American TV series Detective's Daily Life

Chapter 415 Dr. Jon Watson: Dr. Wolfe, you redefined detective and simplicity!

Chapter 415 Dr. Jon Watson: Dr. Wolfe, you redefined detective and simplicity!

"I know, don't be nervous. I'll call and ask about the situation. Save Phoebe's life first before talking about anything else."

After Chuck finished speaking, he hung up the phone, then dialed another number and said over there: "Dr. Weber, this is Dr. Chuck Wolfe! My friend Phoebe Buffay was shot in the emergency room of your hospital. For rescue in the operating room, I need real-time video of the operating room.”

"Sorry, Dr. Wolfe."

On the other end of the phone, Dr. Weber, the director of the New York Medical Center, knew who Chuck was as soon as he heard it. He said in a very official tone: "This is not in compliance with hospital regulations. I'm sorry that I can't do anything. Dr. Wolf should know the importance of rules best." , isn’t it?”

Dr. Edward Oster, the chief of surgery, was the hospital's business card and an important resource, but now he was abruptly abolished by Chuck.

As the dean, I was reprimanded and warned by the hospital board of directors more than once.

He complained a lot about Chuck.

But he knew he couldn't afford to offend Chuck, so he could only admit that he was unlucky.

Now that there is such an upright person using the power of rules to slap Chuck in the face, of course he will not let it go.

Because it really doesn't follow the rules.

"Dr. Weber, are you sure you want to talk to me about the importance of regulations?"

Chuck asked expressionlessly.


On the other end of the phone, Dr. Weber, the dean, suddenly shuddered when he heard Chuck's calm and indifferent voice, and he swallowed the words that came to his mouth.

He suddenly said that he could indeed have a business relationship with Chuck on this matter, leaving Chuck with nothing to do.

But Chuck could keep things official with him on other matters.

Especially when it comes to tax matters.

He pinched Chuck in a business-like manner now, and Chuck retaliated afterwards. No, as long as he pinched him in a business-like manner, he might go in.

Taxes in the United States are so heavy that anyone who is not stupid will find ways to avoid taxes.

Whether tax avoidance is reasonable or legal depends entirely on how the tax bureau determines it.

Once the tax bureau really wants to investigate someone, almost no one is clean.

He is not a politician or a billionaire, and he is not qualified for the tax bureau to shun him even if his taxes are zero.

"Dr. Wolf, what do you want to monitor the video for in real time?"

The dean, Dr. Weber, thought of this and said helplessly: "I think the doctor must be trying his best to save your friend now. Any unnecessary interference will distract the doctor. In the end, it will be your friend who will be disadvantaged."

"I know."

Chuck said calmly: "I just want to know her real-time condition, assist Dr. Jon Watson in rescuing her, and ensure that my friend survives to the greatest extent."

"Dr. Jon Watson is the surgeon?"

Dean Dr. Weber breathed a sigh of relief: "Dr. Wolfe, Dr. Watson is a very outstanding emergency surgeon. Your friend is lucky to have her here.

My suggestion is that you wait patiently for the results.

Surgery is a test of medical knowledge and experience. You are not a doctor. Even if you know common medical knowledge, you cannot help Dr. Watson save your friend..."

"Dr. Weber!"

Chuck interrupted: "Do you think I would make fun of my friend's life? Do as I say! I will communicate with Dr. Jon Watson. As for interfering with the rescue, Dr. Webber, you don't really think I don't know. During long operations in the operating room, in order to avoid drowsiness, I listened to music and gossiped, just to raise my spirits. My intervention will not affect the performance of Dr. Jon Watson."

"Well, if you insist on this..."

The director, Dr. Weber, could only agree: "I will have someone send you the real-time surveillance video, and I will also inform Dr. Jon Watson of your request. As for whether Dr. Jon Watson will agree to it, I can't guarantee it." , she is the chief surgeon, and any decision she makes at this time is final, I hope you can understand!"

New York Medical Center.

operating room.

Dr. Jon Watson was performing an operation when the phone in the operating room suddenly rang.

The circulating nurse went over to answer the call, confirmed it in surprise, then covered the receiver and said loudly: "Doctor, Dr. Webb said Dr. Chuck Wolf wants to talk to you!"

"Dr. Chuck Wolfe?"

Dr. Jon Watson, the surgeon, was surprised while performing the operation: "What does he want from me?"

