American TV series Detective's Daily Life

Chapter 440 The Emperor of Sai: Hunting is dangerous and uncontrollable, but breeding is full of con

"Are you humiliating me?"

After being stunned, the only daughter of a billionaire glared at Chuck.

"How do you know?"

Chuck said expressionlessly.

The only daughter of a billionaire turned to look at Vickers Wieland.

"Chuck, Joanna is very sincere in solving problems."

The Emperor of Serbia, Vickers Wilander, smiled and said, "Please give me a more feasible suggestion."

"What word of what I said don't you understand?"

Chuck said calmly: "This is the most feasible suggestion for you!"

For the victim Drew McDaniel, the most desired outcome is to get his kidney back, but of course this is already impossible.

Dead people have no human rights, and neither do poor people.

American law firmly guarantees this!

There's nothing Chuck can do!

Under this realistic premise, if we want to get as close to this ending as possible and achieve what Joanna, the only daughter of a billionaire, says is 'a win-win situation, not a lose-lose situation for both sides', the challenge launched by Chuck is the most equal, win-win situation and the least lose-lose situation. suggestion.

The victim feels as if he has been raped!

The billionaire father and his daughter accepted the challenge of being raped without guilt.

Two for one, seems like a loss.

However, they did not suffer any irreversible physical damage afterwards, but the victim lost a kidney, which caused irreversible damage to the body. His vitality was severely damaged, his immunity was reduced, and he did not even know whether he could survive the various influenza outbreaks every year. season.

And I didn’t even mention that during the process, the doctor who performed the surgery deliberately failed to tie the blood vessels and wanted to kill him!

The only daughter of a billionaire was never mentioned, but it was impossible for Chuck to forget.

That's why we proposed the prerequisite of being strong anytime and anywhere, otherwise it would be over if we just arrange a fight.

This kind of big challenge is inspired by Barney Stinson in "Looking for Mom", and is also the source of the widely circulated "Tathagata Palm" spoken by Lu Xiaobu and Xiao Diaochan in Love Apartment.

That is, the loser will be slapped by the winner after losing, and the number of slaps will be 10 at one time. If you change it to anytime and anywhere, it can be halved to 5.

But experienced people will choose to accept 10 slaps at once, rather than the 5 slaps in half.

Because this feeling of being beaten anytime and anywhere is really torturous.

You have no idea when the other person will slap you. It is very likely that when you are happiest and least expected, you will suddenly be slapped so hard that you will be stunned.

Before Lu Xiaobu and Xiao Diao Chan got married, there was still one Tathagata palm left to strike. Seeing Xiao Diao Chan raise her hand, Lu Xiaobu was so frightened that he backed away.

Barney Stinson in Finding Mother was a man who loved challenges so much that he was slapped in tears at the end.

It can be seen that this sudden blessing has far exceeded the deterrent effect of the slap itself on the person being slapped.

Now, since the billionaire father and daughter cannot be allowed to feel that the victim was truly on the verge of death, let them feel the fear that they may be violently pressed down and then strong at any time and at any time.

This is barely equivalent to the harm caused to the victim by the billionaire father and his daughter.

As for the idea of ​​‘setting up a foundation that has always been unobtrusive and does not seek personal gain’, that’s a joke!

You take less than 1% of your property, which is only enough money for your usual high-level entertainment, to compete with other people's kidneys and lives, talk about a win-win situation, don't lose both sides, and then brazenly say that you are equal, this is really you I lost just one leg, but what I lost was the ultimate version of love!

"Then let's find a next-level feasible solution?"

The Emperor of Serbia, Vickers Wilander, smiled and said: "Of course we are all civilized people, so please stop making such suggestions that are harmful to the body and mind."

"That's okay too."

Chuck glanced at her and nodded: "Since he is unwilling to try to feel the feelings of Mr. Drew McDaniel who was hurt by you, then let him try to feel you."

Having said this, in the expectant eyes of Joanna, the only daughter of the billionaire, Chuck expressed another plan without expression: "Since you want to use money to impress people, then do it more thoroughly and combine your All the wealth is invested in this foundation, and the beneficiary and controller are all handed over to the victim, Mr. Drew McDaniel..."

