American TV series Detective's Daily Life

Chapter 467: Detective Chuck, I am the legendary senior officer!

"Since he can be brought out as a success story, there should be no danger. Something must have stimulated him. Can you rewind the video to before the accident?"

Al has an occupational disease. As for what to do in the future, we must first understand what happened before and study criminal psychology.


Little Howard didn't know when he came up to him and took over the operation directly. He quickly played back the video recording and then stopped at ten minutes ago.

Ordinary carriage No. 3 in the front row.

Just like the United States, which is a country with a vast territory and a sparse population, the train is as full of people both inside and outside as it is in a large Eastern country. It is not even as good as in a large Eastern country, where there are only 5 people in the huge carriage during normal passenger transportation. personal.

It’s no wonder that the bustling passenger train industry, once the top of the world, has declined to the point where it can no longer serve as a teacher to other countries.

When the car door rang, the Mediterranean horse Mars couldn't get into Chuck's VIP car, and he didn't want to stay in the same car with Little Sheldon, so he walked forward according to the ticket he bought, passing through one section after another. In the carriage, I arrived at the No. 3 ordinary carriage in the front row and sat down in my seat.

After sitting down, Mars the Mediterranean horse and Dr. Linda Deaton, who was well-dressed and elegant, looked at each other, nodded and smiled.

He glanced sideways at the man in a suit next to him in the corridor and an unenthusiastic African-American guy leaning towards him, and he smiled knowingly.

The African-American guy, who was not very energetic, also smiled back.

When they looked at each other, they could see that they were once like-minded people who liked to smoke and smoke and liked the University of Massachusetts.

As soon as Ma Mars from the Mediterranean looked at the African-American guy, he knew that he had been high for a long time, so much so that he was mentally depressed, and ordinary sleep and other recovery methods could no longer restore the negative erosion on his face.

Although he was from the same camp and had the bonus of his hometown's skin color, the Mediterranean horse Mars still had no intention of talking to him.

Because in his eyes, this unspiritual African-American guy must be a loser.

And he fought his way out of his hometown and now became an outstanding college student at the legendary Wharton School of Business. He also met the American Princess Caroline and went to Houston, Texas, to visit the satellite launch.

Although the two of them were on the same path, they were no longer traveling together, and there was no need to exchange pleasantries.

His eyes passed over a sad and unattractive woman, and his eyes fell on a bald man sitting side by side across the corridor from the well-dressed Dr. Linda Deaton.

no way.

The two were somewhat similar in terms of hairstyle and temperament. More importantly, the bald man, who was dozing off with his eyes squinted sleepily, reminded him of the bald NASA scientist who gave him a recyclable rocket calculation notebook.

The degree of baldness is about the same, and the temperament is more similar.

Compared with them, he in the Mediterranean has just started.

He stared at it for a few more times, and thinking of the scene where he was mocked and beaten by Little Sheldon and the others in the VIP car, he took out the notebook that Little Sheldon had sent to NASA from his backpack, and read it again in disbelief.

In less than ten seconds, he scratched his sparse hair, gave up, put down the notebook in his hand, rubbed his temples, and then took out his cell phone to call a NASA scientist.

He was very aware of the other party's attitude of keeping away from the notebook owner at first, but now that he saw it with his own eyes, he recognized it from the bottom of his heart.

Therefore, he knew that the end point of Little Sheldon's journey was Houston. Even though he knew that Little Sheldon might not necessarily be looking for the NASA scientist, he was still prepared to make a friendly call to remind him.

Obviously, his kindness was felt by the other party.

He didn't make a fuss either.

Because after the other party learned the news, he made it clear that he would immediately take leave and leave Houston to avoid an unexpected encounter with the troublesome little Sheldon.

Putting down the phone, the train suddenly stopped.

Before he could figure out what was going on, the car door rang, and the guard on the car walked in. When he walked past him, he saw the notebook he had put on his lap and was not looking at it anymore. He was very interested in the rocket model picture on it. , so I stopped to watch and chatted with him for a few words.

He also asked about the reason for the sudden stop of the train.

The guard told him that someone committed suicide by lying on the track ahead, so the train stopped suddenly, but it could start again soon.

When the guard patted him on the shoulder and told the others the news, something happened that stunned him.

The bald middle-aged man who made him feel very friendly suddenly became manic. When the guard passed by, he grabbed the pistol from the guard's waist. He skillfully drew the gun and killed the guard who couldn't react.

