American TV series Detective's Daily Life

Chapter 454: True Best Friend Rachel: Thank you Ross for helping me enter the hall of science!

The first court hearing is over.

The judge announced that the next court hearing will be next Wednesday.

"So, manslaughter, 8 years in prison?"

Will, the old white male lawyer, walks up to Executive Assistant Prosecutor Ben Stone and proposes a new plea deal.

"They fired three shots!"

Executive Assistant Prosecutor Ben Stone reminded that this was not about negligence at all, but Chi Guoguo's murder.

"That's not what the public thinks."

Will, the old white male lawyer, shrugged and said, "My client is a typical American family. Please remember this!"

"Murder is murder, please remember that."

Executive Assistant Prosecutor Ben Stone looked at him without compromise: "Let's see if our people value emotions more or facts!"

"If you were so confident, you wouldn't have to propose this deal."

The African-American assistant prosecutor reminded.


Will, the old white male lawyer, laughed and said: "You may win or you may lose, but I will never lose!"

After saying that, he happily shook hands with Ben Stone and left gracefully.

"Is it good or bad to withdraw from emotions and only talk about work, without empathizing with the person involved?"

The African-American assistant prosecutor watched the other party leave gracefully. Knowing what the other party meant, he couldn't help but sigh.

“Numblessness is some people’s protection, and some people’s shield.”

Executive Assistant Prosecutor Ben Stone laughed at himself: "For people with high blood pressure, it is better to be numb, otherwise they will always face such things and die suddenly in court sooner or later."

"We have been scolded so badly, why do you hardly appear in these reports?"

When the African-American assistant prosecutor saw Chuck coming over, he couldn't help but complain.

"Because I have money."

Chuck looked at his face and gave him a reason that was more acceptable to him.

After all, they have a good relationship with each other. We can't say that Batman is more talented in the racial talent of invisibility, and blends into the darkness more smoothly and seamlessly, right?

Or "I'm rich" is more understandable and can be accepted as a matter of course.

"Now that Leonard Will is stirring up public opinion outside, can you have someone publish an article to guide positive public opinion?"

asked the African-American assistant prosecutor.

"I can, but I won't do it."

Chuck said bluntly.


The African-American assistant prosecutor asked subconsciously.

"Chuck did the right thing."

Executive Assistant Prosecutor Ben Stone responded: "Public opinion should not interfere with the judgment of the law, and if it needs to be done in such a case with solid evidence, it is the greatest mockery of justice."

"Then we won't be interviewed when we go out?"

The African-American assistant prosecutor glanced at his partner.

"You can just say a few words."

"After all, we want to remind people of what they should pay attention to, but that's about it," said Executive Assistant Attorney Ben Stone with a smile.

The two said goodbye to Chuck and walked out of the court, and were immediately surrounded by guns and cannons.


Monica's apartment.

"Everyone, this is my new girlfriend Julie!"

Ross walked in with a petite woman in his arms, his chin almost lifted to the sky: "She is a Chinese archaeologist, here for exchange and study."

"Hi, I'm Monica."

When Monica saw it, she felt very good about Julie for the first time. She was very happy for her brother and immediately greeted her warmly.

Everyone said hello one by one.

Julie responded generously: "Don't bother me, right?"

"Don't interrupt, we are also chatting about the recent Chuck case."

Monica smiled.


Julie looked over curiously.

"I'm just very surprised. When we were in trouble, no one paid any attention to us and treated us like dead people. How come the Boland family was suddenly treated so well when something like this happened?"

Phoebe complained dissatisfiedly: "We are a barrister and a bail bondsman. Those who don't know think we are not white trash. This is not the first time we have encountered this kind of racial confrontation case. Why?"


Rachel was also very surprised: "It feels like the treatment of the Boland family is almost the same as that of a famous surgeon like my father. It's so strange."

"Not surprisingly."

Monica knew the inside story and said with a wry smile: "They are somewhat influenced by Chuck."


Everyone shouted in unison.

"Remember the previous case where a billionaire asked a surgeon to remove the kidneys of innocent people for the sake of his daughter?"

Monica saw that Chuck had no intention of stopping it, so she explained to everyone.

