American TV series Detective's Daily Life

Chapter 416 The shocking truth! Fainting Joey Tribbiani!

Chapter 416 The shocking truth! Fainted Joey Tribbione!

While the two were talking, they arrived at the subway entrance where the crime occurred, which had been cordoned off by the NYPD.

Chuck brushed his face and went in.

"Dude, you're here!"

Detective Shenfan was down there. When he saw Chandler coming, he immediately came up to him with a smile and gave him a very exaggerated African-American greeting ceremony. Detective Amy Santiago rolled her eyes.

If there is one white person and one person of color, forget it. Two white people meeting to do this is really enough!

"Chuck, how's Phoebe?"

Detective Amy Santiago is concerned.

"The surgery was successful, Phoebe is going to be fine."

Chuck said.

"That's good!"

Detective Amy Santiago breathed a sigh of relief.

"Chuck, I'd say it's all your fault!"

The troubled detective looked at Chuck with a strange look.

"Blame it Chuck?"

Chandler was stunned.


Detective Shenfan joked: "If Chuck hadn't always told that New York subway lawyer hell joke, Phoebe probably wouldn't have had such bad luck."

"Phoebe is not a lawyer!"

Detective Amy Santiago retorted.

"Maybe she's dressed like a lawyer?"

Detective Shenfan shrugged.

Chuck didn't say anything. Although the annoying detective was joking, it was still a hit. If it weren't for Chuck's butterfly effect and the luck of the comedy protagonists of the Friends group, Ross might not have been nearly killed first. Now, Phoebe pops up again and gets shot.

Of course Chuck doesn't feel guilty or remorseful.

Because this is not a pure comedy world, but a comprehensive world of American dramas. There are joys and sorrows. After the synthesis, it is more in line with the magical reality.

So even if there is no Chuck, with the character of comedy characters who like to do things without any inhibitions, something will happen sooner or later.

"What did you find?"

"No clues."

Detective Amy Santiago shook his head and said: "There is no surveillance here. We also asked the people who were there at the time, but they all said they saw nothing at the time and ran away as soon as they heard the gunshot. I didn’t even dare to look at anything.”

"Peralta, take Chandler with you to collect all the surveillance during the period when there was surveillance nearby."

Chuck raised his decorative glasses and directly ordered: "Santiago, follow me to find Ursula!"



Detective Amy Santiago was puzzled, while Detective Shenfeng had already jumped up and wanted to add "Eternal God" after Ursula. His excited expression showed that he was a fan of Ursula.

"How about you go?"

After Detective Amy Santiago found out who Ursula was, he said to the detective with a dark face.


The annoying detective stretched out his hand to hook Chandler's neck and said teasingly: "Compared to Suula, I like Chandler better!"

"This is really not gay at all!"

Chandler laughed to himself.

Detective Amy Santiago glared at the two gay people in disgust and followed Chuck to check on Ursula.

Get the address from Joey.

At first, Joey fell in love with Ursula, and the two dated for a while. Later, Ursula dumped Joey, and Phoebe even pretended to be Ursula to comfort Joey.

As soon as they arrived at the door of the apartment, the door opened without Chuck and the others knocking. Ursula, who had the same face as Phoebe but a wilder hairstyle, sent a girl out.

When the girl saw someone, she quickly lowered her head, almost hitting the wall, and left in a hurry.

"Handsome, I know you!"

Ursula leaned against the door, smoking a cigarette, and looked at Chuck sideways: "Are you interested in playing?"


Detective Amy Santiago flashed her badge.

"The police are amazing!"

Ursula blew out a puff of smoke, disapproving.

"Now we suspect that you are related to a murder, please cooperate with our investigation!"

Detective Amy Santiago warned.


Ursula was surprised and put down the long legs that she deliberately raised to show the temptation of the split: "Isn't it an old man who can't stand the excitement and is too excited, and he will die immediately?"

"Not old man!"

Chuck was expressionless: "It's your sister Phoebe. She was shot and is being rescued in the hospital."

"It's her."

When Úrsula heard this, she immediately lost her nerves and started smoking again.

"She is your sister, and you don't care about her life or death at all?"

Detective Amy Santiago looked at her incomprehensibly.

"Then is she dead now?"

Ursula shrugged indifferently. Seeing that Detective Amy Santiago was speechless, she said indifferently: "Who can live forever? They are always going to die! What's the big deal! You don't come to me just for this matter. Right? Let me make it clear first that although I have no feelings for her, I have no hatred and will not send anyone to shoot her!"

