American TV series Detective's Daily Life

Chapter 447 Chinatown Detective: Don’t Dream

"Are you speaking Chinese?"

Caroline heard it immediately and was surprised: "Why do you feel like you speak more smoothly and naturally than she does, Chuck?"

"What's so strange about this!"

MAX smiled and said: "Boss is a real super genius. Whatever language he wants to learn, he will definitely learn the most authentic one."

Tim's sister looked at Chuck with much softer eyes, and couldn't help but said: "If Tim is still alive, he will definitely be able to chat with you! We can speak Chinese equally well."

That’s right!

Although there are many dialects in Chinese, Chuck speaks the Hokkien dialect she learned from her mother, which is pure and natural and better than what her brother speaks.

Besides, they are all geniuses and should have many things in common.

"Your brother must have some friends on the street, right?"

Officer Max reminded again.

"No, just friends from school!"

Tim's sister insisted.

"Can we see his room?"

Chuck asked in English.

He really couldn't stand Sister Tim's poor Chinese.


Tim's sister did not refuse and took the initiative to take them there.

Compared with ordinary young people, the room is relatively clean and tidy, and the walls are covered with various posters.

Chuck's eyes fell on a dazzling large poster.

"How is he similar to Einstein or Patrick Wien?"

Detective Max saw Chuck looking at the face photo and complained in confusion.

Chuck didn't answer.

In his eyes, Einstein could not be compared with the teacher.

At the same time, his desire to redress Tim's grievance became even stronger.

In the world of American dramas, he unexpectedly saw a Chinese genius boy who had his teacher's portrait and Einstein's portrait posted in his room. He instantly identified with Tim.

This time it’s real recognition!

"He went to see a plastic surgeon."

Detective Max checked the room again, turned to an appointment registration record, and said to Tim's sister at the door: "Want to remove the tattoo?"

"It was because he was ignorant when he was young and was pulled over to get a tattoo."

Tim's sister explained: "When he went to middle school, he never played with them again, and he never broke the law. He was a good kid!"

"Don't get excited, I'm just asking casually."

Detective Max quickly signaled: "Maybe they are unwilling to let him withdraw?"

"He has quit for five or six years. If he didn't let it go, how could he wait until now?"

Sister Tim retorted.

"Are you sure they haven't come looking for him again?"

Chuck looked into Sister Tim's eyes.

"I am sure!"

Sister Tim looked directly at Chuck with her big eyes.

"I believe you, then this can basically be ruled out."

Chuck nodded: "Do you remember anyone who threatened Tim and you? Any threats!"

"No threat..."

Tim's sister shook her head subconsciously, and then saw Chuck looking at her insistently. She could only think carefully: "Carl's mother called, and his brother..."

Speaking of this, she explained to everyone: "Karl is Tim's classmate and friend."

"I know that he is still a genius second only to Tim, and he also received a genius scholarship to attend a noble high school."

MAX answered: "Both of them signed up for the Helms Science Competition. They also lost to Tim for the NASA award before."

"What did Carl's mother and brother say when they called?"

Chuck asked.

"Carl was a good kid, but his mother wasn't."

Tim’s sister carefully considered her words: “She usually never says hello when she meets us, but after Tim won the NASA award, she called us excitedly and said that we are not real Americans, so why should we win the award... "

"I want the exact words!"

Chuck looked her in the eyes and reminded, "I know you have a cultural custom of treating others politely, but this matter involves murder, and murder is the result of intense emotions.

So I need to know what they really said when they called and what their emotions were like at that time. "

"Did not you say……"

Tim's sister guessed something. She never expected it. She looked at Chuck in disbelief, covered her mouth, and said tremblingly: "Do you mean to say that a Chinese child does not deserve to win the award?"

No one answered her.

Only her heartbreaking cry: "But Tim is a real Chinese-American!!!"

"Do not be sad."

MAX tried to comfort him: "I was called white trash at first, and it was always a conflict of class, not race.

So what if you're American?

I'm the same age as Tim. If I tell my childhood experiences over the years, you might think that death is not the most painful thing. "

"Exact words!"

