American TV series Detective's Daily Life

Chapter 434 Detective Chuck: Let me tell you what professional old money means!

Gramercy Hospital.

"You work for Dr. James Robert?"

Detective Amy Santiago confronts nurse Elena Hella, who has been busy.

"Everyone here works for him, he's the chief surgeon in the transplant surgery department!"

Nurse Elena Hella walked around.

"Did anyone else bribe others to buy confidential medical information for him?"

Detective Amy Santiago sneered.

Looking at the "busy look" of the other party, you can tell that the other party has a guilty conscience.

"Are you accusing me?"

Nurse Elena Hella retorted.


Detective Amy Santiago mocked: "If I don't accuse a criminal suspect of robbing someone else's kidney and attempting murder, let alone the police, I'm not even as good as an ordinary person who still has some conscience!"

"I do not know what you're talking about!"

Nurse Elena Hella was walking around again.

"Stop pretending."

Detective Amy Santiago sneered: "Rose Mendez has already confessed everything. She paid you to give you the confidential medical information of Drew McNeil, who was robbed of his kidney and attempted murder. "

When nurse Elena Hella wanted to speak, Detective Amy Santiago interrupted directly: "She said she took money to break the law to do good deeds. I think you must have the same reason to do good deeds?"


Nurse Elena Hella hesitated, but still nodded: "In fact, it is true. Everyone knows that this is to bypass bureaucratic procedures and save time. Everyone does this."

“Working hard and spending your own money to skip the bureaucracy to save time.”

Chuck said expressionlessly: "You can definitely be called model workers, the real 'angels in white'!"

Nurse Elena Hella was suddenly speechless.

These clichés can only fool ordinary people. Anyone with some logical thinking will find them funny after hearing them.

"So this kind of behavior of robbing other people's kidneys and trying to murder is also what we, the medical staff who are supposed to save people's lives, are doing?"

Detective Amy Santiago stared into her eyes: "I thought Dr. Edward Auster's drunkenness and killing his patients, and Jackie, the nurse at New York Medical Center, taking drugs and forging other people's organ transplant donor cards were enough. You are so shameless. I didn’t expect that New York’s medical staff are completely rotten. They are no longer satisfied with harming patients, and even extend their sinful tentacles to healthy ordinary people. What do you want to do? Have your conscience been eaten by dogs?”

"I do not know what you're talking about!"

Nurse Elena Hela turned around and left: "I'm very busy, sorry I can't answer your questions!"

"You don't have to be busy."

Chuck said: "Santiago, take her back to the police station!"


Detective Amy Santiago nodded in agreement, and sneered at nurse Elena Hella, whose expression changed: "It will save you the trouble of targeting another person and trying to steal their kidneys to make dirty money!"

"I want a lawyer!"

Elena Hella lost her voice.

"I'll let you find it when you get to the police station."

Chuck said expressionlessly: "But I kindly remind you, don't use the lawyer Dr. James Robert found for you, because then he will first sell you to reduce your guilt."

"I do not believe!"

Elena Hella shouted: "I have more than 4,000 test results in my hand. Even if there is Drew McDaniel, it must be a coincidence!"

"Don't worry, we won't let go of any coincidences in this case!"

Chuck said bluntly: "You are the last coincidence!"

Detective Amy Santiago signaled Elena Hella to follow him. Seeing that Elena Hella was no longer confident at the beginning and her legs were weak, he came over to help her leave the hospital.

"These health care workers in New York suck."

On the way to the police station, Detective Amy Santiago was still indignant: "These rotten people have completely insulted the title of angel in white! The devil in white is not enough to describe it! Just for that little money?"

"Of course it's more than money."

Chuck reminded: "You forgot the family man!"

"You mean they do all kinds of crazy crimes in the name of their family?"

Detective Amy Santiago looked at the silent nurse Elena Hella in the rearview mirror: "She and James Robert are family members too?"

"That's her wishful thinking."

Chuck said.

"For love?"

Detective Amy Santiago gushed: “Do devils have love?”

"Soon you will be able to witness the devil's view of love."

