American TV series Detective's Daily Life

Chapter 453 Since you don’t want to be a human being anymore, then follow through to the end!

"how so……"

Tim Chang's sister had a painful expression as if she had woken up from a broken dream.

Her brother's death only made her sad and painful.

But what was clearly a simple legal matter to redress the grievances for the younger brother turned into public violence against the families of victims like them, and now it has risen to a real threat of violence.

This absurd and despairing reality really made her dream come true.

She understands better than ever: The American Dream is indeed dead!

"This is normal."

Chuck reminded calmly: "Because that big country in the east is powerful enough, this so-called free society is full of hostility towards you.

In the future, as that big country in the east becomes more and more powerful, your situation here will become more and more embarrassing and dangerous.

The good days of enduring all kinds of discrimination and bullying, working hard to earn a small amount of money and living behind closed doors will be gone forever.

The most basic survival needs of human beings and the educational needs of future generations that you value most will be increasingly challenged.

So my advice, if possible, leave as soon as possible. "

"You and Tim have really similar views."

Chang's sister looked at Chuck with a complicated expression and said with tears: "He also said similar things. He also said that after he finishes his Ph.D. at MIT, he will leave the United States and return to the hometown that his mother misses so much. Then he will take us back with him. .”

"But you don't want that."

Chuck looked at her.

"I'm not Tim, I like it here better."

Tim Chang's sister nodded: "What he said, just like his pursuit of science, left me with no idea. It is impossible for me to give up the career and career that I have worked hard for so many years for something that I don't understand and am not optimistic about. of life.”

Chuck nodded and said nothing more.

After all, that big country in the East has just begun to develop, and its conditions are far inferior to those in the United States.

Future quasi-scientists like Tim Chang do not value material conditions so much. Instead, they are full of yearning at the beginning and want to do some scientific research for the country, the people and themselves.

Tim Chang's sister, on the other hand, is an ordinary person who values ​​her own little life more. It is impossible to make up her mind to start over until her basic right to survival is truly challenged.

Chuck persuaded once and would not persuade a second time.

Everyone has the right to freely choose based on their own considerations.

In fact, not only Tim Chang's sister, but also Tim Chang did not die at the gunpoint of a white classmate's family. In the future, when he gets older or goes to the other side of the ocean to see the scientific research conditions and environment there, he will most likely change his mind. Like my sister, I chose to stay.

Ideal is full, the reality is very skinny!

There is everything in dreams, but dreams are not reality after all.

Tim Chang's sister and mother were settled, and the court date arrived safely.

Executive Assistant Prosecutor Ben Stone first asked the basketball player who perjured the shooter Randy Boland to take the witness stand.

"What did Randy Boland call and say?"

"He said the note...the police suspected him of being involved in the child's murder and wanted me to help with the sign-in sheet if they came to inquire."

"You did it?"

"He is my friend. He said he didn't do it. I believe him and think it's no big deal to change the sign-in sheet..."

Executive Assistant Prosecutor Ben Stone showed the jury a larger version of the sign-in sheet and asked, "What do these mean?"

"I changed the name to make Randy appear an hour early."

the witness explained.

"Your honor, I have no questions."

said Executive Assistant Prosecutor Ben Stone.

The old white man Will, the defense lawyer, immediately stood up and walked over: "Deason, are you and Randy friends?"


The witness nodded.

"So he asked you to do a favor and you did it?"

The old white male lawyer Will smiled. After the witness nodded, he asked: "Even if Randy said that the police suspected that he was related to a murder case, you are still willing to help. Your relationship must be very good?"

"We are golf buddies and often play basketball together."

The witness nodded.

"It seems that I have to play basketball more often, so that I can easily meet close friends who are willing to make such a big sacrifice for me."

The old white male lawyer Will joked to the jury, and then said seriously: "Tell me, why did you just call the police a cop?"

"Because that's what everyone calls it."

The witness didn't know why.

"Tell us, what were you doing on May 23, 1990?"

Will, the old white male lawyer, suddenly asked.


The witness fell silent for a moment.

"Can not remember?"

The old white male lawyer Will looked around the jury: "Then let me remind you that you were arrested and sent to the police station for fraud, right?"


