American TV series Detective's Daily Life

Chapter 441 Chuck laughed again: What kind of minister is this?

"Does this still need to be considered?"

Monica also participated in the trial, so she naturally knew what the issue was, and looked at Ben Stone in disbelief.

During the trial, the defense lawyer, like Dr. Edward Oster's lawyer, once again resorted to the desperate tactic of having his client sit on the witness stand.

Singing and singing, he hopes that the jury will remember his client's various social achievements and soften the jury members.

The pros and cons are that when you get on the witness stand, you also have to face cross-examination by the prosecutor.

Executive Assistant U.S. Attorney Ben Stone then asked the billionaire: "Is there anything you can do for your daughter?"

Billionaire: "Of course, as a father, wouldn't you?"

Executive Assistant Prosecutor Ben Stone hesitated and did not answer. Instead, he said, "Now I'm asking the question!"

Billionaire: "Yes."

Executive Assistant Prosecutor Ben Stone asked: "Including murdering others?"

The billionaire mouthed, “No, sir!”

But with a knife in his eye, he plainly told Executive Assistant Prosecutor Ben Stone: "Yes, including murder!"

Now that the trial is over, the defense lawyer once again asked Executive Assistant Prosecutor Ben Stone if he had an answer to the previous question that he had not answered directly. As a result, Ben Stone, who has always been fair, actually sighed: "I hope I never know! "

There seems to be no problem.

But as a prosecutor who defends the law, he was vague about this question that should have a clear answer.

Even if you don't answer, the answer is already biased in favor of the billionaire who is being prosecuted. It is conceivable that there is an underlying logic behind the popularity of Family Man in the United States.

Everything can be done in the name of being a family man. Now even the prosecutor who is supposed to stick to the law says that he is likely to harm innocent people for the sake of his family. What are these three views?

Shouldn't it be that even if you have to make every effort for your family, it shouldn't be based on harming innocent people?


When Monica looked at him and asked, Executive Assistant Prosecutor Ben Stone sighed in shame, nodded to Chuck and Monica with a wry smile, and left.

Billionaire Philip Wardray's love for his only daughter Joanna, aside from the fact that he does not regard innocent people as human beings, is what he does not worthy of being called a family man in the world of American TV series?


Definitely worthy of it!

And he is also the hero of his family!

That's why he dared to appear in court, sit on the witness stand, and loudly answer the prosecutor's accusations. The prosecutor who could even ask questions was speechless.

Don't do to others what you don't want others to do to you. This principle is very simple.

Of course, an elite like Ben Stone will understand that if everyone works hard to become a hero, then it's okay.

But when someone unharmoniously pricks the underpants of a family hero, revealing that they are selfish, extremely cruel, and anti-human and anti-social, anyone with any conscience will be ashamed.

"Am I being rude?"

When Monica saw Executive Assistant Prosecutor Ben Stone and the African-American Assistant Prosecutor both nodded to her with a wry smile, and then left, she felt a little embarrassed and looked at Chuck.

Even if you see through it without saying it, you are still a good friend.

It would be rude to tell someone after seeing through it.


Chuck said bluntly: "But I like this impoliteness! Do you think I've ever been polite?"

"Ha ha."

Monica burst out laughing.

As long as Chuck liked it, she didn't care if others thought it was polite or not, and to hell with politeness!

"What laughing?"

Detective Amy Santiago and Detective Shenfan came over at this time.

"You can't be too polite when you laugh!"

Monica smiled and said, "This case is over. Let's go to my place and get together in the evening to have fun?"

"Great, it's time to leave hell and go to the human world!"

"I wish I could have it! It's a pity that Chandler isn't here."

Detective Amy Santiago and Detective Shenfan both agreed, but Detective Shenfan couldn't help but add Chandler, which still made Detective Amy Santiago look sideways.

"Monica, tell you a joke about this case that you don't know yet."

The annoyed police detective saw the knife-like look in his ambiguous partner's eyes and quickly changed the subject with a sneer.

"What joke?"

Monica smiled: "Unlike Amy, I only like to hear hell jokes."

“I don’t know if hell is hell, but it’s definitely not that human.”

