American TV series Detective's Daily Life

Chapter 449 Judge: Reject the search warrant application! No discrimination!

"don't want!"

Of course, Caroline was unwilling and refused without hesitation. Her decisive and unquestionable aura was even more powerful than Detective Max, which made Detective Max hesitate.

"We've come here, but we still have to go through the whole process."

MAX smiled and said: "Maybe if we go with you, there will be benefits. At least Karl will be more willing to tell the truth~"

"Send you back first."

Chuck said expressionlessly when Detective Max looked over.

"All right."

Caroline glanced at Chuck and mumbled her agreement first. Detective Max was dumbfounded, as if the undoubted momentum just now was an illusion.

"It's really worthless, and you didn't take any of his money!"

MAX mocked Caroline with a venomous tongue, and then said to Chuck with a smile: "You can go back, but you have to tell me the whole process in detail later..."

Speaking of this, in Chuck's eyes, she remembered that her boss was always concise and to the point, so she could only shrug and said: "Okay, no need to go into details."

"Is this your destiny?"

Caroline immediately responded with contempt.

"I got the money!"

MAX raised his head and chest, finding a natural reason for his obedience.

A pair of bankrupt sisters were sent away by Chuck's words.

Detective Max and Chuck went to investigate the Carl family.

First we came to the restaurant where Carl’s mother worked.

"We are all shocked, Tim's murder is so shocking, maybe we should buy a house in the suburbs and raise our children."

Carl's mother said as she walked: "But it's not very good there."

"too expensive!"

Chuck bluntly stated the biggest drawback of buying a house in the suburbs.


Carl's mother hesitated.

What is the truth?

Who wouldn’t want to buy a big house in the suburbs, next to rich people, at least the middle class of the same class, with harmonious neighbors, reliable public security, and without having to endure the torture of gun violence and the hollow tree phenomenon in the city.

But if you want to buy such a suburban house, you must not only consider the housing price, but also the travel time to work, the comprehensive cost of maintaining a car, etc.

Workers at the bottom simply don’t have the conditions.

And she is still working as a waiter at such an old age. Obviously, she is different from Penny from The Big Bang Theory, who is a young waiter who has dreams and may be able to get rich in many ways. Not only does such a waiter have no prospects for advancement, but she may even have one at any time. You may encounter a mid-life career crisis and may be fired at any time.

Obviously, she is the kind of worker who belongs to the bottom class.

She can only think about a big house in the suburbs. Unless she can endure the hard work and work as a dishwasher in the kitchen, there may be hope that she can afford a big house after working for a few years... Of course, it is also the American dream. inside.

"Why did you come to see me?"

"Tim's sister told us that you and your eldest son made abusive and threatening calls to their home."

Detective Max looked at her sharply.

"...I love my son."

Carl's mother's eyes flashed with panic, and she quickly found words to cover it up: "Maybe sometimes I go too far."

"How much is too much?"

Detective Max asked.

"This is ridiculous!"

When Carl's mother looked at the sharp-eyed Detective Max and the expressionless Chuck next to him, she was shocked and angry: "Tim is a cute child, but the competition between children is too stimulating. This is not healthy!"

"Carl's IQ is not as good as Tim's, his hard work is not as good as Tim's, and ultimately his various achievements are not as good as Tim's, so he is not healthy."

Chuck bluntly pointed out the health in Carl’s mother’s eyes: “If it’s the other way around, it’s healthy and fair.”


Carl's mother choked and didn't dare to look at Chuck. Instead, she looked at Detective Max and asked the classic saying: "Do you have children?"

Detective Max nodded.

"Then you should know how difficult it is to be a parent!"

Carl's mother only spoke to Detective Max, trying to be emotional.


Detective Max nodded first, then shook his head: "But because my own child lost to other children in a fair game, I will not make continuous abusive and threatening phone calls to other people's children's homes, let alone brutally shoot them. Killed someone else’s child!”

"This is simply unacceptable!"

Carl's mother glared at Detective Max: "You actually suspected it was me..."

"do not get excited."

Detective Max laughed, "All you have to do is answer a simple yes and no."

As he said that, he looked at Chuck.

