American TV series Detective's Daily Life

Chapter 468 This is not science fiction!

"I see."

When the local police chief heard this, he nodded repeatedly.

The police car cleared the way, the sirens blared, and then a group of men in suits wearing sunglasses got out. They really looked like senior officials when they appeared.


At least it's exactly the same as the appearance of the big shot in the movie and TV series.

"What else can I do?"

The local police chief asked again casually.


Chuck nodded: "Ask them not to look in the direction of the train after getting off the train. The senior officers don't care about the death of civilians. Just walk straight into this tent and let me take over."


When the local police chief heard Chuck add such devilish details, he was dumbfounded and admired him more and more.

What is professionalism?

He originally thought that the police clearing the way, sirens blaring, suits and sunglasses were professional enough, but he didn't expect that Chuck would directly design all the actions.

Not to mention mentally ill people, even police officers like them would definitely be misjudged by the aura created by various details if they didn't know in advance that this was the arrival of a senior officer.

BAU's Al's mouth twitched.


Co-author: This is what senior officers look like to Chuck.

But as a BAU professional, she thought about it carefully and had to admit that the details Chuck explained were indeed detailed and professional enough.

Even if Gideon, the spiritual leader of their BAU, came over, they would probably do the same thing.

Ten minutes later.

An SUV roared over according to Chuck's instructions.

The surveillance in Car No. 3 of the train saw the mentally ill Dr. Ted Bligh peeking nervously out of the gap with a gun. He saw with his own eyes a senior executive-like figure in suits and ties getting off the car without even looking at the train. On the other side, being greeted by the head of the local police, he walked into the temporary command tent with an expressionless face.

Inside the tent.

The cool-looking police officer in sunglasses was asked to sit down and stay still, while the local police chief looked at Chuck: "Do you want to make a call now?"

"Senior officers don't take the initiative to call."

Chuck shook his head: "Wait for him to call first."

"What on earth was he thinking?"

The local police chief said in confusion as he was no longer able to complain about the demeanor of a senior official.

"He had hallucinations and felt that he was being monitored by positive and negative people."

Al stated the conclusion they had speculated before: "I just happened to encounter a suspicious person with a notebook recording high-tech technology, which completely detonated his hallucinations."

"High tech laptop?"

The head of the local police pointed to the Mediterranean horse Mars, who was beaten with blood on his face in the surveillance video: "He? What is he doing with this?"


MAX said venomously: "It's just that I failed to show off and was defeated by Fa."

"He's taking action!"

Monica kept watching the surveillance video and alerted her immediately when she saw any movement.

Everyone looked and saw the bald Dr. Ted Bly walking around anxiously. Then he threatened the unattractive woman with a gun, pulled her by her hair and took her to the car phone, asking her to make a call.

The train staff had already set the on-board phone to automatically transfer to the phone in the command tent.

Following the movements in the surveillance video, the phone in the command tent rang.

"He wants to know who just arrived?"

After Chuck pressed the answer button, a woman's trembling voice came from the other end of the phone.

"Tell him it's someone who can help him solve his problem."

Chuck said expressionlessly.

The messenger woman repeated Chuck's words, then in a shaky voice relayed the question of the robber, Dr. Ted Bly: "He wants to know what department you work for?"

“I never said I worked for Positive and Negative!”

Chuck said calmly.

When the local police chief heard this, he looked confused and immediately opened his mouth to speak. When Al from the BAU saw him, he immediately stretched out his hand to signal him to stop talking. Then he pressed the mute button and quickly explained to the local police chief: "What Chuck said The fewer, the more mysterious we appear and the more authoritative we will be.”

In the surveillance video, the robber Dr. Ted Bly thought for a moment, then forced the woman who was delivering the message with a pistol and asked: "Are you from the National Security Agency?"

Chuck nodded secretly after hearing this.

Dr. Ted Bly may seem crazy, but he's got the right idea.

The first thing that comes to mind is the NSA.

Although the National Security Agency of the United States is not as famous as the famous FBI, it has very high authority, and the business it handles is closer to monitoring and recruiting people like Dr. Ted Bly.

It recruits more basic theoretical scientists such as PhDs in mathematics, computer science, and linguists than any other agency, and it is also the most mysterious intelligence department.

