American TV series Detective's Daily Life

Chapter 435 District Attorney: We decide whether to prosecute, not Detective Chuck!

police station.

"With her confession and Rose Mendez's confession, we can apply for a search warrant!"

Detective Amy Santiago said excitedly.


The bureau chief who was listening nodded.

"Remember the search warrant covers not only Elena Hella's apartment, but also her trash!"

Chuck reminded.


Detective Amy Santiago was stunned.

Not to mention her, even Detective Shenfan and the branch chief looked over in surprise.

"You mean her trash also has legal rights?"

The detective was joking with a playful smile.

"Is she alive?"

Chuck asked rhetorically.


Detective Amy Santiago was speechless, knowing that Chuck was connoting that human rights in the United States refer to living people, and dead people have no human rights, but as long as they survive, everything is possible.

Dead people don’t have as many human rights as living people do!

"Are you serious?"

The troubled detective saw that Chuck didn't seem to be joking and couldn't understand: "The garbage is on the street. It's either hers or the city's, but no matter which one, it should be included in the search warrant, right?"

"This is called homestead rights, and it is possible to be protected by law."

Chuck said expressionlessly: "You don't want the evidence you worked so hard to find, go to court, and have the defense lawyer use such ridiculous excuses to deny the legality of this evidence, and then it will be discarded directly. ?”

"God bless America!"

The branch director kept his face expressionless. After hearing Chuck explain the American legal trap here, he said a very general sentence, but at this moment, the words he said were not literal at all.

If we continue to mess around like this, even if God comes down to earth, he will not be able to save the United States!

"We're going to apply for a search warrant right now, focusing on the search warrant for her trash!"

Detective Shenfan complained.

After obtaining a search warrant, they led the team into the apartment of nurse Elena Hella.

"Wow, are you sure this is the first crime scene?"

As soon as Detective Shenfan came in, he immediately joked: "Instead of Chuck's house?"

"Elena is a nurse. She is different from those sloppy people above who eat takeout without throwing it away. She keeps her house spotless and is my favorite tenant!"

The landlord brought them in. When he heard this, he introduced: "I can't believe she would do such an appalling thing!"

After saying this, she couldn't help but curse: "Damn it! No one knows what kind of madness and distortion is hidden under the gentle and quiet appearance!"

Now her apartment has become the scene of the first crime, a special case of kidney removal. This apartment is completely different from before.

It is no longer possible to rent to good tenants as before. All we can do is attract those perverts who like to hunt for novelties, and then make the apartment a mess, forming a vicious cycle.

At that time, if you want to sell it, you will have to give it a big discount and lose a lot of money.

We can only hope that after this case becomes more popular, we can find a fool who doesn't understand to take over the apartment.

"Where's the trash she threw out?"

Detective Amy Santiago thinks about the garbage Chuck reminds.

"Over there!"

The landlady pointed out the window: "It's been several days and they haven't been collected yet. There's a lot piled up. Those sanitation workers are paid more than teachers, but they only come here two days a week!"


Detective Amy Santiago immediately signaled to the troubled detective.

"No way?"

Detective Shenfan immediately understood that she wanted him to rummage through the trash, and said funnyly: "My clothes have just been dry-cleaned!"

"Chuck reminded you and even applied for a search warrant for the garbage. Who told you to dress so well?"

Detective Amy Santiago complained.

"Then you're not wearing dirty clothes either?"

Detective Shenfan looked at the clothes on Detective Amy Santiago.

"You want me to dig through the trash?"

Detective Amy Santiago has dagger-like eyes.

"All right."

Detective Shenfan had no choice but to hold his nose and go rummaging through the trash, where he found seven packed blood-stained bags.

"It's real!"

Detective Amy Santiago finally breathed a sigh of relief when she saw that she had actually been found.

The two returned to the police station with the evidence, and then sent the evidence for testing. The test results were naturally correct.

The African-American assistant prosecutor was notified and came over.

"The blood types match perfectly. We still have six bags with enough blood-stained cotton to make quilts!"

The troubled detective took out a bag of bloody cotton that had been labeled and showed it to the African-American assistant prosecutor.

"Where did you find it?"