"Who have you offended recently?"

Chuck looked at her.


Ursula took a puff of cigarette: "Why do you ask?"

"Because we suspect that the gunman mistakenly identified Phoebe as you, and what he really wanted to shoot was you!"

Detective Amy Santiago reminded: "If we guessed correctly, you are in a very dangerous situation now. Once the gunman knows that he made a mistake, he will definitely come back to you!"

Ursula's eyes flashed.

"You thought of it."

Chuck asked, "Who is it?"

"Though I'm not sure."

Ursula shrugged: "But if you insist on saying that the person the gunman wanted to kill was me, then you have to investigate a lot of people."


Detective Amy Santiago said with some disgust: "Did you offend a lot of people and they all want to shoot you?"

"This is up to you to investigate on your own."

Ursula shrugged and said: "I only provide clues. Go to the Magellan Bar and ask. During this period, I set up a thirty-day challenge there. There is a new person every night, and they have a chance!"


Detective Amy Santiago was puzzled.

“Who did not wear safety measures during this thirty-day challenge?”

Chuck said expressionlessly.

"How can I remember this?"

Ursula smiled and said: "I drank so much, and men are not all the same. Who likes to wear that thing?"

"You should have some impression of where you came from the next day, right?"

Chuck reminded.

"There are so many places to go, including Brooklyn, Manhattan, and even Long Island and New Jersey."

Ursula smiled and said: "I have been very happy in the past month. Even if I die suddenly one day, it will still be worth it."

Chuck ignored her and turned to leave, taking out his phone and making a call.

"It seems he understands."

Ursula looked teasingly at Detective Amy Santiago, who was still a little confused: "Would you like to come in? I don't mind."

Detective Amy Santiago looked disgusted and turned around to chase Chuck. Then she was shocked when she heard the content of Chuck's phone call.

"Joy, get tested for AIDS immediately!"

Chuck said to Joey on the other end of the phone.


On the other end of the phone, Joey was stunned for a moment, then smiled bitterly and said, "Chuck, don't be kidding me. The photo I took was a public service announcement. It doesn't mean that I really have AIDS!"

"I'm not kidding you!"

Chuck said expressionlessly: "Ursula has AIDS!"

There was sudden silence on the other end of the phone.

Then Rachel's voice exclaimed: "Joy, what's wrong with you?"

Rachel picked up the phone: "Chuck, this is Rachel, what did you say to Joey? He fainted!"

"Ursula has AIDS. I'm not sure when she got it. Give Joey a few punches to wake him up, and then ask him to take an AIDS test immediately!"

Chuck reminded.


Rachel screamed in horror: "How could this happen?"

"That's not surprising."

Chuck said bluntly: "Usula is a small-time film maker. American-style small-time movies always use real weapons and real weapons. They never require safety measures. They also like to play styles with extremely high exposure risks. It's only a matter of time before you get AIDS." Joey, a libertine who is known as the prodigal son of half the city, is also very passionate about the 'movie stars' who make small movies. This time he was not infected, and he has not been infected yet. He can be called the goddess of luck, the immortal Xiaoqiang!"

In the world of American TV dramas, this kind of wanderlust is a virtue. As soon as I hear about a small movie star, I can't wait to have a love affair with him.

In Friends, Joey didn't like Phoebe, who was from a good family, but he had a soft spot for Ursula, who was exactly the same as Phoebe, but had a worse personality, and was still making small movies. After being dumped, he was depressed and sad for a long time.

In "Looking for Mom", Barney Stinson also has a girlfriend who is a dancer. She is also the kind of formal girlfriend with feelings. Before talking about this girlfriend, he also clamored, who dares to marry the little movie star Tuoyi? If a girlfriend like a dancer breaks up with her, he will be friends with her!

It's as if women like the little movie star Tuoyi Dancer are some kind of saints.

In The Big Bang Theory, the wretched Howard had similar activities more than once. He was also exposed in public by his best friend on his bachelor's night before the wedding, which was posted online and ended the wedding for a time.

These distorted values ​​​​have finally touched the background of comedy, revealing the tragic core that should have been there.

"I, I don't dare to hit him, I'm afraid..."

Rachel trembled.

As for what to be afraid of?

It's obvious!

"Don't use your hands, slap him with your bag and wake him up! Let him get checked as soon as possible!"

Chuck said and hung up the phone.