The circulating nurse conveyed Dr. Weber's request to Chuck with a strange look on her face.


Dr. Jon Watson frowned and said, "How can this be?"

"Doctor, Dr. Weber recommends that you communicate with Dr. Wolfe first."

The patrol nurse reminded: "He is watching here."

Dr. Jon Watson stopped his hand and raised his eyes to glance at the surgical shadowless light directly above. A camera was installed there to record the clearest surgical process, ensuring post-event investigation, and also serving as a remote medical consultation.

But few people do this.

The doctors who can perform the surgery are all qualified and trustworthy doctors. If you are a novice, there will be a teaching teacher nearby to support you, and there is no need for telemedicine consultation at all.

If something goes wrong, you can take over at any time.

Telemedicine consultation cannot do this at all.

"Put me through."

Dr. Jon Watson ordered. After the call was connected, he said politely to the other end of the phone: "Dr. Wolfe, you are not a professional doctor. Please do not interfere with my surgery."

"There is still a small piece of shrapnel that has not been removed, causing hidden bleeding points in the patient's body, causing slight fluctuations in blood pressure..."

Chuck speaks directly from the facts.

When Dr. Jon Watson heard this, he immediately stopped talking and discussed with Chuck the location of the hidden bleeding point, and finally successfully found and stopped the bleeding.

"Dr. Wolfe, how do you know?"

Dr. Jon Watson successfully stopped the bleeding and after eliminating the last bit of doubt, he looked up in amazement.

"I'm a detective!"

Chuck said calmly: "What kind of bullet, at what angle it enters the human body, how it breaks into pieces, and where each piece is. These are simulated in the mind with precise calculation results, and combined with the human body structure diagram, it can be easily deduced. from."

"...Dr. Wolfe, you have redefined what simplicity and detective means!"

Dr. Jon Watson smiled bitterly after being shocked.

"A good doctor and a good detective are interconnected."

Chuck said: "The mechanism of visiting patients and investigating cases is the same. The rest is just familiarity. I believe Dr. Watson is a good doctor. One day in the future, if I don't want to be a doctor anymore, it will be easy to become a detective." You’d make a good detective.”

"thank you for your approval."

Dr. Jon Watson smiled and said: "My dream has always been to be a good doctor, and I have no plans to change careers at this stage."

Chuck didn't speak anymore, but continued to drive while paying full attention to him.

Dr. Jon Watson saw that Chuck stopped talking and stopped talking, but continued the subsequent surgery attentively.

The most dangerous step has been passed, and the rest can be completed by the residents. However, out of gratitude to Chuck, she performed the entire operation without letting the residents and interns, the first and second assistants, get involved.

The results are not much different.

But what an attending doctor of her level can do is certainly better than that of residents and interns, and is more reliable.

New York Medical Center.

"Chuck, you're finally here!"

Monica and the others were waiting outside the operating room. When they saw Chuck and Peggy finally arriving, they hurriedly greeted him.

Anxiety was written all over the faces of the old friends.

Phoebe was one of the old friends, a best friend. I didn’t see that even the emergency notification number reserved on the driver’s license was written for Monica.

This is the treatment of relatives.

In The Big Bang Theory, his girlfriend Amy had to wait with Sheldon for six or seven years before he allowed Sheldon to fill in her name and phone number in the reserved emergency notification phone column, and celebrated this as a big deal. .

"Don't worry, Phoebe's surgery went well. She'll be fine."

Chuck delivers the good news.

"Very good!"

"Thank God!"

"How did you know?"

Monica and the others were all overjoyed. Only Ross, although he was also happy for his good friend Phoebe, still looked at Chuck with some suspicion.

"Because the boss participated in the operation, he instructed the surgeon to find the most dangerous hidden bleeding point."

MAX couldn't help but said.

"Who are you?"

Ross looked at MAX and his eyes went straight.

"What's that look in your eyes?"

Chandler joked: "Looking like this, he is obviously Chuck's new assistant. Everyone should know that~"

"Let's talk about Phoebe's attack!"

Chuck interrupted: "Do you know who Phoebe has offended recently?"

"No, Phoebe is so cute and kind. She is even willing to take care of mice and stray cats. Who will she offend?"

"Not necessarily! You have forgotten that Phoebe actively participated in various environmental protection and animal rights activities. Do you think it was the big companies that were blocked by environmental protection and animal rights that sent people to shoot Phoebe?"

Rachel and the others were talking about it.

"Probably not."