The African-American assistant prosecutor asked with a frown.

"Trash can."

Detective Shenfan and Detective Amy Santiago looked at each other. He looked strangely and said, "What? Trash cans also have rights? Will homestead rights affect the judgment?"


The African-American assistant prosecutor looked at Detective Shennu in surprise, as if he was looking at something magical: "You actually knew that homestead rights would be involved?"

"You look down on us police?"

The detective Shenfan said sternly: "We have been working with you all day long to solve cases, and we already know a lot of common sense about your lawyers. If one day we stop working as police officers, study law and then become lawyers, we will get twice the result with half the effort. Do you believe it?"

"I believe."

The African-American assistant prosecutor laughed and said: "It is possible for a police officer to become a lawyer, but you can't, because the law is serious and you are funny, and the two are incompatible."

"That's so true!"

Detective Amy Santiago nodded with deep understanding: "If our chief becomes a lawyer, he will definitely be very successful!"

The African-American assistant prosecutor thought of the branch director's expressionless but serious and funny look, and nodded: "Since you know that homestead rights may cause disputes, then you..."

"Do not worry!"

"The search warrant we requested included dumpsters and Chuck had warned us ahead of time," Detective Amy Santiago said.

"I see."

The African-American assistant prosecutor looked stunned.

He just said that it was strange that the police had begun to care about such unconventional legal provisions.

Although he just agreed that police officers turning into lawyers could get twice the result with half the effort, that was just polite.

If you want to be a lawyer in the United States, you must first graduate from college and then enroll in law school.

If you want to be a police officer, you only need to graduate from high school.

There is a gap of seven or eight years in school between the two professions. How can a casual policeman learn enough professional knowledge of the law by being exposed to cases?

Even if Detective Shenfan and Detective Amy Santiago did not drop out of high school to become police officers, but wanted to apply for law school after graduating from college, it would still have to be accepted by the law school.

Now that I know this was actually what Chuck reminded me, everything makes sense in an instant.

Chuck knows everything, that's normal.

"I will go back and discuss with Ben to sue Dr. James Robert and nurse Elena Hella..."

After saying this, he paused, looked at the two police detectives with strange expressions, and said with a wry smile: "I know, I still won't make a plea bargain this time."

"That's not what we are laughing at. The existing evidence is enough to nail the two criminals who directly carried out the crime."

Detective Amy Santiago shook her head and said: "If you all plan to make a plea deal with them, then the so-called reason to reduce the waste of legal resources is completely untenable, and it is really unfair to the victim."

"What new requests does Chuck have?"

The African-American assistant prosecutor asked directly without defending the reasonableness of the plea bargain.

From the day he became a lawyer, he has accepted the existence of plea bargaining, because if he does not even agree with this legal procedure that has reasonable grounds to explain its rationality, then there is no need to continue studying law and become a lawyer. .

There are many legal provisions that are more unethical than plea bargaining. He can't fight the entire legal system.

To borrow the words of his partner and mentor Executive Assistant Attorney Ben Stone, the law is already like this. What else can we do besides doing our best within the framework of the law?

"Chuck wants us to prosecute not only Dr. James Robert and nurse Elena Hella, who directly took action, but also all the accomplices in this crime!"

Detective Amy Santiago reminded: "The criminal promoter, billionaire Philip Wardray, the ex-girlfriend of the victim Drew McDaniel, accepted the money from the nurse Elena Hella to leak the test report. Lamp lab worker Rose Mendis!”


When the African-American assistant prosecutor heard this, his mouth twitched, but he could only say: "I will tell Ben."

Prosecutor's Office.

When the African-American assistant prosecutor conveyed Chuck's intention, Executive Assistant Prosecutor Ben Stone shook his head helplessly: "The benefits of cooperating with him are obvious, but there are also disadvantages. He is too serious. "

"Perhaps he is the most suitable to be a prosecutor!"

The African-American assistant prosecutor sighed: "Being a lawyer is supposed to be true, and being a prosecutor is supposed to be true for the rights of the victims. Unfortunately, we can only compromise step by step. As time goes by, even we have forgotten Being sincere is not a derogatory term."

"All right."

