American TV series Detective's Daily Life

Chapter 450 Detective Chuck: Are you here to trick or attack? Feel free to come!

Just when the police detectives were speechless at the judge's sudden rejection, the Bolander family's defense lawyer arrived, entered the interrogation room, and talked to the Bolander family alone.

"Mrs. Bolland, my suggestion is to make a deal with the prosecutor as quickly as possible, before Detective Chuck gets involved too deeply."

The defense attorney suggested: "I try to trade the crime into second-degree manslaughter, which carries a sentence of 2 to 8 years in prison."


When Mrs. Boland heard that she was going to jail, she immediately gave up: "I didn't do anything wrong! I definitely don't want to go to jail!"

"That would be Randy."

The defense lawyer immediately understood who the real shooter was and nodded: "Randy is still young. Even if he is sentenced to the maximum sentence of 8 years, he will still have a future when he is released. Mrs. Boland is guilty of abetting, which is a lighter crime, while Mr. Boland is just If you don’t report what you know, there won’t be any big problems.”

"I told you we didn't do anything wrong!"

Mrs. Boland stood up excitedly: "We just provided the best for Carl. He was already mentally and physically unhealthy after being involved by that Tim. We just did what we should do! If you want to blame, blame those damn ones. Chinaman!

They only know how to study and make our children who should enjoy life suffer so much. Someone should have done this a long time ago! I believe that even if we go to court, the jury will understand us and lean towards us! "

The defense lawyer looked at such a client and felt helpless. He could only remind: "Mrs. Boland, I suggest you not to say anything in the future. Otherwise, if you say such words, the jury, which may be sympathetic and understanding of you, will also I was forced to take the initiative to side with the plaintiff because I didn’t want to get involved in the whirlpool of racial discrimination.”

"Tim Chang is not African American!"

After Mrs. Boland vented her anger, she restrained herself a little. She knew that the lawyer was doing it for the good of her family, but she still couldn't help but retort.


The defense lawyer was speechless and could only remind her again: "Mrs. Boland, as I said before, please don't say anything suspected of racial discrimination in public... It's best not to say anything and leave everything to me, okay?"

Of course he knew what Mrs. Boland said, and he knew it to be correct.

If the victim in this case was African-American and Detective Chuck was investigating, he wouldn't even accept it.

Because we don’t mention the doomed ending where we will basically lose against God Detective Chuck.

If this case involves an African American and also involves racial discrimination, then he will have additional risks in taking the case.

Not worth it at all.

Everyone knows that African Americans are good at group physics.

Those African-American leaders in the community are more capable than the other Toastmasters organizations.

If they catch any problem, it will be magnified infinitely and cause a big fuss. In the United States, which is based on distribution, this determines that the lives of African Americans are more valuable.

Similar to this are various other groups of people with buff auras.

Although the Chinese are also an ethnic minority, they exactly have the racial characteristics of debuff, that is, the originally very effective buff aura not only fails when it comes to them, but also has a counterproductive effect.

The reason, as Mrs. Boland also mentioned, is that Chinese Americans are too smart and make other people unable to uphold the banner of fair competition.

Smart and hard-working, this is simply an upgraded version of the Jews.

Most people hate Jews in their hearts, so naturally they don't have any good impressions of Chinese Americans who are very similar to Jews.

They can't afford to offend the Jews who have infiltrated and controlled the upper class of society, but they are focused on development but unwilling to get involved in politics. How can they still afford to offend the Chinese who like to tolerate things over and over again?

This is common sense in group psychology.

Mrs. Boland had it, the randomly selected jurors had it, and the defense attorney himself had it.

It is precisely because of this common sense that the defense lawyer felt that he could still give it a try. Before Detective Chuck got too involved, he quickly reached a plea bargain with the prosecutor and quickly ended the case.

That would be perfect!

But this kind of psychological common sense that everyone has must not be said in public!

Otherwise, in the United States, which values ​​correctness, those who could have voted quietly with their feet would have no choice but to stand on the side of being discriminated against and be the correct people in the eyes of the world because they were afraid of being questioned.

"We can listen to you, but we definitely don't want to go to jail!"

