American TV series Detective's Daily Life

Chapter 408 The bankrupt sisters meet for the first time, MAX: Little C, I can fight four!

"Is this the end?"

Caroline followed Chuck and stood in front of the one-way glass outside the interrogation room. After watching for a while, she saw Chuck turning around and walking out, and immediately followed him.

"For me, it's over."

Chuck said: "The case has been investigated, the criminal confessed, and then the prosecutor prosecuted. I rarely deal with this kind of thing."


Caroline smiled and said: "I think the prosecution part is more interesting."

"Because you are a merchant's daughter!"

Chuck said bluntly: "You are naturally fond of the art of transactions. Prosecution and defense transactions are just like commercial transactions. It's not surprising that you are very interested."

"Then why don't you like it?"

Caroline asked curiously: "Is it because you don't like trading?"

"I don't like compromise!"

Chuck was concise and to the point.


Caroline understood immediately.

No matter how nice the plea bargain sounds, it is still a compromise made by the police, prosecutors and others who represent justice and initiate prosecutions against criminals.

Justice has to bow to sin, which is actually very frustrating.

However, this is a system and a general trend, which cannot be changed by individual power.

A person like Chuck who sticks to his word and likes to win again and again and win all over again, certainly doesn't like this kind of humiliating compromise.

"What are we doing now?"

Caroline asked.

"Everyone goes back to his own home."

Chuck said.

"don't want!"

Caroline immediately shouted: "You promised me to follow you the whole time!"

"I agreed, and it's over now."

Chuck said seriously.

"This case is not over yet!"

Caroline rolled her eyes: "Although for you, your mission is over, you promised me to follow the whole process, so as long as the case is not finally pronounced, I can follow the case to see the whole process. , as for what I like to watch, it is up to me, well, I have decided, I want to see how you, a consultant, react to the case on a daily basis as the case progresses!"

"I can tell you right now, I don't care at all how the case goes, there will be no fluctuations."

Chuck glanced at her.


Caroline raised her finger and shouted loudly: "What you promised was that I would follow up and take a look at the whole process. What I want to see is the process and results in my eyes, not the process and results you said yourself!"

After saying this, seeing Chuck looking at her expressionlessly, she immediately lowered her voice in embarrassment: "I mean, Chuck, you are a scientist, and I am the daughter of a businessman. We both pay attention to rigor and the spirit of contract..."


Chuck interrupted directly.

"You agreed?"

Caroline was overjoyed.

Chuck didn't answer and continued walking out.


Outside the police station, a driver stepped out of a stretched Rolls Royce and said hello to Caroline.

"Chuck, where are we going?"

Caroline waved to the driver and looked at Chuck excitedly: "I asked Mike to take us off!"

"No, I like to drive by myself!"

Chuck glanced at Mike, the driver and bodyguard, and walked to his car.

"I'm with you!"

Caroline immediately followed quickly. As she walked, she turned back and ordered: "Mike, go back. You don't have to follow me. I'm safe with Chuck here. I'll call dad and tell him!"

The driver, Mike, opened his mouth, and it could be seen that his lady had blocked everything he wanted to say over and over again. In the end, he could only nod to express that he understood, and watched Caroline get into Chuck's car.

"Chuck, where are we going now?"

Caroline, who sat in the passenger seat, fastened her seat belt at Chuck's signal and asked excitedly while looking at the layout of the car.

"New Jersey, Princeton Teaching Hospital!"

Chuck started the car.

"Go to the hospital? What for?"

Caroline was stunned.

"Show you a big baby!"

Chuck slammed the accelerator, and a pushing sensation hit his back. Caroline, who didn't understand, screamed, and then burst into cheering laughter.

She thought it didn't matter if she didn't understand. Being able to race with Chuck far exceeded her expectations. It was great!

"I like to be quiet!"

Chuck reminded.

"Feel sorry!"

Caroline, who was already shaking her head excitedly, as if she were playing music and dancing, quickly stopped and controlled her emotions, but after she calmed down, she finally had the time to think about what Chuck said just now.

"Chuck, you, tell me..."

Caroline, who thought carefully that she had no auditory hallucinations, confirmed with some stuttering.

"Look at the big baby!"

Chuck said seriously.