Before he finished speaking, he was interrupted by the incredible cry of Joanna, the only daughter of a billionaire: "This is impossible!"

"Why isn't it possible?"

Chuck asked knowingly.

Obviously, when it really touches the interests, it immediately touches the soul, making the only daughter of a billionaire who can't understand the harm at first feel the same.

"This, this is impossible."

The only daughter of a billionaire didn't know what to say, but she just felt that this was absolutely not possible. Even if they had a choice, she and her father would rather choose Chuck's first proposal than give up all their wealth.

"You can say that without money, you and your father will die. You know you will definitely die."

Chuck imitates the tone of the only daughter of a billionaire at the beginning.


The only daughter of a billionaire blushed, but she still nodded: "That's true! My father and I are both in poor health. Without money, we will indeed die."

"don’t worry."

Chuck said bluntly: "I will suggest that Mr. Drew McDaniel transfer the foundation you previously suggested to you.

Believe me, Mr. Drew McDaniel is willing to be a good person who doesn't want to show off and doesn't seek personal gain.

Presumably the wealth of the foundation that you say Mr. Drew McDaniel will turn into a very rich man is enough to guarantee the lives of your father and daughter, right? "

The only daughter of a billionaire was once again speechless.

This is very rich, compared to a poor guy like Drew McDaniel in their eyes, but for them, what is this money enough?

Nothing is enough!

Compared with the wealth they have now, it makes no difference whether they have this little money or not!

She finally heard the deep sarcasm in Chuck's words.

No matter how nice the words she said were, they were all nonsense that couldn't withstand scrutiny. No matter how well she disguised the cruelty and indifference inside, just thinking about it made her almost suffocate and couldn't stand it if she changed her identity slightly.

She turned around and wanted to leave.

She felt like she was standing naked in front of everyone, and all her gorgeous clothes were stripped away by Chuck's sharp words.

It was unbearable for her.

"Miss Wardray!"

When she walked to the door, a voice came from behind. It was not Chuck's, nor that of her friend Vickers Weiland, but the voice of Chuck's female companion. This made her stop and turn around, her eyes filled with anticipation. Look at Monica.

"Do you think your dad would have made any different choices this time if you needed a heart instead of a kidney?"

Monica looked at her seriously.


Joanna, the only daughter of a billionaire, was left speechless by Monica's serious question.

She originally thought that Monica was just beautiful and might help her persuade Chuck, but she didn't expect that a question would also hit her soul.

Before, she could confidently say, "The victim only has one kidney left, but so do I."

But what if it were replaced by a heart?

A person has two kidneys, but only one heart.

If you are missing a kidney, you can live, but if you are missing a heart, you will die immediately.

And if she had heart problems, she had no doubt that her father would make the same choice, and of course she would not allow her father to make a different choice.

That is her colorful life!

But in the face of such questions, what beautiful words can she use to cover up?

Thinking of this, she glanced at Chuck and Monica hatefully, turned around and left, not stopping this time.

"What a sharp suggestion!"

The King of Serbia, Vickers Wilander, did not leave with him, but instead applauded directly. When Monica looked over in surprise, she smiled and said, "Don't get me wrong, she and I are not friends, we are just insiders who know each other. She begged, she just came to see you.

I also despise her and her father's behavior of not treating people as human beings! "


Chuck looked at her expressionlessly.

"I really can't stand this kind of behavior of treating other people as replacement tools for one's own parts."

The King of Serbia, Vickers Wieland, did not directly answer Chuck's rude question, but avoided the important and trivial and said with a smile: "Actually, the approach of Joanna and her daughter is very unflattering, even more so than that of the Wardray and his daughter. There are many cruel practices, and I think you should know that, Chuck.”

"I have no idea."

Chuck shook his head.

"I understand, you don't want to know."

There was a knowing smile on the lips of the Emperor of the Republic of Serbia, Vickers Wilander.

"what do you know?"

Monica didn't like the charade.

“Do you know what was the key to humankind’s transition from primitive society to agricultural life?”

Vix Wilander, the Emperor of the Sea, looked at Monica.


Monica's mouth twitched.

