American TV series Detective's Daily Life

Chapter 445 Murder Suspect MAX: Detective Chuck, investigate carefully!

"I have an idea, okay, that's it."

After talking for a while, MAX hung up Caroline's daily harassing phone call, shrugged at Chuck and Bernadette and said venomously: "Did you see it? Is it full of love?"


Bernadette gave a lemony nod.

This is her eldest cousin. When did she become someone else's best friend?

"Want to make a little money?"

MAX looked at Bernadette and smiled maliciously.

"In no mood!"

When Bernadette saw MAX's big bad wolf look, she immediately shook her head and refused.

"You really don't want to?"

MAX continued to seduce: "If you make a small amount of money, you can use it as your own private money and buy whatever you want.

Even if you secretly rent a house and buy a kindergarten bicycle and ride it, and bump into it over and over again, your mother won’t know~"


Bernadette, who also had a venomous tongue, instantly understood the connotation of her eldest cousin MAX's words. What's more, the other party specifically reminded her that this was not a kindergarten car. She twitched the corners of her mouth and still shook her head.

But the hand controlling the puppet moved uncontrollably. The puppet's eyes looked at MAX, its mouth moved, and a voice that was very different from Bernadette's sounded: "She doesn't dare to be interested. I dare to tell you. "

"I knew you had a vision."

MAX laughed and teased: "Burnie is still thinking about using you as a dowry when she gets married. Now it seems that someone may want to marry you in the future, and Boni is the one who will buy one, get one free."

"Warning! Warning! Someone's dark anger is about to reach the sky. Don't stay here tonight, otherwise you will leak air."

Bernadette's eyes were gloomy and her mouth was motionless, but the puppet had already revealed the owner's mental state.

"Just a warning? Not an FBI warning? Bad review!"

MAX didn't care at all about the threat of his shady little cousin. He smiled and discussed with the puppet doll: "I want to support someone who earns ten thousand dollars a month to make a small amount of money with her. I don't believe that she is willing to crush my sister." Besides, who does she think she is? Can she crush a rugby boss with one hand?"

As soon as these words came out, Bernadette looked at Chuck who was watching the excitement in shock.

"Hehehe, that's right!"

MAX has long inquired about all kinds of news about Chuck. Now that he is Chuck's assistant, he has the opportunity to contact all of Chuck's friends. Of course, he knows that Chuck stood up for Little Leonard and directly created the famous rugby scene. .

When normal people imagine that scene, they feel a surge of power.

But MAX knows that she and her little cousin Bernadette are not ordinary people.

Chuck's invincible and intimidating behavior was not very friendly to some people in Ping An Town, including her and her little cousin Bernadette.

I always feel a little scared.

This is the same as little Sheldon's fear of his twin sister Missy's fingering her vaginal feet. It's a physiological fear engraved in his DNA.

"Luckily I'm a puppeteer."

Bernadette didn't dare to look at Chuck anymore. She hunched over and complained while still controlling the puppet with her hand, and then quickly changed the subject: "MAX, you said your income is 10,000 yuan a month? Is it really that high? ?”


MAX said confidently: "It's all because of the stupid people and rich money in Dwight Middle School. I even want to keep repeating grades there to make money.

But I also know that the business is so good, the sales are so expensive, and the profits are so high, all because of Caroline's identity as the American Princess. Once she graduates and goes to college, there is no point in me continuing to repeat the grade at Dwight High School. "

"You can definitely go to the same university as her."

Bernadette was very excited when she heard that her cousin could earn so much money part-time while still in school, and she immediately gave her advice seriously through puppets.

After all, who doesn’t love a little money!

"You think I don't want to?"

MAX complained: "But she wants to go to Wharton Business School! Come on! She's going to study business. What am I going to do there? To learn the art of trading?"

After saying this, she stretched out her hands from head to toe in a display: "Or the art of being traded? I want to be an astrophysicist!"

"You are quite profitable in small business now. In the future, you will go to Wharton Business School with that American princess. While continuing to sell small cakes to accumulate capital, you will also learn the skills of doing real business. Isn't it great? Why do you have to become a business owner?" What astrophysicist?”

Bernadette is weird.

"Hehehe, you don't know."

MAX chuckled and glanced at Chuck: "As an astrophysicist, you will be happier to get a doctorate than to learn the art of trading and do business. The benefits are huge ~ You are still a child who doesn't understand, so don't ask more questions.