"of course I remember!"

"I'm still scared."

"What impressed me most about that case was that in court, the prosecutor asked the victim what outcome he wanted most from the trial, and the victim said in tears that he just wanted his kidney back."

"What does this have to do with that case?"

Everyone was talking about it.

"The kidney will never come back, but because of Chuck, the victim's grievances have been redressed to the maximum extent possible."

Monica sighed: "The billionaire was imprisoned, and before the sentencing, the real source, the billionaire's daughter who needed a kidney transplant, came to Chuck and said a lot of self-righteous things.

Among them was the one who confidently said that her father was a good man who did good deeds without leaving his name behind.

She also said that her father had named a new foundation for the victim, and that the victim would be a rich man in the future, so that everyone would win and no one would suffer.

The victim didn't want this outcome, and Chuck ended up sending the billionaire to jail.

Guess what happened to that foundation in the end? "

"how's it going?"

Everyone was stunned at first, and then became very curious.

"You won't continue to give it to the victim, right?"

Rachel said with envy.

"Do you think the good father she talks about is really a good man?"

Monica rolled her eyes: "That's Chi Guoguo's deal. You get on the bus first and then pay the ticket. When you know that you can't change the result, the foundation naturally has nothing to do with the victim and directly changes it to the Legal Aid Foundation, full-time To provide the best legal consulting services to people who cannot afford legal aid, guess who can get the first help from this legal aid foundation?”

"Chuck's rival!"

Everyone suddenly realized it and shouted in unison.


Monica nodded and said, "Because Chuck did the right thing, exposing the dirty and disgusting ways of this billionaire father and daughter, and letting them get the punishment they deserve, but he offended them.

So they directly transferred this foundation to specifically fund Chuck's opponents. Even if they couldn't help Chuck, they still wanted to disgust him.

Therefore, the Boland family, who are at the bottom of society, fell into the eyes of this foundation and came to provide the highest quality legal services as soon as possible. "

"So that's it!"

Phoebe suddenly shouted: "I said they are also white trash, why can they leverage so many judicial resources? It turns out it is because of Chuck! Money is really willful!"

"Chuck, are you stressed?"

Rachel expressed concern.

"What pressure can he be under?"

Ross had a new girlfriend and regained his confidence. When he saw Rachel, the goddess he had always wanted, looking at Chuck like this, he suddenly became angry again.

"Her foundation has received many large donations in a short period of time."

Chuck said calmly: "They are all the rich and powerful privileged people I offended in my previous investigations. She is just a fool who was pushed to the front."


Everyone was shocked again.

A billionaire father and his daughter are rich and willful, which already makes them feel the pressure on Chuck's behalf. Now there are other forces supporting this kind of rich and willful behavior. They really feel the suffocating pressure on Chuck's behalf. .

"Aren't you worried?"

Seeing that Chuck was so calm, Julie couldn't help but admire him: "Is it because you believe in free democracy and sound justice?"


Chuck said bluntly: "It's just because I'm richer than them."


The corner of Julie's mouth twitched, and she was almost dodged to the waist.

This was completely different from the answer she expected.


Ross couldn't help it anymore: "A billionaire is richer than you, let alone this foundation supported by many rich and powerful people. You thought you won the grand prize and directly became Am I the real billionaire?”

"How dare you say that!"

Monica saw that her brother couldn't recognize her again, and she immediately became anxious: "If Chuck hadn't saved you, you would have died!"

"Chuck, are you a billionaire too?"

Rachel's eyes lit up.

Of course she knew that Chuck was rich, but she didn't know how rich he was.

Although she is now trying hard to challenge her weakness and accept the baptism of a scientific experiment, and she values ​​Chuck's physical strength more, the blessing of a billionaire's wealth can have a dual effect, which makes her excited just thinking about it.

This scene in Ross's eyes made him even more jealous.

Of course he knows what the goddess Rachel, who has been dreaming of since childhood, is doing recently. When he thinks of her fitness exercises that are even more nymphomaniac than nymphomaniac, she restrains herself and improves herself just to be a real Eskimo sister with his sister. He couldn't control the mania hidden in his heart.