Chuck ignored Sister Tim's heart-wrenching accusations. In his opinion, if he couldn't understand such an obvious fact, it would be useless for anyone else to say anything.

"After Tim received the NASA award, Carl's mother called him many times in the past six months, nine to 10 times."

Tim's sister cried while saying: "She said that Carl should not be friends with Tim. Tim is using Carl and using Carl's wisdom to make profits! She called me brother..."

After saying this, she paused, tried her best to control her emotions, and said the insulting name.

"A Chinaman! She said, 'You Chinamen are not real Americans.' Carl's brother called and said, if Tim continues to steal Carl's ideas, we will definitely regret it."


Caroline exclaimed: "This is pure racism!"

The insulting slur of Chinaman can be described as scolding Nico in front of African Americans. It is a familiar synonym for racial discrimination.

"You didn't call the police."

Detective Max frowned.

If he had called the police, he would have found out by now.

"What? So you didn't call the police?"

Caroline exclaimed in disbelief: "In half a year, there have been 10 abusive phone calls. Brother Carl's call is even more of a threat from Chi Guoguo. You haven't even called the police once?"

"In our culture, there is no culture of calling the police."

Tim's sister cried.

"This is not Chinese culture."

Chuck corrected: "Humility and tolerance may be Chinese culture, but not calling the police is definitely not! This is just a twisted habit formed after your tolerance culture automatically adapted to the United States."

Just kidding, on the other side of the ocean, it is recognized that it is the right way to go to the people's police uncle if something happens. When you can't bear it anymore, you can choose to call the police without hesitation.

But after arriving in the United States, there is no word "people" in front of the American police. Looking at the law enforcement habits of American police including the NYPD from a historical perspective, Chinese Americans, including Tim's family, naturally have a culture of not calling the police.

Compared with the uncontrollability and risks after calling the police, it is relatively safer to tolerate and not call the police.

This is not the best option.

But it is a choice between history and survival!

It is said that when one goes to country, do as the Romans do. Tim's family, including Tim, is trying hard to adapt to the free country that is here in the United States, but they have never learned the customs that should be learned and changed.

That is resistance!

Of course, this is also related to the fact that most Chinese Americans are smart.

People who can easily make money with their brains are willing to join a gang to fight for their rights like those who can only go to extremes through violence.

The smart people who made money left this labeled Chinatown early, leaving behind those who have no ability to change. What can they do except let everyone bully them, endure it again and again, and continue to endure it until they can't bear it anymore?

There are too many smart people, but on the overall level, the agencies are too smart and have lost their lives.

Before Tim could escape from Chinatown and follow the "as the Romans do as the Romans do" approach of his equally smart predecessors, and become a real American, he was shot and killed in the street out of jealousy.

But even if he really jumps out, he may still encounter this kind of thing in the future.

The ending of ‘Germany is not worthy of its place’ will not be any different.

In the world of American TV series, virtue does not refer to morality and ability. After all, America does not pay attention to this. The virtue of America refers to the pure and primitive martial virtue of Texas!

When my neighbor is hoarding food, I am hoarding guns. My neighbor is my granary!

It is impossible for a smart person not to know that classic saying.

When someone who is arrested chooses to remain silent, he will be arrested in the end, and no one can help him.

These smart people who choose to escape from Chinatown and fully integrate into the United States do not care about tolerance, discrimination or ceilings, as long as they can make money.

But in the future, when life is not guaranteed, and people are afraid of learning the American custom of distribution according to the situation, but there is no one around who is willing to help them, and no matter how heartbreaking they scream, they are ignored with indifference, maybe they will Really feel the consequences of being too smart.

Caroline still asked: "Why didn't you call the police?"

"You shouldn't ask her this, but ask him!"

MAX looked at Detective Max with a venomous tongue.


Detective Max was speechless.

As an upright old policeman, how could he not know the reason?

But this reason is absolutely unexplainable.

"You should call the police... With so many insults and threats, at least call the police once, maybe they will restrain themselves... At least it can be proven in court that they threatened you."

