American TV series Detective's Daily Life

Chapter 452 The prosecutor under the mask of pain: Detective Chuck belongs to everyone, New York can

"There is nothing we can do about it. We don't dare to be racist in public now, but the racism in our hearts is deep-rooted and cannot be eliminated."

The African-American assistant prosecutor sighed with emotion: "But the media will not report any racism. Look, we will become the bad guys instead."

"If you want to be bad, be bad thoroughly."

Executive Assistant Prosecutor Ben Stone joked to himself: "It would be better to be the ultimate bad guy who can't be defeated, and that might be good."

"No one can be undefeated, and even the ultimate villain can't stop the halo of the protagonist."

The African-American assistant prosecutor shook his head.

Even though he was joking, he was completely pessimistic in comparison.

“Do the Bolanders have the aura of protagonists, or do our elite barristers have the aura of protagonists?”

Executive Assistant Prosecutor Ben Stone had a smile on his face again: "I don't even think so, but I think our detective Chuck has the halo of the protagonist."

"I hope so."

The African-American assistant prosecutor was deeply moved by the deep-rooted racial discrimination in society reflected in the case, and was in no mood to echo his partner's jokes.

Just like in The Big Bang Theory, when it comes to the stereotypes of various races in American society, the Jewish Howard is said to have a lawyer relative, and the Indian Rajesh is said to have a customer service relative. Although they don't want to admit it, But they do have such relatives.

Although the racial hierarchy of African-American assistant prosecutors is second only to Jews and whites, these two occupy the main niche in the legal industry.

Although he faced all kinds of invisible racial discrimination, which could be seen almost everywhere, he was unable to do anything about it.

Because it is invisible, I can’t say it out loud, and no one will admit it if I say it, and there won’t be any changes, so I feel this way too much.

Soon, the old white male lawyer Will came out, gestured to the two prosecutors to talk, and told them that his plea deal was still the same as the previous lawyer's proposal.

"Second degree manslaughter, 2 to 6 years in prison, minimum sentence to be served."

"We have found sufficient evidence to prove that Randy Boland shot and killed 17-year-old Tim Chang at the instigation of his mother. Mr. Boland had knowledge, and Carl Boland even participated in destroying evidence to assist in the murder."

Executive Assistant Prosecutor Ben Stone looked at the old white male lawyer who proposed the deal speechlessly: "You told me you would only serve two years in prison?"

"My client is the salt of the earth, I know it, you know it, everyone knows it."

Will, the old white male lawyer, is still confident.

The so-called salt of the world refers to the Gospel of Matthew. Jesus compared his disciples to the salt of the world, because in the eyes of the Jews, salt is not only a necessity of life, but also can be seasoned and preserved.

Jesus asked his disciples to play the role of salt in the world, that is, to be the essence and role model for the world.

Later, "salt of the world" became synonymous with "backbone of society" and "model figures who benefit society."

"Tim often is!"

Executive Assistant Prosecutor Ben Stone retorted: "He is a true genius. He won a NASA award at the age of 17 and was a strong contender for the Nobel Prize in high school!"

“Maybe ginseng, but not salt!”

Will, the old white male lawyer, shrugged and smiled.


Executive Assistant Prosecutor Ben Stone and the African-American Assistant Prosecutor looked at each other speechlessly.

Is Will, the old white male lawyer, being racist?

On the surface, no, because ginseng is far more valuable than salt. It is said that the Boland family is salt and Tim is ginseng, which is indeed consistent with each other's positioning.

But when you listen, you can’t just listen to the literal meaning, but also listen to the sound.

Ginseng may be more precious, but it is not a necessity of life, so for the general public, it is dispensable, whether you have it or not, it does not make any difference.

But salt is different. Everyone needs it and it is indispensable.

When faced with a real choice, an insignificant grain of salt cannot be compared to ginseng that is thousands of times more expensive.

People will only choose salt, and for this reason they can give up ginseng without hesitation.

And there is another connotation: salt is white, while ginseng (American ginseng) is yellowish.

You can’t change the color of your skin!

So combined with the movements, expressions and tone of the old white male lawyer Will, this is a kind of racial discrimination that is so obvious but makes people unable to say anything!

This bright but speechless art of speaking, after decades or hundreds of years of accumulation, has long become a required course for gentlemen and elites in upper class society.