Chuck did not answer Rachel's question about whether he was a billionaire, nor did he pay attention to Ross's ulterior motives and targeting. Instead, he looked at Julie: "I advise you to return to China as soon as possible."


Rose's face turned red with anger, but after Chuck glanced at him, he couldn't get angry and his whole body felt bad.

"Because of Tim Chang's case?"

Julie was not as manic as Ross, and she immediately understood why Chuck said this.

She came to New York for exchange and study for a period of time. Tim Chang's case is in New York itself, he is of Chinese descent, and it has been making waves in the city recently. How could she not pay attention to it.

"How do you think you are better than Tim?"

Chuck said expressionlessly.


Julie smiled bitterly.

She didn't know how it compared.

"Tim Chang is a native American and has received awards from NASA. He is only 17 years old. Yet, because he is hated by mainstream white American families like Boland, he was beaten 10 times in six months just because of one award. An abusive phone call, a threatening phone call, and finally he was shot three times and died miserably while walking on the crowded streets of New York in broad daylight."

Chuck said calmly: "If it hadn't been for a broad-minded classmate who complained about him and came to me after his death, no one would even investigate his death, and he would probably be left in the cold case.

Even if they investigate, they are trapped by various invisible racial discrimination in the judicial system, causing the key evidence to be directly invalidated.

Because of me, I didn’t fall into the trap. The evidence is conclusive, but now the public opinion in the city is not that the 17-year-old boy was innocently shot and killed, but that the white family who were all the perpetrators is a family with respectful brothers, loving mothers and filial sons. Xia Benjia!

Tim Chang's sister and mother, who are family members of the victim, were threatened and attacked. They were trembling and full of pessimism and despair about the future.

Do you think it would have been better if it were you? "


Julie was speechless.

A Chinese-American teenager is like this. If it were an adult like her who came to exchange and study without even getting a green card, the result would only be worse, not better.

"How could this happen? Isn't it said that children are best protected in the United States? This Tim is still just a child."

Julie couldn't help but ask.

"Don't listen to him!"

Ross felt something was wrong and didn't care about being angry with Chuck. He looked longingly at his new girlfriend who had just established a relationship and hadn't had time to have fun yet: "This is just a small probability event. It can happen to anyone."


Julie smiled reluctantly.

She is an archaeologist herself and has a high IQ. Of course she understands that no matter how small the chance is, it is 100% correct if it falls on her.

And no one wants to suffer such a tragic fate.

Originally, she planned to stay in the United States, and even in order to integrate better, she found the nerdy Ross from one of her archaeological colleagues as her boyfriend.

But now she feels that she should really reconsider whether she really wants to stay.

After all, she was born and raised as a true American and a young genius, a label she would never get. If she was living like this, could she really have a better life even if she stayed?


Seeing that Julie was really shaken by Chuck's few words, Ross roared to the sky unwillingly.

Little did he know that this manic performance made Julie even more determined.

Even if you stay, don't find Ross as your boyfriend, who seems to be honest and easy to get along with, but in fact has such a manic and terrifying temper.

She had secretly observed Ross for a long time before, but she didn't notice this at all.

What a mistake!

"Julie, you have to believe that the final result of this case will be good...after all, there is a detective named Chuck!"

Monica saw that her brother seemed to be losing his new girlfriend, so she quickly smoothed things over to encourage Julie, who was a little disappointed in the United States.

"I believe."

Julie smiled politely.

But everyone knew she didn't take it seriously.

If the judicial outcome depends entirely on the painstaking intervention of Detective Chuck to achieve final justice, then it would be even more terrifying if you think about it carefully.

Everyone chatted for a while, but everyone saw that Julie no longer had the enthusiasm to be intimate with Ross at the beginning. When she left, Ross almost hunched over and accompanied her out, obviously wanting to save her. one time.

Joey and Phoebe followed.

While Monica complained, Chuck looked at Rachel: "Are you ready?"


Rachel was stunned for a moment, then pointed to her nose in disbelief: "Did I pass the test?"

"You have Ross to thank!"

Chuck said bluntly.

Monica: "..."

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