experiment that the defendant had been unwilling to do before was actually done on his own initiative, and one of the results was that the defendant, who drank so much alcohol in such a short period of time, really looked sober.

This once again deepened their understanding of the defendant's bad behavior of deliberately causing medical malpractice by drinking dangerously while practicing medicine even though he knew he was addicted to alcohol.

"be opposed to!"

The defense lawyer stood up again and said that I was still there: "My client was very depressed during the morning trial, so he couldn't help but drink."

“Being depressed is also drinking, and being happy is also drinking.”

Executive Assistant Prosecutor Ben Stone said calmly: "Dr. Oster, are there any other emotions that are not associated with alcoholism?"

After saying that, he ignored the defense lawyer who was no longer distracted and looked directly at the judge: "Your Honor, the prosecutor requested a police officer to conduct an on-site alcohol test on the defendant Dr. Oster."

"be opposed to!"

The defense attorney again rose to object.

"Your Honor, I need to prove that the defendant, who appears to be normal and not drunk, is actually drunk and cannot control himself."

Executive Assistant Prosecutor Ben Stone made the key point: "That's the core issue in this case, isn't it?"

"I allowed it!"

The judge nodded: "Summon a police officer to court."

"Your honor, I am the police!"

Detective Amy Santiago in the audience was the first to stand up and raise her hand.


Detective Amy Santiago was one of the detectives investigating the case, and of course the judge recognized him, so he agreed directly.

Detective Amy Santiago came up, adjusted her clothes, and looked at the defendant on the witness stand with a serious expression: "Sir, please stand up!"

"This is going too far!"

Defendant Edward Oster couldn't help but get angry.

As a normal famous doctor who talks and laughs, has a lot of scholarly contacts, and has no professional background, no policeman would stop his car and investigate him for drunk driving in many years.

This kind of behavior of being commanded to perform various actions is simply humiliating in his eyes.

"Follow this detective's orders, Dr. Oster!"

The judge gave a serious reminder.

The defendant Edward Oster could only stand up, and then under the command of Detective Amy Santiago, walked out of the witness box and came to the open space in front.

"Per NYPD duty manual, I will be conducting a standard drunk driving test!"

Detective Amy Santiago explained, then stood in front of the defendant and demonstrated: "Sir, please raise your arms to shoulder height, close your eyes, and point your finger to your nose!"

Under the gaze of the judge, the defendant Edward Oster could only follow Detective Amy Santiago's example and did it once. He originally thought it was a simple matter that he could handle, but when he closed his eyes, he heard what was happening in the courtroom. There was an uproar again.

He immediately felt bad, but for a moment he didn't know what was wrong. He quickly opened his eyes and followed the gazes of everyone, only to realize that his fingers were not pointing at his nose at all, but at his eyes.


He didn't even point his fingers, but spread his palms and placed them on his eye sockets.

"This is too inferior!"

The annoyed detective complained next to Chuck: "Most drunkards can do better than him. He is so drunk that he dares to go to the ward to diagnose and treat patients. No wonder even the intern doctors are ready to give up their patients when they see him." Hidden."

"Yet none of these doctors hide their patients."

Chuck said bluntly.


Detective Shenfan sighed: "Life is not easy."

The trial is temporarily over.

The jury went in to deliberate and give a verdict, and soon they came out.

This is not good news for the defendant.

Because under normal circumstances, it is difficult for the jury to reach a consensus, and the result must be all found guilty or all not guilty.

Therefore, generally the jury will toss for several hours after entering the court, and there may even be no results for several days.

And now that it has come out so quickly, based on the jury's reaction during the trial, everyone knows the result without observing Chuck's micro-expression.

The result was no surprise. When the judge asked the jury to give a verdict, the foreman of the jury gave a guilty result.

"It's over! With this final outcome, even if the defendant appeals, there is no way to overturn the verdict."

Executive Assistant Prosecutor Ben Stone walked up to Chuck, shook hands solemnly and thanked him: "This is all thanks to you! Thank you!"

"You're welcome."

Chuck said bluntly: "I said, this is the most suitable chicken to kill a chicken to scare the monkeys."

"Then who's the monkey?"

Detective Shenfan asked with a smile.

Chuck raised his glasses and didn't answer.

"It's a pity that this is the case and he was successfully released on bail."

Detective Amy Santiago said unhappily: "If we let him really go to jail, I'm afraid we have to wait until the appeal is dismissed."

"There's no other way, we all have to make money."

Detective Shenfan complained.

The African-American prosecutor's assistant and his boss looked at each other and understood that the annoying police detective was complaining that the court's bail system to some extent expected the prisoner to run away after paying a huge bail, and then confiscate the huge bail to generate income. As for justice You can let the police arrest and bring him to justice.

As for wealthy criminals who can fly abroad directly without being extradited, that is another matter.

"How did you know?"

The African-American prosecutor's assistant couldn't help but look at Chuck and asked: "He doesn't look like he's been drinking at all!"

Ben Stone looked over too.

He actually thought of this, because his father was an alcoholic and couldn't help but drink at noon every day, and he never changed.

But the morning trial went so smoothly with Chuck's help that he didn't even think of using this to deepen the critical effect.

But when Chuck sent a text message to inform the African-American assistant, and the African-American assistant wrote this on a piece of paper and told him, he understood it at that time.

"He was a real alcoholic and would drink at all times."

Chuck explained expressionlessly, and then looked at the aggrieved Detective Amy Santiago: "Do you think it's a good thing for him to be released on bail?"

"Isn't it?"

Detective Amy Santiago.

When she thought about it, she wished that this bastard famous doctor who had no regard for human life would go to jail as soon as possible and enjoy his happiness. She didn't want to delay it for a moment.

"Elijah was killed."

Chuck reveals a piece of news he just got.


Detective Amy Santiago exclaimed, and then the depression on her face completely disappeared. Looking at the defendant Edward Astor who was being interviewed by the media asking whether he would appeal, her eyes even showed sympathy.

The reputation I have worked so hard for in this life has been completely destroyed.

Now I have to choose between going to jail immediately or delaying time outside and facing the threat of death at any time. It is really embarrassing!

But her sympathy was also full of playfulness and fun.

This choice is indeed very embarrassing, but the prerequisite is that it must be an individual!

And what this Edward Auster did, in fact, was no longer a person in her eyes.

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