Chuck looked at Carl's mother and asked expressionlessly: "Did you shoot Tim Chang?"


Carl's mother had already recognized the famous Detective Chuck, and naturally knew some of Detective Chuck's magical abilities. She didn't dare to look at him. She only dared to raise her head and glare at Detective Max.


"Did you instruct others to shoot Tim Chang?"

Chuck continued to look at her.

"What are you doing?"

Karl's mother trembled, extremely frightened and angry.

"Mrs. Bolland, please answer the question."

Detective Max reminded him seriously: "You don't want to be regarded as a murder suspect, right? Don't you dare to answer such a simple yes or no answer?"


Karl's mother lowered her head and tried to answer calmly.

"This is a lie!"

Chuck pronounced the sentence expressionlessly: "Who did you instruct to shoot Tim Chang, your eldest son? Or your husband?"

"You are going too far, I want to hire a lawyer!"

Carl's mother yelled.

"Yes, Mrs. Boland, you can definitely hire a lawyer, but you still have to answer our question, where were you at 3:30 yesterday afternoon?"

Detective Max asked with a cold face.

Chuck didn't need to say anything. As an experienced man, he already knew from the behavior of Carl's mother who was so panicked that the murderers were really the Carl family.

This is so disgusting!

"I won't say anything more until the lawyers arrive."

How dare Carl’s mother continue to answer questions.

"Have someone take her back to the police station!"

Chuck reminded: "Let's go on to find the real shooter!"


Detective Max nodded in agreement, called the street patrol officers, and sent Carl's mother, who was no longer able to move, to the police station.

The fish market where Carl’s dad and brother work.

"Every Tuesday and Thursday, I will pick her up. My father doesn't like her taking the subway. You should also know the reason."

Carl's brother Randy answered the question while working: "My mom doesn't kill people!"

"we know!"

Detective Max looked directly at him: "She was just the instigator, there was someone else who was the shooter."

"You are slandering, we can sue you!"

Carl's brother Randy moved his hands briefly and then continued working.

"The premise is a lie."

Chuck said expressionlessly: "I never lie! I said she meant the messenger, and she meant the messenger."

"Where were you at 3:30 yesterday afternoon?"

Detective Max looked at Carl's brother Randy with the same expressionless expression.

Now he felt like he understood why Chuck was always expressionless. Anyone who could see through other people's dark hearts would become so expressionless after seeing too much.

"I picked her up and then I went to the basketball court on 23rd Street to play some basketball! It was four o'clock in the afternoon as usual."

Carl's brother Randy put the frozen fish in his hand on the ground and looked up at Detective Max and Chuck: "Okay?"


Chuck nodded: "Arrest him directly!"


Detective Max glanced at Chuck, and after confirming that Chuck was not joking, he chose to believe Chuck. Under the confused gaze of Carl's gunman brother Randy, he gave a Miranda warning and took out the handcuffs to handcuff him. got up.

"Hey, what are you doing?"

At this time, an old white man rushed out and shouted at the two of them: "Why do you arrest my son?"

"Because he was the gunman who murdered Tim Chang, and his mother, your wife, was the mastermind behind the shooting."

Chuck looked at him expressionlessly: "So do you know?"

"This is nonsense!"

Carl's father shouted loudly: "Everyone knows that Tim was killed by gang members because he joined a gang!"

"Take him away with you!"

Chuck motioned to Detective Max: "He is also one of the accomplices!"

Detective Max wasn't surprised either.

It’s really hard to believe that a wife and son did something like this, and it’s hard to believe that the husband didn’t know anything about it.

It's just that he really didn't expect that his husband was actually involved.

He thought it was just his wife who was a fool, and then instigated his obedient son to become a gunman. Only afterward did the husband find out that now it turns out that all of them were evil.

He had no doubts about Detective Chuck's judgment.

Carl's family is neither a rich family with a habit of lying nor a family of serial killers. It is just a low-class white family and the result of an impulse.

Even he could tell that there was something wrong with such a family, let alone Detective Chuck.

The results are 100% certain.

That's why he was willing to listen to Chuck and arrest him directly.

Detective Max took Carl's brother Randy and his father to the police station first, while Chuck continued to investigate the evidence.

police station.