The English abbreviation NSA is also jokingly called No such Agency.

It's more professional and more relevant.

Chuck had also been recruited by the National Security Agency before, but he rejected it.

It is naturally impossible for Chuck to join organizations such as the National Security Agency (NSA) and the CIA, which are full of external attack attributes.

That is to say, the FBI, local police departments, and the Internal Revenue Service are privileged law enforcement agencies that focus on the United States, and Chuck serves as a senior advisor there.

It's still the kind of job that you take on based on your own wishes.

There is only one letter difference between NASA and NSA, and the connection between them is actually very close. After all, the high-tech surveillance equipment of the US National Security Agency requires the strong cooperation of NASA for better layout. The robber Dr. Ted Bly is very The recyclable rocket notebook apparently carried by the Mediterranean horse Mars ties it all together.

"I'm not in any department."

Chuck answered amid the woman's terrified screams.

As soon as this answer came out, Ted Bly, the robber in the surveillance video, couldn't help but grab his bald head, with a look of pain on his face that he was thinking hard but couldn't figure out.

"Chuck, how about we just rush in? With your shooting skills, he can't threaten the hostages."

Monica reached out and pressed the mute button, looking at the fearful and trembling woman in the surveillance video with an unbearable expression.

"Don't rush yet."

Chuck was noncommittal.

Although the robber Dr. Ted Bligh has pulled down the sunshade curtains inside the car, blocking his view, the surveillance video alone provides location information, and Chuck can easily calculate the robber Ted Bligh without an infrared sight. The doctor's most accurate three-dimensional real-time coordinate position of the human body. Don't be too relaxed about one-shot headshots.

Even if it was only to penetrate the gun-holding hand of the robber Dr. Ted Bly and make him lose his ability to hijack, it would not be any difficult for Chuck.

But Chuck wasn't going to do that.

Because he wanted to figure something out.

That is, is the robber Dr. Ted Bligh really a hallucination?

He wanted to give the other person more opportunities to speak.

That’s right!

Compared with others who think that Dr. Ted Bly is a complete lunatic who has hallucinations and must take medication, Chuck has every reason to suspect that the truth may be exactly the opposite.

It’s still the hell joke. Of the ten members of an extremist organization, eight are FBI undercover agents, and one is an undercover agent of organizations such as the CIA and NSA who pretend to be FBI undercover agents.

The various messy intelligence agencies in the United States are many times more numerous than those in the East, West, and Inner factories in the late Ming Dynasty.

No one knows how many intelligence agencies are monitoring everything.

Hemingway, who won the Nobel Prize for his novel The Old Man and the Sea, was regarded as a delusional lunatic in his later years. He always felt that people from both sides were spying on him, but no one believed him. He eventually chose to commit suicide with a shotgun at home.

However, many years later, after the FBI secret documents were declassified, people discovered that Hemingway was not delusional at all. His delusions that someone was monitoring his phone and following him around and that he needed to take medication for treatment were actually all true.

The FBI indeed sent people to monitor him around the clock until he shot himself or was killed.

Hemingway received this treatment because of his political leanings in his later years and his huge literary influence.

Dr. Ted Bligh is a top theoretical physicist and has published hundreds of papers on the research of M theory. Although his value may not be comparable to that of five divisions, his influence is not as small as that of the Nobel Prize in Literature. Hemingway, but there is indeed enough value for the positive and negative to send someone to monitor it for a long time.

So unlike others who thought that Ted Bly must be a madman, and for the safety of the hostages, he would kill him as soon as he was in danger, Chuck wanted to give him a chance to speak.

As for hostage safety?

Not to mention that he is capable enough to use the big gun on his waist to perform a classic American Iaijutsu in his hometown of Texas at any time to prevent Dr. Ted Bly from harming the hostages.

Even if an accident does happen.

Before others knew about the sudden accident, he raised his decorative glasses in agreement with Little Sheldon, and already knew what happened through Anna in advance.

After all, where Chuck is, Anna is there, and the surveillance equipment nearby is Anna's eyes, and naturally his eyes.

At this moment, Anna had already sent Chuck all the detailed information about the hostages in the hijacked carriage.

A drug addict, a self-righteous Harley Quinn, a man in a suit secretly carrying a gun on the train, a loose woman who advocates freedom, and a Future Capital spokesperson who chokes on the dream of dying on Mars.

