American TV series Detective's Daily Life

Chapter 439 Rich Girl: Now it’s a win-win situation, why should both parties suffer?

Arraignment ended.

The lawyer for billionaire Philippe Wardray watched his boss being taken away by the bailiffs, boarded the prisoner bus to Riker Island Prison before being released on bail, and angrily approached District Attorney Adam Schiffer.

"That's not personal to you, Daniel, you don't mind, do you? We're both lawyers, you can understand that, can't you?"

District Attorney Adam Schiffer greeted his old friend helplessly.

One is a billionaire’s personal lawyer.

One is a billionaire recipient.

The two of them are both celebrities in the New York legal community. Of course, their relationship with each other is no stranger, and they can even be said to be friends.

And after Chuck asked him the legal question and he compromised with Chuck, he knew there would be such a moment.

And it definitely won't be the last time.

"I'm glad you didn't use the word friend!"

Daniel, the lawyer for billionaire Philippe Vaudry, quipped: "Even if we are just acquaintances, we should have a conversation about this kind of thing!"

"You make it sound as if Philip was abused."

District Attorney Adam Schiffer is also a mature politician. Even if he chooses the path given by Chuck, he will naturally know how to use official words to face his former friends.

"What's your problem?"

"My problem is I have to drive to Riker Island Prison during rush hour, damn Roosevelt Road is under construction, and then have to go through security."

The billionaire's lawyer immediately complained: "Those bastards in prison like to make things difficult for others. The more expensive the suit you wear, the worse they will treat you. You should know, Adam, you were also a lawyer!"

"You said you wanted to talk to me, but now it sounds like you're swearing!"

District Attorney Adam Schiffer said calmly.

"Philip is an honorary lecturer at Columbia University. He has funded many scholarships at all universities in the city. He single-handedly donated and built the burn department building of the city hospital."

The billionaire's lawyer began to list the good deeds his boss had done: "It's simply ridiculous and ridiculous to think that someone like Mr. Philippe Vaudry knows anything about attacking innocent people, isn't it?"

"What he admitted he knew and what he actually knew will only be known after the court pronounces the verdict."

District Attorney Adam Schiffer is still talking tai chi.

The billionaire's lawyer stared into his eyes: "Adam, that's not how the game works!"

"This is a person's life, not a game!"

District Attorney Adam Schiffer reminded.


The billionaire's lawyer sneered, picked up his briefcase, and left.

He knew that this old friend who was once very politically intelligent was now determined to get business done, and it would be useless to talk more.

Executive Assistant Prosecutor Ben Stone and the African-American Assistant Prosecutor just came back and saw the scene of the billionaire's lawyer leaving angrily. When they walked in, they saw their boss rubbing his temples with a tired look on his face. .

"Is he here to negotiate a plea bargain?"

Executive Assistant Prosecutor Ben Stone teased.

"Ha, ha, very funny."

District Attorney Adam Schiffer had no intention of laughing.

Seeing this, Executive Assistant Prosecutor Ben Stone also put away his smile, looked at his boss and friends, and reminded him sternly: "We are doing the right thing!"

“Sometimes the right thing doesn’t always work!”

District Attorney Adam Schiffer complained: "It's a good thing Mr. Drew McDaniel is still alive, otherwise our odds would be even slimmer."

"You agree with Chuck."

The African-American assistant prosecutor frowned: "Only living people have human rights?"

"Guys, dead people have no rights!"

District Attorney Adam Schiffer said matter-of-factly: "Don't tell me, you still haven't figured out this secret that can't be told."

"I understand."

The African-American assistant prosecutor said calmly: "I would also like to add that poor people have no human rights, but what can we do if we understand it? We can't change the entire legal system!"

The prosecutor's office fell silent.

They all know this truth, but they can only pretend not to know, otherwise they will stop working and live their lives.

"Thanks for your persistence Chuck, this is a good start, isn't it?"

After a long silence, Executive Assistant Prosecutor Ben Stone broke the silence and said with a smile: "Although it is difficult and there are various challenges, life is generally sweet, isn't it?"

"I hope so."

District Attorney Adam Schiffer sighed.

If it were like before, with four parts politics and six parts law, he would indeed be able to live a very sweet life.

Maintaining the relationship with the upper class and expressing one's ambitions to the lower class will make this day a sweet one.

