American TV series Detective's Daily Life

Chapter 474 San Diego Police Detective: Chuck, you are finally back, my head is about to split!


Little Sheldon's house.


Little Sheldon's grandma was all smiles and very enthusiastic.

"This is truly a high-quality human male and female team."

Mandy, the mother of Little Sheldon's brother's daughter, saw all the handsome men and beauties, then looked at her body and face just after giving birth, and whispered something.


Missy happily welcomed her friends and proudly introduced her to the niece of the pastor next door whom she had just met.

Little Leonard and Little Howard originally wanted to go up to her, but suddenly they saw that it was not the goddess Missy who was alone, but also a girl. They had already made each of them talk more powerfully than the other, but they all stopped subconsciously.

When Missy and the others reunited with Peggy, the pair of friends completely gave up the urge to show their goodwill and only dared to stand at a distance.


Little Sheldon was just happy to return to his home, but when he saw his grandma being so enthusiastic about the big devil Chuck, he frowned and looked over in displeasure.

He clearly remembered that his grandmother had always been on the same side as him.

Even when his mother sometimes betrayed him and went to the Dark Lord Chuck, his grandmother was always his most steadfast companion.

But what's going on now?

Little Sheldon's grandmother naturally saw the expression on her beloved grandson's face, but she deliberately pretended not to see it. She even wanted to push his stubborn gaze away from her face with her hands, and then said: "Kid, don't look. !”

But she still loved her grandson after all, so she just pretended not to know and still looked at Chuck with a smile.

"Is something wrong?"

Chuck said expressionlessly.

"Haha, that."

Little Sheldon's grandmother knew that she couldn't hide it from Chuck, so she rubbed her hands in embarrassment and said, "Let's talk alone?"

"No need, we are all our own people."

Chuck said bluntly: "Little Sheldon, let's go!"

As soon as these words came out, Little Sheldon's grandmother's smile froze, and she glanced at Monica, Professor Alicia Harper, MAX, and Caroline. Seeing a smile on their lips, she immediately raised her eyebrows at Chuck. Thumbs up, there is no need to chat alone.

"Chuck, you are a detective and Sheldon...Missy's best friend."

Little Sheldon's grandmother originally wanted to mention Sheldon, but seeing how her grandson was about to refute immediately, she quickly changed her mind and said she was her granddaughter, and followed the trend of the big devil Chuck, and took away her grandson Little Sheldon. pause.

"I want to ask you to help me investigate a small case."

"Are you sure?"

Chuck looked at her noncommittally.


Little Sheldon's grandmother twitched her lips.

Of course she knew what Chuck meant.

The first time she knew about Chuck was because he made her beloved grandson cry again and again.

As a grandmother, even though she knew what her grandson was like, she still felt distressed and had a bad impression of Chuck.

When they met later, she was directly reminded that tax evasion might be investigated. She instantly realized that she couldn't afford to offend Chuck, so she naturally stayed away from him.

Now if I hadn't seen that the relationship between Chuck and his family is getting better and better... Although he is still the same with his most beloved grandson, Little Sheldon, the last time he came here, he spoke up for his granddaughter Missy, which made his daughter and son-in-law wake up and treat his granddaughter. Missy has the extra care she should have, but she's afraid she still won't ask for help.

After all, her case was shady because it involved her small business.

But thinking about her boyfriend's nervous and restless guarding with sticks day and night, I was also very worried and frightened. When Chuck came over again, I decided to ask him to see if Chuck was willing to help.

"I am sure."

With these thoughts flashing through her mind, little Sheldon's grandmother already agreed with a smile on her face.

"Say it."

Chuck nodded at this and let her speak.

Young Sheldon's grandmother is actually quite charming, she can be called an elderly version of Penny, and she is a walking trap for the elderly scientists.

It’s no wonder that in the future, Little Sheldon can have a very close relationship with Penny, the ‘gorilla girl’ in his eyes, and even make people very addicted to this couple.

The roots are all in this grandma!

Even Chuck didn't have a bad feeling towards her.

"Chuck, I guess you also know about the small laundry business I'm doing..."

Little Grandma Sheldon scanned all of Chuck's friends and said covertly: "I recently bought the video store next door. The business is good, so the cash flow is good. I can't go to the bank to save money every day, so I have a special Put the change in the locker.