Witnesses can only answer truthfully.

"You and Randy had a fight on the field a month ago, didn't you?"

Will, the old white male lawyer, takes advantage of the victory and pursues the case.

"It was a normal friction on the court and we got rid of it quickly."

The witness was surprised.

But Will, the old white male lawyer, didn't care about this and made a fuss about it.

Executive Assistant Prosecutor Ben Stone and the others all know what the old white male lawyer Will wants to do. He clearly wants to prove that the witness's testimony is not credible, and then completely overturn the most critical evidence in the case, the murderous gun!

Because the search warrant was signed based on the premise that the witness gave problematic alibi for the gunman Randy.

Even if the legality of the search warrant cannot be denied, it will make the jury doubt the witness, thereby reducing the credibility of the witness's testimony.

Therefore, it is base behavior to attack witnesses based on their character issues.

After all, there are only 400 million people in the United States, and less than 100 million people have been arrested and taken photos, not to mention there are many more who have not been arrested.

As long as you have the heart to dig, you can say that everyone is unclean.

Therefore, this tactic targeting the character of the witness can be called the most classic and basic defense tactic.

Unless lawyer Zhang Weiwei is a prosecutor, there is no way he will not be on guard against this trick.

So after the defense attorney finished questioning the witnesses, Executive Assistant Prosecutor Ben Stone calmly invited more golfers to testify.

After all, playing basketball is a group activity, not just the witness and Randy practicing alone.

These golfers can all prove that Randy, the gunman, was not playing on the golf course when the incident occurred.

Will, the old white male lawyer, can't do anything about it.

no way!

Just as Mr. Boland scolded, his wife was a fool. She got emotional and directly instigated her eldest son to shoot Tim Chang directly in broad daylight on a crowded street. Afterwards, he even forgot to take away valuable things to disguise himself. .

The mess left by such a mother and son has so many flaws that you can find them as long as you are willing to look for them.

Not to mention that the person in charge of the investigation this time is Detective Chuck!

He can make a jury doubt a witness, but he cannot make a jury doubt a group of people.

After Executive Assistant Prosecutor Ben Stone finished asking questions, he saw that the defense lawyer had no intention of asking questions, so he smiled and applied to the judge for a second witness to come to court.

He is an expert responsible for detecting ballistics.

"I obtained three shell casings recovered from the crime scene and three bullets recovered from Tim Chang's body. Based on the zone and groove of the bullets and the firing marks on the shells, I believe the gun was a semi-automatic Tanfoglio. Titan .38 pistol.”

The female expert said: "This completely matches the ballistics of the gun found in Mr. Bolander's house."

"What does this mean?"

Executive Assistant Prosecutor Ben Stone asked one more question in order to take care of the jury, who were just ordinary people.

"Based on my experience, the gun in Mr. Boland's home was the murder weapon that killed Tim Chang!"

The female expert said what Ben Stone wanted to say.

"Thank you, I have no problem."

Executive Assistant Prosecutor Ben Stone returned to his seat with a smile.

"Ms. Xie Li, do you know how many legal gun licenses there are in this state who hold Tanfoglio Titan .38 pistols?"

The defense lawyer immediately stood up and asked.

"I can't tell you the right number!"

The female expert shook her head.

"Would you be surprised if I told you it was more than 1,000?"

the defense attorney continued to ask.

"I think it's more than that."

The female expert tells the truth.

"What if I tell you the number is 2941?"

the defense attorney asked.


The female expert shook her head.

"I'm very relieved."

The defense lawyer had a disgusting standard American smirk on his face: "From your expert's point of view, is there another kind of gun that matches the ballistic traces you found?"

"almost impossible."

The female expert shook her head.

"So you're saying there's probably another kind of gun..."

The defense lawyer seemed not to hear it, or maybe he did, but interpreted the female expert's words as having the opposite meaning, and was directly interrupted by the female expert.

"I'm sorry, you may not have heard what I said. What I said is almost impossible. And before I knew that Mr. Boland had this gun at home, I had already inferred that it was a Tanfoglio based on information such as bullets and ballistics. Titan .38 pistol!”

