American TV series Detective's Daily Life

Chapter 424 Defense lawyer: We will definitely appeal!

in court.

Chuck ignored the gaze of Vickers Wieland behind him and watched the bald prosecutor Ben Stone apply for new witnesses to come to court.

It was the deceased's psychiatrist.

Previously, the psychiatrist was unable to testify in court due to restrictions imposed by the doctor-patient confidentiality agreement.

However, the estate lawyer introduced by Chuck helped the deceased's sister fight the estate lawsuit and won the estate inheritance rights of the deceased. Not only did he get the additional benefit of the beast's mother testifying in the estate court, which was beneficial to the criminal lawsuit.

The most important thing is that the deceased's sister, who succeeded in inheriting the inheritance, waived the doctor-patient confidentiality agreement, allowing the deceased's psychiatrist to appear in court and disclose the contents of his conversations with the deceased to explain the deceased's psychological condition.

"Priless is legally an adult. If she doesn't want to make a small movie, why can't she not?"

Bald prosecutor Ben Stone asks the most critical question in the case.

"Her mother had total control over her life."

On the witness stand, the deceased's psychiatrist replied: "Priles has no power in this mother-daughter relationship."

"She fell in love with a boy that her mother disapproved of. She lied to avoid participating in the show. She even secretly found you as a psychiatrist without her mother's consent."

Bald prosecutor Ben Stone stated the deceased's act of resistance to question the psychiatrist's words so that the psychiatrist could explain more clearly to the jury and judge.

"Is self-expression really that hard for her?"

"She lied to avoid direct confrontation with her mother."

The deceased's psychiatrist explained: "She was used to suppressing her feelings, and it didn't surprise me that sometimes she would come to my office and not be able to say a word.

Because I learned from her mouth that she had been controlled by her mother to participate in various audition performances since she was three years old, just like her sister's life. When her sister could no longer stand this suffocating control, she fled the house and lived her own life. After she died, she followed her mother alone. She was regarded as her last hope for an acting career and accepted tighter control.

Over the years, she has only had her mother's instructions in her life. She has completely developed the mentality of obeying her mother. Even if she wants to resist, she does not dare to have a direct conflict, but uses other ways to express herself. "

"What kind of expression?"

asked balding prosecutor Ben Stone.

"She has beautiful long hair."

The deceased's psychiatrist said: "She knew that her mother particularly liked this hair. A month ago, she cut her hair herself. It was not cut into another hairstyle like Teacher Tony, but cut roughly like mowing grass. .”

"Doctor, this is the record of your discussion with Preles about this matter. Please read the marked content aloud."

Balding prosecutor Ben Stone handed the psychiatrist a copy of the interview file submitted by the psychiatrist.

"Prylls: Once I started cutting, I couldn't stop."

"Doctor: Why do you do this?"

"Priless: Maybe... I don't know, my mom said my hair is the best advertisement, and I feel like if I didn't have my hair, I don't know... maybe she would understand."

The bald prosecutor Ben Stone waited for the psychiatrist to finish reading and asked: "Doctor, do you think this is a sign of self-destruction? Do you believe this will develop into a more serious self-harm behavior?"

"Cut your hair, cut your body, that's how some kids express themselves."

The deceased's psychiatrist nodded: "Yes, if the situation is not changed or no one intervenes to help, generally speaking, it will develop into more serious self-harm."

"Doctor, has Prelles ever mentioned suicide to you?"

asked balding prosecutor Ben Stone.

"Indirectly mentioned."

The deceased's psychiatrist nodded.

"How about indirection?"

balding prosecutor Ben Stone pressed.

"She made a videotape of a monologue that she did for her acting class, and she showed the video to her mother and said, 'I hope she gets it.'"

The deceased's psychiatrist said: "It was just a week before Preles died."

"Now, your honor, I would like this tape to be played in court."

Balding prosecutor Ben Stone immediately applied.

"The defense objects again!"

The defense lawyer quickly stood up and objected: "Mr. Stone insists that her death was suicide, and now he keeps trying to bring irrelevant things into it."

"I will have your objections recorded, and now I allow this video to be played for reference."