Classic American history is not good, and Monica is no exception. Although she has studied hard in the past year due to the relationship between Chuck and Peggy, she has learned more about science and engineering rather than history.

"From hunting to breeding!"

Vickers Wieland, Emperor of the Republic of Serbia, laughed and said: "Hunting is full of wildness and uncontrollability, while breeding is full of wisdom and controllability."


Monica's brain was already very useful due to her long-term scientific research cooperation with Chuck. She immediately understood the subtext of the Emperor and exclaimed: "You mean that Joanna and her daughter attacked Mr. Drew McDaniel this time and raped him?" Gun kidneys are hunted in an uncontrollable way, but someone is breeding them in a controlled way?”

"I didn't say that."

The Emperor of Serbia, Vickers Wilander, smiled meaningfully and said: "I just made a metaphor and said it casually based on the similarities of things."

After saying that, he took a deep look at Chuck and walked away on his long legs and high heels.


Monica looked at Chuck in shock.

"Nothing surprising."

Chuck said calmly: "We have now passed through the agricultural society and entered the industrial society. The 21st world is the biological century."

Monica: "..."

A week later, the second trial began again.

Lawyers for billionaire Philippe Wardray tried hard to invalidate the phone recordings kept by Dr. James Robert, but failed.

This is not a special trick.

Many defense attorneys do this, and are often successful.

Obviously, as long as the evidence is disclosed in court, it will be enough to convict the criminal, but the judge is willing to agree to invalidate the evidence. The so-called "according to legal provisions" makes the insider laugh, and makes the victim and family members despair.

Because American law and legislation is not based on preventing crime at all, but on protecting the individual rights of criminals.

To borrow a classic quote from an American judge: "In my experience, the more cruel the criminal is, the more his personal rights should be fully protected!"

The explanation certainly makes sense, because the more brutal criminals are, the more likely they are to arouse public outrage and then be treated roughly.

But when you really say something like this, it always makes normal people feel uncomfortable and angry.

Co-writing is to encourage people to go out of their way. Either you should be a good citizen and never be regarded as a criminal, or you should commit the most perverted and cruel crimes. If you don't go to the extreme, you will be caught in the middle and there will be no juice for you to eat!

The recording began to be played in court.

"We found a perfect match, but he's healthy and I don't think he'd just give up a kidney without a struggle."

On the tape, Dr. James Roberts said cruel words in a joking tone.

"You have to get things done no matter what! That's what I'm paying you to do!"

The deep voice of billionaire Philippe Wardray came from the other end of the phone.

"I think you don't quite understand. This is not a question of money..."

Dr. James Roberts is clearly very experienced at tricking billionaires into saying what he wants as a guarantee.

"No, I totally understand, if necessary kill this bastard and get this done!"

On the other end of the phone, billionaire Philippe Wardray was not alert at all, but instead shouted angrily.

In the audience, Detective Amy Santiago glared at billionaire Philippe Wardray in the dock.

Thinking back to how nice he had said when she and Chuck went to question him, 'I feel very sorry for this victim, but I don't know him, and I don't know that he has any connection with my daughter.' The kidneys were from organ transplants. "Net, I thank God for this." He acted innocently at first, but now he looks so cruel and hateful in comparison.

An ordinary person who is supposed to be innocent turns out to be a 'person worthy of sympathy' in front of his face, but behind his back he is a 'child of the beach'. How disgusting to normal people.

The jury is composed of ordinary people selected at random.

So after listening to this recording and looking at the extremely disgusted look in the jury's eyes, the billionaire Philip Vaudry in the dock gritted his teeth and then lowered his head feebly.

He knew he was finished this time.

"We will appeal."

The defense lawyer said to Executive Assistant U.S. Attorney Ben Stone after the trial concluded that the billionaire was found guilty.

“You’ve proven that money isn’t everything, now I’m here to prove that money can hire lots and lots of lawyers!”

"That's your freedom!"

Executive Assistant Prosecutor Ben Stone shrugged.

The defense lawyer took a few steps and turned around: "You didn't answer Philip's question in court, but you should have an answer, right?"

"I hope I never know."

sighed Executive Assistant U.S. Attorney Ben Stone.

The defense lawyer looked as if this was indeed the case, nodded and left.

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