Mrs. Boland stared into the defense lawyer’s eyes: “We didn’t do anything wrong, we were just defending our children’s happiness and freedom!”

"Shut up!"

Mr. Boland, who had been silent all this time, couldn't help but curse.

"You scold me?"

Mrs. Boland looked at her husband in disbelief.

"If you hadn't been instigating Randy every day, this wouldn't have happened!"

Mr. Bolland cursed.

"I'm doing it for Carl!"

Mrs. Boland shouted: "Karl is a genius, the hope and glory of our family! Not only did you not help, but now you are scolding me?"

"Shut up!"

After Mr. Boland learned that Detective Chuck had intervened and that the defense lawyer had suggested this, he was really scared and angry.

"If you kill one person, Carl can succeed. You don't need to instigate Randy. I would have killed the stumbling block on Carl's way!

Damn it!

Don't forget, I am the owner of that gun!

But it's no use!

Carl may be the smartest in our family, and he is good among his peers, but he is definitely not the smartest.

Now I have just met one Tim, but in the future, there will definitely be countless Tims on his way forward. If you want to use this method to remove the stumbling block for him, can you get rid of it?

I have told you this truth, but you have not listened, yet you have done something like this, and you still foolishly expect to get away with it without paying anything?

If the world really develops as you want, do you still need to use this method to give your son a position? "

After saying this, he glared at his wife and son.

In his eyes, one of them was young and the other stupid.

If it were him who did it, he would never choose to shoot so many people in the street in broad daylight and not take away their wallets and notebooks afterwards.

As long as we create the illusion of daily robberies and shootings in New York, there may not be any trouble.

Mrs. Boland was startled by her furious husband. Although she was still unconvinced, her attitude was not as tough as before.

"Mrs. Bolland, I'm just making a suggestion now."

The defense lawyer reminded with a wry smile: "The prosecutor may not necessarily agree to this kind of plea bargain, because in any case involving Detective Chuck, his habit is not to make any deals with criminals, and he will be sentenced accordingly."

"We are not criminals."

Mrs. Boland looked grim.

"Please, ask us as soon as possible."

Mr. Bolland said anxiously.


Seeing that Mrs. Boland had no intention of refuting, the defense lawyer nodded and called Ben Stone, the executive assistant prosecutor in charge, to explain the matter.

"2 years to 8 years?"

On the other end of the phone, Executive Assistant Prosecutor Ben Stone laughed angrily: "Why didn't you say you would only go in for a few months and then come out? This is the life of a 17-year-old boy!"

After hanging up the phone, facing the Boland family who looked at him expectantly, the defense lawyer stood up and shrugged: "Sorry, unless you agree to accept the deal of second-degree murder and sentencing recommendation, I can't take this case. I’ll help you recommend a better lawyer.”

The expressions of the Boland family suddenly changed.

Even Mrs. Boland, who had always been tough-talking and cruel-hearted, was a little panicked.

It's one thing to say it, but when the lawyers and prosecutors fail to communicate and understand that the prosecutors want to prosecute them with the biggest crime, how can they not panic.

The defense lawyer ignored Mr. Bolander's plea and said that the case was beyond his ability and that it would be irresponsible for the family to do it reluctantly.

After all, after the incident, he rushed to help as soon as possible, and he knew the Boland family.

The economic situation of the Boland family determines that the lawyers they can contact and hire do not earn high hourly wages.

The level of the fee itself represents their level and ability.

How can such a lawyer have the confidence to fight such a lawsuit that is destined to lose?

Trying to get famous by trying to get famous is not the way to do it.

Even if a barrister loses like this, it won't have much impact.

But for a small lawyer like him, if he tries to gain exposure and then loses, his few clients will be gone in an instant.

It's better not to accept it than to do this.

Outside the interrogation room.

Detectives Mike Rogan and Max didn't know the outcome of the Boland family's meeting with the lawyer, and they were worried about how to get the judge to approve the search warrant application.

Just then, a phone call came in.

As soon as Detective Mike Logan answered the call, his expression immediately changed and he said to the other end of the phone: "Can you wait a moment? Don't go away."

After saying that, he pressed the wait button and started rummaging through the boxes.

"What are you looking for?"

asked his partner, Detective Max.