But if you think about it, if Caroline had that kind of IQ, she would want to get a doctorate in science and engineering, and you will know that this must contain a lot of benefits~ There is no way, this is a stepping stone to a happy future~"

Bernadette seemed to understand, mainly because of information asymmetry. She didn't know what kind of scientific research experiments had been done, but she still took her cousin's words to heart. She originally wanted to enter the beauty pageant and become a star, but now she There is one more alternative.

Once she fails in beauty pageants, she will insist on studying for a doctorate.


She believes in the wisdom of her eldest cousin who is a top student!

So even if you are a cruel and poisonous waiter like your eldest cousin, you still need to get your doctorate.

"You haven't said what you want me to do for you?"

Bernadette asked subconsciously.

"Are you interested?"

MAX looked at his little cousin in amusement, and when he saw her face turned down again, he quickly stopped and got down to business: "I want you to advertise, and I will personally design a beauty pageant dress for you, and you can wear it when the time comes."

"Advertising? You design the beauty pageant gown yourself?"

Bernadette immediately had an ominous premonition: "Can you design dresses?"

"What's so hard about this?"

MAX smiled: "I promise the look is classic and the color is your favorite strawberry red!"

"Strawberry red?"

Bernadette was completely confirmed, gritted her teeth and said frantically: "You want me to dress up as your strawberry cupcake and advertise for you?"

"Of course it's more than that."

MAX smiled and shook his head: "How can money be so easy to make? Dressing up as a strawberry cupcake is just the basics. You also need to learn to sing a matching song for advertising.

When you go on stage to explain to the audience and the judges why you were selected, you sing... Because Tell you what I want, what I really really want, I'll tell you what I want, what I really really want, I wanna, I wanna, I wanna, I wanna, really, really, really be MAX cupcakes, everyone loves her, every bite is sweet in your heart! Choose her! You deserve it! "


Bernadette's face turned dark as she listened to her eldest cousin rapping the classic hot girl wanna be song, which was later changed to an advertising slogan.

"Not only did you make me dress like that, but you also asked me to sing such shameful advertising slogans? You are going to laugh at me with this for the rest of your life, aren't you?"

"of course not."

MAX joked: "I will laugh at you all my life, why do I need this?"

Seeing that her scheming little cousin was showing signs of falling out, she hurried over and whispered a number into her ear, which slightly reduced Bernadette's impending anger.

"This is my most important beauty pageant!"

"I understand, I understand, I'll add money!"

MAX understood immediately.

Seeing this, Bernadette, a laywoman who added money, suddenly became less repelled by dressing like this and singing like that, which would become a lifelong black history.

“Is it really okay to advertise so blatantly?”

After Bernadette calmed down, as a future doctor of microbiology with a high IQ, she immediately questioned: "I'm afraid the beauty pageant officials will directly screen me out and won't give me any exposure."

"Don't worry, I will follow you to take pictures and upload them directly to the Internet. It will definitely break the circle."

MAX smiled and said: "When the time comes, MAX cupcakes will focus on the most nutritious, from snack to adult, and the most trustworthy aesthetic. I guarantee that everyone will look at it and you will become famous!"

Bernadette: "..."

She didn't know whether it was red or not.

But the black history of this life will never escape.

A very interesting dinner.

Even Chuck didn't feel bored and wasted time when he saw the cousins, who were quite similar in appearance, personality and habits, bickering and bickering with each other from time to time.

After all, he was also a loyal fan of a certain coconut juice in his previous life and has always believed in this trustworthy and normal aesthetic.

Dinner is over.

MAX stayed and continued to talk about his business promotion plan with his little cousin, while Chuck returned to the mountainside villa by himself.

after a few days.

MAX suddenly came over with Caroline.

"Boss, no, I'm a suspect!"

MAX laughed at himself.

"Not at all."

Caroline smiled and said, "Don't listen to her nonsense."

"what happened?"

Chuck looked at Caroline.

"A student in our school died."

Caroline frowned and said, "After school, I went home to Chinatown and was shot to death in an alley."

"Is it the Chinese Tim?"

Chuck immediately looked at MAX.

"Hey, Chuck, do you know Tim too?"

Caroline was surprised: "Is he really that genius?"

"Of course he is a genius!"

NAX complained: "His family is in Chinatown, but he was able to attend Dwight Noble High School with full scholarships. Doesn't that explain the problem?"