"...You are really professional."

The defense lawyer was speechless when the female expert interrupted his blatantly twisted sophistry so bluntly. Seeing the female expert's upright expression and her style of not minding directly interrupting and correcting his sophistry, he was wise enough not to pester the witness. The smiling person didn't know whether it was a compliment or a mockery, and then left the expert witness alone.

This is a female expert, and she is also a white female expert.

After all, this is not the era in the past where women were not given any say at all, nor is it the magical era in the future where more than a hundred magical genders will continue to squeeze women.

Relatively speaking, this era is the most friendly to women.

If he is aggressive, he will not get any favors.

The third witness was Tim Chang's sister. When she tearfully told the story of the insults and threats made by the Boland family to them under questioning by Executive Assistant Prosecutor Ben Stone, Chuck looked around the audience and found that including Everyone in the courtroom, including the jury, showed almost no moved expressions.

After Ben Stone finished asking, the defense lawyer immediately stepped forward and asked the question: "Ms. Chang, you said you were insulted and threatened, why didn't you call the police?"

“Because our culture doesn’t have the notion of calling the police.”

Even though Tim Chang's sister had been warned by Chuck in advance, it was still difficult to accept what the defense lawyer was asking.

Because everyone can hear the hidden meaning in these words, which is similar to the victim's guilt theory of "if you didn't hit me, why should I help you?" If you don't call the police, it means that these insults and threats do not exist.

"Most of your friends are Chinese?"

the defense attorney continued to ask.

"Objection! It's irrelevant!"

Executive Assistant Prosecutor Ben Stone immediately rose to object.

He knew that the defense lawyer was trying every possible means to separate the victim from the jury, reminding the jury that the victim Tim was often not one of their own. Even if he lived in the United States, he still lived in their small circle and was not really one of their own. .

Once the jury deepens this impression, it will naturally make a verdict that goes against human nature: If you are not one of your own people, you are not a human being!

Since he is not a human being, aside from the fact that he shot and killed a teenager three times in the street, why should white families like them suffer for this?

"The witness made reference to her cultural background."

the defense attorney explained to the judge.

"invalid objection."

The judge immediately ruled: "The witness answers the question."

“Our closest friends are all of Chinese descent.”

Chang's sister answered truthfully.

"Has your brother ever joined a gang in Chinatown?"

The defense lawyer took advantage of the victory and pursued the case.

"be opposed to!"

Executive Assistant Prosecutor Ben Stone stood up to object again, but was directly interrupted by the judge: "Mr. Stone, I allow this question!"

"He's quiet, he's not really..."

Chang's sister tried to explain, but was interrupted by the defense lawyer: "What is the name of this gang?"

"The White Tiger Gang."

Tim Chang's sister could not withstand this classic American interruption technique. She could only follow the defense lawyer's topic and answer what the defense lawyer wanted to hear.

"This is the defense's exhibit No. 3!"

The defense lawyer turned around and picked up an exhibit: "This is an article published in the 'Tongcheng' magazine last month. Can you please read the underlined content aloud?"

Tim Chang's sister took the magazine and read out helplessly: "The White Tiger Gang is the most powerful gang in the city. They launched a series of battles with other gangs to compete for territory. This year, two gang members died. With the shooting, no one thought this fight was going to end."

"Thank you, I have no more questions."

The defense lawyer saw the expressions of the jury becoming more and more indifferent, smiled proudly in his heart, and turned back to his seat.

Since he can't make a fuss about the character of the witness in the search warrant, his main areas of attack are three: emotions! mood! What’s special is the emotions!

They are not one of our own people, and the threat theory is all based on pure emotions!

When will reports from local magazines and tabloids be used as evidence in court?

Only when the victim is not one of them can it be accepted by the jury and the judge by default.

Let me tell you another hellish joke: Chinese Americans, who have the lowest racial status and the smallest number of people, formed the most powerful and brutal gang in New York in Chinatown, and took the initiative to launch attacks on a number of world-famous gangs, including the Italian Mafia, Irish gangs, and Russian gangs. After meeting the challenge of 1V people, and the situation seems to be very good, it is about to unify New York and threaten all New York citizens.

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