But now he is compromising and cooperating with Chuck. Based on his understanding of Chuck, he will definitely have constant conflicts with the upper class of society, including billionaires and powerful senators. Once he is caught in the middle, how can this life be sweet? stand up?

A few days later, the court officially opened.

"Mr. Stone!"

The lawyer of the surgeon, Dr. James Robert, accompanied his client and waited outside the court. When he saw the arrival of Executive Assistant Prosecutor Ben Stone, he immediately stopped.

"Talk privately?"

"What do you want to say?"

Executive Assistant Prosecutor Ben Stone raised his hand and looked at his watch: "The court is about to start, please hurry up."

"I can help you testify against Philippe Vaudry!"

Dr. James Robert bypassed his lawyer and stated his plans directly.

While waiting for bail just one night, he already felt the fear of prison.

"Are you willing to testify for free?"

Executive Assistant Prosecutor Ben Stone looked at him with a half-smile.

"...Stone, don't do this."

When Dr. James Robert's face froze, his lawyer took over the topic and advised: "With James helping you, you have a greater chance of winning. Otherwise, it will be very difficult to prove the thoughts in Philip Wardray's mind. .”

"This is not difficult."

Executive Assistant Prosecutor Ben Stone laughed: "Thanks to Detective Chuck, he has found enough evidence to prove this, and of course thanks to Dr. James Roberts for his good habit of recording everything."


Dr. James Robert turned pale.

This is his biggest reliance, just for this kind of thing to happen, so that he can throw in a big fish like billionaire Philippe Wardray so that he, a small fish, can survive safely.

But who would have thought that the prosecutors knew about it and even obtained recordings of his phone calls with billionaire Philippe Vaudry.

"It's Detective Chuck!"

He immediately recalled that when he met Detective Chuck for the first time, he directly asked for a recording, and then was frightened by Detective Chuck and deleted the recording directly.

It must have been that time that he exposed himself instead.

No wonder Detective Chuck asked him to keep the recording before he left so that he could testify in court. He originally thought he was talking about the audio he had just recorded. Now it seems that Detective Chuck clearly guessed that he had kept the phone number with the billionaire. Recording, the recording actually refers to his final trump card.

"That's right!"

Executive Assistant Prosecutor Ben Stone laughed: "The biggest disadvantage of working with Detective Chuck is that he is unwilling to make plea bargains with criminals, but the advantage is that as long as there is evidence, he can find it."

Seeing that the defense lawyer wanted to speak, he interrupted directly: "Don't worry, we have applied for a search warrant, and the recording evidence is legal and can be used as evidence in court!"

"I can help you testify!"

Dr. James Robert panicked: "With me as my witness, I can impress the jury even more."


Executive Assistant Prosecutor Ben Stone nodded: "You should remember your good partner, nurse Elena Haley, right?"

"of course I remember."

Dr. James Robert was shocked: "You mean I can be charged with the same crime as her?"

"Stop thinking about good things."

Executive Assistant Prosecutor Ben Stone laughed and said: "The biggest difference between you two is the charge of attempted second-degree murder. How can it be the same! I mean you can refer to her. There is no plea bargain, but the prosecutor does not make sentencing recommendations. No. We will recommend the maximum sentence to the judge, and leave everything to the judge’s discretion. We only have ten seconds, do you think about it?”

As he spoke, he raised his hand to look at his watch, and then started counting down.

"I agree!"

Dr. James Robert's eyes changed for a while, and when Ben Stone's countdown was about to end, he chose to agree.

His crime has actually been proven.

Now his biggest reliance is no longer the recorded conversation with Da Yu. He will definitely lose this lawsuit. Now he can only hope that the prosecutor will not recommend the maximum sentence to the judge, otherwise he will get nothing.

"Wise choice."

Executive Assistant Prosecutor Ben Stone looked at him, shook his head and sighed: "You are so wise, why would you do such a stupid and heartless thing!"

Dr. James Robert was immediately filled with regret.

As his lawyer told prosecutors before, as a well-known transplant surgeon, he earns $45,000 a week, which is more than two million dollars a year.

This much money is enough for him to live the richest and sweetest life.

But unfortunately, like those incompetent rich second generation, what they fear most is not eating, drinking and having fun, but having a "struggle" heart, not being able to recognize that they are incapable, and always wanting to do big things.