"big baby……"

Caroline's face turned red, but she couldn't help glancing at the car's gear lever out of the corner of her eye. She had a vague feeling that this was not the way to the kindergarten.

Although it fit her imagination, the speed of the car was too fast and she couldn't bear it.

Then her peripheral vision moved from the gear lever to the hand brake between her and Chuck.

"Yes! Big baby!"

Chuck didn't look at her, but still said the most ambiguous words in the most serious tone.

"This this……"

Caroline's mind went blank. After the car got on the highway, she nodded with a blushing face and said, "Okay, okay."

As she said that, she plucked up the courage and looked sideways at Chuck: "I'm ready!"

“Not yet at Princeton Teaching Hospital!”

Chuck reminded.

"Ah, yes!"

Caroline covered her face and said: "It's really inconvenient to drive now... I've heard that some people tried it, and the car crashed and people died. It's safer to park..."

The more she spoke, the softer her voice became, and she always felt as if she had misunderstood what Chuck meant.

What a shame!

Chuck wouldn't think she was that kind of casual girl...

She didn't know how much time had passed when her mind was confused and she couldn't sort it out. The car arrived in New Jersey and drove into Princeton Teaching Hospital.

"Let's go!"

Chuck said to Caroline, who was confused by his words: "Here we are, let's take you to see that big baby!"

"oh oh!"

Caroline quickly got out of the car, quickly sorted out her image, and then followed Chuck into the hospital with the steps of a lady.

"Chuck, you're here! Great! Let me out of the hospital!"

As soon as we reached the floor where Dr. House was, MAX, wearing a large hospital gown, was wandering around in the corridor, laughing and joking with patients and medical staff. When he saw Chuck coming, he immediately came over in surprise.

"I'm all healed, really!"

Caroline was stunned, her mind couldn't be convinced, but her eyes were extremely convinced. She shouted to Chuck in a glum tone: "Is this the big treasure you said you would show me?"

"Correct me!"

Chuck stepped aside and let the bankrupt sisters who had just met face each other face to face. He asked Caroline seriously to correct him if she thought he made a mistake.


Caroline was stunned and speechless.

Literally, Chuck was not wrong at all.

How does she correct it?

"I'd better ask them."

MAX understood what was going on as soon as she heard it. Although she was a little shy, the spirit of Old Si Ji immediately made her puff out her chest and spoke with a vicious tongue: "Hello, someone questions the title of your eldest baby, what do you say? ?”

As he spoke, he raised his hands to his ears, pointed in the direction of Caroline, and made a sound like he was listening from the direction of Caroline, but he was imitating the sound in a pretentious manner.

"Let's compare those who are not convinced!"

"I'll let her have one!"

"I count her four!"


Listening to MAX imitating the ferocious voice one after another, Caroline lowered her head and looked at her feet. She was about to cry but had no tears. She said angrily: "Why are you so pretentious? I'm still young..."

"There's nothing wrong with that~"

MAX teased her.

"I'm talking about how young you are!"

Caroline said frantically.

"I'm 17!"

MAX first pointed to his nose, then to his chest: "Their age is 36!"


Caroline was speechless again.

She is also 17 years old!

Now there is no shield of age anymore.

And what do they mean by their age 36? Is that their age?

Fortunately she didn't say it, otherwise MAX would have told her: "Yes, people have bone age, so naturally they also have their age~"

"Hi, what's your name?"

MAX saw that Chuck had been standing by and watching quietly, and then looked at the dress of the rich lady Caroline. He wanted to tease this rich lady, and Chuck seemed quite happy to do so. The crowd was watching, so she asked with a smile.

"You don't even know me?"

Caroline, who was speechless and racking her brains to get back in the game, immediately raised her chin when she heard these words: "Caroline Channing!"

"Well done to this name!"

MAX nodded and said: "I match you very well!"


Seeing MAX say this, Caroline finally felt a little less unhappy. For Chuck's sake, she felt the need to maintain her demeanor, so she lowered her head slightly and looked at MAX: "Many people say that Martin Channing How great, but more people say that I, Carolyn Channing, deserve this last name!"

"you misunderstood!"

MAX finally couldn't hold back his venomous tongue: "The name I mentioned matches you very well, because they both start with C."

