American TV series Detective's Daily Life

Chapter 422 Detective Chuck: The Lord doesn’t care!

A few days later.

Monica's apartment.

"How's it going? Is there any progress?"

After Chuck arrived, everyone gathered around, paying close attention to this case.

After all, it involved Ursula and had something to do with Joey. It was a serious case that the old friend felt very close to.

"The producer of Candlelight Pictures has been found and some key evidence has been locked."

Chuck said seriously: "Thanks to Phoebe!"

"Thank me?"

Phoebe looked confused.

"That's right!"

Chuck said bluntly: "If you hadn't been outstanding in appearance, had a fanatical fan, and collected all your series of short movies, and I found clues about this company from it, otherwise it would be difficult to find out that this company has changed in such a short period of time. A small company whose name has been mentioned ten times.”


Rachel burst out laughing.

Others also looked at Ross, whose face turned red and was extremely embarrassed.

No need to ask, this fan is none other than Ross.

And the reason why Chuck didn't mention Ursula and only mentioned Phoebe was even more heartbreaking!

First of all, Chuck hated the drug-addicted Ursula so much that he didn't want to mention her at all.

Secondly, Ursula always used Phoebe's name when filming, so there was nothing wrong with calling her avid fans of Phoebe.

Thirdly, Phoebe is Ross's good friend and should be respected. She treats him as a friend, but he just keeps on secretly making love to her. That kind of despicable energy is beyond anyone's imagination.

"Thank you for the compliment."

Phoebe smiled happily.

That’s right!

Although her sister Ursula was shot into a sieve, no matter what Ursula did at that time, she kept fighting for Ursula's injustice and was willing to forgive Ursula for those who were hurt by Ursula.

But that's it.

After getting through the initial unacceptable grief and self-movement, as a qualified American Madonna, she quickly got over it and shifted her focus again.

Now I can laugh from the bottom of my heart when I mention Suwula.

Emotional excess is so silky smooth.

From now on, whenever Phoebe wants to get others to pity her and help her compromise, Ursula, the twin sister, will start talking to her about her mother who was shot by a criminal (her mother herself was a criminal). Just like the one who shot himself), 'My sister was beaten into a sieve' will become a classic line repeated ten thousand times in Phoebe's mouth to express the tragic past.

She deserves this too!

After all, no one shed a tear for Ursula's death, except her!

"Very good!"

Monica ignored this and was sincerely happy for the progress of the matter: "This poor girl will definitely thank you, Chuck."

"No! She won't! She would rather commit suicide than directly refuse her mother's anti-human order, so she will never thank me for helping her send her mother to prison after she dies."

Chuck said expressionlessly: "Besides, I don't care!"

"not give a damn about……"

Monica was silent.

"I did all this not for her, but just for myself!"

Chuck said straightforwardly: "My three views are challenged. Either I change my three views, or people and things challenge me to act according to my three views, and I don't like change."

"Gan Niu."

Ross, who was heartbroken, whispered strangely beside him.

That’s right!

In the past, he dared to fight with Chuck with a blushing face, but later he found that not only could he not be able to fight with Chuck every time, but he was even gradually marginalized by his old friends. Only then did he realize that he was not a man in the circle of old friends. main character.

His low voice was his last act of resistance.

"You are still awesome!"

Chuck naturally heard this strange sound and looked over immediately: "Not only did you get key clues for this case, but you also gave the producer of Candlelight Pictures more inspiration. He will contact you soon."

"contact me?"

Ross looked confused.

"Chuck, you..."

Although Monica couldn't figure out what inspiration her brother brought to the producers of small movies, she knew that it was definitely not a good thing because of her understanding of Chuck.

"Are Ross and Joey going to debut together?"

Chandler joked from the side.

"To be honest, I'm looking forward to it."

Phoebe laughed and said: "No! To be more precise, this is the plot of my dream."

Then he said to Chandler teasingly: "Of course there is you in it!"


Chandler stopped laughing immediately.

"Chuck, what's going on?"

Rachel and the others were very interested in this topic.

"When I went to investigate this film company and talked with the producer, I mentioned the fandom benefit."

Chuck said expressionlessly: "After this producer knew that he still had such enthusiastic fans, he suddenly thought of a new profit model.