This is the stupidest.

How much money did you spend on food, drinks and fun?

With the wealth inherited by the rich second generation, as long as they are willing to just eat, drink and have fun, they will probably not be short of money throughout their lives.

But once you want to 'struggle', not only will the money be spent in one night, but you will even have to incur astronomical debts.

This is the scariest thing!

Dr. James Robert is certainly not an incompetent fool if he can become a famous doctor, but his ability lies in medicine, not investment.

Their investment capabilities are no better than those of the incompetent rich second generation.

What's more, because surgeons in the world of American TV series, according to official complaints, have the crazy self-confidence to regard themselves as gods, they naturally don't feel that apart from medicine, they are worse than the wolves of Wall Street in investment.

So Dr. James Robert invested his savings, and then nothing happened.

Not only were all his savings wiped out, but he also owed a large amount of debt, so he had to give up his good life and risk doing such dangerous dirty work for the billionaire Philippe Wardray.

for what?

A mere reward of two million!

It’s just his annual income.

But he, who owed money, had no choice but to use the money to plug the hole first.

The trial begins.

The victim, Drew McDaniel, was called to the witness stand.

"Mr. McDaniel, could you please describe to the court how you felt when you woke up in Central Park that morning?"

asked Executive Assistant Prosecutor Ben Stone.


The victim, Drew McDaniel, didn't know what to say: "They took away one of my kidneys! Some people feel violated when a thief breaks open his door and steals his TV, but me? Me? It feels like I’ve been strengthened!”

"Can you take off your shirt?"

executive assistant prosecutor Ben Stone pleaded.

"Objection, your honor!"

The billionaire's defense attorney immediately objected.

What you hear and what you see have completely different impacts.

"The prosecution believes the jury should look at why he felt violated!"

Executive Assistant Prosecutor Ben Stone explained to the judge.

"invalid objection."

The judge decides directly.

The victim, Drew McDaniel, slowly opened his shirt, revealing a hideous stitched wound like a giant centipede.

As the jury couldn't bear to watch, the victim shed tears of shame.

"Last question, what do you think is the most satisfying ending to this case?"

asked Executive Assistant Prosecutor Ben Stone.

"Give me my kidneys!"

The victim burst into tears.

There is no longer any suspense about the outcome of the trial, but as a billionaire, Philippe Wardray will certainly not let him go so easily, so the lawsuit is still going to be fought.

After the initial hearing.

"Hi, Chuck."

Vickers Wieland came over with a woman and greeted Chuck with a smile: "This is Joanna Wardray, I think you should know each other."

"Dr. Wolfe, did you know that my father established a fund for Mr. McDaniel and his children?"

The only daughter of a billionaire who had a kidney transplanted forcibly said excitedly: "I don't think you know! That's how he does things. He doesn't like to show off and doesn't seek personal gain. If you continue to prosecute him, he will die. I know he will die. Well, what's all this for? Mr. McDaniel is going to be a very rich man."

"But only one kidney!"

Monica, standing next to Chuck, couldn't help but remind him.

"Just like me!"

The only daughter of a billionaire retorted: "I hope we can all live a long and happy life!"

Seeing Monica looking at her dumbfounded, she immediately withdrew her gaze and looked at Chuck fiercely: "I know that the reason why the prosecutor is staring at my father is all because of you. I hope you can do good things and achieve a win-win situation." Why do we have to lose both sides?"

"Do you know the trial process?"

Chuck looked at her expressionlessly: "The result Mr. McDaniel wants most is to return the kidney."

"I also want to give it back to him, believe me!"

The billionaire's only daughter's eyes dodged, and she said sincerely: "But I can't do it. Without this kidney, I will die. And even if I die, according to legal procedures, Mr. McDaniel will not get it." This kidney.”

"You don't need to give back the kidney."

Chuck said expressionlessly: "I can persuade Mr. McDaniel to use the large sum of money from the foundation you have set up for him by your so-called 'not seeking publicity and not seeking personal gain' to hire you and your father to accept being It’s a great challenge to be strong. You can be pressed at any time and at any time. You are not allowed to sue afterwards. As long as you father and daughter agree and are willing to personally experience the humiliation suffered by Mr. McDaniel, I think he may be willing to forgive you.”

The only daughter of a billionaire: "..."

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