This bald man is from Texas!

This was his first thought!

Then something happened that made me curse the son of the beach. A bald middle-aged man with a gun rushed over immediately after killing the guard. A gun butt hit his star who subconsciously opened his hands in a gesture of surrender. Still handsome and handsome.

All right.

Without the blessing of wealth like Princess Carolyn of America, his face is only comparable to that of a typical role star, and he is not so conceited that he is more handsome than the face of a star.

"What are you doing?"

The woman in his eyes who was well-dressed and elegant stood up in panic and shouted to the bald middle-aged man.

"Shut up! Shut up!"

The bald man took aim in a circle with his gun, and yelled manically to stop everyone from moving. Then he saw that the Mediterranean horse Mars was beaten with blood on his face, but showed no intention of resisting, so he grabbed the Mediterranean horse with his free hand. Little Sheldon's notebook is on Martian's lap.

"Who are you?!"

"I am Ma Mars!"

Ma Mars in the Mediterranean didn't have the sense of humor from Dragon Gate Escort Hu Ayou at this time, so he answered honestly with a trembling body.

"Who are you?!"

However, such an honest and sincere answer ushered in the bald middle-aged man again swung the gun butt and hit him on his handsome face again, which made him feel painful and aggrieved.

He told the truth, why did you beat him?

"I'm really a Martian..."

"He asked about your identity!"

Dr. Linda Deaton, the woman who was well-dressed and dared to speak first, although she still stood there motionless, but compared to other passengers who did not dare to say anything or look at each other, she took the initiative to remind the confused Ma. Mars.

“I’m a freshman at Wharton.”

When the Mediterranean horse Mars heard this, he quickly treated his identity as harmlessly as possible on the basis of telling the truth.


The bald middle-aged man did not hit him with the butt of the gun again this time, but he excitedly pointed the gun at him, as if the gun would go off in the next moment, which frightened Ma Martian and thought it would be better to hit him with the butt of the gun. Woolen cloth.

"I didn't lie, I swear!"

Ma Xingxing almost cried.

"Lies! Lies!"

The bald middle-aged man shook Little Sheldon's notebook with one hand and pointed a gun at Ma Mars' Mediterranean hairstyle with the other hand, becoming more and more excited.

"Ted, don't get excited, I'll ask it for you."

The well-dressed woman comforted the bald man and looked at Ma Xingxing: "What he means is that your hair and face don't look like a freshman at all, and what is written in the notebook in your hand?"


The Mediterranean horse Martian is so uncomfortable. He was only ridiculed for his Mediterranean hairstyle in the VIP carriage before, but now he was actually physically slapped in the face because of his Mediterranean hairstyle, twice. What's going on with this special meow? Woolen cloth.

"The notebook is the math of a recyclable rocket."

Although he was aggrieved, he was pointed at gunpoint and dreamed of dying on Mars. Of course he did not want to die on earth. He still used traditional American freedom, so he answered honestly.

“The math of a reusable rocket?”

The well-dressed woman first showed an 'OMG' expression, which was of course a serious expression of fear, not an informal prayer to God expression, and then she looked at the Mediterranean horse Mars with a somewhat startled look.

She is Dr. Linda Deaton, who is similar to Dr. Harley Quinn, the predecessor of Harley Quinn in Gotham Arkham. She brought the 'Joker' she has been studying for nine years to attend the seminar, so she naturally knows her own 'Joker' What is Dr. Ted Bligh's hallucination.

That means Zhengmin is secretly monitoring him.

From her point of view, of course she knew it was an illusion.

But she looked at it from the perspective of Dr. Ted Bly. In the same car, a man who claimed to be a freshman at Wharton School was a typical positive, scientific researcher, and a strong-haired man. He was holding a recyclable Rocket, a notebook with obvious high-tech materials, is full of doubts.

The key is still talking to the guard in a low voice.

Dr. Ted Bligh, a top theoretical physicist in his own right, would be abnormal if he did not doubt this.

Even she had some doubts about whether the Mediterranean horse Mars was a positive and negative staff member. Not to mention monitoring, at least he was trying to contact Dr. Ted Bligh, hoping to reuse Dr. Ted Bligh's theoretical knowledge to break through some technology. .

And if that is not the case.

Then she could only say: "Fake! What a coincidence!"

"This is not mine……"

Noticing that the well-dressed woman had a flash of doubt in her eyes, the Mediterranean horse Mars became more and more frightened and tried to get rid of Little Sheldon's notebook.

