American TV series Detective's Daily Life

Chapter 436 Detective Chuck: One sentence made the district attorney change his story!

police station.

Executive Assistant Prosecutor Ben Stone and the African-American Assistant Prosecutor came hand in hand. Accompanied by the branch chief, they came to the interrogation room and looked inside through the translucent glass.

I saw Detective Amy Santiago and Detective Shenfan, one red-faced and one white-faced, interrogating Dr. James Robert, who had operated on the victim and raped his kidney.

It's a pity that red face and white face have no effect.

Because Dr. James Robert is the devil himself, so of course there will be no devil's advocate around him.

Without saying a word, the Devil's Advocate has blocked all inquiries from 'just law'.

"Where's Dr. Wolfe?"

Executive Assistant Prosecutor Ben Stone looked at this scene with a sneer on his lips and asked the branch chief.

"I heard that I took my friends to the shooting range."

The branch director said expressionlessly.


The African-American assistant prosecutor was stunned.

Executive Assistant Prosecutor Ben Stone understood instantly, shook his head and smiled bitterly: "It seems we need to go to the shooting range to see him. Do you know which shooting range it is?"

"Santiago should know!"

After shaking his head, the branch director motioned for the two prosecutors to look at Detective Amy Santiago inside.

"Can you ask her to come out?"

Executive Assistant Prosecutor Ben Stone smiled and said: "Just a formality here, Dr. James Robert and his lawyer will come to my Assistant Prosecutor's Office to discuss, and I will personally discuss legal issues with his lawyer! "


The branch chief had no objection and pressed the intercom directly, letting Detective Amy Santiago come out.

They have long been accustomed to being helpless against criminals with lawyers who charge hundreds of dollars an hour.

Detective Amy Santiago came out and saw Ben Stone asking which shooting range Chuck was at. She said directly: "How about I go with you?"

"Go ahead."

The branch director looked at his angry subordinates who needed to vent their anger, nodded expressionlessly, then opened the door and walked in, taking the place of Detective Amy Santiago and personally acting as a red-faced policeman.

Detective Amy Santiago and two prosecutors went to the shooting range to find Chuck.

In the shooting range.

When Executive Assistant Prosecutor Ben Stone and the others arrived, they found out that the shooting range had been reserved. After giving Chuck's name and coming in, they saw a beautiful girl and the sound of gunshots.

Lined up are Monica, Rachel, Phoebe, MAX and Caroline, all wearing earmuffs and shooting guns.

Chuck walked up and down behind them, always pointing out their gun-holding postures and giving them tips on their marksmanship.

Detective Amy Santiago talked to the two prosecutors, walked to the free shooting position, picked up the gun and started shooting wildly to vent the frustration of witnessing one hell of a joke after another.

"Dr. Wolfe, I know what you mean, but isn't this too exaggerated?"

The executive assistant prosecutor greeted Chuck loudly as he walked over, pointed at a group of women's soldiers who were practicing gunfire crazily, and complained.


Chuck said expressionlessly: "More than 100,000 people need organ transplants every year, but only more than 80,000 people can wait in line. Many of these 80,000 people are rich people. Repeat the pseudonym ranking once, twice, three times and four times." Organ transplants are available, so the number of people who have not waited for organ transplants is more than 20,000 or more every year.

As soon as this case came out, it was like a pharmaceutical company putting a big letter on the medicine bottle to remind people who buy medicine not to crush it into powder and use it as a drug. It was completely advertising to tell everyone about this method of operation.

It would be better to have a harsh sentence, because at least there is awe, which can stop most desperate patients and people who are willing to help them.

But if the sentence is light, for patients and patients' families who will die before waiting for an organ transplant, continuing to wait will mean death. Attacking others and forcibly transplanting other people's kidneys into themselves is nothing more than a crime of robbery. .

You have human rights when you are alive!

At that time, you will definitely have to wait for your illness to recover before going to jail. Once you go to jail, your sentence will be easily commuted.

Just think of it as being in the hospital to recuperate your health, recover from the disease, and come out.

As for the need for medical staff to help remove kidneys for transplantation, such dirty work will most likely directly give birth to underworld doctors who specialize in helping people do this kind of thing.

After all, if there is a demand, there is a market.

People facing despair of life and death are absolutely willing to give high benefits to pay for the risks involved.