Executive Assistant Prosecutor Ben Stone looked at the lamented assistant, nodded and said, "I will talk to Adam."

Adam Schiffer is their boss, the District Attorney.

The two got up and went to find the boss.

If it were just Dr. James Robert and nurse Elena Hella, or if we also added the victim's ex-girlfriend and Blue Lantern Laboratory worker Rose Mendis, these are all small figures, and they can tell the story in one word. decision, whether to prosecute.

But Philippe Wardray is a billionaire, and whether to sue the other party depends on the decision of their boss.

The results were as expected.

Their boss Adam Schiffer instructed: "The existing evidence is not enough to prove Philip Wardray's guilt. Let's focus on prosecuting Dr. James Robert and nurse Elena Hella first!"

"Chuck Wolf insists on prosecuting every criminal in the entire criminal chain!"

The African-American Assistant Prosecutor reminded.

“Is he the prosecutor, or are we the prosecutors?”

District Attorney Adam Schiffer asked rhetorically. Seeing that the two smart and capable men looked at him strangely, he could only explain: "Philip Wardray is not an ordinary person. He is one of the largest donors in the city. First, it is difficult to prosecute him with the existing evidence. He can blame everything on Dr. James Robert and say that he did not know anything.

As long as he doesn't speak up and incriminate himself, the judge will not find him guilty. "Deliberate turning a blind eye" has never been accepted in New York courts, and the case will be dismissed directly and will never go to trial! "

"What if Chuck Wolfe finds evidence?"

Executive Assistant Prosecutor Ben Stone looked at the boss.

"I will not agree to prosecute Philippe Vaudrey unless he can find incontrovertible evidence."

District Attorney Adam Schiffer said seriously: "Because I don't want our prosecutor's office to be embarrassed in front of the media after our prosecution is directly dismissed by the judge! Of course, if he really finds sufficient evidence, I won't stop you." !”

"Oh well."

Executive Assistant Prosecutor Ben Stone looked at his boss and felt his persistence. He nodded and stood up: "I will convey your wishes and ask Chuck Wolf to work harder."

"Ben, you need to be more careful!"

District Attorney Adam Schiffer watched his two men walk to the door and couldn't help but remind him: "We are the prosecutors, not Chuck Wolf! The prosecution case should be based on our opinions, not his Yes! This is a red line, do you know?"

"As long as we can successfully prosecute and redress the victims' grievances, it doesn't matter who takes the lead, right?"

Executive Assistant Prosecutor Ben Stone stopped and turned around, answering his boss's obviously pointed words.

Leave the boss office.

"What should we do now?"

asked the African-American assistant prosecutor.

"Go to Dr. Wolfe."

"I just hope he can find enough evidence to make Adam change his story," sighed Executive Assistant Prosecutor Ben Stone.

The U.S. prosecutor system varies from state to state, but most are elected.

Once an election is involved, of course there must be donors, otherwise no election in the United States will be successful without money.

So he understands his boss's protection of big donors like Philippe Vaudray.

Because when there is a general election, there is no money to vote, and even the position is gone, what ideals and ambitions are there to talk about?

This is one of the important reasons why he had enough qualifications to run for district attorney, but did not do so.

Assistant prosecutors like them do not need to be elected.

One way is to directly appoint prosecutors, but this kind of nepotism can easily lead to the emperor and his ministers failing the election and being kicked out along with the previous prosecutor.

The other is to be selected through examination, which is protected by the civil service system. It does not have to fluctuate with the election of prosecutors and can be held for a long time.

As for him and the African-American assistant prosecutor, both are the latter, so they don't have to think too much about the impact of the campaign and can maintain their original aspirations as much as possible.

In his view, billionaire Philippe Vaudry was the direct cause of this cruel incident. Chuck's request to prosecute the other party was reasonable and he fully agreed.

This is from a public perspective.

Personally speaking, he and his boss Adam Schiffer were both superiors and good friends, and he didn't think it was a good choice for his friend Adam to confront Detective Chuck head-on.

It is true that Chuck Wolf is not a prosecutor, but he is much more powerful than prosecutors like them who can take charge of who to prosecute and who not to prosecute.

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