Now I just hope that Joey is really the protagonist of a comedy with good luck, that he can pass through thousands of flowers without any leaves touching him, and that even he and Ursula have taken adequate safety measures.

Otherwise, if it is really infected, Joey will definitely die.

It won't delay the onset of the disease at all.

Because Peggy's mother Linda had been in love with him before, if this was passed on to Linda, given Peggy's character, Joey would probably commit suicide.


Detective Amy Santiago waited for Chuck to hang up the phone, and then she exclaimed: "Ursula has AIDS? Then she goes to that Magellan bar to do the one-night challenge for a month?"

Chuck gave her a knowing look.


Detective Amy Santiago was shocked: "She is a fool and wants to infect more people. No wonder someone wants to kill her! Don't talk about them, even I want to shoot her just thinking about it now! No way! , I asked people to arrest her, we can’t let her harm other people like this again.”

"Catch one of her, and there will be thousands more of her in New York!"

Chuck remained expressionless and didn't stop.

He was thinking of the name Magellan's Bar. No surprise, it should be the bar where the protagonists often spend time in Looking for Mom.

Upstairs is the apartment of the protagonist group.

The playboy Barney Stinson once conducted similar challenges here many times.

I have to say that if Ursula was introduced to Barney Stinson, it would be a perfect match.

I just don’t know if Barney Stinson would regard Ursula as the saint of true love if he knew Ursula’s current situation.

When Chuck drove Detective Amy Santiago to Magellan's Bar, the phone rang, and Monica's lowered voice came from over there: "Chuck, I got a call from Rachel. What did she say? Sula, it true?"

"it is true!"

Chuck didn't hold anything back.

"This this……"

Monica didn't know what to say.

"Don't tell Peggy yet."

Chuck reminded.

"I know."

Monica's voice became even quieter.

Although she didn't know Peggy as well as Chuck, the subconscious formed by daily interactions made her know that although Peggy was young, she couldn't be simply measured as a girl.

When Joey and Linda were in love, Peggy had threatened Joey.

Thinking about it now, her scalp was numb.

Magellan Bar.

It's not yet time to open, and only the bartender and waiter are preparing in the bar. Detective Amy Santiago flashes her police badge.

"Do you know Ursula?"

Chuck asked.

"Of course I do."

The bartender nodded: "What's wrong with her?"

"She was doing the 30-day challenge here. Did anyone come to you afterward to ask for her address and contact number?"

Chuck looked at him.

"Of course."

The bartender looked at Chuck expressionlessly, and there was a cold female police detective next to him. He didn't dare to hide anything and honestly told what he knew: "Ursula is so beautiful, a 'celebrity', and romantic. There was a lot to think about after one night, but I didn’t have Ursula’s address or contact number either.”

"Do you remember who looked bad?"

Chuck demanded.

"You don't look good?"

The bartender thought for a while, shook his head and said, "I don't remember this very well. If it's a regular customer, I still remember it, but the bar can't be full of regular customers every night, and Ursula is here to do the 30-day challenge, and the news has spread. , attracted many new customers who came here because of their reputation, so..."

Coming out of the Magellan Bar, Detective Amy Santiago worried: "What should we do now?"

"Go back first."

Chuck said calmly: "I have contacted the FBI and asked them to obtain the list and personal information of those who have been tested for AIDS in the past month. When Peralta and Chandler get the surveillance video near the crime scene, I will quickly Go through it, find the suspicious persons, cross it with this list, and you should be able to identify the shooter."

"The most important thing now is actually not catching the gunman, is it?"

Detective Amy Santiago suddenly sighed: "This Ursula is so hateful. She knew she had the disease and deliberately spread it to others. We want the prosecutor to prosecute her for dangerously spreading the disease and send her to prison."

Chuck said nothing.

He has already said that it would be very troublesome to capture one Suula and thousands of Ursulas, and to convict her.

If you want to be safe, you still have to keep yourself clean.

The real reason that makes Chuck ignore this is the relationship between Ursula and Phoebe, and Phoebe's mainstream Madonna character in American TV series.

Even if Ursula caused Phoebe to be shot and nearly died, even if Ursula knew she had AIDS and deliberately spread it, as a sister, Phoebe would definitely choose to forgive.

Phoebe herself doesn't care, and Chuck certainly won't get involved.

He is only responsible for finding the shooter who shot Phoebe, and now he plans to do it as slowly as possible, just like he did in the case of Dr. Edward Auster to find the crazy God of War.

This was also the real reason why he ignored Ursula before.

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