Even if you can't hire a mafia doctor, you and your family can force the medical staff to perform surgery on you with guns.

As the saying goes, everyone has human rights while alive. The cost of crime is relatively low, so low that it can be ignored.

At least 20,000 people are at risk of robbery every year.

This is still an organ transplant operation.

As we all know, many organ transplant surgeries are subject to rejection and will require two, three or even four transplants.

That means more people are at risk of organ robbery every year.

Think about it, you are walking on the road, or at a corner, or in an elevator, and suddenly you get hit by a sap and knock you out. When you wake up again, you are covered in blood and missing organs. That feeling will be How is it? "

"So you let all your friends practice shooting?"

The African-American assistant prosecutor smiled bitterly: "Believe me, this is not a good choice. I have lived in a neighborhood where everyone has a gun since I was a child, but everyone, including me, wants to get out of this situation immediately. 'Everyone has a gun. It's... Just don’t mess with the community and never go back!”

"Do you know her?"

Chuck motioned for him to look at the long-legged Phoebe.


The African-American assistant prosecutor nodded.

The previous Suula case and the Beast Mother case involved Phoebe. As the prosecutors they handled, of course they remembered this beautiful girl who was innocently shot.

"Phoebe is a typical environmentalist, animal rights activist, gun prohibitionist, or a typical white leftist for short."

Chuck said: "She once broke up with her police boyfriend because he disliked the noisy birdsong on the branches outside the window in the morning and shot the birds on the branches."

"Now she has also joined in the shooting practice."

Executive Assistant Prosecutor Ben Stone's face became much more serious: "Are we back to the barbaric era of Western movies where gunfights were caused by disagreements?"

"you are wrong!"

Chuck corrected: "In the barbaric era of Westerns, how many people died in gunfights every year? Today in the United States, more than a hundred people are killed by gunfire every day.

Remember, it’s every day, not every year!

Mass shootings of less than ten people occur year-round, and newspapers don’t even bother to report on them.

Calculate based on the probability of buying a lottery ticket.

The fourth prize is a bullet to the head.

The third prize is for at least three more people to catch bullets with you.

I am a senior advisor to the American Lottery Association, and I once suggested opening a separate winning lottery ticket to develop a lottery insurance business.

Any lottery player who buys a lottery ticket that is hit by a bullet can receive the third or fourth prizes if accidentally hit. It is equivalent to buying an insurance and leaving more things for the family after death.

After all, the probability is really not low, and everyone has a chance.

But the proposal met with strong opposition from the Rifle Association and was shelved.

Their staff insisted that if measures were taken properly there would have been no shootings at all.

For example, if there is a school shooting, let students buy children's rifles and bulletproof schoolbags, let schools purchase shelters for every classroom, and let teachers carry guns to work. As long as you are willing to spend money, there are always more solutions than difficulties. "


Executive Assistant Prosecutor Ben Stone and the African-American Assistant Prosecutor were both speechless. At this moment, they deeply understood the feeling of Detective Amy Santiago hearing the Hell's Joke.

A bit too hellish!

It's funny...but they are living in it, so they can't laugh anymore.

They didn't feel that Chuck was selling anxiety at all, because they knew that this thing could really happen. Maybe the more than 20,000 or more patients who need organ transplants every year would not all commit such evil acts that benefit themselves at the expense of others.

But as long as a part, or even a small part, does this, it will be a bloody storm, and because of the special nature of this kind of plunder, the subsequent negative impact will even exceed the fact that more than a hundred people are shot dead every day.

As Chuck said, living people have human rights!

No dead people!

No one cares about the tens of thousands of people who are shot and killed every year.

But tens of thousands of otherwise healthy ordinary people were suddenly attacked, their organs harvested, and they were either dead or disabled afterwards. The storm of public opinion would sweep across the United States, and the impact would be all-round.

This hell joke will definitely bring shame to the United States, and even completely destroy the glory of "the city on the hill, the promised land of God", and solidify the infamy of hell.

Seeing that they were all speechless, Chuck did not explain that the reason why Phoebe came here was not because she changed her temper and became a gun enthusiast, but simply because she didn't want to be left behind.

Two best friends are like this, but she is not like this, wouldn't she be excluded from the circle of friends soon?

This is not groundless.

In the original time and space, this was what she was most worried about.