"There's a tip about Tim being shot often. I need to find a tape recorder!"

Detective Mike Rogan barked explanations as he searched.

Partner Max understood instantly.

Previously, the judge rejected the search warrant application due to insufficient reasons, but now if there is a clear tip, if we apply again like that, it would be too deliberate if it still fails.

"Hold him! Listen to me count!"

Seeing that he couldn't find the recorder, his partner Max immediately ran to his seat, took out his receiver, and counted down three seconds. After the countdown, Detective Mike Logan reconnected the phone and started talking. .

This is done because in the absence of a tape recorder, two people can hear it and can testify against each other, which will make the judge more trustworthy. It will not be a situation where only one person can make up whatever they want.

Because once the investigation is carried out afterwards, even if two people are partners, they cannot be more united than one person. As long as they want to investigate and put enough pressure, they can find out the problem and ensure that the police cannot abuse their power wantonly.

Although Detective Mike Rogan tried to get more words out of him, the call was quickly hung up.

"The address and the gun match."

Detective Mike Logan was a little excited: "This source of information looks reliable enough to apply for a search warrant!"

"The sound was deliberately processed."

Detective Max frowned.

"Perhaps a competitor in the fish market?"

Detective Mike Logan shrugged and said, "As you know, peers are enemies!"

"All right."

Detective Max thought for a while and nodded in agreement: "Let's go try it."

"It would be very interesting if Judge Flanstein refuses this time."

Detective Mike Logan said with some anticipation: "Should we remind him that this case was investigated together with Detective Chuck?"

"Don't get carried away."

Detective Max reminded: "The judge is not someone we can offend, and we will not always investigate the case with Detective Chuck. Don't think that the judge doesn't dare to offend Detective Chuck too much, so you think you can make fun of the judge. Look at the judge What a joke!”

"I'll just say it."

Detective Mike Rogan shrugged, stood up, took his notebook and his partner to go to the judge again to apply for a search warrant, and then saw Chuck walking in.

"Are you back? I have good news for you. We are going to reapply for a search warrant..."

Detective Mike Rogan immediately told everything he knew.

"This is a trap!"

Facing Detective Mike Logan's proud and praising eyes, Chuck expressed his judgment straightforwardly.

"What?! Trap?"

Detective Mike Logan was stunned.

"Are you saying that someone deliberately induced us to do this to contaminate our evidence collection process?"

As a veteran policeman, Detective Max reacted immediately and his expression changed.

"Originally, your application for a search warrant has been rejected. If your application for a search warrant is approved based on this kind of unknown informant information, then in court, no matter what evidence you find, including the most important murder gun, it will be It was directly denied by the defense lawyer on the grounds that there was a problem with the search warrant, and it could not be shown to the jury at all.”

Chuck said expressionlessly: "Given the particularity of this case, even if there are previous cases that can prove that it is reasonable and legal to apply for a search warrant in this situation.

But the vast majority of judges will justly declare this search warrant invalid based on the fact that New York, the home base of freedom and democracy, will firmly uphold the Fourth Amendment of the Constitution, and then all evidence found based on this search warrant will be invalid. . "

The Fourth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution prohibits unreasonable searches and seizures.

As for what is unreasonable and what is reasonable, the judge has discretion.

The defendants in this case are a white family, and the victim is only a Chinese. Most judges will favor the criminals as much as possible, no matter how nice they say it.

And they have fair enough reasons to do so.

Chuck was sure that once the two detectives did this, the judge would declare the search warrant invalid and destroy all evidence.

"son of a bitch!"

Detective Mike Logan finally reacted and blurted out the national curse immediately.

You are treating them like fools!

"That voice...could it be Karl?"

Detective Max looked grim.

If this is true, then everyone in the Boland family is really involved and everyone is evil.

"Carl Boland borrowed a lot of law books and once joked with his friends that if he couldn't catch up with a genius like Tim in scientific research, he would change his career to study law and become a lawyer."

Chuck confirmed his suspicion.

Chinese version: If you are not a good minister, you should be a good doctor.

American version: If you don’t want to be a doctor, you should be a lawyer.

Obviously, if Tim Chang hadn't been shot, the Devil's Advocate would have had a few more smart people like Carl.

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