"This was written by a 9-year-old kid named Sheldon Cooper, who is now 12 years old..."

Before he finished speaking, seeing the bald middle-aged man becoming more and more furious, the Mediterranean horse Mars couldn't continue to speak.

Because if you have never seen or heard of Little Sheldon, who would really believe that a 9-year-old child can be so defiant?

He is now in such a dangerous situation. The more he tells the truth, the more dangerous he will be.

Damn Sheldon Cooper!

At this moment, he hated Little Sheldon!

Not only was he severely mocked by the other party before, but now he is facing a life and death crisis because of Little Sheldon's notebook. What kind of thing is this!

"If you don't believe it, just ask him. Sheldon Cooper is also on this train, in the VIP compartment at the back..."

Before he finished speaking, he was hit hard in the face by a bald middle-aged man with the butt of a gun, leaving him speechless.

"Do you think I will let you pass the message on?!!!"

The angry bald middle-aged man stared fiercely at Ma Xingxing in the Mediterranean Sea. Seeing that Ma Xingxing did not dare to look directly at him, he walked around the corridor in a manic manner, thinking about something at a loss.

At this time, the alarm bells were wailing outside.

The local police convoy has arrived and surrounded the carriage.

The bald middle-aged man asked everyone to pull down the sunshades to block the view in the car and avoid being targeted by sniper rifles. He walked around with the gun, leaning over from time to time to secretly observe the movements outside through the gaps.

The person in charge of the local police quickly contacted the train. Through the train staff, he dialed the on-board phone of the No. 3 ordinary car and asked to talk to the bald man who was the robber.

"I won't talk to you, I only talk to senior officers!"

The bald middle-aged man hung up the phone immediately.

The police chief outside looked grim.

What's the meaning?

He was the top person in charge at the scene, and what kind of senior officer was he talking to?

"Hello Detective, I am Al Green Norway, FBI Special Agent, member of the BAU."

Al and the others had already watched the replay and were afraid of being accidentally injured by the local police, so they hurriedly evacuated from the VIP car and revealed their identities.

"Hello, Frank Morant, from the Dallas Police Department."

The head of the local police also knew the name of the BAU. When he saw that there was an FBI at the scene, he was suspicious and a little unhappy and said: "It seems that you are the senior officer mentioned by the robber? Do you know what is going on with this robber?"

"we know."

Al told the robbers about their situation.

"Psycho robber? Great!"

When the local police chief heard this, he immediately couldn't help but complain. After the strange atmosphere was over, he felt it was not enough and cursed: "Is this bullshit psychiatrist also mentally ill?

How can a mentally ill patient like this come to our seminar in Dallas as a successful case in alleviating acute mental illness? What a hell joke is this! "

"Detective, now is not the time to talk about this. We need to find a way to persuade him and resolve this hostage crisis peacefully."

Al also wanted to complain like this, but she held back.

"Do you have any good suggestions?"

As expected, the local police chief did not have the traditional impression that Texans with strong martial arts would attack directly and forcefully.

Al looked at Chuck.

"Have your people in suits and ties, wear sunglasses, drive an SUV over, turn on the police lights, siren, and honk the horn. If possible, the police car will clear the way. When you get there, don't get out of the car. Wait 30 seconds. Come down."

Chuck said expressionlessly: "Then it's up to us."

"Who are you?"

The local police chief frowned at Chuck in confusion.

"You don't know him? He's Dr. Chuck Wolfe!"

Al reminded.

"Oh it's you!"

The local police chief immediately changed his face to a smile, extended his hand enthusiastically and said, "I know you, you are the pride of our Texas!"

With that said, without waiting for Chuck to say anything, he directly picked up the phone and dialed, and began to deploy according to Chuck's instructions, and then asked humbly: "Why do you do this?"

"Isn't he going to talk to the senior officer?"

Chuck said calmly: "You are obviously not, then create a senior officer."

"So that's it."

The head of the local police nodded suddenly, and then asked worriedly: "Are you sure?"

"What confidence?"

Chuck looked at him.

"The person the robber wants to talk to is a senior officer..."

The local police chief hesitated.

"Chuck is the senior officer!"

Al smiled and said: "If it weren't for the worry that the robber had stayed in the mental hospital for too long and didn't know Chuck, there would be no need for those arrangements just now. If he just reported Chuck's name, he would definitely talk to Chuck directly."

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