American TV series Detective's Daily Life

Chapter 423: A witness with no martial ethics, the Emperor of Japan appears quickly!


New York Superior Court.

"Only one count of second-degree murder and no discussion of a plea deal at all?"

Mother Beast's defense lawyer saw the bald prosecutor Ben Stone before the trial and immediately said angrily: "You are abusing judicial power!"

"We have given you the opportunity. It is your choice to accept it or not."

Bald prosecutor Ben Stone said calmly: "As for only charging second-degree murder, we think this is the crime that the defendant should be prosecuted for. If you are confident that you can win this case, this is actually for you. More advantageous, isn’t it?”


The defense attorney was speechless.

Because there is only one charge, and it is a felony such as second-degree murder, once the jury acquits, it is really an acquittal, and the case is completely said goodbye.

Even if evidence is found after investigation, the prosecutor will no longer be able to prosecute this beastly mother in this case based on the principle of no two cases being prosecuted.

So to some extent, this does benefit the defense.

But the premise is that the defense is confident of winning the case.

But when Chuck accompanied the bald prosecutor to the scene of jury selection, the defense lawyer who originally thought the case was very simple suddenly lost this confidence.

As a defense lawyer, he certainly knew that Detective Chuck had been involved in the case throughout the entire process, and also knew about Detective Chuck's incredible abilities.

Therefore, when selecting the jury members, he was highly nervous and wanted to reject all the jurors that Chuck and the others had agreed with.

But this is just a beautiful imagination, the reality is that he cannot do this at all.

After the jury was selected, he looked at the bald prosecutor Ben Stone smiling and looking at Detective Chuck, and when Detective Chuck nodded slightly, he had no confidence at all.

As long as the bald prosecutor is given a choice as before, he can plead with a lighter crime. He does not even ask for the lightest crime. He guarantees to persuade his client to nod directly.

This way, hello to you, hello to everyone, how wonderful!

However, the bald prosecutor had no moral ethics at all and did not give him any chance. He directly asked him to accept the highest crime that his client could never accept, forcing him to devote himself wholeheartedly to fighting this lawsuit that he was likely to lose.

It's so abominable!

"See you in court!"

The bald prosecutor Ben Stone ignored his confusion and irritation and walked in with a smile and the African-American assistant prosecutor.

Chuck and a group of old friends came and sat in the audience, waiting for the trial to begin.

After all, Monica did not choose to invite her mother over, so that mother and daughter could watch this alternative mirror show together.

The bald prosecutor Ben Stone and the African-American assistant prosecutor nodded to Chuck and walked to their seats in the front row. When the judge arrived, the formal trial began.

"Doctor, what effect does amitriptyline have?"

Bald prosecutor Ben Stone asked a medical examiner to testify.

"Relieves nervousness and symptoms of depression."

replied the medical examiner who testified.

"What if you take a large amount?"

Bald prosecutor Ben Stone went on to ask: "What is the typical prescribed dose?"

"It will reduce the feeling of restraint and may cause a slight euphoria."

The medical examiner replied: "Each tablet is 25mg, three times a day, no more than 150mg at most."

"How many pills did Priscilla take the night she died?"

asked balding prosecutor Ben Stone.

"At least 200mg, which is more than 8 tablets."

The medical examiner explained: "Judging from the corrosion of the gastric mucosa and the fact that some of the drugs were not digested, it shows that her body failed to absorb the drugs well."

"It's like being a vegetarian who has been a vegetarian all his life, but one night he suddenly ate a piece of steak and it was difficult for his body to digest it?"

asked balding prosecutor Ben Stone.

"Very similar."

The medical examiner nodded.

"So Prisela's body tells us that the information we got from her family and friends that she never took drugs and that she was not an addict is true."

said bald prosecutor Ben Stone.

"That's exactly what her body tells us."

The forensic officer said very professionally.

"If she suddenly wants to get high, 50 mg is enough."

Bald prosecutor Ben Stone asked: "So from your expert perspective, why did Priscilla take 8 pills?"

"For wanting to die!"

the medical examiner replied.

