American TV series Detective's Daily Life

Chapter 466 What kind of existence is the completely blackened Little Sheldon?


Before Al, who was an anti-trafficking expert and focused on child crimes, could figure out what was wrong, a sharp scream of terror came from not far away.

"A child is injured!"

Al, who was very sensitive to injuries to children, had just sat down and immediately stood up to run towards the direction of the scream to check.

"Don't worry, it's Little Sheldon!"

Monica, who hugged Peggy in time, reminded her: "He is not injured, but just scared."


Al's mouth twitched, but he still persisted.

What kind of words are these?

It's not an injury, it's just a simple fright, so you don't need to worry about it?

I don’t know what kind of lazy person this little Sheldon is, but he actually makes these friends not care about his screams and fears.

Before I opened the door, I saw a small handsome face lying on the window glass of the VIP car, slapping in fear.

She quickly opened the door and let little Sheldon and two other short teenagers in.

"Something happened, something happened!"

Little Sheldon's eyes were frightened, he was muttering, and walked quickly towards the zombies beside Chuck.

"good taste!"

Al secretly praised this little boy for being really smart, knowing that at such times, he should find the safest support.

Then he saw Little Sheldon's suppressed fear and angry glare. His biggest support at the moment, Chuck, who was sitting still and still looking at his mobile phone: "It's all your fault! I had to take the train, and now it suddenly stopped, it must be problem occurs!"

"Don't get excited, it's just a normal parking, no big deal."

Little Leonard advised from the side.


Little Sheldon screamed: "Why would the train suddenly stop suddenly at a non-station under normal circumstances? Something must have happened!"

"Is this the so-called person who loves trains the most?"

Little Howard laughed.

"I originally loved trains the most, until this love was completely ruined by him!"

Little Sheldon pointed at Chuck, feeling extremely sad and angry.

Little Leonard looked at Little Sheldon sympathetically.


If it weren't for Chuck, this train ride would definitely be Little Sheldon's favorite.

And since the last time Chuck used the American train accident rate to give Little Sheldon some knowledge about the real world of trains, Little Sheldon’s favorite train has been completely destroyed.

So much so that a sudden emergency stop now scares the child like this.

It's also pathetic.

But this pity and sympathy only lasted a moment, because little Leonard clearly understood that if it weren't for Chuck, little Sheldon might have enjoyed this trip very much, but he would have been completely opposite.

Because not only did his mother become Little Sheldon's 'biological mother', but she also enjoyed talking to and enjoying the train ride with her 'biological son' Little Sheldon. He, the "pure scientific research experiment child No. 2", could only watch helplessly. Watching, you have to endure the emotional little Sheldon chattering about all kinds of popular science knowledge about trains.

This is the best thing for him now.

"Don't be afraid."

Al from BAU was afraid that such a handsome young man would become like this. Whether it was from a professional perspective or from a motherly perspective, she subconsciously wanted to care and comfort little Sheldon.

"Don't be afraid?"

But little Sheldon didn't appreciate it at all, and shouted directly: "It's not you who was almost killed!"


Al from BAU was stunned, what's going on with this child?

Why don't you tell the difference between good and bad?

Don't you see that she cares about him?

He's still claiming to be a super genius with the same IQ as Reed, the light of Texas?

There is still so many years difference between the two of them, and little Sheldon still has the biggest advantage of being cute as a child, but she still feels that Reed in their group is much more well-behaved and gentle than him!

Fortunately, she is a professional and knows that some children are frightened, wary of strangers, and even have a bad temper.

So he leaned over and looked at Little Sheldon with a gentler expression and tone: "If you have any worries or fears, you can tell your sister. She is a professional~"


Little Sheldon became even more disdainful when he heard this: "How can you have the major of Dr. Beverly Hofstadter? She is a nationally renowned psychologist, neuroscientist, parenting expert, and writer! Who are you?"


Looking at Little Sheldon who asked her seriously how many degrees she had and whether she had a doctorate, Al's mouth twitched, and he suddenly understood why Monica and the others were not worried about the screaming Little Sheldon just now.

Facing Sheldon, who seriously disliked her, she laughed at herself: "I'm sorry, I'm not professional enough."