The troubled detective smiled and said: "We searched for evidence before and found the blood stains from the surgery in the garbage in nurse Elena Hella's apartment?

After that, I went to the anesthesia machine supplier to investigate, and Dr. James Robert asked the nurse to rent anesthesia machines and wheelchairs using American Express cards. Dr. James Robert's fingerprints were all on them..."

"Tell the important point!"

Monica was annoyed that the detective was going around and around without getting to the point, so she quickly interrupted.

"At that time, we asked the boss of the medical device supplier that a doctor and nurse asked you to deliver anesthesia machines and other surgical equipment not to the hospital but to their apartment. Aren't you suspicious?"

Detective Shenfan suppressed a smile and said, "Do you know how he answered?"

Seeing that no one had the intention to cooperate with him, he could only curl his lips and smile: "He said that last week, a guy came to him and ordered 100 chamber pots, saying they were molds for making jelly... Hahaha !”


After Monica laughed, she looked disgusted: "No wonder Chuck never eats outside. You will never know how food is made without going through his own hands! It's so disgusting!"

"what is this?"

Chuck said seriously: "There are still people clamoring to drink the bathwater of beautiful women. There is no shortage of perverts in this world, let alone this is New York."


Monica said with deep understanding: “When the victim in this case, Drew McDaniel, was found in Central Park, Rachel and I were jogging in Central Park in the morning, and we met the soap opera queen at that time.

According to her, many of her daily necessities disappear for no reason. It is said that fans who like the original flavor pay internal staff to steal them. "


Detective Amy Santiago also immediately looked disgusted.

"There are even more perverted ones."

Monica was excited: "You all know Rachel, you should know that she is a waitress at the Central Park Cafe, and she is a very bad one.

She has been working for a year, and even if friends like us come over to order something, she still can’t figure it out, and she can even get it completely wrong, and no one is right.

Such a bad waiter, but he remembered the essence of tipping for waiters on the first day of work.

If you don't get enough, you'll secretly spit in the customer's coffee.

But something happened next that made her completely quit this bad habit.

Because some customers discovered this, not only did they not tip more, they also stopped tipping from now on.

Rachel thought it was revenge.

Who would have known that later when I saw this customer coming back every time and asking for her service, I finally found out that this customer was a pervert and that he didn't tip well enough on purpose. "

"Holy shit!"

Detective Amy Santiago was stunned: "You mean that perverted guest just wants to eat Rachel's saliva?"

"What's so strange about this? Rachel is so beautiful..."

Detective Shenfan couldn't continue talking, but everyone looked at him. He immediately imitated Chandler and laughed at himself: "Am I talking too loudly to myself? "

"There are indeed such perverts!"

Monica ignored Detective Chandler 2's annoyance and nodded to Detective Amy Santiago: "So Rachel stopped the bad habit of spitting in coffee."

"Stop talking, I'm going to become a severe mysophobia like Chuck!"

Detective Amy Santiago covered her ears.

"You should."

Monica nodded with deep understanding: "Rachel has stopped drooling, but the waiter can definitely use more low-level methods like drooling to retaliate~"

At night.

Everyone gathered together.

They also directly connected to Chandler in Las Vegas through a video call, chatting and laughing while watching his live show there.

When he saw the hot figure appearing in the audience and interacting with Chandler, who was still fine, Detective Shenfan was the first to exclaim and was extremely moved.

"The reunion of father and son, no, mother and son, is really touching."

The annoyed detective pretended to wipe his tears: "I just hope Chandler doesn't learn to take detours!"

He had seen Chandler's dad's performance that Chuck personally filmed from Las Vegas. The people dancing around Chandler's dad were a group of spirited young men.

"It's enough!"

Detective Amy Santiago said frantically: "You really want him to take a detour and then come back to you!"

"You wronged me!"

Detective Shenfan smiled awkwardly and said: "I am as straight as a straight man! The friendship between Chandler and I is pure."

"Chuck laughed, Chuck laughed again!"

Before Detective Amy Santiago could continue to quarrel with the detective, she saw Monica and Rachel shouting in surprise.

Everyone looked and saw that the smile on Chuck's lips disappeared briefly, but he did smile.