I know that I discriminate against you, you also know that I discriminate against you, and everyone knows that I discriminate against you.

But they all knew it tacitly.

"So, do we have a deal?"

Will, the old white male lawyer, reached out to the Executive Assistant Prosecutor.

"of course not!"

Executive Assistant Prosecutor Ben Stone shook his head decisively: "There is no shortage of salt in the world, and ginseng is more life-saving! Whether it is for individuals or for the entire society!"

"In that case, just sue and we'll see you in court!"

Seeing this, Will, the old white male lawyer, did not persist in persuading him, but still had a standard American fake smile.

He actually agreed with the Executive Assistant Prosecutor's statement that "there is no shortage of salt in this world", and he didn't care at all about the Boland family who were ordinary salt grains.

He was sent to litigate the case for the Bolland family, and he only cared about his own interests.

Because Mrs. Boland and her eldest son Randy were criminals who conspired to murder, the prosecutor did not agree to bail before attending the court hearing, so the old white male lawyer Will only took Mr. Boland out of the police station.

Soon, the hearing will be held.

"The prosecutor charged Mary Boland and Randy Boland with second-degree murder and second-degree conspiracy. How does the defense respond?"

"Not guilty!"

"Not guilty!"

Both Mrs. Boland and her eldest son, Randy, are preparing to plead not guilty.

They wanted to make a plea bargain, but Chuck wouldn't allow it.

"The prosecutor charged Carl Boland with the crime of intentionally destroying evidence and assisting in murder. How does the defense respond?"

the judge asked again.

"Not guilty!"

Karl, who was also prosecuted, was finally able to apply what he had learned and spoke for the first time in court, but not to defend others, but to defend himself.

"What do the defense and prosecutors have to say about bail?"

The judge took the initiative to greet the old white male lawyer Will: "Leonard, it's nice to see you. You go ahead."

"Nice to meet you too, your honor."

Leonard Will, an old white male lawyer, smiled and greeted the judge: "My clients are not dangerous or absconding in any way. They are important figures in the community. Any high bail is unfair! "

"Where's the prosecutor?"

The judge glanced at the young Karl, frowned, and asked expressionlessly to the African-American assistant prosecutor in charge of the prosecution.

"The prosecutor requested bail of $50,000 per person."

The African-American assistant prosecutor said: "Taking the opportunity to abscond may not be a problem, but considering the seriousness of the case..."

Before he finished speaking, he was interrupted impatiently by the judge: "Stop it! When you do the right thing, you are always right!"

After saying this, he looked at the old white male lawyer Will, and changed to a more affectionate address: "Leonard, he is right. After all, this is second-degree murder, and each person has a bail of $50,000."

He knew the old white male lawyer Leonard Weir very well, and knew that the defendant could ask Leonard Weir to bail him out for $50,000, which would not be a problem.

"Okay, your honor."

The American fake smile on the old white male lawyer Will's face remained unchanged.

It's just 50,000 US dollars per person. For those same second-degree murders that often require bails of 300,000, 700,000, or even millions or tens of millions, this amount of money is no different.

The original Boland family couldn't get it.

But the organization that sent him here didn't care about the money at all.

The bail money was soon received, and then the old white male lawyer Will took the Boland family and left the court. People outside were already surrounded by guns and cannons.

Even major media outlets like the New York Times sent people to follow up and conduct interviews.

Obviously, a typical white family was almost all prosecuted for shooting a Chinese teenager. This can really stimulate the eyes and nerves of many people.

It's just that it's not the normal kind of stimulation reaction.

What the media wanted to report was not the innocent Chinese teenager Tim who was shot dead, but the "seemingly pitiful" Bolander family who was killed by almost a whole family.

As the old white male lawyer Will said, the general public's emotions only care about the most indispensable salt that is as white as them, rather than the dispensable and even disgusting yellow ginseng that is different in color from them.

In the eyes of the media, the story to be told was Mrs. Boland's story.

A gifted white boy who is mentally and physically unhealthy was dragged in by a Chinese classmate who only knew how to read.

A loving white mother for her son.

A good white brother who is there for his mother and younger brother.

A genius white boy who wants to save his family because his loving mother and good big brother made a mistake for him.

What kind of family is this where everyone is a villain?

This is clearly a family member!