If they are professional enough, when faced with a frightened teenager, even if the teenager makes malicious and hurtful remarks, professionals should greet him with a smile and treat him patiently.

But it was obvious that she was not professional enough to do this.

"I knew it!"

Little Sheldon stabbed him bluntly, and then looked at Chuck.

What he needs now is not professional comfort at all, but to investigate Chuck's crimes!

In fact, he subconsciously felt that there was nothing wrong with the sudden stop this time. Otherwise, how would he have dared to do this? He would have stayed next to Beverly for the first time, trembling, and let Beverly praise him and comfort him.

"you're right."

Facing Little Sheldon's probing accusations, Chuck nodded calmly.

"Am I right?"

Little Sheldon looked at Chuck in disbelief, never expecting that Chuck would agree with him one day.

For a moment, he was so flattered that he didn't know what to say.

"Is he right?"

Little Leonard also looked at Chuck with wide eyes.

"What's wrong with him?"

Little Howard said dissatisfied.

Little Sheldon was obviously being unreasonable. He came here to watch Chuck quarrel with Little Sheldon and embarrass Little Sheldon. He used it for fun.

What's going on now?

Little Sheldon, who has always been criticized by Chuck, can actually become the person Chuck says is right?

"He said the train stopped suddenly and something big must have happened."

Chuck raised his decorative glasses and said bluntly: "The fact is that something did happen."

At this moment, the car phone in the VIP car rang. After MAX picked it up and connected it, he shouted incredulously: "There was a hostage situation in the No. 3 ordinary car in the front row. The guard on the car was robbed of his gun and was shot." The gangsters shot and killed him.”

The VIP car was quiet for a few seconds. When Al went over to answer the phone to ask for more information, he saw Little Sheldon's scream resounding throughout the VIP car at a louder decibel.

The harshness made her cover her ears subconsciously.

But this time, she heard the real fear in the scream.

"As expected, you didn't need to worry about him just now."

BAU's Al's first reaction was to compare the difference between Little Sheldon's two screams before and after, and concluded that before Monica and the others said they didn't need to worry about Little Sheldon, who was only scared and had nothing to do, he was indeed very knowledgeable. .

"I'm the FBI, what's going on over there now?"

Al from the BAU took out his gun and took the car phone to talk to the staff in the car who was warning him on the other end of the phone.

"The car has stopped. We don't know what the gangster's demands are for the time being. We have contacted the local police to send people to deal with it. VIP passengers are asked to stay calm and wait for evacuation."

"Is there a phone and video in Car No. 3?"

Al from the BAU asked: "I'm from the BAU. I can try to talk to the gangsters and understand the situation."

"There is video and a car phone, but I suggest you wait until the police deal with it."

The staff on the car on the other end of the phone was surprised that Al actually took the initiative to take care of the matter instead of leaving it alone. However, he subconsciously reminded him, and at Al's urging, he sent the real-time video of the accident car, and The car phone number of the car involved in the accident was given.


When the real-time video was sent, everyone gathered around to watch, and Caroline exclaimed: "It's Martian! He was hijacked in Car No. 3!"

The shining light reflected by Martian Ma's Mediterranean hair style seemed to remind everyone, "I'm here, help." Even Caroline noticed it, and others certainly didn't miss it.

"Chuck, I need your help!"

Al immediately asked Chuck for help: "It seems that the robbers have no plans to continue committing crimes for the time being, so we can try to persuade the robbers, but this has already entered Texas. Once the local police arrive, they want to use force directly... …I need time."

"rest assured."

Chuck said bluntly: "Just because you entered Texas, you have enough time to try to persuade the robbers."


Al was stunned and forced a smile: "Chuck, now is not the time to joke. I know it was said before that Texans are not as martial-minded as imagined, which is a bit bad, but the name of the Texas Cowboys is still well-known.

This kind of hijacking case occurs in Texas. The local police will not have the patience to wait for such a long time. There is a high probability that they will choose to break in by force. At that time, the hostages inside will be too dangerous. Not only will they face the guns of the robbers, but also the guns of the attacking police. There is also a possibility of accidental injury. "

"I'm not joking."

