American TV series Detective's Daily Life

Chapter 425 Speed ​​Emperor: Your glasses are very beautiful

Chapter 425 Speedy Sailor King: Your glasses are very beautiful~

"Then you might as well say that we hired Detective Chuck to be responsible for the investigation, which is seriously detrimental to your client~"

The bald prosecutor Ben Stone gestured to the defense lawyer to look at Chuck in the audience, joked, and then said with a smile: "You should focus on the cases you can win. The appeals court may take this case. But now that the facts have been determined and the jury found the defendant guilty, she is guilty! This cannot be changed no matter what!"

In the United States, there are first instance, second instance and third instance.

The first trial is a jury trial, in which a jury composed of ordinary people determines the facts, and then the judge imposes a sentence.

Even if the defendant is dissatisfied and appeals to the second-instance appeals court, the appeals court without a jury can only review legal issues, such as whether the procedure is legal and whether the sentence is reasonable.

However, the jury's verdict of guilt cannot be overturned.

There is a joke in the American legal community: Even if the jury decides that the moon is made of cheese, the appeals court cannot overturn this factual finding, but can only see whether there are any procedural issues with the result that the moon is made of cheese.

Of course, a joke is just a joke.

These are the rules under normal circumstances.

But once you lose all face, these so-called rules are like toilet paper. Even the judge of the first instance can directly invalidate the factual verdict made by the jury representing public opinion, let alone the appeals court of the second instance and the Supreme Court of the final instance. .

A justice of the U.S. Supreme Court once said: We ultimately have the final say not because we don’t make mistakes, we don’t make mistakes because we have the final say!

Just so domineering!

Only the first instance has a jury that represents public opinion. The second instance appeals court and the final instance Supreme Court do not have juries at all. It is only those judges who have the final say.

But a beastly mother who wants to pursue her dream of being in the entertainment industry and can only force her daughter to make small movies has no connections and abilities, so the appeal judges and Supreme Court justices are shameless for her.

There are no loopholes in the legal process.

Therefore, when the defense lawyer said that he wanted to appeal, he was just saying it and it made no sense.

This beastly mother is in jail.

Second-degree murder was punished with 20 years to life imprisonment. Once in prison, she had plenty of time to sleep and fantasize, so she didn't have to pretend to sleep when her daughter begged her.


"You deserve it!"

When the old friends heard the verdict, they were all very happy.

Especially Monica.

She had a special concern for the girl who committed suicide, and always felt a bit sympathetic to her. Now that she has successfully sought justice for the girl, it feels like a successful counterattack by her mother.


Vickers Wilander's laughter came from behind: "What a wonderful trial!"

"This is a victory for justice."

Monica smiled at her.

"Meet formally, Vickers Wilander!"

Vickers Wilander reaches out to Monica.

"Monica Geller."

Monica glanced at Chuck, stretched out her hand and shook her hand.

"Detective Chuck, I have long admired your name."

Vickers Weiland ignored Ross and the others who were excited and anxious but didn't dare to reach out, and looked at Chuck.

Chuck nodded and said nothing.

"Miss Wieland, why are you here?"

Monica looked at the dazzling Vickers Wilander with strange eyes, and then glanced at Chuck.

"Just call me Vicks."

Vickers smiled and said: "This case is very special, isn't it? A poor daughter was forcefully forced to death by her mother. Is this a distortion of human nature or a loss of morals? I think it has special feelings for many people. "

"You're absolutely right."

Monica couldn't help but agree: "The warmer most normal mother-daughter relationships are, the more they bring out the distortion and sadness of abnormal mother-daughter relationships."

"Do you dare to say this to your mother?"

Ross couldn't help but complain.

"Just tell mom!"

Monica rolled her eyes at her brother and said, "I originally wanted to invite her to come over and have a look, but unfortunately Chuck reminded me that it was useless. It would be better if you went and told her."

"I won't tell you."

Rose muttered in a low voice: "I'm not the one who has a problem with maternal love."

"Maybe it's just you!"

Chandler complained: "Chuck, Monica, me, Phoebe, Joey, Rachel, we all have some opinions on maternal love."

"What does this have to do with me?"

"I love my mom the most, Chandler, what are you talking about?"

Rachel and Joey were immediately unhappy.

"You really want me to tell you?"