These are statements of basic facts, and the defense lawyer did not hold on to them. The bald prosecutor directly applied for a second witness to testify.

Based on clues provided by Ross, the producer and director was found.

"When did Prelas start working for you?"

"How many more movies was she in?" asked bald prosecutor Ben Stone.

"I believe it was February of this year."

The director and producer looked helpless, but they could only tell the truth: "Five films, but none of them are starring roles."

If possible, he really didn't want to appear here, but after being found by Chuck, he was completely unable to control himself. Not to mention that the prosecutor could force him to be summoned. The company can cause trouble for him at any time.

Not to mention the intimidation of IRS Senior Advisor Detective Chuck.

"But she's about to star in your new film Shining Star?"

Balding prosecutor Ben Stone asked: "Does Prielas' mother know what this means?"

"Of course she knows!"

The producer and director laughed when asked: "She asked to read the script first. She wanted to know the whole process in advance. She couldn't wait to intervene in the screenwriting and modify the plot and lines."

"Did Prielas' mother know that her daughter was going to have sex with a man in front of the camera in this new movie?"

Bald prosecutor Ben Stone weighs his words.

"She has been watching with her daughter for several months. She certainly knows what it is like to be a starring role."

The producer and director affirmed: "She has read the script and only wants to modify the plot and lines. She has no opinions on the main content of the movie."

"When are you going to shoot this new movie?"

asked balding prosecutor Ben Stone.

"May 8th."

replied the producer and director.

"That's the morning after Prelles committed suicide."


"How did she explain Prylles' mother's desire to change the plot and lines?"

"She said she knew a lot about acting and knew how to maximize her daughter's beauty and make her an instant hit."

"According to the defendant's statement in probate court, she said that Prielas had wanted to be an actress since she was a child, and she had done the same when she was Prielas' age, but she had no one to encourage her, so she had to pay Prielas The best environment in Relais.

Why do these movies need to be made? What she said is that Preles wanted to perform in front of the camera, but the school did not give her this opportunity. As for why she wanted her daughter to star in small movies, her testimony was that the Marilyn Monroe nude calendar had all People thought it would ruin Monroe's career, but it turned out that Monroe became a shining star. "

Balding prosecutor Ben Stone quoted the beastly mother's statement in probate court to circumvent the court's rule that the defendant cannot be allowed to testify against himself on the witness stand, and then looked at the producer and director on the witness stand.

"What do you think of these remarks?"

"If I knew she had such eloquence, I would have asked her to be our publicity consultant."

The producer and director smiled and said: "What we lack most is such talents. Marilyn Monroe did film a nude calendar, but this is completely different from making a small movie. One is a purely static Luo Lu, The other is intense exercise... If you don't even know the difference between the two, then this person is either bad or stupid.

In fact, as long as you really enter this industry, you will have completely declared the end of your acting career, and you will never be able to join the mainstream art circles such as Hollywood and Broadway.

Even if you are not an insider, just think about it and you will know. Which small movie star have you ever seen become a mainstream star? "

"During the few months that Prelas was filming, the defendant, as her mother, accompanied her throughout the whole process. What was her attitude towards you?"

The balding prosecutor Ben Stone continued to ask: "Are Ursula and Prelas, the co-stars who filmed the movie together, friends?"

"She looked down on us. I heard her calling us drug addicts and wouldn't even let her daughter interact with any of us."

Producer and Director: "Especially Ursula, because she was the most active drug user, and she strictly prohibited her daughter from having any contact with Ursula."

"I quote the defendant's statement in the probate court that when she was asked, was Priela nervous when she was about to star in a small movie? She said any character would be nervous when they were starring in a big role. When asked, Priela came over When she came to her and said she was nervous, she told her daughter, and I quote, 'You should go see your friend Ursula, she's done a lot of movies'."

The bald prosecutor Ben Stone looked around the jury and said with a dumb smile: "Go to your friend Ursula, what a thoughtful suggestion and friendly name, provided we don't know that she is forcing her daughter to star in a small movie. How did she despise this 'friend' Ursula before and strictly forbid her daughter to have contact with her? Does she really not know what this means?"