But recently, the door of the room where the money was kept was pried open, the deposit box was opened, and the money was swept away. "

"You didn't call the police?"

Monica expressed concern.

"I reported..."

Facing Professor Alicia Harper's thoughtful gaze, MAX and Caroline's half-smiling gazes, Little Sheldon's grandma said weakly: "But the police came and said there was nothing they could do unless they hired an off-duty police officer. The police came to act as security guards, otherwise it would be difficult to trace this kind of thing.”

"Why hire off-duty police officers to be security guards? He is talking about himself!"

MAX saw through it at a glance and sarcastically said: "The protection fee is collected in such a fresh and refined way, maybe he is the one who pried open the door and took the money away!"

"You think so too?"

Little Grandma Sheldon looked at MAX with a look full of confidant.

She really didn't expect that MAX would be so smart when he looked like this. It was really rare.

That’s right!

She thinks so too!

This policeman was originally the same policeman who wanted to steal her business.

Later, she had no choice but to compromise and work for this shameless policeman, sharing the money without doing anything and letting him turn a blind eye.

But now, their money has been robbed. This bastard policeman not only did not actively help the investigation, recover the money and deter other people who are ready to take action, but directly wants to increase his own benefits.

There was no worry that he would get a share of the money.

She is not a fool, how could she not doubt him!

This was one of the important reasons why she took the initiative to ask Chuck for help this time.

That is, their family seems to only know Chuck, a powerful figure. As long as they come forward, they may intimidate the policeman. Regardless of whether the other party did it this time, they should not take advantage of it next time.

"It's so obvious!"

Caroline also laughed: "Why don't you complain to his boss?"

"Are you serious?"

MAX said venomously: "Complaints are useful, so why do people in Texas still have guns?"


Little Sheldon's grandma quickly answered: "I flatly rejected his proposal. My boyfriend Dale was guarding the laundry room with a baseball bat, but he was just a baseball coach before and was so nervous about this kind of thing that he couldn't see which one The guests are like thieves, constantly harassing the guests.

I finally comforted him and took the cash box home at night, but Mandy reminded us with one sentence.

These thieves dare to break open our laundry room door and steal money, so why don't they dare to come and steal it?

We are an old person, a mother who has just given birth to a baby girl, it would be too dangerous if the other party were to watch and touch us at night.

Dale and George Jr. spent the night holding baseball bats.

The next day they told me that they had driven them away, and they even boasted that the two thieves were scared away by his boyfriend as if they were two little girls.

I praised him, but I knew it was mostly bragging.

Facts have proven so.

Just yesterday, it happened that Missy and the girl next door sneaked out to play at night. Only then did we know that Dale and Little George saw it at night. They were so frightened that they turned on the lights to alert that someone was in the room. Then they turned off the lights because they were afraid of thieves. When I came to the door, I saw that the 'thieves' whom Dale later described as being scared and running away like two little girls were really two little girls..."

After saying this, seeing that the girls all had weird expressions, little Grandma Sheldon laughed at herself: "Just laugh if you want, don't hold it in."

"That's not what we're laughing about."

Monica tried to explain.

“What we laugh about is that this contrast is actually real!”

MAX said venomously: "On the train to Texas, someone said that the so-called Texas cowboys with strong martial arts are actually stereotypes. In reality, most Texans no longer have strong martial arts, but are very cowardly. At that time We still don’t believe it, after all, the boss is from Texas, but now it seems that she is indeed a BAU, professional enough.”


Little Grandma Sheldon's face darkened and she was speechless.

no way.

In her big family, there is no so-called Texas cowboy. The only tough guy is her boyfriend Dale, who is willing to go to bed for her if something happens.

But he still behaves completely different from the traditional Texas cowboy who has a sense of security.

She has lived in Texas all her life, and she still has many Texas Lone Star Republic flags at home. However, it seems that the Texans she knows around her, like her son-in-law and her boyfriend Dell, have no use for them.

He talks tough, but he is actually timid on the inside.

But now that this point has been exposed, she would rather hear that MAX and the others want to laugh at the fact that their boyfriend Dell is the one person they want to laugh at, rather than including all of them Texans in it.

"Let me tell you the truth."