Chandler mocked: "Rachel, you are your father's little quilt. Ever since you escaped from marriage, you have only talked about your father and your father and that. I have never heard you mention your mother. Is this normal?" ?

Joey, let alone you!

Judging from the fact that you asked me before if your mother was sexy in my opinion, and after I didn’t want to answer, you went out of your way to show me photos of your mother when she was young, insisting that I say sexy, you really Think it's normal? "

"But my mother was really sexy when she was young!"

Unlike Rachel who was speechless, Joey said dissatisfiedly.

"I love my mom, but she doesn't give me a chance."

Phoebe showed a sad expression when mentioning her mother for the nth time.

"Okay, what do you want this time?"

All the old friends shouted in unison.

"I didn't ask for anything, and I didn't deny that my mother-daughter relationship between me and my mother was abnormal."

Phoebe shook her braid and said with a smile.

"Did you see that?"

Chandler shrugged at the stunned Ross: "We are different from you!"


Rose's mouth twitched.

He now hates Chandler more and more, and actually excluded him from the circle of old friends again. What's even more disgusting is that Chuck is still in it, as if the six of them are friends with similar backgrounds and like-minded interests.

"Dr. Wolf, thanks for the help!"

The bald prosecutor Ben Stone came over with an African-American assistant prosecutor and thanked Chuck.

"How do you feel about the no-plea deal?"

Chuck looked at them expressionlessly.


Compared to the African-American assistant prosecutor, whose mouth was twitching, the bald prosecutor Ben Stone smiled slightly: "Especially in a case like this."

When encountering a case that particularly disgusts him, he also prefers not to engage in a plea bargain. However, he cannot completely make the decision. He is only the executive prosecutor, and there is a boss above him.

And his boss also has to abide by the game of plea bargaining.

No one can really do whatever they want.

"Let's go first."

The bald prosecutor Ben Stone glanced at Vickers Wieland and smiled at everyone.

“Great job!”

The African-American assistant prosecutor said sincerely.

"Better than last time."

Chuck said bluntly.

The African-American assistant prosecutor was stunned for a moment, and showed a black question mark expression. Then he realized what the case was last time, glanced at Vickers Weiland, nodded and left.

The smile on Vicks Verlander's lips remained unchanged. After Chandler grandly pulled away all the old friends and gave up the venue to Chuck, Monica and her, she looked at Chuck and said with a smile: "I heard from Caroline that you two are closer?"

"She's very close to my new assistant."

Chuck said calmly.

"I would like to ask, do you have any objections to me?"

Vickers Wieland stared at Chuck.

"You think too highly of yourself."

Chuck looked at her and said frankly.


Vickers Wilander and him looked at each other for a long time, but no one took the initiative to look away: "Maybe I'm overthinking."

As he spoke, he took a deep look at Chuck, then looked away at Monica, who had a melon-eating expression on her face, and said with a smile, "Nice to meet you, Monica."

"Me too."

Monica smiled politely.

"See you next time."

Vickers Weiland turned around and left, walked a few steps, turned around and looked over, pointing to her ears, half-smiling: "Your glasses are very beautiful~"

After saying that, under Monica's incomprehensible gaze, she stepped on her high heels and left. However, after taking a few steps, the words coming from behind made her high heels knock on the ground for a moment, and then she continued to knock on the ground and left.

"Is there any prince in the world who has been alive for fifty years?"

"Chuck, what are you talking about?"

Monica's long-term scientific research cooperation with Chuck had already trained her ears and eyes to be sharp, and Vickers Wilander's stamping of feet naturally fell into her eyes.


Chuck raised his decorative glasses, looked at the tall and tall figure of Vickers Wilander leaving, and said calmly: "Stay away from her in the future!"

"I know."

Monica smiled and said: "I was afraid that you would ask me to interact with her more and pull her over. Her appearance and figure are definitely above the baseline of your scientific research partners."

"Do I need you to pull it?"

Chuck asked bluntly.

"You must be awesome."

Monica said angrily: "You think I want to help you pull it, but..."

After saying this, she frowned and touched her temple, feeling a little uncomfortable.

"Let's go."

Chuck greeted Monica and left the court.