That is to not only make new films, but also develop peripheral products to tap the consumption potential of these enthusiastic fans as much as possible.

For example, based on sales and rental records, we select those ardent fans and invite them to experience the joy of filming with their goddess.

Of course it's not free.

Fans need to pay a sum of money, so that there is a large amount of income before the film is broadcast.

And there is no need to hire male protagonists, there are a steady stream of free male protagonists to choose from.

Saved a lot of money again.

The main focus of these small film companies that shoot for one shot is authenticity, and they often use apartments where real people live to shoot in order to have a more realistic feel.

Nowadays, there are such free male protagonists, which is definitely more life-friendly. If possible, you can also directly borrow the male protagonist's apartment for filming, which saves a lot of money.

In the end, the cost is almost zero, and it’s all profit.

When movie companies make money and hire higher-quality goddesses to draw traffic, some fanatic fans will naturally become even more fanatical.

It’s simply a win-win, win! "

Having said this, he said to the stunned Monica: "Let me change the lock of your apartment. From now on, don't give the apartment key to anyone except you and Rachel! Remember, it's anyone!"


Rose's face turned blue, white, and red.

He knew Chuck was taunting him like crazy.

Because when it comes to 'anyone', that's who Chuck is looking at.

He was indeed very angry and embarrassed.

But deep down in my heart, there was a hint of a damn heartbeat... What was going on?

"It seems that this model is indeed feasible."

Chuck looked at Ross and said expressionlessly: "It will probably become popular in the future!"

"Damn it! Ross!"

When Monica saw it, she immediately became angry: "It has only been a few days since Ursula's incident, and you have forgotten why she died? How dare you really be moved?!!!"

"I don't……"

Ross was shocked and quickly denied it.

Of course he wouldn't admit it.

But I was really frightened by the heartbeat just now.

Is Ursula a goddess?

Of course it is!

Phoebe is not ugly at all, but is quite attractive and has a good figure. Ursula is exactly the same as Phoebe. If he is given a chance, he really can't hold it.

But it happened that Ursula was suffering from AIDS.

This is terrible.

If you think about it carefully, the more goddess you are, the more fanatical fans like them will be attracted. If you really follow this pattern, the higher the possibility of being infected with AIDS.

How could he not be frightened and frightened after he woke up?

"Chuck, how are the prosecutors going to prosecute this beastly mother?"

Monica gave Ross a hard look and then changed the subject.

"They were going to charge her with second-degree murder, first- and second-degree unpremeditated murder, and manslaughter!"

Chuck said expressionlessly: "But I refused. I asked them to only charge second-degree murder!"


Rachel was puzzled: "Shouldn't the more crimes we prosecute, the better?"

"It depends on who is good for you."

Chuck explained: "For prosecutors, of course, the more crimes they can indict, the better, because they know the character of the jury well and like to compromise, so in order to convict the criminal, the prosecutor will try their best to The criminal convicts of a series of felonies to try to raise the jury's awareness of the criminality of the case as much as possible.

When they hesitate, they abandon the top felony and choose the lower misdemeanor to give a guilty verdict.

After all, this kind of compromise thinking is the negotiation thinking of businessmen. Asking for high prices and paying back the money on the ground are all the art of transaction.

There is no such thing as fairness and justice.

What prosecutors want is to successfully convict and complete their so-called work, but they don't care whether the crime is what the prisoner should have been convicted of.

Therefore, a funny phenomenon often occurs. There are hundreds of crimes to be prosecuted, just to make the jury choose one crime to convict no matter what.

There is another funny phenomenon, that is, the criminal that the NYPD worked so hard to arrest is just sent in, and the next day he meets the criminal outside and continues to commit crimes.

Then keep repeating this process.

What makes the NYPD speechless is that this process can be repeated more than a hundred times.

That’s right!

That’s more than a hundred times!

There are indeed criminals who have been arrested by the NYPD for more than a hundred felonies. However, due to the deliberate indulgence of prosecutors, they are constantly exempted from felony prosecution and only released more than a hundred times for misdemeanors that do not go to jail.