Chuck said bluntly: "The gambling business you run behind the laundry room is itself a type of gambling, and gambling will inevitably involve violence. This is an inevitable companion relationship.

Calculate for yourself, how many times have similar incidents happened since you bought this store?

Went to Mexico to smuggle cigarettes and was locked up.

I went to purchase more slot machines, but was followed by the seller and escaped in a hurry.

Now, he was knocked directly at his door and his money was taken away.

You were lucky to escape every time, and lucky to have no consequences after these violent dangers.

But you can be lucky once, twice or three times, but you can't be lucky forever.

Whether it is checked or not is not important.

The important thing is that you should know to stop in time.

Otherwise, I will definitely not be so lucky next time. "

"What you said is too exaggerated. I just run a small business, and the old people and grandmothers nearby come over to play with me. It's not that big of a deal..."

Little Grandma Sheldon was embarrassed and unconvinced and wanted to refute, but when she met Chuck's eyes, she couldn't say anything anymore.

She had been gambling all her life and had seen too many such things. Of course she knew what Chuck was saying was not alarmist.

She really couldn't bear to give up this small business that brought in quick money and was her hobby.

"It's not that I don't want to give up, but Sisi (the daughter of Little Sheldon's brother George Little) will rely on this small business to attend a private school in the future."

Although she understood, she still wanted to explain.

"Assuming she survives to go to private school."

Chuck said bluntly.


Little Grandma Sheldon was immediately speechless.

Although these words were venomous, they really touched her heart.

This is what she is most worried about now.

"Just listen to Chuck."

Monica advised: "Don't take this kind of thing seriously, the safety of your family is more important than anything else!"

"Okay, I'll think about it again, if it doesn't work, just turn it off..."

Little Grandma Sheldon smiled bitterly.

At this time, Peggy led Missy and the neighbor's niece over, and looked at Chuck with a smile: "Chuck, little George is going to have a make-up wedding with Mandy, and we are invited to attend."

"All of Little Sheldon's brothers are married?"

The girls subconsciously looked at Mandy, the child's mother holding the child opposite him: "I heard that Mandy is 10 years older than him. Isn't this illegal?"

"Yes, it's illegal!"

Monica nodded repeatedly.

In the original time and space, she once had a young boyfriend who hid her age. When she found out, she was almost frightened to death. She was worried about breaking the law and afraid of being laughed at by her old friends, so they broke up quickly in the end.

In this time and space, because I met Chuck early, this kind of thing would naturally not happen.

But she was still a few years older than Chuck.

Fortunately, Chuck is already an adult.

“The people do not hold officials accountable.”

Peggy looked at Chuck with a smile.

Everyone looked at Chuck again.

In particular, Professor Alicia Harper's situation is very similar to Mandy's, both are almost one round older than her boyfriend.

"talk later."

Chuck knew what Peggy meant and did not refuse directly.

Last time, little George proposed to marry him because he already had a daughter, but the child's mother rejected him.

Although he didn't know why he agreed this time, he didn't feel like it was a done deal.

Besides, he has nothing to do with little George. If it weren't for Peggy's little thoughts, he wouldn't pay attention to this kind of thing.

Everyone stayed in Little Sheldon for half a day, and then set off to board the cruise ship and return to New York.

When they arrived at the pier in New York, they saw Detective Amy Santiago and Detective Shenfan waiting there early. When they saw them coming down, they quickly waved hello.

The annoying police detective always had an exaggerated expression.

And this time, Detective Amy Santiago’s expression was a bit exaggerated. When she saw Chuck, she couldn’t help shouting: “Chuck, you are finally back. I recently took on a case that made my head almost split. Fortunately, you came back."

When Chuck looked at Detective Amy Santiago, he could only reach out and cover his forehead, making an expression like the one used by the young Bao Qingtian Erkan for exams, and listened expressionlessly as they introduced this time to each other word by word. Troublesome cases encountered.

After hearing this, he immediately compared it with a classic case in his mind, that is, this case is almost the New York version of the famous Maga militia shooting case in Kenosha.

If you think about the case that attracted worldwide attention in the past life, you can understand why Detective Amy Santiago has such an expression that is specially designed for the medical examination, "My head is going to split."

After such great pressure, this is still New York, the headquarters of Disai. You can imagine how much pressure Detective Amy Santiago is under as the police detective who directly handles the case.

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