This is so rare!

"And you said I wronged you!"

Detective Amy Santiago understood instantly, her face became even uglier, she pointed at the annoying detective and cursed: "Chuck, such a cold man, would be laughed at by this sentence. It is conceivable that Chandler and I Friendship is pure' was so ridiculous that even Chuck couldn't help it."

"That's not what Chuck is laughing about, is it, Chuck?"

The annoyed detective quickly winked at Chuck.

"No, that's what I'm laughing at."

Chuck returned to his expressionless face, but still said straightforwardly: "If Santiago catches you hugging each other one day, and you say things like 'we are pure' in front of her, I will still do it." Laughable.”

no way.

The funny detective and Chandler may not be able to make him laugh.

But the source of these words is a classic scene of a comedy talent who, as a supporting actor, can compete with the century-old king of comedy for the limelight.

The combined laughter of past and present life makes Chuck even as paralyzed as he can't bear to laugh.


The annoyed detective's mouth twitched.


What kind of bad taste is this!

"Watch the news!"

Phoebe reminded.

Everyone looked around and saw the local New York TV station interviewing the director of the OTN office.

"Philippe Vaudry once came to my office and promised to make a large donation to OTN as long as I would move his daughter forward, but I refused. The Organ Transplantation Network is a real botched system. , one of the few places where money has no decisive power at all!”

On TV, the upright-looking director of the OTN office repeated the lies they told the prosecutor in front of the camera, but this attracted applause and praise from media reporters who were free and independent thinkers. It was like a feast of victory.

"This guy is so shameless!"

Everyone in the apartment had heard Chuck analyze the position of the director of the OTN office on this case, and watched the other party talk about it on TV. Naturally, they would not think that the other party was really something special like those who didn't know the inside story. A good man, the spokesperson of Dishui.

"If he goes to England, he will be able to join the cabinet!"

Chuck characterized him.

"Why do you say that?"

Rachel asked curiously.

“British bureaucrats have a classic all-purpose four-stage tactical manual for handling matters as an official.”

Chuck explains: “In the first phase, we declared that nothing was going to happen!”

"During our investigation, the director of the OTN office openly claimed that the black market for organs does not exist at all. It is illegal and it is all imaginary."

Detective Amy Santiago responded: "That's exactly the same as saying nothing is going to happen."

"In the second phase, maybe something will happen, but we'd better wait and see."

Chuck went on to introduce classic quotes from the classic British drama 'Yes Minister'.

"After we exposed his ridiculous lies, he embarrassedly said that maybe there was such a thing, but it had absolutely nothing to do with OTN."

Detective Amy Santiago continues to compare the performance of the OTN chief of staff.

"Phase three, maybe it's time to take action, but we can't do anything."

Chuck said: "The director of the OTN office went to the prosecutor's office and talked about how their prosecutors should look at a larger perspective and let the public know that their OTN is a truly successful minority system, a place where rich people cannot do whatever they want!

But the fact is that Joanna Vaudrey had successfully transplanted kidneys there, once under her real name and twice under an alias, and there was nothing they could do.

In the fourth stage, we probably should have done something, but now it is too late.

In the end, it is the conjugation of father and son.

Nowadays, in the fourth stage of the rhetoric of the American bureaucracy, the United States not only ignores its own incompetence and corruption, but also directly takes credit for achievements that are not its own. The level of shamelessness has exceeded that of the British side.

Of course, the safest approach is the British side's four-stage strategy, which has no success and no consequences. A shameless person like the director of the OTN office is too shameless and can easily overturn! "

"Will someone come to investigate him?"

Monica understood immediately.

"If he continues to be so shameless and flamboyant."

Chuck looked at the OTN office director on the TV and nodded.

Joanna came to see him before and said that her billionaire father was always low-key and did not seek personal gain. She understood this from the perspective of doing good deeds without leaving a name.

But the truth is that even if you do all the bad things and cover them up, you don't dare to publicize them because it can easily arouse public outrage.

The OTN office director is now very close to causing ‘public outrage’.

If he jumps again, someone will take the time to keep an eye on him and teach him how to be a good person and an official.

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