The judge decides directly.

Any normal person would be disgusted by the defendant's behavior, let alone a female judge. As a mother herself, she would be even more disgusted by such a defendant.

Judges are human beings and cannot be truly impartial and impartial.

Therefore, when it comes to prosecuting and defending in court, in addition to making necessary preparations, you also need to rely on luck.

Because the selection of which judge will be responsible for the trial is based on drawing lots.

Drawing the wrong judge is half the battle before it even begins.

The defense lawyer said nothing more and sat down helplessly. Of course he knew what was in the videotape. He had also seen it. Once the videotape was played in court, it would definitely make the jury more sympathetic to the deceased and to him for causing all this. The parties involved were even more disgusted.

Bald prosecutor Ben Stone handed the prepared videotape to court staff for playback.

A close-up of the deceased's haggard face appeared on the screen, and he said to the camera: "Mom, are you awake? I can't sleep! I haven't slept for several days. Last night I looked at myself in the mirror in the dark, The only thing you can see is the whites of my eyes, and you know how scared I am! Are you dreaming, Mom?

Remember Abilene? Towns are passing by the window, I beg you to stop the train, Lexington, Nashville, Little Rock, I'm sick for over a thousand miles and all you care about is making it to the audition! I hate you! Okay, mom, you go to sleep. As for me, I'm going to get off the car. I'm too tired. When you wake up, don't be angry because I left. It's my turn to sleep. "

The despair and pain of the deceased crying silently in the video moved everyone, but the jury was reminded by someone nearby to see the defendant's expression when he looked at the video.

Contrary to everyone's sympathy and pity, the defendant, as a mother, not only did not blame herself or feel guilty, but instead dragged her chin with her hands and watched the inner monologue of her dead daughter on the videotape with a smile and pride on her face.

This strong contrast made everyone shudder.

What a terrible animal mother this is!

"Your Honor, fellow jurors, the situation is very clear. Pryles has followed his mother since he was a child, and was 'entrusted with his dream of acting' by his mother. Since he was three years old, he has not lived a normal childhood life, not even a single day. Even when I was sick, my mother forced me to take him on a train for more than a thousand kilometers to pursue my dream of being in the entertainment industry."

Bald prosecutor Ben Stone walked towards the jury and began his speech: "Her mother always said that this was her dream. She was a mother who was helping her. She wished she had such a mother when she was a child to help her become a big star.

But is this really her dream? No! She cried and shouted to get off the train, not for anything else, because she felt too uncomfortable being sick and didn't want to stay on the narrow and depressing train. She hated her mother, but there was nothing she could do.

She was unable to get off the thousand-kilometer train, and she was unable to break away from her mother's control that had been in place for more than ten years.

She fell in love with a boy, and they were in love with each other. When she was really looking forward to life, her mother said to her, no! I don't agree with you being together, he will only drag you down to become a big star! You have to break up with him.

She didn't want to, but she didn't dare to have a head-on conflict with her mother, who had been giving orders as long as she could remember. In the end, she could only break up with her boyfriend in depression. The boyfriend still doesn't know the reason.

Then her mother asked her to make a small film, saying that the school could not provide opportunities to be on camera, and that she must develop the ability to perform in front of the camera.

But she was clearly rehearsing a play with her classmates and even a TV star, performing in front of the audience.

Anyone who knows something about acting career should know that acting in a play is more difficult than making a movie!

You can come back again if you make a movie, but on the stage of a drama, if you make a mistake, you will be booed by the audience, and there will be no chance of a comeback.

Prilles can perform on the stage of a play and deliver heartfelt monologues in front of the camera. Does she really have to participate in a small movie shoot to be able to be camera-friendly?

I think you all have your own answer in your mind.

Prelles' mother insisted that she only let her daughter play a supporting role to ensure that her daughter was only trying to feel and exercise her abilities in front of the camera. However, in a scene that should only have laughter in a small movie, her daughter, who was a supporting role, was stiff all over and her face was numb and painful. As a mother, can’t you see it?

I believe she can see if she has eyes.

But she didn't care as always.