The prosecutor wants to hold on to them all and prosecute them all. He usually treats the rich people with submissiveness, but attacks the same ordinary people like them. This is really too much!

That is to say, when they came, many people were reminded in advance not to probe Chuck too much, let alone scold 'one of their own', otherwise they would definitely include Chuck in this criticism.

no way!

Prosecutors who work in this profession must be subject to the supervision of public opinion, and they deserve to be scolded if they do not do well!

The scolding is also intended to make prosecutors grow.

But Detective Chuck is different. His company has shares in various media companies and he is one of the important shareholders. Of course, he has to give him face and won't mention it if he can.

Fortunately, this is also a specialty of media reporters like them.

There are always all sorts of weird and bizarre ways to praise your own people, without criticizing them or simply keeping silent or not mentioning them.

Fight hard against those who are not yours, freedom of speech, objectivity and fairness.

As for the Chinese-American genius Tim Chang who was supposed to be the protagonist of the case and incident and was shot innocently, and what should be right and wrong?

The Lord doesn’t care, so of course no one cares.

District Attorney's Office.

"Oh, the city is full of storms."

District Attorney Adam Schiffer kept rubbing his temples, a mask of pain on his face.

As an elected district attorney, public opinion trends had the greatest impact on him. Even though he had chosen to be in the same boat as Chuck, he stepped out of his comfort zone and was blown away by the storm.

"We have solid evidence!"

Executive Assistant Attorney Ben Stone comforted his boss and close friend.

"If only it were that easy."

District Attorney Adam Schiffer complained: "The world has never been a simple and clear mathematical problem like one plus one equals two. Detective Chuck doesn't understand, no, he understands but doesn't care, but don't we understand that we don't care? ?”

Although they were on the same ship, he was shaken to death by the storm, but Chuck was above the ship, just in the same ship with him in terms of longitude and latitude, but the Z-axis was as high as the atmosphere, even on the space station, where Do you care about the storm on the ship?

"Chuck is doing the right thing and so are we."

"There's always pressure to do things," said Executive Assistant Prosecutor Ben Stone, laughing.

"Detective Chuck is indeed right, but the pressure brought by this kind of correctness, I feel that I can't bear it for a long time."

District Attorney Adam Schiffer's painfully masked face showed some anticipation: "Fortunately, this right should not be limited to New York, and I am not the kind of person who is exclusive.

I have recently been asking around the country whether there are more cases that are in need of this kind of correctness, hoping that people across the United States will be able to share the rain and dew of this divine detective who can bring them absolute correctness and justice. "

"You're going to do this?"

Executive Assistant Prosecutor Ben Stone was stunned for a moment, and then looked at his boss and friend dumbfounded, deeply admiring each other's wisdom.

"What else can I do but do this?"

District Attorney Adam Schiffer smiled wryly and spread his hands.

You can't afford to offend him, and you can't hide from him. You can only try your best to draw Detective Chuck's attention outside of New York. You can't always let him admit to the absolute pressure brought by this kind of absolute justice, right?


"I don't think Chuck would say no."

Executive Assistant Prosecutor Ben Stone thought about it and smiled: "He actually doesn't care where the case is. As long as you find something he is interested in, I believe he will go there, and then you can relax."

They were wise and took the initiative to understand how to reduce the intense pressure they were burdened with because of Chuck while following him.

The situation of Tim Chang's family is very bad.

A storm of public opinion also swept over them.

Those upper-class elites still pay attention to some respectability, and will only make you speechless with invisible discrimination, but the people at the bottom completely ignore this and directly use violence against the victims.

The storefront had been vandalized, splashed with graffiti at night.

The so-called White Tiger Gang in Chinatown turned a blind eye to these people who rushed to their territory and acted recklessly, as if they never existed.

Tim Chang's sister and mother were trembling and were immediately taken away from Chinatown by Chuck.

"After the case is over, you don't have to worry whether you want to live somewhere else or return to your country."

Chuck said to Chang's sister who was afraid and hesitant.

Tim Chang's sister has also left Chinatown. She has never lived in Chinatown before. Naturally, she is the kind of smart person who moves out as soon as she can.

Smart people naturally think too much and are prone to compromise.

Even if it involves his own brother who was innocently killed.

She will work hard if she can help her brother seek justice.

But if the situation is absolutely irresistible, she will not persist.

After all, the dead have passed away, and the living will continue to live.

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