Detective Max sighed.

"We're used to it."

Tim's sister cried: "Carl is Tim's good friend. We don't want to break up, and we never thought that his family would really hurt us. After all, they are not African-American..."

Chuck looked on expressionlessly.

Aren’t you used to it?

There were so many insults and threats. After her brother was actually shot on the street and the police came to her door, she didn't think of these insults and threats. It was only after Chuck reminded her again and again that she remembered to say these things.

If it's not too common and habitual, how big of a heart does it have to be?

At this moment, there was a knock on the window outside the store. Everyone turned around and saw the tall and handsome Detective Mike Logan standing side by side with a white police detective outside the store, waving to everyone.

Chuck asked MAX and Caroline to stay while comforting Tim's sister and asking for more details, while he and Detective Max walked out of the store.

"Tiger tattoo, that's the logo tattoo of the White Tiger Gang. It's not a fashionable tattoo."

The strange police detective was a detective from the Jade Detective Team that specializes in Asian crimes, he said disapprovingly.

"He's not a gang member."

Detective Max glanced at Chuck, shook his head and said, "It's most likely not gang revenge."

"That's impossible to say!"

Detective Mike Logan retorted: "It's already here anyway, it's better to rule it out first!"

"I have an informant in the White Tiger Gang. I have already contacted him. You can talk to him. If the White Tiger Gang was responsible, he will definitely know."

said the detective from the Emerald Detective Team.


Detective Max saw that Chuck had no objection and nodded in agreement.

The detective from the Jade Detective Team smiled and walked away.

The three of Chuck went to find the informant at the address he gave.

"What does it mean that there is a high probability that it was not the work of a gang?"

Detective Mike Logan was puzzled: "What did you find?"

Detective Max told the story.

"You must be teasing me, right?"

Detective Mike Logan was dumbfounded and couldn't understand: "She called the police 10 times in half a year to insult and threaten her. Not only did she not call the police once, but even after her brother died, when we came to investigate and asked if anyone had any motive to kill her brother, she didn't say a word. I never mentioned this!"


Detective Max sighed.

He didn't really know what to say to that.

The three of them found the informant in silence, who was also a Chinese young man.

"Tim Chang, I know him."

The informant nodded as he spoke.

"There are rumors that he is from your gang?"

Detective Mike Logan asked.

"Yeah, five seconds!"

the informant complained.

"Is the breakup ugly?"

Detective Mike Rogan demanded.

What he hopes more is that the gang is responsible for it, rather than a family of a talented white boy who shoots and kills out of jealousy because the Chinese boy genius is better than his own son.

"Listen, we don't shoot to kill! Well, at least that's what the lawyers told us!"

The informant made a joke, and then saw that the three Chucks were expressionless, put away their playful smiles, and said seriously: "We didn't do it! If you think about it, you will know, why did we want that child's life?

Tim often wants to jump out of this quagmire and realize the so-called American dream, but we don’t care at all! "

After saying this, he motioned the three of them to look at a Chinese teenager standing at the street corner: "Did you see that kid? He sells plus-sizes! The MIT graduates who Tim has always wanted to go to and work in earn in one year. It’s not as much money as he makes in a week!”

"No matter how much money you make, you have nowhere to spend it!"

Detective Mike Logan said a little annoyed.

The money I earn in one year after graduating from MIT is not as much as I earn in one week selling large sizes. This is definitely an exaggeration.

But it will definitely make more than him as a policeman, so that’s absolutely no problem!

"If you must say so."

The informant smiled and shrugged, then looked at the three people and said sarcastically: “We really don’t want to kill that child.

It's nice to have the American dream, do everything right, and be capable, but no matter what, the ending is still the same as the rest of us, a dead end!

It seems that people like us who don’t dream can live longer, right? "

Detective Mike Logan and Detective Max: "..."

In just half a day today, the American dream, which is sacred and inviolable in their hearts, has been smeared with innocent blood, over and over again.

Now that they hear about the American Dream, they feel completely different.

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