Because the power of arrest lies with the NYPD, while the power of prosecution lies with the prosecutor, and the plea bargain is a legal transaction and falls within the discretion of the prosecutor.

As long as the prosecutor is strong, he has unlimited freedom to rule that a felony criminal will exchange a misdemeanor for a felony.

This right really brings the absolute freedom of criminals to this free country!

In this case, once multiple charges are filed, the final result is that based on the existing evidence, the person will definitely be convicted, but it is almost impossible to convict this animal mother of the highest crime.

This is not the result I want!

I don't accept this compromise! "


All the old friends were stunned when they heard this.

Are you so cute that you can play like this?

"This is why Chuck has repeatedly told me to shoot and kill the enemy first if something happens."

Monica smiled bitterly and said: "The police may not catch me afterwards, or even not catch me at all. Even if they catch me, the prosecutor may not charge me, or it may be a misdemeanor without going to jail at all. Even if it is a felony, the judge and jury will The regiment will definitely find me guilty. Even if I am found guilty, I will go to jail and have a VIP private prison. I may even be released from prison during the day to go to work and live a normal life, and go back to prison to sleep at night.

Even if this condition is not available, a few toothbrushes may be able to dig out the prison, and you can easily go out to have breakfast. There are too many possibilities, too much discretion. As long as you grasp a little, you can live a very nourishing life. On the other hand, if the enemy I kill instantly is dead, he will die.

Chuck has clearly told me many times that as long as he is here, everything here will be most beneficial to me if I have discretion, so even if I kill someone, nothing will happen to me, but I don’t know why I thought of it. I'm not happy about this at all! "

"Because you are a good, moral person."

Chuck shook his head: "It's a pity that it doesn't work in this world, because the perspective of American law is not originally formulated from the perspective of moral and good people like you, to limit the occurrence of crimes to the greatest extent and protect the rights of victims.

Instead, it examines the so-called human rights and freedoms imposed by the law on the surviving criminals after committing the crime from the criminal's perspective.

The law is the lowest moral requirement.

Anyone who keeps saying that they are not breaking the law is a scumbag!

How can such laws made for scum make most normal people happy no matter how they are tried? "

The apartment was quiet for a while.

"When will this case go to court?"

Monica was silent for a long time, shaking her head to dispel the suppressed emotions.

"We're going to select the jury later."

Chuck said: "The court starts next Monday!"

"Will you come over?"

Rachel asked curiously: "I remember you were the best at picking a jury!"


Chuck said bluntly: "Otherwise, do you think the prosecutor would really risk his reputation and career to pay for my persistence?"

Before officially going to court, the jury needs to be selected. The prosecutor and the defense lawyer will interview and select together. If they feel that they are unfavorable to them, they will screen out the jurors and replace them with new ones.

Only jurors approved by both parties can form a jury.

And when it comes to selecting jury members, no one has an advantage over Chuck.

This is already half the victory from the beginning.

This is also an important reason why bald prosecutor Ben Stone and others are willing to take the risk of Chuck not accepting the plea bargain and only prosecuting a felony.

"I'm going to call my mom and tell her and invite her to come and listen."

Monica is excited.

She paid special attention to this case because of her mother. She wanted her mother to see how much damage a horrible mother could do to her daughter's mental and psychological well-being.

"I advise you not to do this."

Chuck reminded: "Otherwise, the only result will be a 'you're welcome' answer from your mother, which will make you even more crazy and depressed."


Monica suddenly froze there, her smile frozen.

If Chuck hadn't reminded her, she would have forgotten this possibility.

She invited her mother to go to court to watch, thinking that her mother would see what she wanted her to see, but the greater probability was that her mother felt that compared to this beastly mother, her mother was already the best mother, and then Performing Chuck's classic "You're welcome" scene makes little Sheldon crazy.

You must know that when Grandma Monica passed away, her mother talked to her about her grandmother's suppression and mental torture. It was exactly the original version of what her mother did to her. It cannot be said to be very similar, it can only be said to be exactly the same.

But when she mustered up the courage to look directly into her mother's eyes, reminding her, "Don't you think all this is familiar," implying that her mother was the same to her, her mother looked at her for a long time, still unwilling to admit it.

She was also dizzy before she felt that there would be a change this time.

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