The strong man's vision went dark and he fainted.

When he woke up again, he found himself lying next to the fire, but the pain in his body had subsided a lot. When he lowered his head, he saw that the wounds on his chest and arms had been bandaged again.

Unsurprisingly, he closed his eyes again.

"I have helped to remove the bullet and re-bandaged the wound. It will heal after a period of recovery."

Chuck added more wood to the fire and looked at the strong man lying there unwilling to open his eyes.

"I don't need you to worry about it!"

The strong man closed his eyes and sneered: "I can't die without you!"

"That group of security guards attacked the police, but I lost them in self-defense."

Chuck ignored the strong man's sarcastic words and continued to add more firewood: "I let the security captain go because I promised him that as long as he tells the truth, I will not defend him unjustly. Texans do not lie to Texans." .”

"he's mine!"

The strong man stood up and glared angrily: "If you kill him, I will definitely kill you!"

That night, it was this bastard security captain who was the most active. He was obviously jealous that he got close to Natalie as soon as he arrived, and the other party thought he was no worse than him. He had not been treated like this after staying here for so long, and most of the others also beat him. Follow the dirty thoughts behind that bastard Matt Olson.

This kind of scum must be killed by him to relieve his anger.

Chuck said nothing.

Isn't this the real reason why Texans don't lie to Texans?

"Do you know where you went wrong?"

Chuck fiddled with the sparks and looked at the strong man through the firelight.

"Say it!"

The strong man sneered: "I'm all ears to your opinion!"

"First of all, you shouldn't be in this business."

Chuck said calmly: "Being a bodyguard for this group of trouble-making and evil-doing rich people is wrong in itself. Staring into the abyss, the abyss is looking back, let alone guarding the abyss and hoping that the abyss will not contaminate you. You know people. Your vision is not good either, you shouldn’t find this group of people to form a team..."

Before he finished speaking, he was interrupted by the strong man. He sneered and said: "I do have a brother who can form a team, but he has not seen me for so many years. Where can I find him? Apart from this group Man, who can I rely on?"


Chuck called out the strong man's name.

That’s right!

The strong man is Frank, Chuck's former biological brother.

"My name is not Frank!"

The strong man shouted: "My name is Sean now!"

"Okay, Sean."

Chuck nodded, looked into his eyes, and asked seriously: "Why are you called Sean?"

Frank was stunned and fell silent.

"It seems you understand."

Chuck fiddled with the firewood and said calmly: "You also know what kind of world this is and what kind of things you are doing. You are worried that your relatives will be implicated, so you changed your name early."

"Don't tell me, you don't know that I changed my name and then you can't find me?"

Frank said harshly: "All traces of my past existence have been erased and modified. I asked my father, and it wasn't him!"

"it's me."

Chuck didn't deny it.

"Of course you! Who else but you?!"

Frank said excitedly: "Since you know, why haven't you come to me for so many years?! I am your biological brother! Do you still remember what dad told us? Brothers working together can be as powerful as gold! From childhood to adulthood, I have always stood by You've got your back, damn it! Not only am I your brother, I'm your best friend!"

"You are my brother."

Chuck corrected, "Best friend ever."

"What's the meaning?"

Frank was stunned and said angrily: "You have a new best friend now. Who is he?"

"Do you know what my name is now?"

Chuck didn't answer, but asked instead.

"It's definitely not Christian anyway, right?"

Frank said coldly.

"You changed your name to protect the safety of your loved ones."

Chuck said calmly: "To be more precise, it's to protect mom's safety, because dad doesn't need your protection. Why do you think I changed my name?"


Frank looked at Chuck in disbelief, and then smiled sarcastically for a while: "I changed my name to protect my mother. Didn't you change your name not only to protect your mother, but also to protect me?"


Chuck nodded: "Do you still remember what he said about you and me when we were training as a monk master in India?

I practice martial arts to stop fights and persuade people with reason, but you have been harsh and talkative since you were a child. After practicing martial arts, you like to be strong and brave, which is not the right way.

I haven't contacted you all these years because I knew you would take the path you are on now. In order to protect my mother and myself, I couldn't contact you.

But now that I have become a detective, I will encounter countless dangers. I don't contact you just to protect you. "

"It's for your own sake to be reasonable."

Frank sneered: "Whatever it is for me, I don't need your protection at all."

"Look at your situation."

Chuck gestured to Frank to look at his wound: "If you were really as good as you thought, would this happen?

This is your second big mistake.

Faced with a crisis situation, he did not act decisively to calm the situation. Instead, he was suppressed and watched the situation worsen step by step, leading to such an unspeakable tragedy.

This is just a rich kid with a bunch of useless security guards. You have become like this on your own. What if you were replaced by a more cruel and powerful opponent? "

"That's not because I'm incompetent!"

Frank was unconvinced and said: "At that time, I had just made love to Natalie many times...there were so many people holding me down, and I couldn't break out at the moment."

"Then you can't do it."

Chuck was unmoved and said straightforwardly.

"You don't understand any of this!"

Frank showed a tangled look, just like Leonard and the others in The Big Bang Theory when they faced Sheldon who didn't know how to explain the tangle of things between men and women.

In his impression, his brother was severely autistic and could not even communicate with others normally. His best and only friend since he was a child was his younger brother. How could he understand what was going on?

Can his fighting power in normal state be compared with that in sage state?

If it weren't for the fact that he was in the state of a sage, or even the state of a supreme sage, would those few rotten fish and shrimps have been able to hold him down?

Do you really think that his brute strength, which is praised by all the monk masters, is a joke?

Under the strict requirements of his father, all the various fighting skills he practiced, including wrestling, were just for show?

It's just that only men who have truly experienced this huge difference in combat power can understand.

It's not easy for him to tell his brother!

"Isn't it just something between men and women?"

Chuck disagreed: "If you want to use this as an excuse, it only proves that my choice is very wise. You are not very capable and you like to make trouble. In the end, the people you care about and who care about you are always the ones who get hurt."

"you know?"

Frank noticed Chuck's calm gaze and stared at it again and again, shocked.

He no longer even cared about Chuck saying that his lack of ability caused all this.

All he can think about now is that his brother, who is severely autistic, actually seems to really understand what a sage is like, and it's not the kind of understanding that comes from reading relevant information and knowing the meaning of nouns, but the kind of understanding that comes from truly experiencing it. Understand.

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