When she felt more and more silent resistance from her daughter, she no longer thought about sending her daughter to Hollywood to become a big star.

She must first ensure her daughter's absolute obedience to her.

So she knew that there was a well-known unspoken rule in the entertainment industry that those who made small movies could not enter Hollywood. She still asked her daughter to make small movies to find the so-called camera sense, and then even let her daughter be the starring role, confirming her previous claim that she firmly believed The pretense that the daughter is just a supporting role looking for the camera is completely torn away.

The daughter was extremely frightened and went to see a psychiatrist. She also received psychological counseling, cut off her hair, and recorded an inner monologue like this. She told her mother that she was scared and begged her not to let her do such a dirty thing. things.

But as a mother, she completely ignored these manifestations. Even when her daughter finally couldn't stand it anymore and told her personally that she was scared, she even asked her to go talk to 'Friend Ursula'. 'Friend Ursula' was very good. Experience can help her.

But this so-called 'friend Ursula' was actually the person she had described as a poisonous insect and a rotten person, someone who would not let her daughter get close to or talk to her at all.

After several months of filming together, her mother, who was watching, knew very well that Ursula took drugs before filming to assist the filming and reduce the pain.

She knew, but she still let her daughter do it.

Once again, I slapped myself in the face for what I said before.

Prelas was only 19 years old. If she had been more than a year younger, let alone her mother forcing her to death, the mental abuse she had mentioned earlier would have been exposed earlier, and the defendant would have been arrested and sent to prison. The jail is closed.

Just because she was more than a year old and legally an adult, her mother could use this as an excuse to escape blame and blame all this on Preles herself, saying that it was all her own decision. Mother did nothing wrong!

Prelles is physically 19 years old, but she has been controlled by her mother since she was three years old. Is her actual mental age really 19?

What would a truly adult person do?

This is not a suicide case chosen by an adult, but a murder case in which a child who has been controlled by his mother since he was three years old was forced to death step by step by his psychopathic mother!

Before she died, like all murder victims, she kept trying to survive and begged the murderer to let her go, but the murderer coldly ignored her. In the end, she died in despair. Before she died, she kept repeating "I don't want to". Such' this sentence.


She doesn’t want to star in a small movie, she doesn’t want to commit suicide by taking pills! She is still a child, full of curiosity and expectations about the world.

But forced by the murderer, she had no choice!

She did not commit suicide, but was forced to kill by her own mother! "

The emotional speech echoed throughout the courtroom. Under the unwavering gaze of the defense lawyer, the jury members looked at the defendant with strong revulsion and disgust.

Not to mention the jury, even the supposedly impartial judge sitting on it looked at the defendant with the same evaluation as the judge in the probate court: "This is a disgusting mother!"

Faced with the accusations, the neurotic mother suddenly became excited and shouted categorically: "I didn't do anything wrong! Preles is an adult and she makes her own decisions! I just encourage her to do what she wants to do." thing!"

"The accused should be silent!"

The judge immediately frowned and interrupted.

The defense lawyer also quickly grabbed his client. After apologizing, he gave his own speech, saying that there was no evidence to prove what his client was thinking, so it was not a murder charge anyway.

The jury went in and came out quickly.

The results are clear.

The jury chosen by Chuck was naturally disgusted with this kind of thing, and the bald prosecutor Ben Stone played a perfect role in exposing the defendant's inconsistency in words and deeds. Everyone understood that the deceased was indeed raped by this beastly mother. A life-and-death situation.

In a trial, evidence is very important. Even if the evidence is known to be true, due to procedural flaws, the jury would rather choose a not guilty verdict in order to avoid an unjust case.

But sometimes the evidence is just bullshit!

When all jurors are convinced that the defendant is guilty, the sufficiency of the evidence is not an issue at all.

This is why the big law firms in Chicago were willing to pay a lot of money to hire Chuck to micro-observe the jury.

"We will appeal!"

After the trial, the defense lawyer routinely said: "Your release of the video tape is seriously detrimental to my client. The Court of Appeal will take over this case! The Court of Appeal does not have a jury controlled by you. It only respects the law itself!"

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