At Dwight Aristocratic High School, in addition to the aristocratic children whose families have money and power, there are also those geniuses who can make the school famous and attract more donations to attend with scholarships.

After all, these rich and powerful young men and young ladies can inherit the family property without any effort. In the future, there will always be someone to help manage the family property and create more value.

These geniuses who have won full prizes are the school companions who can accompany the young master to school.

They are responsible for studying, while Miss Gongzi is responsible for leading.


New York's Chinatown is also famous. Many Chinese Americans live in it, and it is considered the most famous gathering place for Chinese Americans.

However, most of the wealthy Chinese have moved away, choosing to buy large houses and integrate into the local society quietly, trying hard to remove their labels for fear of being targeted.

Most of those who stayed were unable to move out.

Otherwise, in a few decades, Chinatown would not be forced to build skyscrapers to re-incarcerate prisons.

You know, wherever this kind of prison is built, housing prices will plummet.

After all, who wants to be neighbors with so many felonies?

Do you think you died quickly enough?

And if New York’s Chinatown really had enough capital to speak out, how could it possibly let this happen?

Therefore, for a boy born in Chinatown, New York, to go to the same aristocratic high school as an American princess like Caroline, he is a representative of genius.

"Didn't the police say it was a normal robbery followed by a shooting? This is New York, there is nothing strange about it."

Caroline couldn't refute that Tim was a genius, so she could only complain.

In fact, it's not that she thinks Tim isn't a genius, it's just that MAX said a few days ago that he was the only person in Dwight High School who wasn't stupid, which made her very unhappy.

"Ah, yes, yes, it is indeed normal to shoot a talented young man in the street."

MAX mocked with a vicious tongue: "After all, even the parents of Wei Bancheng like Batman would walk into alleys and be shot dead.

This is indeed normal.

But Batman's parents were shot dead. The gunman was not for money at all, but for the plot to create Batman.

Parents offer sacrifices to heaven, the power is boundless!

But Tim was shot three times and his wallet was not taken away. As a result, the NYPD simply said that this was a normal shooting case in New York and there was nothing to investigate.

Batman's parents were killed in the plot, but they still acted, walking in an alley at night.

Was Tim shot dead in the alley next to him in broad daylight or when people were coming and going? Is this a normal robbery and shooting in New York? "

"Then what do you think is going on?"

Caroline complained: "Racial vendetta? You can't really go out and shoot him in the street for the $20,000 Helms Science Prize, right?"

"That's $20,000!"

Seeing Caroline's look of disbelief, MAX immediately mocked: "Do you know how much it costs to find someone to kill on the street? $20,000 is enough to kill a hundred people!

Not to mention the Helms Prize in Science, known as the Nobel in high school, is a coveted honor for all those who are interested in studying physics in the future. "

After saying this, she looked at Chuck: "Detective Chuck, as Tim's biggest rival at Dwight High School, there is a lot of suspicion on me. You must check me hard! Check everything clearly. That’s it!”


When Caroline heard this, she suddenly felt that she understood why MAX cared so much about this case. It turned out to be to tease Chuck.

He can drive on this broken road, and MAX is really quite sexy. He is worthy of being the low-level best friend she likes and wants to make friends with!

"Chuck, I confess, I am actually suspicious. After MAX said that Tim was the only person in Dwight High School who was not stupid, I felt very uncomfortable and had a problem with him..."

Chuck ignored their flirtatious remarks and fell into deep thought.

A young Chinese genius in Chinatown was shot dead in the street in New York. The label of the victim was removed. It was indeed, as Caroline said, a daily routine in New York with simple folk customs.

He was not interested in this kind of case at all.

If it wasn't for the request from acquaintances like Detective Amy Santiago and Detective Shenfan, he wouldn't have ignored it.

After all, it was said to be an everyday thing in New York, so naturally there were as many as he wanted. There was no particularity, so how could he possibly check it out?

But this time, MAX would rather call himself a suspect and hope that he would come to investigate the case. Unlike what Caroline thought, he knew that MAX did not do this just to make sexy remarks while driving.

Underneath the joking appearance, there is anger at the shooting death of this schoolmate and classmate Tim, and a kind heart that wants to seek justice for the other party.

This case was also very special for him, who came from across the ocean in his previous life, and he was a little dazed for a while.

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