After leaving the court and getting into the car, Monica's discomfort was much better. She looked up and saw the tall and beautiful figure of Vickers Weiland. When the driver got out of the car and opened the door respectfully, she bent down and entered the luxury car. In the car, he drove away.

"Chuck, I know you don't need my help, you are perfectly capable of doing it on your own, but the question is why don't you do it?"

Monica couldn't help but ask: "Vicks's conditions make even women's hearts flutter after seeing them. For you, he should be the best partner for cooperation?"

"She's very ambitious, very capable and very dangerous."

Chuck was concise and to the point.

"Very ambitious...very capable...very dangerous..."

Monica chews on Chuck's comments about Vickers Verlander and is quite shocked.

She knew how high Chuck's vision was. Even if Vickers Weylander was the daughter of the owner of Weyland Company, she would definitely not be worthy of these three evaluations.

What exactly did Vickis Verlander do that made Chuck give such a high three ratings?

I wanted to ask again, but seeing that Chuck obviously didn't mean to say anything, I had to swallow the words that came to my mouth.

She now had a better understanding of Chuck's reminder to stay away from Vickers Verlander.

"But her aesthetics are still pretty good."

Monica did not ask how these three evaluations were obtained, but recalled the conversation with Vickers Wilander just now, and couldn't help but laugh: "I also think you look the most handsome and elegant when wearing glasses. ~"

When she said this, she looked at Chuck with moist eyes, obviously remembering the time when she and Chuck had just done a science lab, she wanted to challenge his weakness, and finally asked Chuck to stop taking off his glasses.

Since then, Chuck has never taken off his glasses when he was with her!

How considerate.

Chuck glanced at her, speeding up and speeding up knowingly.

Peaceful Town.

Mountainside villa.

"Chuck, don't take off your glasses!"

Monica saw that the preparatory work on scientific research was over and when she was about to get down to business, Chuck suddenly took off his glasses and was immediately unhappy.

Forget it before.

But today I just heard Vickis Weiland praise Chuck's glasses, which was similar to her heroic opinion. She was in high spirits and didn't want to lose the fuse of glasses.

"Wait until the satellite I customized is launched into the sky before wearing it!"

Chuck explained, ignoring her confused look, and soon made her completely forget about it.

After letting Monica fall into a deep sleep, Chuck got up and went to his master bedroom to clean himself. After finishing, he put on his glasses again and said to himself: "Give her a warning. If she harasses her again, she will just unplug the network cable!"

The watch on Chuck's wrist vibrated subtly.

In a luxurious high-rise apartment.

Vickers Wilander, a tall and charming beauty, was sitting in front of the floor-to-ceiling window. There was a laptop in front of her. She was operating it with flying fingers. She suddenly stopped there and looked at the big red letters displayed on the screen, with the corners of her mouth raised. : "Just unplug the network cable? This is a very interesting metaphor."

Unplugging the network cable is of course not just unplugging the network cable in the literal sense.

If you unplug the network cable, won't you plug it back in again?

This is not an online financial transaction. It will be useless to unplug the network cable and plug it back in again.

The network is just an extension of the person using it in front of the computer. To truly unplug the network cable, of course, is to completely ignore the rules and directly unplug the person using the network cable. This is the real physical sense of unplugging the network cable.

"Hello, a sigh! Say hello to you Seve!"

Vickers Weiland pondered for a while, then typed out a line of words with flying fingers.

However, there was no response from the other side.

This made her frown.

A Sigh may be a ghost on the Internet, but she is also hidden on the Internet under the code name Seve, and she is a big boss who can control the situation on the Internet.

Now she found another basis for a sigh in reality. She said hello politely and wanted to discuss important matters together, but why did the other party still treat her as if she was nothing and not even willing to communicate.

Is this looking down on her?

For a moment, she moved her fingers, wanting to teach this online ghost she had discovered a lesson, but thinking about how she was at a disadvantage against her just now, and Detective Chuck's astonishing record since his debut, she was extremely afraid, and her fingers recovered. Calm.

"I like your eyes and look forward to the day I see you in person."

After Vickers Wieland finished sending the message, she unplugged the network cable, stood up and walked to the floor-to-ceiling window, overlooking the New York night. Her eyes were shining in the mirror.

"A king rules a dynasty, but he will eventually die. This is inevitable and the law of nature. How can there be a prince in the world for fifty years..."

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