"It was found that Carl's father had the same gun as the shooter."

After his partner returned, Detective Mike Rogan cooperated fully to dig into the Carr family. He took a report and flicked it in front of his partner: "Now you can apply for a search warrant."

"I'll let the captain go now!"

Detective Max took the report, gave his partner a thumbs up, and then went to the captain with the report.

The captain looked at it and thought it was okay, so he went to the judge to apply for a search warrant.

"Are they still unwilling to speak?"

Detective Mike Rogan looked into the interrogation room.

"They all asked to see lawyers."

Detective Max shrugged and said, "I have made up my mind that I don't want to say anything until the lawyer arrives. What can I do?"

"When his home is searched and guns are found, they will have nothing to say!"

Detective Mike Logan sneered.

Detective Max nodded.

He also felt that the case was already very simple at this point.

After all, the Carl family is not a rich family. They can only kill others by themselves, using their own guns. They certainly don’t have a secret house to hide weapons. If they are so poor, they still imitate other people’s tricks of shooting their opponents. This is not Looking for death!

As soon as the search warrant comes, ironclad evidence will be found quickly.

And because the time was short, they might be able to find some clothes and other items that Carl's brother Randy had not had time to dispose of after shooting.

In short, the sooner the murderer is identified, the more evidence can be found.

But soon the captain came back with an ugly face and brought back a result that they didn't want to believe.

"What do you mean he said no?"

Detective Mike Rogan asked subconsciously.

“You want me to say it again in Portuguese?”

The bald captain complained: "The judge said you can't get a search warrant!"


Detective Mike Rogan was still puzzled.

"Because one of his employees who knows a lot about guns told him that the gun owned by Carl's father is very common, so Mr. Boland's possession of such a gun cannot be a reasonable reason for you to search their home!"

The bald captain explains the judge's reasons for rejection.

"Asshole! Bullshit!"

Detective Mike Rogan scolded directly: "When did applying for a search warrant become so strict?"

This time, even the experienced Detective Max frowned and shook his head: "Judge Flanstein has approved more loose search warrant applications before."

If it weren't for this common sense, they wouldn't have let the bald captain apply for a search warrant.

In the past, it was easy to get a search warrant, but this time I didn't get it. Except that Judge Flanstein was an old white man and had a tendency towards the murderer's family, who was also a white family. How could he refuse?

It's just that this serious accusation of racial discrimination is made against a judge. They don't even dare to complain in private, otherwise once it reaches the ears of the judge, the consequences will be disastrous.

The discretionary power of judges in the United States is very large, not to mention that judges are still a group profession. There are common interests that cannot be offended. If you offend one person, you may offend a group of people.

"What are you looking at me doing?"

The bald captain spread his hands: "Do you suspect me of racial discrimination, or do you suspect that Judge Flanstein shot a Chinese teenager to a white family and favored the white murderer's family because of racial discrimination?"

Seeing that Detective Mike Logan and Detective Max were silent, the bald captain looked at them deeply and nodded: "Very good, it seems no one dares to doubt this! The result is this, so rather than question it , it’s better to produce more evidence to get Judge Flanstein to sign a search warrant.”

"Perhaps we should try a Chinese judge?"

Detective Mike Rogan complained softly.

"That's even harder."

Detective Max shook his head.

Detective Mike Rogan was stunned for a moment, then realized why his partner said that.

The converts are fanatical, let alone judges who value fairness and justice.

If we really find a Chinese-American judge, there is a high probability that the other side will not only not favor Tim, the Chinese-American genius boy who was shot, but will also deliberately target the plaintiff to show his "absolute impartiality."

"Now we can only hope that Detective Chuck is as sharp as the legend says and can find irrefutable evidence that the alibi of Mrs. Boland and her son Randy is false."

The bald captain said angrily: "Otherwise, we can only let them go. And Max, you just listen to Detective Chuck and arrest them. It's too impulsive. You can ask them to help you come back to investigate. There is no need to use them." It’s hard, and the current situation is very passive.”

Detective Max: "..."

He never thought that in such a simple and clear case, a judge would reject a search warrant application.

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