Chuck said calmly: "All the 'beautiful qualities' in hell are completely opposite to those in the human world, and the same is true for the concept of love. Whoever takes it seriously will lose!"

"Can James Robert be crucified now?"

Detective Amy Santiago looked at the nurse Elena Hella in the back row through the rearview mirror. Seeing that the other party still had no reaction, he angrily used the topic that the other party cared about most to stimulate her.


Chuck understood what Detective Amy Santiago meant and cooperated: "The only thing he can hope for is to reduce the crime by testifying against Philip Wardray."

"But you will never agree!"

Detective Amy Santiago has long understood Chuck's attitude towards this kind of case: "You will never let him use the plea bargain to get away with it!"


Chuck nodded and said: "There is no need for him to testify against Philip Wardray! Philip Wardray is not a qualified old-money rich man at all. This kind of person does such a bad job. There are countless flaws. The existing evidence is enough." Crucify him.”

"Oh? What would a qualified old-money tycoon do?"

Detective Amy Santiago caught a glimpse of nurse Elena Hella's silence in the rearview mirror and immediately cheered happily.

"A truly qualified old man who wants to transplant his only daughter's kidney for the fourth time flies directly abroad."

Chuck said calmly: "In India, a kidney only costs 20,000 US dollars, and in other places it is even lower. If you can't afford a clean and hygienic kidney, and you still can't select a suitable kidney, then expand the screening scope and use kidnapping or even launching local wars to get what they need.

I would never choose to do this kind of thing in the United States or around my life.

Too low!

If the second-rate old money families are unwilling to go abroad and choose to rob organs for transplants nearby at home, when they target ordinary people like Drew McDaniel, they will directly make them disappear.

Disappear in the true sense!

No trace whatsoever!

No body, no case!

They have their own laboratories, their own operating rooms, and their own professional medical staff. If they want to perform any medical treatment, they do not need to have any interaction with the outside world.

It would never lead to an investigation by the NYPD like it is now.

Only an incompetent billionaire like Philippe Vaudrey would leave such a matter to an outside doctor. The doctor did not do it neatly and wanted to kill the victim who had a kidney removed. , and left him a complete body, but he didn't expect that he had tenacious vitality and survived until he was discovered and rescued.

What qualifications does such Philip Wardray have to let James Robert be used as a bargaining chip in the transaction?

His charges of kidney robbery and attempted murder are certain!

No plea bargain!

Maximum sentencing!

Even if God comes, it can't change this result!

I said! "

"What attempted murder?"

Elena Hella, the nurse in the back row, couldn't help but scream after Chuck analyzed James Robert's situation.

"You really don't know?"

Chuck turned and glanced at her.

"what do you know?"

Nurse Elena Hella’s eyes were panicked.

"Looks like another idiot who was carried away by love!"

Chuck said expressionlessly: "You are a senior nurse, but you don't even know the consequences of not tying the renal vein? Or do you think that the famous transplant surgery director, who has even tied the renal artery, can't tie the renal vein?"


Nurse Elena Hella immediately covered her mouth and screamed: "He lied to me."

"What did he lie to you about?"

Detective Amy Santiago asked with a flash of her eyes, breaking through the prisoner's psychology at this moment, but Chuck's next words interrupted her supposed breakthrough questioning.

"No! He didn't lie to you!"

Chuck said bluntly: "You are deceiving yourself! Don't tell me, you really don't know what that means. It's been so long since the incident, and you haven't asked about Drew Mack, who was robbed of his kidney and attempted murder by you." What’s going on with Danny?”

"He really lied to me!"

Nurse Elena Hella did not hold back as Detective Amy Santiago feared, but instead broke down and broke down.

"He told me that the man would be fine. He promised me that I would help him. I thought he would be fine..."

"It's a pity that he lied to you!"

Detective Amy Santiago immediately answered: "He really wanted to kill Drew McDaniel!"

"No, I don't want that."

Nurse Elena Hella cried: "I just loved him and I thought we would live happily together forever."

"This is the root of the rule in hospitals that medical staff should not mess with each other!"