Then he looked at the producer and director: "How is Ursula doing now?"

"She was diagnosed with AIDS, deliberately spread it to cause others to get AIDS, and was shot to death."

The producer and director lowered his head and replied.

"be opposed to!"

The defense lawyer stood up and objected: "This has nothing to do with this case!"

"The objection is valid."

The judge ruled.

"I don't have a problem anymore."

Amid the uproar of the crowd, bald prosecutor Ben Stone returned to his seat with a smile.

"Mr. Flor, did you propose to Priscilla to star in a new film?"

The defense attorney began cross-examination.

"No, she came to me."

The producer and director shook his head.

"Is her mother accompanying her?"

the defense lawyer asked.

"No, she came alone."

The producer and director shook his head.

"Do you have any reason to believe that my client forced her as an adult to ask you for a role?"

the defense attorney asked.

"be opposed to!"

Bald prosecutor Ben Stone immediately stood up and objected: "This is not within the scope of the witness's knowledge."

"Mr. Stone, I also have very loose restrictions on your questions."

The judge said: "The objection is invalid!"

"I don't know, but it looks like this..."

Just as the producer and director wanted to say more, he was directly interrupted by the defense lawyer using the most classic black and white language: "Mr. Flor, please answer yes or no!"

The producer and director thought about it and decided that the best way to avoid getting into trouble was to just say 'no' to the other party, because this was the most foolproof and safest way to say it.

But after his eyes met Chuck in the audience, what he said became: "Yes."


The defense lawyer was stunned and looked over with sharp eyes: "What reason do you have to think so?"

"This is basic common sense."

The producer and director said helplessly: "I have been in the industry for so many years, but I have never seen a mother bring her daughter to shoot..."

"These are all your subjective assumptions!"

The defense lawyer saw that the witness really did not follow his routine, and immediately interrupted: "Did you personally see or hear that my client forced Preles to ask you for a role? Please answer yes or no?"

"be opposed to!"

Bald prosecutor Ben Stone immediately stood up and objected: "The defense asked the questions themselves, but did not allow the witnesses to answer them completely, and immediately changed the questions. This is just to intercept answers that are beneficial to themselves, without giving the witnesses a chance to truly testify." .”

"Objection valid!"

The judge ruled: "The witness can answer the defense's previous question."

"Normally, people who come here to shoot these small movies come alone. How can they be accompanied by their mother?"

Producer and Director: “Let alone my daughter being an adult, I really haven’t heard of this happening other than preparing to film together.

My mother talked loudly, gave advice, and even wanted to change our script, but my daughter remained silent and her expression was numb and painful.

You can see it if you have seen the 5 movies she participated in.

If it weren't for the purpose of trying to add new elements and see if this new character's performance, which is very different from normal small movies and is all about laughter, can increase the appeal of the movie, I would not have let her participate at all.

In fact, I checked with her more than once whether she wanted to act or not, because I didn't want to get into trouble.

But every time she looked at her mother first and then nodded.

With such an obvious situation, everyone should understand what is going on. "

In the audience.

"Isn't this the best training result in a short movie?"

Chandler couldn't help complaining in a low voice: "The daughter is completely the mother's puppet. This producer and director really has some ideas. I'm afraid the reason why he agreed to the participation of such an uninvolved deceased is because he is slowly playing. She must have persuaded her mother to come together, she is indeed a genius who thought of such a clever way of letting Ross pay to be the leading actor."


Rose's face turned dark.

Why use him as an example again?

"There should be quite a market for it."

At this time, a strange female voice came from behind. Chandler and the others couldn't help but look back, their eyes widened, especially Rose and Joey.

They have never seen such a graceful beauty so close.

"It's you."

However, Monica recognized the other person. When the tall beauty smiled at her, she quickly pulled Chuck beside her and whispered in his ear: "It's Vickers Weiland!"

Chuck nodded slightly, but did not look back. His eyes were still on the trial in front, where a new witness entered the court.

Vickers Wilander, who was sitting in the back row, saw Chuck like this, her eyes fell on the glasses frame of Chuck's ears, and the corner of her mouth seemed to be smiling, which was quite amusing.

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