Chuck said expressionlessly: "I'm just stating a fact. Just because we have entered Texas now, you don't have to worry about not having enough time to persuade the robbers. In fact, you just contact the BAU headquarters now and ask them to fly over to host it." There is enough time for rescue.”

"Are you serious?"

Al frowned.

"No matter who comes to power at the FBI, you will try your best to get enough funding, so when faced with this situation, you may just rush forward."

Chuck said bluntly: "The local police in Texas not only face the impact of illegal immigration, but also face cuts in police budgets, and they have long since lost the courage to do things.

How much salary do you get?

What kind of fate are you playing?

Nowadays, they are promoting family heroes and fighting only for their families!

The hostages here do not have family members of these local police officers.

Therefore, they will not rush up immediately, but will only surround but not attack. "

"...Even if the local police do this, the terminal of this train is Texas, and the passengers and hostages hijacked in the carriage are most likely also Texans, or relatives of Texans."

Al from the BAU was relieved and agreed with Chuck's explanation, but still shook his head: "If there is a little delay, the family members will arrive and they may rush in directly to rescue their relatives."

"The local police will stop them."

Chuck still calmly emphasized that no one would rush in to save people in this situation: "If you can't cure the robbers, can you still cure the civilians?"

"So what do we do now?"

Al's mouth twitched.

If she hadn't known that Chuck alone could defeat their entire BAU team, she would have wanted to just summon her team as soon as she had enough time, as Chuck said.

At least there is no need to speculate whether Chuck is just watching the fun and taking things personally.

"The robber's face was sluggish and his face was stiff."

Chuck reminded.

"This is what happens after one year of antipsychotic treatment."

Dr. Beverly Hofstadter, a famous psychologist, neuroscientist, and psychiatrist, also came from the next car at this time. After hearing Chuck's reminder, she immediately answered: "I know this man! He His name is Dr. Ted Bligh, a leading physicist."

"It's him!"

Young Sheldon exclaimed.

"You know him?"

Al looked at Little Sheldon.

"I have read his articles. He studies M theory and has published hundreds of papers. He is an excellent theoretical physicist. How could he be like this?"

Little Sheldon was very confused.

"He knows why he's here!"

Beverly raised her glasses and pointed at a woman sitting in the seat in the live video: "Her name is Dr. Linda Deaton, and she is a psychiatrist."

"Is she famous?"

Al was shocked.

If there is such a psychiatrist among the hostages who can calm down the mentally ill robber, then her success rate will be greatly increased.


Beverly shook her head bluntly: "She is just a full-time psychiatrist at the El Paso Mental Health Center.

According to the metaphor of Young Sheldon, it is the identity of Harley Quinn in Gotham Arkham before she went crazy.

I have only written two books in the past few years, both of which were based on Dr. Ted Bligh. She is more like a lecturer than an excellent scientist!

There is a psychiatry seminar in Dallas tonight, and I am an invited guest. She must have been invited too, and she brought Dr. Ted Bly here specifically to add weight to her speech. "

Last time Chuck, Peggy, and Little Sheldon returned to Texas to award awards, she didn't go with them, and this time she personally accompanied Little Sheldon here because of this seminar.

"Hey, she looks a lot like you."

MAX said venomously: "You are all psychiatrists. You all came to Dallas to attend the seminar. She brought Dr. Ted Bly with her, and you brought..."

"I'm not crazy! My mother took me for a checkup!"

Little Sheldon immediately quit and screamed.

"Sheldon is indeed not crazy, he is a true genius."

Beverly corrected, "And don't compare Dr. Linda Deaton to me, that's insulting!"

"Dr. Hofstadter, now that you know their situation, do you know why the robbers did what they did?"

Al interrupted.

"Of course I know!"

Beverly said matter-of-factly: "According to the records in Dr. Linda Deaton's book, Dr. Ted Bligh is a top theoretical physicist. He once worked in the positive and negative secret department for several years, and has been staying in the secret department for the past nine years. El Paso Mental Health Center for treatment.

He suffered from severe hallucinations and always felt like he was being watched.

From my observation, he needs to stay in the health center for treatment instead of being taken out and promoted as a typical success story.

Facts also prove that Dr. Linda Deaton is just an excellent lecturer, not a qualified scientist!

And now, she has to pay the price for it! "

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