Put it this way.

None of them were innocent civilians he had to save.

So he's really not in a hurry.

"If you are really that senior officer, help me remove it now!"

The robber, Dr. Ted Bligh, anxiously grabbed the phone and spoke to himself.


Chuck said expressionlessly: "But you need to tell me how you found out? You know, we need to upgrade our concealment!"

"I just know it!"

In the surveillance video, the robber Dr. Ted Blay said angrily: "This is my body, of course I know it! Remove it for me immediately!"

"You know this takes time."

Chuck said calmly: "Goodbye."

"No, wait, okay, an hour!"

On the other end of the phone, the robber Dr. Ted Bly yelled in compromise: "You have one hour to remove it, or I swear to God, I will kill all the agents in the car!"

With that said, he hung up the phone.

"Remove what?"

Everyone was puzzled.

"You have to ask the professionals."

Chuck didn't answer, but looked at Al from the BAU.


BAU's Al was a little confused; "I don't know either..."

She is so professional, how can she alone compare to Chuck who is comparable to their entire BAU team.

"I'm referring to your FBI status."

Chuck explained, then shook his head: "Forget it, you are not high enough, so you may not know clearly. I will call someone with higher authority now to ask."

As he spoke, he dialed the phone to the BAU's agent in charge, Hotchner.

"Help me check Dr. Ted Bligh. Is the FBI monitoring him? By the way, please help me contact the NSA and ask them if they have implanted a monitoring chip in Dr. Ted Bligh's wrist."

Chuck asked calmly while everyone was stunned.

"Dr. Wolfe, are you serious?"

On the other end of the phone, BAU's agent in charge, Hotchner, was stunned.

"I'm very serious."

Chuck said bluntly, and then motioned for Al to speak.

Al from the BAU quickly explained what had happened. Hotchner, the supervisor on the other end of the phone, was silent for three seconds and then said, "Wait for me."

After saying that, he hung up the phone and went to investigate the confidential documents within the FBI.

With his status, even if he does not have the right to view some top secret documents, he can at least know whether there are top secret documents.

And to be honest, because it monitors the world and causes trouble around the world, the United States has so many top secrets that it is no longer on the street.

It's really not that mysterious.

Then he would contact his acquaintances at the NSA and ask them to help him check as well.

The more you know, the less unacceptable you are.

After hearing about Dr. Ted Bligh's situation, Detective Hotchner's first reaction was not like Chuck's, who suspected that this was not an illusion but the truth. But when Chuck told him, he immediately felt that this was very interesting. Things that may exist.

Especially the NSA, which is also responsible for the investment and research and development of various high-tech equipment, it is not impossible to develop a rather sci-fi monitoring chip that can be implanted into the human body in advance.

"A chip was implanted on the wrist for surveillance?"

After Detective Hotchner hung up the phone, everyone finally couldn't help complaining: "Isn't this a bit too sci-fi?"

"This is not science fiction at all."

Chuck raised his decorative glasses: "We can send people into space. How difficult is it to implant a small chip inside the human wrist and make it into a signal transceiver?"

"But, but this..."

Everyone stammered, not knowing what to say.

Even if it's not science fiction, it's still too exaggerated.

If Chuck hadn't been talking about this, they would have all thought that a madman had found a companion, and another one was crazy!

They know that implanting chips in their wrists is the plot of those weird movies based on claims that they were captured by aliens and transplanted, as well as the plots of those science fiction movies.

Either way, they will enjoy watching it.

Now there was a very authoritative person telling them that the technical content of this kind of thing was not that sci-fi. They suddenly didn't feel funny. Instead, they started to touch their wrists in fear.

After all, as an American, people from other countries always laugh at their poor history and geography, but that is world history, world geography, and American geography.

Speaking of domestic history in the United States, especially some of the dark and horrific histories that are passed down orally in the country, they are as familiar with these histories as the people in Winterfell in Game of Thrones know about the coming of winter and the legend of the White Walkers.

"Don't worry too much, you are not worth the trouble."

Chuck looked at the local police chief, the other party's men, and little Howard who was joining in the fun.

Little Howard: "..."

Little Sheldon shuddered when Chuck's eyes shifted from little Howard to him: "..."

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