Chuck ignored the collapsed nurse and said to Detective Amy Santiago: "Once colleagues who are supposed to help each other and supervise each other mess around, it will affect the patient's treatment at least, and cross the supervision at worst. Easily use patients to make profits, and even determine the patient's life or death!"


Detective Amy Santiago twitched her lips.

She felt that Chuck was not only talking about nurse Elena Hella, but also had a connotation about her.

When a nurse and a doctor work together, and once their relationship gets messed up, they conspire against the patient to make profits and even decide the patient's life or death, are they different from the police detectives?

They are both members of the large police system, there is no difference.

Medical staff are just a name for a big police system, but the NYPD is a real big police system.

This kind of situation where two partners conspire to make profits or even kill people occurs several times in the NYPD every year. I don’t know how many cases there are without it.

That's already the case with ordinary police detective partners.

And she and Detective Shenfan are not only partners, but also ambiguous partners.

Seeing how nurse Elena Hella was willing to commit such a crime against her conscience and humanity for her boss and lover, Dr. James Robert, she was not only a little unhappy but also couldn't help but be alert and reflective after Chuck's connotation. .

In the future, when she really makes progress with Detective Shenfan, they can no longer be partners.

Chuck ignored Detective Amy Santiago's little thoughts.

Otherwise, if she asked him, he would say that she was overthinking it.

All law enforcement agencies in the United States do not allow partners to be in a romantic relationship, but as the director of the OTN office who questioned him at the beginning of this case said in a joke: "As long as it is illegal, it is imaginary and does not exist at all." This partner cannot The rules of love are only on paper.

In the world of American TV series, police detective partners, forget about male-male partners. There are almost no male and female partners who are not ambiguous or have a romantic partner. They treat the rules as if they are nothing. Even if it is made public in the end, the boss has to compromise for the relationship of the pair and let them The partners continue to fall in love while working together to solve crimes.

But they completely ignored the huge harm that their relationship could cause.

Therefore, even if Detective Amy Santiago and Detective Shenfan have a breakthrough in the future, they can still be partners and continue to work and live together.

If you want to save face, just say that they broke up and turned into an underground affair.

If you are shameless, then just hold on, and they will definitely not be the ones to compromise in the end.

"James Robert, he lied to you!"

Detective Amy Santiago shook her head and suppressed distracting thoughts. She looked at the collapsed nurse Elena Hella in the rearview mirror and took the initiative to act as a white-faced police officer: "He wanted to kill Drew McDonn." Damn it, he deceived you into participating in the rape of kidneys and attempted murder cases. He lied to you about this kind of thing, and you still expect his so-called love for you to be true? Your best choice now is to confess! "

"No need to confess!"

Chuck said bluntly: "They are so crude and unprofessional at all, with countless flaws. We can still find enough evidence to convict them without confessing.

The existing evidence is enough to lock her in and then ask a judge to issue a search warrant.

They didn't dare cut open Drew McDaniel in the hospital to rob a kidney, so there was bound to be a simple operating room.

Given James Robert's nature, it was impossible for him to use his own house as a primitive crime scene just in case.

So some stupid person must have provided the venue.

Such an operation would definitely leave countless traces, and a search warrant would be enough to obtain enough evidence to convict them. "

"Let me tell you all, I really didn't want to kill that man!"

Nurse Elena Hella stopped crying and shut herself up, shouting in panic.


Chuck deadpanned.

"James' investment failed and he owed a lot of money. I loved him. After his pleading, I thought that just removing one kidney would not have much impact on people, so when he repeatedly stressed that nothing would happen, I promised to help him."

Nurse Elena Hela didn't care about negotiating conditions anymore and told everything she knew in one go.

"I first went to the Blue Light Laboratory and paid for Drew McDaniel's detailed antigen test report. After confirming that his kidney was suitable, I then started renting medical equipment and delivered it to my apartment. We attacked Drew McDaniel. After McDaniel, I brought him to my place for surgery and sent him to Central Park afterwards. I thought it was nothing serious..."

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