Among old friends, unlike Rachel and Monica who were best friends, classmates or childhood neighbors, Chandler and Ross were college classmates.

The only connection she has with everyone is Monica's roommate.

As for Monica's last roommate, they didn't even remember the name. Then she couldn't stand Monica's character, so she moved out secretly and gave her place to the new Rachel.

Coupled with the huge gap in their lives and work, under such circumstances, how could she not worry about being gradually forgotten.

So when she later learned that she had robbed Ross years ago, she was overjoyed, feeling that it was another anchor of connection to her old friends.

Now Monica is taking Rachel for a morning jog and practicing with guns, as if she wants to be the best sisters. How could she continue to be a gun prohibitionist to exclude herself from the circle of best friends!

Of course to hell with gun bans and all that!

As long as Monica and Rachel participate, she will participate!

We must not fall behind!

"I get what you meant now."

Executive Assistant Prosecutor Ben Stone was silent for a while, then looked up at Chuck: "This case should indeed be dealt with seriously to scare all those who are ready to take action, but it is easy for others to deal with it. They want to arrest billionaire Philip Ward." Rui's mastermind crime, we need to cooperate well.

I heard that you reminded the police to consider the homestead rights of garbage when applying for search warrants. You are obviously well versed in the law and you should also know the current laws. If you want to accuse a billionaire of "willfully turning a blind eye" to a crime in New York, you can't even get away. When it comes to trial, the case will be rejected directly by the judge. This has happened 12 times this year alone. "

"Failed 12 times doesn't mean you will fail 13 times."

Chuck said expressionlessly: "The United States is a country of case law, and the most important thing now is not this single case, but setting up a new case to issue the harshest warning to potential criminals who are ready to act and pose a major threat to the people! "

"This is the same idea."

The African-American assistant prosecutor couldn't help but speak for his colleague and mentor: "But our boss said that unless you can help us find indisputable evidence, we are not allowed to prosecute Philip Vaudry. We are just assistants." The prosecutor, he’s the district attorney, and it’s not us who make the decision, it’s him.”

"He's in trouble too."

Executive Assistant Prosecutor Ben Stone was worried that Chuck would have objections to his boss and friends, so he quickly explained: "There is no way, if there is no indisputable evidence, once the prosecution fails, it will be our prosecutor who loses face in the end." , the impact will be very bad.”


The African-American assistant prosecutor echoed: "Dr. Wolf, the case you participated in and insisted that we not make any plea bargains has greatly increased the difficulty. As a district that requires political performance and campaign funds to be re-elected, It’s really difficult to be a prosecutor.”

"I understand."

Chuck nodded: "I will talk to him personally. I believe he will support you in prosecuting Philip Wardray!"

What the African-American assistant prosecutor said is true. The greatest legal rationality of the plea bargain is that it claims to reduce the pressure on judicial resources.

If those criminals who should be punished are allowed to testify, they can indeed convict the mastermind they want to convict as quickly as possible.

There are very few prosecutors who are willing to cooperate with Chuck, not making a plea deal, and using evidence to nail every criminal involved in the case.

"What are you going to do?"

Executive Assistant Prosecutor Ben Stone's heart skipped a beat.

It's so convenient and enjoyable to be Chuck's companion and fight side by side, but it's so troublesome and painful to be Chuck's opponent.

He really didn't want to see his boss and friends confront Chuck, because of something that was obviously being taken over by Chuck.

"Since he emphasized that the law must be strictly followed, otherwise no prosecution will be allowed, then I will ask him a legal question."

Chuck said expressionlessly.

"What legal issue?"

The African-American assistant prosecutor couldn't help but ask.

"This is convenient for you. If you really want to know, you can ask him afterwards."

Chuck shook his head.

"Chuck, don't do this."

Executive Assistant Prosecutor Ben Stone was sure that his hunch was correct. He immediately changed his name to a more affectionate name and spoke for his friend and boss: "If you have anything to say, Adam is a very good district attorney. He is really good." It’s hard to find anyone better than him, and we have always been happy to work together, so why bother with this kind of thing?”

"I know."

Chuck said calmly: "Our conversation will be pleasant, at least I will."

Executive Assistant Prosecutor Ben Stone: “…”

The more pleasant you are, the more unhappy your boss and friends will be, which is not the result he wants to see.

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