Chuck shook his head: "Phoebe didn't join the Occupy Wall Street movement. Environmental protection and animal protection are actually the own people of these large companies. Even the companies that are blocked know what they mean and will not target them, let alone It will be targeted at individuals within the organization.”


Everyone was stunned: "Since when did environmental protection and animal protection belong to those big companies? And if Phoebe joins Occupy Wall Street, wouldn't it be very dangerous?"

"Let's put it this way."

Chuck said expressionlessly: "If Phoebe was really attacked because of Occupy Wall Street, there would be no gun used, there wouldn't be such an incident, she would disappear silently, as if she had never existed. .”

"Hiss! No way?"

"So penetrating!"

"We are talking about Wall Street. The big companies targeted by animal rights and environmental protection organizations are just insignificant players in their financial game. There is no comparison!"

The old friends gasped, while Chandler teased.

"Chuck, I remembered. Phoebe told me yesterday that she always felt like someone was following her."

Joey said: "Could it be the person who was following her and suddenly shot her?"

"You can't think of anything Phoebe has done to offend anyone recently?"

Chuck reminded.

"Could he be a street gangster?"

Ross said: "Don't forget, Phoebe has been on the streets before and looks very familiar with those people. Maybe she offended them?"

"Could it be that smelly cat that caused the trouble?"

Rachel reminded: "Didn't Phoebe's former partner Leslie say that this song is great? She cheated on Phoebe once before, and maybe she cheated on Phil a second time for this song."

"Clashes with street gangsters are possible."

Chuck said, "As for the stinky cat song, no!"

Everyone nodded, including Rachel who suggested it.

Because when she thought about it carefully, except for Phoebe's previous partner, Phoebe usually sang this song in the cafe and was not popular at all.


Peggy warned aloud.

Everyone looked over immediately and saw a female doctor wearing a mask walking out. She took off her mask, revealing the face of an Asian woman.

"The operation was successful."

The female doctor looked around at everyone and smiled, and then, amid the cheers of her old friends, she extended her hand to Chuck and said, "Dr. Wolfe, thank you for your help!"

"You're welcome."

Chuck shook her hand.

"The patient hasn't woken up yet. I'm afraid you won't be able to ask her questions for a while."

The female doctor reminded.

"Phoebe is resting, she actually doesn't know anything."

Chuck said: "Just leave it to me."

The female doctor nodded to Chuck and everyone and left the operating room.

"Monica, take Peggy and the others back."

Chuck ordered: "Rachel and Joey just wait here until Phoebe wakes up. Chandler and I will go to the scene to find Peralta and Santiago and officially start the investigation!"


Everyone agreed.


The only forgotten Rose opened his mouth, but Chuck had already turned around and left, and he could only stand there depressed and embarrassed.

"Just wait with us until Phoebe wakes up."

Joey put his arm around Rose's shoulders and comforted him.

"Phoebe really suffered this time."

As Chandler followed Chuck into the car and drove to the shooting scene, he couldn't help but sigh: "What do you think is the highest possibility?"

"got the wrong person."

Chuck said expressionlessly.

"got the wrong person?"

Chandler was stunned for a moment, and then said in disbelief: "Are you saying that the shooter didn't really want to shoot Phoebe, but Ursula?"

Ursula is Phoebe's identical twin sister.

"Although in Happy America, gun battles happen every day, and being shot in New York is not a small probability event, but you should be very lucky."

Chuck analyzed: "Phoebe didn't do anything too offensive, nor would it cause someone to want to murder her.

The shooter was an amateur and missed his vital point, otherwise Phoebe wouldn't have been able to make it to the hospital.

Joey said someone was following Phoebe yesterday.

The most likely possibility is that someone mistook Phoebe for Ursula.

As for Ursula offending someone and arousing their hatred, the probability of this is much higher than that of Phoebe, right? "

"you're right."

Chandler immediately agreed, and then complained speechlessly: "So Phoebe is probably innocent?"

"This isn't the first time!"

Chuck reminded.

"This is different from those little movies."

Chandler's mouth twitched: "Phoebe almost died!"

That’s right! Phoebe's twin sister Ursula was famous for her work in small movies. At one time, someone mistook Phoebe for a small movie actress, which made Phoebe very embarrassed for a while.

This is the world of American dramas. Otherwise, on the other side of the ocean, if my identical sisters were exposed for making such a movie, it would be a high probability that I would also die.

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