Speaking of this, she glanced at Caroline's nail: "Although their sisters are very confident and feel that they are still young and have great potential, they are very self-aware and know that even if they develop suddenly, there are limits. They Although the expectations are still too high, with magic means, there is still hope to control this name!"


Caroline was so angry that she almost burst into tears at the venomous words. She pointed at MAX and was speechless. Finally, she looked at Chuck with great grievance: "Chuck, she bullied me!"

"What a pitiful little thing, come here, give me a hug!"

MAX immediately opened his arms and walked towards Caroline: "Don't look for daddy, daddy has no time to talk to you~Mom loves you~"

"Damn you!"

Caroline couldn't bear it any longer, and after MAX approached, she began to try to fight.

It's a pity that she is a real American princess. She only has the wealth of an American princess, but she has not learned the unique skills that an American princess should have. She has not been able to fight at all since she was a child.

Even if he tried to bully MAX, who was wearing a hospital gown, by taking advantage of his height and long legs, he would be completely defeated by MAX.

Under MAX's bullying, he could only admit that he was wrong. Then he was released, regained his eyesight, and said with great grievance: "What a bully!"


Chuck spoke up to stop MAX from continuing to tease Caroline: "Caroline has never had a mother since she was a child!"

"Oh, I'm sorry."

MAX was stunned for a moment, then apologized: "I shouldn't have mentioned this... Actually, it doesn't matter. I don't have a father yet. Even if I have a mother, believe me, you would rather not have a mother like me!"

"I'm fine!"

Caroline raised her chin higher, trying not to let the tears flow out of the corners of her eyes: "My dad is so kind to me!"

"So, how did your mother die?"

MAX glanced at her, his eyes softened, and his venomous tongue subsided.

"My mother is not dead!"

Caroline shook her head and said: "She was kicked out of the social circle by my grandma when I was 5 years old, and she never appeared in my world again."

Seeing MAX stunned, she explained: "Believe me, this is more uncomfortable than dying!"

"All right."

MAX shrugged, then looked at Chuck: "Chuck, can I be discharged from the hospital?"

"Observe for a few more days!"

Chuck shook his head.

"Do you still want to observe?"

MAX said with a grimace: "I'm really fine! It's so boring here!"

"What's wrong with you?"

Caroline couldn't help but ask.

"I make money by testing medicines on people, and I met a heartless bastard!"

MAX complained.

"Trying drugs to make money?"

Caroline said in disbelief: "You actually use your own body to test drugs to make money?"

"You're talking as if I'm the one who did the evil things."

MAX said with a venomous tongue: "Not everyone is a rich young lady like you. Believe it or not, you were not with your father back then, but your mother. Maybe we are like sisters now!"

"I do not believe!"

Caroline looked disdainful: "I will never be a sister with you in this life!"

"Don't be so confident!"

MAX sneered: "Maybe one day, you will cry!"

"In your dreams, maybe!"

Caroline didn't believe it at all, and her eyes moved: "If you want to work and make money, for Chuck's sake, I can provide you with a good job, and you don't have to test drugs to make money."

"You don't want me to sell myself to you, do you?"

MAX said in a vicious tone: "Let me state in advance that I am not a lesbian!"

"What are you thinking! Me neither!"

Caroline said speechlessly: "I just want to help you because you are so depressed that you are trying medicine to make money. How many people dream of working for me, but I haven't agreed yet. If you don't want to, forget it!"

"Then thank you, Miss, for giving me this opportunity!"

MAX looked at Caroline with a half-smile.

"As long as you know!"

A smile appeared on Caroline's lips.

Even if she uses a knife, she may not be able to compete with MAX, but if she brings MAX to a arena she is familiar with, she can completely destroy MAX. When Chuck is no longer around, she will definitely avenge all the grievances she just suffered. Go back and make MAX cry rhythmically!

"You smiled!"

MAX saw the smile on Caroline's lips and laughed playfully: "I made you cry first, then I made you laugh, and you yelled during the process, so now you say to Chuck that I am a big baby Still have questions?

Just saying this, I, my big baby, and Chuck’s big baby, let me ask you, do they have the same effect~"

Caroline's smile immediately froze on her lips: "..."

Who is this?

Why can't I stop being so venomous?

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